6 months ago - VOID Interactive - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s I've been here one capacity or another
3s since well pretty early on in the
6s project um a little bit of background
8s about me I'm a 20-year law enforcement
10s officer I work in a Suburban Department
13s that is uh in a smaller City that
15s surrounds a much larger City in
17s metropolitan area um I'm a patrol
20s sergeant and I work on a collateral Duty
23s uh SWAT team a pretty large Regional
25s team we have about 65 uh members to the
29s team uh I do that where I serve as an
31s element leader and I am the uh lead of
34s the firearms training Cadre for that
37s organization uh I I also work uh as a
40s instructor for a well-known SWAT
44s training
45s organization uh doing branding kind of
48s all over the
49s country and that's
51s me all right and then Mr
55s 60 hello my name is 60 a whiskey I've
58s been here for a hot minute now back in
60s the days of uh easy hey Chris Scott here
62s let's
63s go um I was a police officer for about
68s four years and I was also in the Texas
70s Army National Guard for six years as a
72s combat medic I don't have anywhere near
74s the credentials that Dan does uh I was
77s just a patrol officer in a Suburban a
79s small suburban City really enjoyed it
82s and uh now I make YouTube videos and
84s work in it so there you
86s go all right hey guys I now there we go
90s and then then our uh fashionably late
92s third um participant uh Chris the cop go
96s away with your
97s introduction hey everybody uh Chris aop
100s here uh I've been a police officer now
101s for 27 years I actually just retired May
104s 31st as a chief of police of my own
107s Police Department I spent uh 22 years on
109s SWAT with six years as a SWAT Commander
112s um I first started off as TS a tactical
114s medic and I had an awesome career and
117s actually I may be returning um you guys
119s are hearing for the first time it may be
121s returning back to law enforcement in the
122s next couple of months so uh keep your
125s ears posted uh because definitely um um
129s my career is not over
131s yet alrighty wow what a man that's
134s actually pretty cool so so we got three
137s three different levels of a uh of
139s experience here that's actually pretty
141s Perfect all righty um and I guess we'll
144s start off with a nice simple one um
148s going from Chris Dan and than to six
151s because that's how the voice chat is
152s ordered um when did you guys know you
155s wanted to be in law
157s enforcement well actually for me I'll be
159s honest I never wanted to be a cop I had
161s no desire to be a cop as a matter of
163s fact I really didn't like cops um I was
165s a paramedic of 10 years and subsequently
168s I was working for a private ambulance
170s company and I was not able to provide
172s for my family so a couple of friends of
173s mine who work op said hey you know what
175s dude you get to help people you love
177s helping people this is right up your
178s alley and you could definitely make a
179s difference
181s and uh I put in my app on the whim and
183s six months later I was in the police
184s academy getting yelled at and 27 years
187s later the rest is history but my friends
188s were right because though I didn't like
191s what I had originally seen in police
193s officers I was able to make a difference
196s and change that to the point that I even
198s had my youngest daughter of 25 you know
201s she's 25 years old now but she decided
203s to follow my steps and been a cop now
204s for five years
205s herself wow that's pretty cool all right
209s what about you Dan
211s so I think I've told the story before um
214s but I became a cop because I misread a
216s quote from a
219s book so growing up there in my late
223s teens uh you know right as I was
224s graduated high school two things kind of
225s happened in fairly close succession that
227s I remember left a big impression on me
230s it was the North Hollywood shoot dot I
231s remember seeing live on cable TV in
234s 97 um and then two years later Coline I
237s remember watching unfold kind of on
239s cable TV and so anyway they left a huge
242s kind of impression in my mind but uh I I
244s move on I'm in college I was a business
246s major originally in college chugging
248s along sitting in financial accounting uh
251s and I started to remember a book I read
253s when I was in high school they made
255s everyone read ourtown which is is a book
257s about turn of the 20th century small
260s town America and the third chapter in
262s the book third act takes place in the
265s cemetery after all the characters have
266s died and they sit around kind of
268s thinking about their lives and talking
269s it over think about it and um one of the
272s quotes as I remembered it sitting in
274s this class was that you know a life is
276s odd and that only maybe one in a
278s thousand is ever very interesting so
281s sitting in Financial Accounting in
283s college in the early very early
286s 2000 um that goes through my mind and I
289s spontaneously say I'm G to I'm going to
290s go be a cop and have some interesting
292s stories to tell when I'm at my grave
294s except a couple years ago I went back
296s and reread that book and it's actually a
298s quote about a wedding only one wedding
299s in a 000 is ever very interesting oh my
302s go I've LED my entire adult life based
304s on a quote from a book that I
306s misread I mean choosing your path as an
310s adult based on a lie honestly seems
312s pretty uh pretty on brand for most
314s people I know so it's poetic it's poetic
316s man
318s yeah all right and then last but most
321s certainly not least Mr 60 hello I always
324s knew I wanted to be in law enforcement
326s since I was a kid I always knew that I
327s wanted to do it my parents were
329s definitely not for it so whenever I went
331s to college I was like all right let me
333s do criminal justice like a schmuck
335s because that's what you do um but in the
338s middle of that I I really felt the need
340s to help people so I joined the Army
343s National Guard about like a year and a
344s half into my college um tenure and then
349s when I was in there I got a TBI in basic
351s training so then when I got back my
354s grades plummeted they they were no good
357s so my parents like Hey listen we think
358s you might need to take a break from from
360s college you know let's think about
362s options you know just maybe take a
363s semester off you just stay here at home
365s I was like well no if I'm if I'm not
368s doing something I'm gonna go be a cop
369s they're like wait wait wait
372s wait so um yeah ultimately I first city
376s I wanted to go to I I applied to got in
379s and um that's that's it man I I always
383s knew I wanted to be in law
385s enforcement all right short and sweet
387s let's go um all right right now um we
392s did uh gather questions from our
394s community in the past about week or so
396s so we're kind kind we're going to be
397s opening up our uh opening up our
401s questioning to just kind of organically
403s answering the questions as they roll
404s through
406s um and I guess uh something that
409s actually came up in a lot of different
411s forms is how often does a SWAT officer
414s get called into action is it something
417s you see in Ready or Not where they will
419s often get get deployed for various
422s levels of threats or is it kind of like
424s a once in a career sort of thing where
426s you're deployed
429s deployed um you know honestly it um so
433s it really is so SWAT has uh you know
436s they have their job duties that they do
438s when they're not being deployed but SWAT
440s is really there as a function to for
442s initially for patrol services so Patrol
444s Services gets overwhelmed with something
447s then um SWAT will get called out and
450s quite frankly we have the resources to
451s handle just about every situation
453s majority of the time though we're spent
455s usually serving search warrants um for
458s Narcotics or highrisk search warrants
460s for detectives um that's the bulk of the
463s time that is taken up and then you get
465s the stuff where you get called out for a
466s you know barricaded suspect and that
468s type of stuff so that's where you know
470s all that comes into place at least for
472s in I'm GNA give you the Southern
473s California
475s perspective all righty what about a oh
479s go sorry I was say to build on what
481s Chris kind of said there I he's
483s essentially spoton um you know there's
485s the big three of SWAT callouts that we
487s do being Warren service barricade
489s resolution and hostage rescue being the
