Original Post — Direct link
  • Added pushback before going low ready
  • Fixed weapon not going high ready if low ready was toggled instead of triggered
  • Potential fix for rare invisible AI for clients
  • Potential VOIP quality improvements
  • Fixed orange box on farm
  • Fixed several unuseable doors on farm
  • Fixed CSGas dissapearing after a second when thrown by Swat
  • Fixed SWAT using previous door command if command is given on one side and then on the subdoor from the opposite side
  • Fixed Execute executing queued command on currently viewed door
  • Fixed a couple of level configs (dealer should have the correct amount of suspects and hotel the correct bomb timer)
  • Fixed blend not playing between AI move styles (ie low ready <-> high ready <-> stunned)
  • Decreased the time between each swat entering
  • Added female unarmed moveset
External link →
almost 3 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by Drizznit1221

Can you elaborate on what 'pushback' means in this case?

Weapons will move toward the screen before low readying against walls. Basically it just gives the player a bit of warning before their gun is out of action.