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I loved the idea of classical/orchestral music in the game since it brings out a more sad and dark tone but in the preorder trailer, was playing more westernish and guitar songs. I want to know if you are still sticking with the classical and orchestral music or if you are mixing it up.

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about 5 years ago - /u/DanListonMusic - Direct link

There'll be a mix of genres and instrumentation, in the hopes of providing each level with a unique feel. The less intense moments, such as the action or the calm before the storm, won't be particularly "classical" or orchestral. The last thing I'd want is the music taking you out of the moment and completely clashing with the gameplay (-and I'm not talking about the lovely Baroque music vs modern violence juxtaposition as in the Bach piece in the original trailer), but we also want more depth than interchangeable DnB combat tracks in each level.