491s third and by far the most rare that we
493s end up actually doing um is terms of the
497s intensity of events um you
502s know I I've probably had a
504s disproportionate number of those Black
506s Swan events kind of come up in my career
508s the odd ones and it's still really a
511s handful depending on where you work is
514s going to depend on the call volume for
515s your SWAT team so there may be teams
516s somewhere in the country that have
517s relatively low you know maybe 20 call
519s outs a year 20 operations a year to a
522s large Metropolitan team might have you
524s know several hundred now some of that's
528s far less interesting than you would
529s think so like a major Metropolitan team
532s may have a quick reaction force for any
534s major event a sporting event something
535s like that where they have a team just
537s standing by somewhere and in the event
538s something happens and that's by the
540s Numbers technically a call out or or an
543s operation but it's also not certainly
545s something that you you would call a uh
548s you would think of in terms of stuff
549s that happens in Game um but I mean the
553s the the events portrayed in the game are
554s certainly the outliers to to your
557s average call
561s out all right yeah for a city of like
564s our size where I was working we were
567s like d was talking about we had we had a
568s real team so it combined like almost
571s five or six cities that were nearby
573s because honestly we didn't the swad team
576s didn't get called out for much and when
578s it they were it was a lot of call outs
581s so there wasn't a whole lot of you know
583s actually kicking down doors and doing a
585s whole lot it was just hey get out of
587s your house and then people out surrender
590s themselves and then they do a search
592s warrant and that was it so not a lot of
594s uh interesting stuff going on there and
597s I guess a extension on the um first
599s question from onion ring is how how
602s often are um in in a case where you're
605s deployed to a home or deployed to a area
610s with a suspect how how how common is it
613s for you to have to discharge your
616s Firearms um the lucky part for SWAT and
619s that's the reason why SWAT gets called
620s is you know it it it chalks up to the
622s name of special weapons and tactics
624s that's exactly where it's it's the
626s actual tactics we got the weapons and
628s fortunately for us um it's because of
630s those tactics that we're basically on a
632s life- saving mission where Patrol
634s services does not have the capability if
636s Patrol were to handle um the situations
639s that we handle it would probably end in
641s an officer involved shooting fortunately
643s for us because of the special tactics
645s and the resources we have our operations
648s will about 99% of the time end safely
653s what no one hurt maybe some less lethal
654s used but it's going to be that 1% that's
657s really that's going to be a 1% where we
659s really you have an officer involved
663s shooting yeah I I think um you know by
666s the Numbers the national averages work
668s out to we end up as SWAT using any type
671s of force so anything from you know doing
674s an arm bar takedown on somebody and
676s forcefully handcuffing them up to deadly
678s force in 10% of call outs I believe it
680s is somewhere around there in deadly
682s physical force in less than 2% uh so I
686s mean ideally we would use it in no event
690s but obviously the bad guy gets to say
691s and kind of how things play out and I
693s think those numbers are pretty pretty
695s defensible um you know the thing to keep
698s in mind is that we get called out
700s because we want to be put in situations
702s where we establish that resistance is
705s going to be feudal and therefore
706s surrender is likely so if if you give
709s people an option and they see that they
711s they might have a chance then they're
712s going to take that chance so that's why
714s we bring a lot to the table and kind of
715s force negotiation Force surrender uh and
718s are able to get those numbers as low as
720s they actually
722s are yep ditto nothing else to add I'll
726s I'll be honest from a uh from Outsider
728s perspective with um with admittedly
730s having um not only
734s um uh not only a whole bunch of
736s different Outlets I follow but having a
738s bunch of family that was um State
740s sheriffs
742s Troopers um and Patrol cops I am
746s genuinely surprised with some of the
748s stories they give that the number is
749s actually as low as
751s 10% yeah defitely for any sort of actual
754s like um combative violence I guess would
757s be a good way to mention it because you
760s know
761s most uh if you say violence in general
764s that that kind of does cover a little
765s bit of a to Broad of a of a breadth of
769s what we're talking about um but
772s yeah um all right I
776s something uh what else what else do we
778s got we got lots of good good questions
779s here
782s um uh question from Sten the awesome um
787s what is your favorite training you
789s attended and
792s why um you know what um my favorite
796s training and I'm it's going to be far
798s from SWAT is when I got to go to motor
800s school and become a motor officer um
802s learning how to ride a motorcycle um The
805s Way We Ride it was phenomenal and they
808s always say that that's probably the
810s certificate that you cherish the most
812s and I actually cherish that certificate
814s more than I ever cherished any of my
816s SWAT certificate so for me it was motor
817s trainy nothing to do with
819s SWAT hey that's still pretty cool though
823s yeah it
825s was I I think I will give a shout out
828s here uh and I don't know how many
831s shooters we have been listening here but
833s if we do have you know people that that
835s like to go out and shoot um I'll give a
837s shout out to uh Chuck pressberg press
839s Consulting he has two classes no fail
841s handgun and no fail rifle uh they are
844s absolutely phenomenal classes they're
846s geared towards law enforcement but you
848s know responsible armed citizen should
850s take them as well um they're not
852s necessarily mechanics of shooting class
853s so much as they are
855s a discipline
858s um in uh control class in terms of
863s controlling your emotions in deadly
865s force encounters and situations where a
868s errant round is unacceptable
870s so you the hostage rescue stuff like
872s that you see unfortunately often times
875s the analyze shootings where people are
877s kind of firing as an emotional reaction
879s or they're having an emotional response
881s to this event that's going on um and
883s they're putting a lot of bullets out
885s that aren't hitting anybody but are
886s going somewhere and that's that's
888s unacceptable um so I would recommend
890s anybody that likes to shoot to go take
891s one of Chuck's classes um yeah hard not
895s not not an easy class uh two two very
898s long days of shooting but totally
900s applicable and and something people
902s should
903s take all
906s right uh for me I think my favorite
909s class was alert um that was super super
913s cool to but RPD put it on but
915s essentially it's all room clearing and
918s thread ID and a lot of the stuff that I
921s talk about on my channel is super super
924s interesting um but yeah you we would go
926s to like old abandoned churches and do
928s room cing with you know a bunch of our
931s SWAT guys watching us and critiquing the
934s heck out of us but it was good I loved
936s it it was it was great because it it
938s made me so much better like if we had
940s like an Open Door call for a house I
943s would go in there knowing what to do and
945s not just like you know fumbling around
947s like some of the uh older guys um but
951s that as well as sto the bleed class if
954s y'all have not attended one of those and
956s you're you know interested in law
957s enforcement or medical stuff I I would
959s heavily encourage you to go to a stop
962s the bleed class where people are
963s credentialed and everything but that
966s that can help you immensely um in any
968s situation
973s so okay um I am honestly a little
977s surprised that the uh that that the uh
979s bike training came up but that that is
981s something kind of that that does tend to
983s get get a little overlooked as far as
986s kind of the some of the cool stuff that
988s that cops get to do
990s so actually really cool boots with that
992s too oh yeah the the the oh the
996s leather it's like oh very good look just
1000s just just just do your best chips
1002s impression it it'll make job job a lot
1006s easier that's the best part of being a
1008s motor officer is wearing those boots
