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I personally think the new DLC is awesome, but immersion wise, it blows it outta the water, especially with the new TOC lines, your character contacting C.O.A.S.T from the bridge, TOC warning you about possible human shield hostages, the helicopter coming in only after first contact, the helicopter taking off after “dropping” you off on the oil rig, but there was just one thing missing - additional intro animations.

Similar to MW19 or MW22 multiplayer intros (for reference https://youtu.be/kfexkKNia7U?t=225&si=JZGhvuukz9ADz59r), similar animations for not just fast roping, but naval boarding and beach dismounting, as well as armored truck dismounting would add a lot to the immersion in my opinion, which I feel like is the main goal of this game.

I remember in the old E3 demos it was teased, but I’m guessing scrapped later on.

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about 2 months ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Eventually yes, the plan is to have intros. We’ve mocapped them all!

about 2 months ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by lemfaoo

Completely honestly

Why did you release 1.0 when you have so much planned / not yet implemented?

Is Ready or Not a 'Live service' game?

We had completed all of the base game levels and implemented all of the content we wanted to implement.

However the plan has never been to step away from Ready or Not after 1.0, I want to keep feeding it new stuff and improving what we can for as long as we can (within reason). Not all of that will be paid DLCs either. :)

about 1 month ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by lemfaoo

Any plans for paid cosmetics or emotes? Outside of the cosmetics included in the map pack dlcs?

Also possibly any chance of optional "difficulties" like maybe a "hardcore" / "realism" mode? Possibly with fewer suspects but more punishing if you take a hit?

And please please ultrawide support in the replay mode 😇🙏

Paid cosmetics technically exist with the DLCs but I’m not in the mindset of making our community pay for individual outfits. If there was an appetite to do that at a lower price for just the kit over having to spend more for access to the entire DLC if you didn’t care about maps, maybe. But it’s not on our radar for RoN at this time. 

Emotes as in hand signals? If we ever add that it’ll be a free addition. Emotes like c-walking over a suspect you just shot? Over my dead body. 

Will note that last one.