Yeah, maybe, and it is just the sun shining behind it. But it is very strange that it does project a greenish glow on the floor.
Yeah, maybe, and it is just the sun shining behind it. But it is very strange that it does project a greenish glow on the floor.
Fun fact about this one, we used to crank all of the materials static lighting GI bounce settings, so a lot of colors would bleed into each other to appear a bit more painterly - didn't always work but this is a good example of how that looked with a lone asset. The suitcase there was made for the old Wenderly Hills Hotel map, which used this process.
Cool, thanks for answering. In that setting, with neon lights coming from the street, it would have made a lot of sense. Here, well, it's just funny.
With all the mysterious lore surrounding Ready or Not, in my head cannon, it is one of the below:
- The smugglers smuggled something more than human;
- It is the power source for the strange device on Three Letter Triad and is waiting in cue to be moved out;
- Both.
I like 1.