1009s I'll be
1013s honest all righty um this sounds like a
1016s fun one um a question from Maximus
1019s um what's the most interesting tactical
1022s equipment you've seen or tried either as
1025s um a police officer or a swad officer
1028s like the ex ex examples they gave are
1031s like different kinds of drones the you
1033s know uh big armored vehicles kind of you
1036s know different kinds of lasers lights
1039s that kind of
1040s stuff um well you know what for me the
1044s the thing that I thought was the most
1045s awesome was the 40mm to be able to shoot
1047s a foam projectile someone at the center
1051s Mass um from less than um you know 25t
1054s away well back when it first came out it
1055s was a point blank but then they made it
1056s 25 but when that thing hits somebody and
1059s it knocks the wind out of them uh that
1061s thing's pretty awesome because the first
1063s time I had ever seen one was when I seen
1065s Terminator when he starts shooting out
1067s the grenades at the SWAT team at the
1069s very uh end of I think it was T T2 so to
1073s use that one day was like oh this thing
1075s is freaking
1076s awesome uh the uh the deadly Nerf
1082s fall um man there's so we live in a
1085s phenomenal time for technology and stuff
1087s drones are totally changing the way we
1089s do stuff um I would say if I were
1091s picking something cool that not everyone
1092s knows about some Las Vegas Metro guys
1094s recently were were showing me they have
1096s a thing it's called The Wolf tracker
1099s with two FS w o l FF tracker um super
1103s cool they're these little sensors you
1105s can put them on the outside of walls and
1106s they use um sonar radar some kind of R
1110s whatever um to go through the walls and
1113s they will light up if there's motion on
1115s the inside of the wall so they put them
1117s all over like on a barricade all over
1119s the outside of the structure of the
1120s house and the different rooms and then
1122s you can watch them light up as somebody
1124s moves through that room from the outside
1125s of the house oh that's cool as hell yeah
1128s they go through concrete they go through
1131s whatever um super cool
1137s stuff yes
1139s um I think one of the coolest things
1141s I've I've had the pleasure of seeing in
1144s person is the um I'm blinking on the
1146s name now great uh but essentially it's a
1150s drone that is built into the light bar
1152s of the police unit so essentially from
1156s inside the car for like trying to search
1157s for somebody that ran away you can
1160s deploy a drone from the top of your
1162s vehicle and it's tethered so you can go
1164s up to like 100 feet up in the air and
1166s you don't need to worry about like
1168s holding on to it or controlling it in
1169s any way it just stays put and it has a
1172s thermal as night vision on it it's super
1176s super cool um very effective tool
1179s so I never heard of anything like that
1181s before that that is an actual cyber Punk
1183s [ __ ] let's go I
1187s know um and I guess while while the
1189s thoughts are fresh we can um lead
1192s straight into an extended uh portion of
1194s the question from um a member of our
1196s modern Community akami um
1200s uh they had a question regard regarding
1203s uh regarding B uh your primary weapon
1207s um uh they are curious if you are
1211s allowed to say purchase your own Optics
1215s lights lasers grips all all that kind of
1218s fun stuff or if you have to use what the
1221s officer sorry what the um your
1223s department is providing
1226s you well for me it was quite simple
1230s what we what the department offered is
1232s what we carried um you could modify just
1234s slightly but it had to be with the
1236s approval of a range Master but you
1238s couldn't have something totally
1239s different from your partners it all had
1241s to be at least the same platform and
1242s Prof uh yeah
1246s platform so we have um we have an
1249s approved weapons list there's there's
1250s you know there's a standardized weapon
1252s but then we have additional approved
1253s weapons which are on a list created by
1256s well me so I guess I'm lucky you know I
1258s get to pick what what we end up with um
1261s so uh you know it's a pretty good
1264s selection of of firearms you know uh
1267s it's going to vary from Department to
1269s Department how how this is structured
1270s but like I run a Bravo Company
1272s rifle maybe that might be a coincidental
1275s hint why there's one in the game um and
1278s I'm running either a Glock or a staccato
1281s pistol
1284s um having a big selection of guns in
1287s real life is probably not as important
1289s as it is in game totally get in game why
1291s we like it I'm a gun guy I got a lot of
1292s different things but um you know more or
1296s less officers are standardized on some
1297s form of an AR-15 rifle and some type of
1301s polymer frame double stack
1304s semi-automatic
1308s handgun yep just before I I got out um
1312s we were carrying Block 17 Gen 5ivs and
1315s with an armr and a flashlight and that
1318s you're weapon that you couldn't change
1321s that that that was like everyone in the
1323s department has the exact same thing as
1325s far as like a a duty rifle or a patrol
1328s rifle um at that point like Dan was
1331s talking about there's an approved list
1333s of you know companies or manufacturers
1336s um and then you could pick from those if
1339s you'd like or you could take the uh BCM
1342s that the department offered a great
1343s great rifle um but yeah like I said
1346s before customization and stuff like that
1348s had to to be approved by a range Master
1351s like Dan was talking about so
1353s essentially yes you can with a lot of
1357s caveats full
1359s disclosure yeah full disclosure Paul
1361s Buffon from BCM bought me a rifle
1364s following a shooting
1366s unreal so my C out yeah my opinion may
1370s not be objective
1374s here all right um
1379s oh
1382s that I always thought you guys had had a
1384s little more freedom than uh than you had
1387s mentioned but it's kind of interesting
1389s that you both have a lot of freedom but
1391s also not a lot of freedom to kind of mix
1394s things up a little
1397s bit but keeping standardization intact
1400s is kind of a an important thing
1401s especially when you're operating with
1402s the unit of any level of professionalism
1409s um all right and I guess a
1412s uh I guess we can start into some real
1414s fun questions get get get some of the
1417s hot takes on board um questions from
1419s agent Bobcat what's the most unrealistic
1422s thing in Ready or
1425s Not the AI the flipping
1430s AI come on
1432s man just right to the right to the soft
1436s spot I'm not even going I'm not even
1438s going to soft start with the softball
1441s answer the
1445s AI I I will you're right uh but I I will
1449s give it a a different spin on it which
1451s is just the we've already discussed
1453s the AI necessitating use of force as
1457s often as it is um certainly we very
1460s rarely in real life have to use Force
1462s against against our opponents uh against
1465s people we take into custody um you know
1468s and that's obviously it's a factor of it
1470s being a game we we we you want to uh
1473s have to engage the bad guy in a game as
1475s opposed to real
1478s life I will take another spin on the AI
1481s and say that five members of the SWAT
1484s team cannot take a 10,000 square foot
1486s post office by
1489s themselves there in this sort of
1491s situation you have a lot more people
1493s than just five
1495s dudes so so my kind of take on has
1499s always been and this has come up before
1501s with people I I have always interpreted
1503s we are not the sum total of the Los SOS
1505s Police Department SWAT team here as we
1507s respond to this we you know we represent
1510s one element that's that's doing
1512s something in the scheme of some much
1514s larger thing that's going on yeah is is
1517s the uh the way I've always interpreted
1520s it yeah unfortunately sorry I was gonna
1525s say and El joking aside um you gotta you
1528s got to put put the players in a shoot
1530s situation because they're they're not
1531s playing it like you know we would do it
1534s in real life they want to they want to
1536s have the ois they want to have that
1538s challenge so um but when we play it it's
1542s just frustrating for us as real police
1543s officers because we're like wait a
1544s minute I should not have to shoot this
1546s person or I need 10 more operators so
1549s that's where and I think like whiskey
1550s and I when we play when we play this
1552s game we acknowledge that and that's why
