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2 months ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by RodBorza

Yeah, maybe, and it is just the sun shining behind it. But it is very strange that it does project a greenish glow on the floor.

Fun fact about this one, we used to crank all of the materials static lighting GI bounce settings, so a lot of colors would bleed into each other to appear a bit more painterly - didn't always work but this is a good example of how that looked with a lone asset. The suitcase there was made for the old Wenderly Hills Hotel map, which used this process.

2 months ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by RodBorza

Cool, thanks for answering. In that setting, with neon lights coming from the street, it would have made a lot of sense. Here, well, it's just funny.

With all the mysterious lore surrounding Ready or Not, in my head cannon, it is one of the below:

  1. The smugglers smuggled something more than human;
  2. It is the power source for the strange device on Three Letter Triad and is waiting in cue to be moved out;
  3. Both.

I like 1.