1553s we don't really bash it too bad just
1555s because it is what it is because it
1557s still has to be a playable fun yeah yeah
1559s you do have to have that um that
1562s suspension of reality for the game in
1565s its form to exist because um you can go
1568s all the way back to pre SWAT and talk
1571s about um like police quests one through
1573s three where it is a lot less about um or
1578s uh or hell even something that came out
1580s a handful of years ago um we are the
1582s police uh one and one and two where it's
1586s all more about everything except the
1588s actual engage direct engagement of
1591s criminals that is unfortunately not what
1594s they um even though it would be cool to
1596s see void's take on it it is not uh not
1599s what a uh Ready or Not is about yeah I
1603s mean I I remember one time on a
1605s barricade sitting outside so long that I
1607s watched a swimming pool freeze um I
1609s don't think that translates well into
1611s game plan
1613s yeah think some Gamers might not enjoy L
1617s watching paint dry is a game though if
1619s you you
1621s really watching paint dry Arma we can we
1624s can call it two separate things let's
1627s here I say as an Arma enjoyer talking
1630s all of the
1632s [ __ ] um
1635s alrighty uh would be good good hop off
1638s for that um actually this would be
1640s perfect from uh question from
1643s hntr um if you had to implement a
1647s singular feature make right or not
1650s more um more analogous to a real life
1653s SWAT
1655s engagement what would you
1658s add um you know I think for me which
1661s is you know what I don't know if this is
1664s doable but I would love to see maybe an
1665s operator function where I could pretend
1667s instead of using a wedge that I'm
1668s putting an operator to guard a door I
1670s mean I get that the the game can only
1672s handle so much so I I can't I can't see
1674s it like taking in 10 operators like a
1676s realistic but maybe it's one of those
1678s things where I can call up a trailer and
1679s a trailer could guard that door instead
1681s of using a wedge and then you know and
1684s then at that point in time if someone
1685s does pop out that that trailer is able
1687s to neutralize the suspect I I think I'd
1690s just like to see something like that
1691s because then I could keep moving the
1692s fiveman element you know down the
1693s hallways and stuff like that um and uh
1696s you know
1697s and that would make it I I I I I would
1700s like that element that that's for that's
1704s me I I think I'm going to abstain from
1707s this one only because I kind of know a
1709s little bit about what's going on behind
1710s the curtains and have some input on that
1712s and I don't necessarily want to give
1714s anything away um yeah both uh nor nor do
1717s I want to say anything that is going to
1719s be taken as gospel as something that's
1721s coming down down the pike either so yeah
1723s both both Sterling and barad would would
1725s bend you over a barrel if you uh reveal
1728s some of the stuff we got going on leak
1730s leak all of the
1732s leaks I uh yeah I think that for the
1737s suspect AI just to have more
1739s interactions that result in surrendering
1742s I think
1743s that a majority of the time it ends in a
1745s shootout and again that that can be fun
1748s but at some points it's just like okay
1749s well I'm going in there and shooting
1751s everybody I I'd like to see more more
1755s surrendering with larger uses of force
1757s because I know that the AI reacts pretty
1760s strongly if you act strongly right so if
1762s you're kicking down doors throwing in
1763s flashbangs using C2 they'll respond to
1766s that but I'd also like that to be more
1768s of an intimidation rather than increase
1770s of aggression because if you've ever
1773s been around C2 if you've been on the
1775s opposite side of that door that's not
1778s fun especially having a flashbang go off
1781s at your feet not fun at all so yeah it's
1784s I think suspect AI just getting a little
1786s bit more soft I should say okay there
1790s kind of more more things also you know
1792s what I was just I'll throw one last
1794s thing in there I think would actually
1796s kind of be neat maybe it's coming um I
1797s think I've heard hint about it but just
1799s that PVP function because it is a lot of
1801s fun to challenge your fellow it because
1804s you know we're all SWAT off I mean a lot
1805s of us that we play together like only
1807s cops myself 60 whiskey 68 we're all cops
1810s and I think this part of it would be
1811s that competition of can we take each
1813s other out and that would be cool God yes
1816s I would yes I guess this would be a very
1819s good thing a very good thing to kind of
1820s reput in people's memory um we are
1823s bringing back PVP we don't have a but we
1826s are 100% absolutely confirmed to be
1829s bringing back PVP and just like the B
1832s clavas that were removed I do not
1835s believe we will be um charging for it
1838s because it was originally removed from
1840s the game so it' be kind of a a big issue
1843s to charge for something that we got a
1845s lot of people in the game for yeah PPP
1849s come on I had heard it was actually
1853s bakaa the delicious Italian past Bava
1856s yeah oh no
1859s yeah make the B of clava not model
1862s specific come on
1863s man um oh I I I got I got one last
1866s request what you
1868s got can we just name Valley of the Dolls
1870s Epstein Island just get it over let's
1873s go let's
1877s go that's what we call it when we play
1879s it oh actually one one one I'm sorry one
1882s last thing on the nightclub mat make the
1884s Roe like increase I'm sorry if the FBI
1887s is like responding to something like
1889s that not too many people are walking out
1892s of that building I'm just saying that
1895s that is valid I will give you that I
1897s guess we could hit that briefly if if we
1899s want to it's I saw several questions
1901s about Roe and kind of how that applies
1903s to to ready or not I could quickly hit
1906s that I suppose um I I've gone into it a
1909s lot kind of behind the scenes with void
1911s and how Roe works really truly in law
1915s enforcement Roe isn't actually a thing
1918s um what we have is justifiable use of
1920s force under the Constitution State law
1923s and policy um Roe is a little bit
1925s different it's someone setting specific
1928s terms uh for when you can use whatever
1931s level of force in in the
1934s circumstances in domestic law
1936s enforcement we're required to do things
1938s which are objectively reasonable or in
1941s Chris Chris Works in California you can
1942s correct me if I'm wrong they they
1943s recently changed the law the wording a
1945s little bit to be necessary rather than
1947s objectively reasonable believe um which
1950s seems interchangeable but does create
1952s some difficulties um so really what
1957s you're looking at is what's going on in
1959s the totality of the circumstances and
1961s then is what your action is whatever
1963s level of force you're using is that
1964s objectively reasonable so if this person
1966s has opportunity ability and has
1969s demonstrated the intent to commit death
1971s or serious bodily injury upon somebody
1973s else you know deadly physical force is
1976s certainly reasonable under those C
1978s circumstances under almost all
1980s circumstances like that so um let me
1983s follow up on that with you then it can
1985s we get the little um fling felon action
1988s in there you know because I've had that
1992s happen yeah yeah because I get I get
1994s penalized whenever homeboy is running
1997s straight towards a civilian with a gun
1999s in his hand and I shoot him I'm like
2002s well justifiable use of force as with
2005s everything it comes down you know it
2007s certainly comes down to balancing having
2009s a gameplay mechanic that that rewards
2011s using less lethal um you know as well as
2014s then trying to put something into
2016s position that somewhat replicates real
2018s life obviously you know these horrendous
2021s mass shooting scenarios that you're
2023s playing through in the game these people
2025s have demonstrated opportunity ability
2026s and intent and anything short of
2029s immediate surrender would almost
2031s certainly be totally reasonable to use
2034s deadly for because you're approaching a
2036s known threat that has an like like you
2039s said has the ability and has The History
2041s of Violence especially immediate
2045s violence
2047s so uh a lot of that does does
2050s unfortunately come down to like you guys
2052s have mentioned in various forms both as
2054s realistic and play as realistic as
2056s playable and the of what kind of the
2060s system that void has in place is capable
2062s of registering in its current forms
2066s um you know we're con improving as time
2069s goes on so things things will change Dan
2073s knows some some of the bits of of what's
2075s coming and he's just kind of sitting
2077s there make no comment yeah unreal
2081s unreal I plead the
2083s fifth play the fifth and your
2089s NDA all right I guess I guess since
2091s we're on on some um on some uh on some
2096s higher tones and actually following up
2098s of of something Chris had mentioned with
2099s the PVP um a question from epic gamer
2102s 877 oh my God that name um that's a
2105s great name do you see Airsoft as a
2107s useful form of force on Force training
2109s and a little bit of an extension from me
2112s um if not Airsoft is it
2116s simunitions yeah we just use simunitions
2118s they hurt
2122s more yeah um I mean anything you know
2125s where you're doing some sort of force on
2127s force can have AB absolute value in
2128s training it it really all comes down to
2130s the structure of the the training and
2133s the role players that you get in terms
2134s of what the quality is um you know if if
2137s it's not structured well if the role
2138s players AR aren't doing what they're
2140s supposed to be doing then it ends up
2141s being a game and you lose the value in
2143s it um but certainly you know as a
2146s lowcost no cost way of of doing it
2149s Airsoft is an option and sometimes you
2152s know depending on where you're training
2153s at may be the only option you have if
2155s you if you're training in a place that
2157s most of of the places we train or close
2159s down terrible black mold filled former
2163s and hospitals and whatever we get our
2164s hands on but sometimes you get some play
2166s nice that you don't want to destroy um
2169s you and
2170s simunition they're they're safe but they
2172s can certainly break things when they go
2173s through so that may be the only option
2175s you have if you're uh you if Airsoft is
2179s it for you or for that matter if you're
2181s in a civilian world now uh some munition
2183s has been reclassified by the ATF as a
2186s non- ortable uh munition so companies
2190s that do simunition training on the
2191s civilian side are running into problems
2193s getting
2194s them yeah like for our alert classes we
2198s use simunition like d was talking about
2200s especially in those really decrepit
2201s broken down places because no one really
2203s cares if one hits the wall it's not that
2206s big of a deal but um sometimes yeah
2209s Airsoft is an absolutely great way to
2212s train like we had one night where I'm
2214s going to use the keyword was really
2216s quiet and so we uh we got to the
2219s briefing room like hey you want to do
2220s some training so we did impromptu
2222s Airsoft training one of our sergeants
2224s had an airsoft gun and so we working
2226s through slicing the pie working through
2228s how to handle Corner fed room Center fed
2230s rooms um doing that with an airsoft gun
2234s can give
2235s you a limited experience on that kind of
2239s in the same way that Ready or Not can be
2241s a way to practice mentally right anytime
2244s you're going to a call you're always
2246s practicing or mentally preparing
2248s yourself for what that call is going to
2250s be and Ready or Not can kind of do that
2252s in the same way where you're like okay
2254s if I want to enter this room how would I
2256s do this in real life and you train that
2258s way and so that way whenever it comes to
2260s being real life you're like okay I've
2262s kind of in a in a weird way already
2264s played this before I played this out
2266s already um so yeah using Airsoft just as
2269s much as ready or not I mean it can be a
2271s great tool to to train
2274s yeah all right and I guess um some of
2277s the words you said again make a perfect
2280s segue to a um a question we got from
2283s degenerate uh username degenerate not a
2285s degenerate because have a lot of those
2287s here
2288s um and they worded it very nicely um no
2293s human out there is immune to fear how
2296s have you learned to act as rationally as
2297s you can while being
2302s afraid um you know I'll be honest you're
2306s afraid when you're in the planning stage
2309s I mean I'll sit there and we're doing
2311s our our briefing um you know about what
2314s we're about to do and then once we go
2317s hot um I think from I know for myself
2321s and I don't want to speak for everybody
2322s but I think it might be the same is that
2324s it's kind of gone and that because
2326s you're on that mission and then once
2328s it's over um is when you realize Dam
2331s that that was scary or damn that that
2333s could have gone bad so I just know I
2336s after the fact when I have the
2337s adrenaline dump is when I really think
2338s about how things could have gone bad but
2341s I think once we go once we say go um you
2344s start shaking and then when you step off
2346s that Bearcat it's you're at the shaking
2348s stops because now you're in you're in
2349s the mode no you're you're in you got
2352s your job to do and you're do your
2353s damnest to do it the best you can yeah I
2356s I think Chris hit the nail pretty much
2358s on on the head with that I I think if
2360s you broke it down into two skills the
2361s first one would be being task oriented
2363s or task focused as you're doing things
2366s um and then the other thing would be
2367s kind of compartmentalizing as you go
2369s what what's going on so yeah like he
2371s said you know in in the back of the
2373s armor rting up to the thing it's usually
2375s joking and messing with your buddies
2376s until you get slightly out you know a
2378s minute or two out then it's game time
2381s gets gets nervous about what's going on
2383s once you're on scene you're doing your
2385s thing you're not really thinking about
2386s the you know you're aware that it's
2388s dangerous for sure but you're not really
2390s thinking about it you're focusing on
2391s what the next problem is and how you're
2393s going to work through it and handle it
2394s and move on um and then after the fact
2396s you kind of look back wow that was
2398s really dangerous I I was in
2403s danger yeah I would classify it as
2405s almost like a a numb feeling once you're
2407s actually doing the thing like if you're
2409s like okay I know for sure that someone
2411s inside of this house is a gun and
2412s they're wanting to kill us and you're
2415s just like all right well I mean got to
2417s solve the problem I have to solve the
2419s problem and that's where your mind goes
2421s too it's just it's not so much oh crap I
2424s could get shot it's hey I need to
2425s address the problem and everything else
2428s goes by the wayside yeah I think Chris
2430s hit it pretty much right
2432s on I and and and quite frankly with that
2435s Ready or Not element you know I really
2437s kind of thought it was kind of a crappy
2438s element to have the psychologist in the
2440s back but the more I thought about it and
2442s with all the mental health awareness
2444s that is currently in law enforcement um
2446s you know we really didn't we and we
2447s still kind of don't we don't have an
2448s outlet where you go back and you guys we
2450s talk about like oh my gosh that was
2453s dangerous I think each and every
2454s operator has their own way of dealing
2456s with it but then you know some of us
2458s don't deal with it well and uh you know
2460s then you stack those up over you know
2461s mission after mission months after
2463s months and years after years and you
2465s know that's why you have some people who
2466s put a you know unfortunately a bullet in
2467s their head just because uh they you know
2469s all that trauma over the years has
2471s definitely taken its toll so um it that
2474s is kind of a nice element to see because
2475s it's letting our community see hey wait
2477s a minute why why is this component back
2479s here and now it's kind of bringing some
2481s mental health awareness that you know uh
2483s police officers do need it so I I
2485s definitely do appreciate that element in
2486s the game now
2488s I cannot overstate how how
2494s um I don't know how I would even word it
2496s how
2498s uh
2500s how I I'll I'll have to come back to
2502s that statement because my brain is not
2504s working currently um but yeah it very
2507s much is something that need that is
2510s unfortunately very under um
2513s underserviced in a lot of things with
2515s how we talk about people that go through
2517s those sort of situations where um yeah
2520s these these people are heroes what
2521s they're doing is great they are
2522s incredibly skilled but everything they
2525s do takes a toll on them
2529s and unfortunately yeah a lot of people
2531s don't really get the help they need and
2533s that really sucks in the uh most uh
2536s broad way I I can say
2538s it I can actually just
2541s from not to bring room but I've had uh
2545s now three commit suicide um on top of it
2548s you know being diagnosed with PTSD as
2550s well as sleeping from sleep paralysis um
2553s it's 27 years as well you know 27 years
2555s as a police officer but then you add the
2557s 10 years idea as a paramedic um it's
2559s definitely taken its toll on my mind and
2561s my dreams aren't nice and warm and fuzzy
2563s dreams my dreams are definitely the
2564s dreams of
2566s nightmares but you're you're you're
2568s still kicking and you're still talking
2570s to us about it with a smile so that that
2571s means doing something
2574s right I always have a smile
2579s um alrighty I guess uh we can definitely
2583s use this question from Razer to bring
2586s bring bring the room up a little bit
2588s um they they do note that a lot of the
2591s questions that they've seen were you
2593s know big topics heavy topics um their
2597s question is what is the funniest
2599s experience you've had as an officer
2601s either as a traffic stop interacting
2602s with the public or even interacting with
2604s a suspect
2609s um I was actually just talking to my
2610s daughter about this because I just saw a
2612s Tik Tok on it I was a motor officer and
2615s when I was when I was walking up to the
2616s girl's car I could see that she was
2617s pring her boobs you know kind of putting
2619s the the her her shirt a little lower so
2621s I
2622s can and uh after I was walking back from
2625s my B my bike back to her car with a
2627s ticket she says H one of my friends told
2629s me that you know police officers don't
2631s give pretty girl tickets and I said
2632s you're right sign you know sign here
2635s press hard three copies and the way she
2637s just looked that me I just was like I
2639s almost every police officer Waits For a
2641s Moment like that where you can actually
2642s say something funny um but that was
2644s probably now I got other funnier stories
2646s but they're going to be a little bit uh
2648s definitely non G-rated and I know
2650s whiskey we've shared a couple of those
2652s stories like how we found dead B how
2654s people have died and you're just like oh
2656s my God I never want to go out this way
2658s so
2659s uh I'll leave mine to that
2663s one yeah I too had sorry go ahead no go
2666s ahead no uh one of the situations where
2669s where she was probably thinking damn I
2670s wish he would have shot me instead gave
2671s me a ticket that was
2677s awful so yeah I I too had to kind of
2679s filter through a whole bunch of um
2682s unsafe the public consumption stories um
2686s the the one I can think of on a traffic
2687s stop and it's probably not the funniest
2689s thing that ever happened to it was
2690s pretty pretty far out there so I I was
2693s working Patrol in a part of the city
2695s that was a college town a college area
2697s area so a lot of nightlife a lot of bars
2699s a lot of everything um and then it was
2701s kind of adjacent to another part of the
2703s city that was also like a big nightlife
2705s area and it was separated by a river
2706s that a bridge crossed over and then it
2708s came over and there were like four lanes
2710s of traffic one way and there was a bus
2711s lane that only buses traveled in that
2713s went the opposite way towards the the
2715s other college part of the Town um so you
2718s know on a Saturday night it was a
2719s guarantee if you saw a car in that lane
2721s that it was going to be a DUI arrest so
2723s I was sitting there one night and it's
2724s probably 2:30 on a Saturday morning and
2726s I see this
2728s SUV running up the bus lane and it is
2731s driving just Herky jerky in and over
2733s into the oncoming Lanes back into the
2735s cars I'm all right I I'm gonna have to
2737s deal with this I guess not that I really
2739s wanted a DUI at this point in my evening
2741s or my career for that matter but here we
2743s are so I go ahead and do a traffic stop
2745s on it and I'm I'm walking up to the car
2747s and I'm getting up past the back uh
2749s driver side window to do my Approach and
2752s out of nowhere because windows were
2753s fairly Darkly
2755s tinted bud this white Flash and Feathers
2760s smash off of the side window so I jump
2764s back as I do that driver's side door
2767s opens two girls very intoxicated girls
2770s pour out of the driver's side of the car
2772s a third one climbs out a couple seconds
2774s later and there is a very angry goose in
2776s the back of the car with them so
2778s apparently they were drinking over in
2779s the other part of the town where this
2781s was and they found this Goose that they
2783s had somehow coaxed into their car with
2784s them that they were going to take back
2786s to to the their dorm I guess with them
2790s um that was was not happy that this was
2792s the situation it was involved in it was
2796s was a flapping angry mess uh so we ended
2799s up dying the driver of the goose I do
2801s not remember you know custody wise where
2804s the goose went
2806s but damn damn losing track of a evidence
2810s like that yeah what the destruction of
2813s evidence unbelievable it's a good legal
2815s legal argument you know I can't prove
2818s that it was intoxication that was
2819s causing that as opposed to a
2822s giant
2825s right I think the one traffic stop that
2829s was funniest to me it wasn't even my
2830s traffic stop I was assisting uh my Coral
2834s uh he had got a traffic stop it was
2837s definitely a DWI and so he's doing all
2840s the sfsts with the driver and I'm
2842s watching the passengers make sure he's
2843s not doing anything anyway so he's like
2845s all right hey come on back back here
2847s we're going to do the cuff thing I was
2850s like all right sick so I go back there
2852s help him with the handcuffing do a quick
2854s search and then I'm going back to talk
2857s with the passenger because I was like
2858s Hey listen the passenger needs to know
2860s you know we're about to probably tow the
2861s car he needs to be a little aware of
2863s that so I'm walking back I hear hey hey
2867s man like what he's like hey man don't
2869s come up I was like uh oh like what what
2871s does that mean don't come up it's like
2873s don't come up man don't come up I was
2874s like okay so I start thinking hey this
2877s dude might be trying to draw a weapon or
2879s do something stupid so I'm kind of
2881s pieing the the passenger side like bro
2883s man I'm I'm pissing in the bottle please
2885s don't come up oh my gosh
2888s bro like bro just say that unbelievable
2892s all right do your thing man he's like
2894s all right all
2895s right listen man had to go yeah I
2900s know at least he had the wherewithal to
2904s do it in the car and not in the patrol
2906s vehicle oh yeah exactly exactly I I
2910s appreciated the heads
2914s up uh
2916s I do not know how you guys stay
2920s safe especially with with some of the
2922s people like stories from family stories
2925s from the Internet or stories I I I've
2927s even uh listened to from you know Chris
2929s and six's videos it's like Jesus
2934s Christ yeah drunk people can be the
2936s worst still
2938s here drunk people can be the worst but
2941s they can also be the most funny because
2942s you can really you know riff back and
2944s forth between them because they're not g
2946s to care with whatever you
2949s say you know what it also funny whiskey
2951s when you're your actual story just
2953s brought up I remember I uh a friend of
2956s mine asked me to roll up on a a van that
2958s was parked in front of his buddy's dnut
2960s shop donut shop of all things right and
2962s I knock on the window and and these man
2964s this husband and wife pour out of it and
2965s they're wearing their costum CES and I'm
2967s like what are you guys doing and they're
2970s like sir uh we got kids at home and uh
2974s this is our thing and I'm like you know
2975s what enough said but they were role
2978s playing and then they were car but that
2979s was the only privacy they say they had
2981s and I'm like I'm out of here guys you do
2982s what you got to do get a hotel room what
2985s are you
2986s doing right oh man it was pretty
2990s funny oh
2992s boy um I guess while we're on this high
2994s this would be be a good question to ask
2997s um question from mace that popped up in
2999s the chat since we only kind of really
3000s got some a uh some heavier questions
3003s left on our document and I don't want to
3005s ruin the mood with that um what is your
3008s favorite uh question Yeah question for
3010s mace what is your favorite weapon
3012s feature or map in Ready or
3016s Not
3018s um you know
3021s I'm
3022s out with uh with the Valley of the Dolls
3025s it's just something fun that we do
3026s especially like we want to take the
3028s cobwebs off of you know when we haven't
3029s played for a while so we'll do G the
3031s dolls because we have no uh Roes when we
3033s do it at least on my channel um but uh I
3038s think one of the like the when it comes
3039s to the uh the challenging ones is like
3041s the later ones um I forget the one where
3043s you go into the caves I forget the name
3044s of it right now but that's actually kind
3046s of one of my my favorite ones because
3047s you it's hard to watch our Corners when
3049s you're in a cave bastard so yep yeah so
3053s I like I like that one me
3055s personally all right
3058s rust Bel that's it Rust Belt yeah Rust
3060s Belt is good yeah um well like I said as
3063s far as weapon goes I I already spoiled
3065s it but Bravo Company mark1 is my Duty
3068s gun in real life except I I don't do
3071s keymod I I do mlock K it's dumb uh here
3075s here but um so yeah it's in game for a
3079s reason um so I'll say that's my favorite
3082s uh ingame gun uh map-wise I mean I I
3085s kind of like the the the the urgency of
3088s elephant I think it's a it's a cool map
3092s um
3095s but yeah I mean Valley of the Dolls are
3097s elephant for very opposing reasons I
3099s think are pretty cool
3102s okay uh at this point I have settled on
3105s the Arn 180 just because it absolutely
3108s slaps anybody that's in the way like
3110s it's it's a twoot every single time so
3113s I've definitely taken up on the air in
3115s 180 um my favorite
3119s map I ask
3121s question what do you think about the one
3123s where you go it's kind of the uh the map
3127s where it's it's the two or three people
3128s in the cabin you know what I did forget
3130s about that one I think that one's kind
3131s of awesome when suvan SL so much yeah I
3135s love it because it's so difficult and I
3137s I like cheesing it with the uh breaching
3139s Shotgun by just standing like 50 feet
3142s away and letting it explode um no that
3145s one's fun that one's a lot I think my
3147s favorite one now is lawmaker for sure
3149s because it's a lot like all the houses
3151s that I got used to clearing in Patrol
3154s yeah like it got
3155s so it just feels like home feels like
3159s where I'm supposed to be clearing out it
3161s it's so cool I love how it's all built
3164s out I love the the graphics in it I yeah
3167s yeah lawmaker for sure yeah I guess it's
3170s a good thing we nerfed your breaching
3171s shotgun into the ground so you can't do
3173s that I know 3.5 MERS you but holes dude
3178s I was like this is not realistic but I'm
3179s gonna use
3181s it I I feel like I should be doing I
3183s feel like I should be doing this
3184s interview oh
3187s huge huge with the aviators let's go
3190s yeah especially the blue tinted ones
3193s just no God God bless that's amazing um
3197s I guess this is actually one where where
3199s I can chime in a little bit um anybody
3201s that's been on Discord more than well
3202s enough knows uh sa58 and revolver as my
3207s every day maximum power with the biggest
3211s bullets I can bring it's a massive
3213s explosion every single time good for you
3216s see you you don't have to worry about
3217s Ammo consumption because one round
3219s Center of mass drops anything that done
3223s yeah because there's a cave inside their
3224s chest now
3227s yeah I mean what is it it's it's it's a
3231s uh your your famous quote there right 60
3233s just drop them with as minimal effort as
3235s possible exactly do it gota do it
3241s yeah yeah because you know those damn DA
3243s investigators they start counting
3245s [Laughter]
3248s rounds I I mean that is a stalling point
3250s for a shotgun somebody was asking
3251s earlier about do shotguns have value or
3254s still in use or whatever that that is a
3255s good argument to say you know I I fired
3257s one time it it had nine pellets that
3260s went in but it was one pull of the
3262s trigger took off his right arm good for
3264s him nine pellets or like a
3267s 230 grain solid slug of lead you know
3270s slug slug slug
3274s them um all right I think this one might
3277s might be some funny uh for for some
3279s funny conversation um questions from
3283s Schnitz would you want to L work for the
3285s Lo swos Police Department oh
3289s God I I already
3292s did oh yeah basically yeah I basically
3296s did so yeah I'm I'm basically there so I
3300s guess the answer would be yes I do it
3301s all over
3303s again it's uh it doesn't seem like it's
3306s in a great state in game uh you know
3309s maybe uh maybe uh yeah um you might you
3315s know if you were doing it because you
3317s want the experience and uh you want some
3319s stories to tell I I think it would be
3321s hard to beat Lo suenos but uh if you're
3324s looking for a solid vest Pion there you
3327s know if you want that pension to be
3329s solvent when you retire I I I don't
3331s think L swos is
3333s it Y no I'll take my 10 square miles of
3337s patrolling that's okay I'm I'm good
3339s thank you
3341s though what's wrong you guys don't want
3343s to work on work in a uh constantly under
3346s City from every single night yeah every
3349s single night there's a terrorist attack
3351s yeah no I'm okay
3353s actually needs yeah I I think that
3356s station is going to lead to having some
3357s bad allergies I I I really think SES are
3360s going to have problems in there no oh
3363s yeah what funny is so my daughter works
3366s where I used to work and what's funny is
3368s just the other day um she had left for
3369s work and then a buddy of mine called me
3372s and he was listening to the radio and
3373s it's kind of it's funny is we're just
3375s having a small chat and then he just
3376s says oh man he goes your daughter just
3377s found a gun on a 187 suspect and I'm
3380s just like you know those are just
3381s conversations I don't think some parents
3383s hear about their kids right and I'm just
3384s like it's 7 o'clock in the morning what
3386s the you
3389s know I know some some people might dude
3392s I don't know
3394s yeah cop says but you get GP nvgs and
3398s you also get mold in your lungs I'm
3402s okay I'm okay we're we're we're not g to
3404s talk about the stuff that that that came
3406s out of the um came out of the offices
3408s they're um unburying in in the back of
3411s the headquarters yeah no I'm okay I
3414s don't need the lost to like come out out
3416s of my head I don't need the flowers
3418s coming out there no thank you I'm
3420s good fine minor minor
3423s psychedelics
3425s um
3427s alrighty I guess that also you know the
3430s the the quips do lead directly into this
3431s question from Zulu um what's the
3434s craziest thing that you've experienced
3437s as an officer either something that is
3440s just a explosion of either you know of
3445s violence or or just a impossible odds or
3449s just something so weird that you still
3452s can't quite process
3455s it um for me and actually you can
3458s actually um take a look at it on YouTube
3460s because I was interviewed by Gangland it
3462s was when the Mexican Mafia wiped out a
3464s family of five they executed their
3466s primary target but they also took out an
3469s innocent family member that was at the
3471s front door and then they killed a mom
3472s and her two children one child being
3475s eight years old and the other one being
3476s six months and they killed both of those
3477s children execution style um something I
3480s never forgotten and if anybody wants to
3482s take a look at that episode it's from
3483s Gangland you just have to put in Mexican
3485s Mafia on YouTube and I think my
3487s interviews in the first like seven
3488s minutes and then it came out in a book
3491s called The blackand where I was
3492s interviewed regarding that particular
3494s murder but that would probably be the
3496s when people ask me what is the the the
3498s thing that is the the the worst thing
3501s whatever I experienc in my career that
3503s that is definitely it there will be
3504s nothing that will ever come to that was
3507s that was the that was the time where I
3508s said this is what real evil looks like
3510s and that was uh that that that that's it
3512s for Me
3514s Jesus Chris went dark there um
3518s Sor I I'll lighten it up slightly
3521s because the only person that died in
3522s this was the bad guy um I I I went to a
3526s shooting um it was on a barricade it
3528s wasn't my team initially it was another
3530s team that was involved actually it was
3532s was originally not even a a SWAT call
3534s out it was another law enforcement is
3536s but they end up taking fire from the guy
3538s they were trying to to get out of the
3540s house on this barricade and um bunch of
3543s different agency showed up uh and it
3545s went on for six hours and over the
3547s course of six hours there was over 5,000
3550s rounds fired uh between gosh bad guy in
3553s the assorted agencies that had showed up
3556s um it was truly the craziest thing I
3557s have ever seen in my life it would he he
3560s would lean out a window and open fire
3562s with uh couple pistols or a rifle and
3564s then there would just be a volley back
3566s at the house that would go on for two or
3568s three minutes and this went on over and
3570s over again over the course of hours god
3573s um I I have never seen anything like
3576s that before or after truly
3580s insane he was completely naked
3582s incidentally whenever we eventually went
3583s in onr as you should be as you should be
3586s yeah of course go out go out like that
3589s go out as you came in yeah as a quick
3591s ancillary question because now now
3593s you've got me curious before uh for six
3595s sh shares his is how much ammunition
3598s does an officer generally bring with him
3602s because that is that is a lot so you
3606s know for for SWAT our load out typically
3609s is we run four four rifle magazines
3611s three handgun magazines um that's pretty
3613s standard um obviously we we keep more in
3616s the in the armor we keep more on support
3618s vehicles and everything but uh this was
3621s literally they were calling for people
3622s to bring ammo from the academy like ah
3629s okay yeah Patrol Wise It's like you
3632s can't ask no whiskey you don't get to
3633s answer that question because we all
3635s [ __ ] know that you have a bag of ammo
3638s that you carry like a thousand rounds
3639s just in your your uh suitcase next to
3642s you on on the passenger and we won't
3644s talk about what in your War bag in the
3648s trunk it's what Patrol do baby what
3651s Patrol do I know wh is one of the guys
3654s that have he could Supply ammo every guy
3657s on the team listen someone else needs a
3659s MAG they got it no problem no problem no
3662s we Patrol Wise It's like it most of the
3665s time it's one in the gun and then you
3667s got two sitting on your belt generally
3670s that's what the Department issues you
3671s now I got a three because like you know
3675s hey like as Chris said like having a
3676s little more why not but our Patrol rifle
3679s we would have three mags in our plate
3681s carrier which he kept in the back and
3683s then one in the gun so always ready to
3685s go
3687s I just want to say I've always
3688s appreciated officers like whiskey and
3690s the reason why is if the zombie
3692s apocalypse ever happens that's the first
3694s dude I'm looking for oh we gotta go man
3697s we gotta
3699s go all right and I guess we we can kind
3701s of pivot back to the original question
3703s because we got to smidge off topic
3704s because I was really curious um so yeah
3707s what's what's the craziest thing that
3708s you've experienced in the uh line of
3710s duty
3711s there uh there's one that I I could tell
3715s but if I told it it would absolutely
3716s docks where I was so I I can't tell that
3719s one but um the other one I could think
3722s of I was so we had these Vehicles near
3725s the decoy Vehicles nobody's in them we
3727s just put them out so that people slow
3729s down whenever they see them um so we're
3731s me and another officer we're moving
3733s decoys and uh we see this beautiful
3736s Bugatti beautiful Bugatti and so hey you
3739s know let's let's run the plate like it's
3741s got a temporary tag on it it looks brand
3744s new but the temporary tag is out of date
3745s like what's going on here so we run it
3748s comes back to a stolen vehicle so we're
3750s like oh snap it starts moving it goes
3753s into this uh Elementary School line and
3757s we're like oh crap dude this is gonna
3758s suck and I was like hey man like maybe
3760s we don't pull it over here he's like
3761s yeah we'll try to get on the way out
3763s anyway so we he gets into the line all
3765s the way up to where the the kids are
3768s standing and it looks like he's about to
3770s take off so we start lights and sirens
3772s in the middle of the parking lot it was
3774s such a bad place to do it but it's the
3776s only way we could get
3778s him so we get up there pull him over do
3781s the investigation we're starting working
3783s through everything his kids are coming
3785s out we're like oh crap now the kids are
3786s going to see that
3788s sucks I I kid you not three cars rolled
3791s up on us with his entire family cousins
3797s Aunts Uncles Brothers sister I was like
3800s who what is going on here like why are
3802s you why are you why are you taking him
3804s to jail why are you taking him jail like
3805s listen I I'm just here as a support
3808s office I don't know like I stop yelling
3810s at me so we had to call the rest of the
3813s entire department out there because
3814s there was at that time like 12 to 16
3817s people out there of his family just
3821s berading us for taking him to jail for
3822s stealing the vehicle so that that was
3826s probably the the craziest uh that won't
3829s doxs me I think the wildest part is you
3833s you ran it like on a whim it's like oh
3836s this is something we need to deal with
3837s [ __ ] yes wa I mean it's a freaking a I
3841s mean it was stolen out of I think Ohio
3842s so we were like how the freak did it get
3845s here it was Zero damage so there you go
3848s I know I know now we just we seize it
3850s have a little Bugatti for
3853s the just just just just get some of
3855s those um uh some some of the uh uh some
3860s of the um officers from uh Dubai with
3863s their super cars over oh dude yeah yeah
3866s Ferrari little Ferrari
3868s action of course that good
3872s [ __ ] all righty um I guess uh as we've
3876s been rolling on you guys have have uh
3879s picked up on some some of the talk in
3880s the chat are there any uh questions in
3883s particular that we haven't addressed yet
3884s that you guys would like to uh pick up
3886s on or answer and I guess now would be a
3888s great time to let the audience know hey
3890s um if there's something that we didn't
3892s ask that you're curious about now's your
3894s chance
3896s oh uh jerfer uh this this one I got me
3901s because I saw this on I forget the show
3903s but it it ticked me off are hand signals
3905s common practice in state level SWAT or
3907s is that more of a practice for federal
3909s type SWAT teams most of the time it's
3912s like at least from Patrol side I can
3914s tell you it's all verbal it's all verbal
3917s common language common speak we don't do
3919s the hand signs because that leads to so
3922s much miscommunication it's ridiculous we
3925s I we watched the team from another
3927s department try to use hand signals in
3930s one of our alert classes could not
3932s function when you're telling your your
3934s your partner next to you hey left 45
3937s clear left 90 has door at the end of the
3939s hallway right 90 has nothing right 45
3943s leads to a dead space that makes sense
3945s that's verbal communication and you
3948s can't do that exactly you can't do that
3950s with hand signals I I hate them zero out
3952s of 10 would not
3954s do me either they work worthless yeah I
3958s I I would say the only time we ever do
3960s hand signals for anything practically
3962s would be like exterior movement like if
3965s we were doing a search of a field or
3967s something where we were doing like IMT
3969s stuff and even then if you don't do it
3971s frequently nobody
3973s remembers like the the only thing I
3975s could think of that's hand signal wise
3978s that's generally used is the flashbang
3980s where you take the flashbang put it in
3982s front of your partner's hand to let them
3983s know hey this is going in but that's
3985s about
3988s yeah all righty
3992s um oh my God I I think that H that was
3997s they're pouring in you open the
4000s flood um actually yeah I think I'm kind
4004s of curious about the question um the
4006s question from Crow uh do you have any
4008s experience working with Sheriff
4009s departments I
4011s don't I don't um myself know like the
4015s scope difference between like Sheriff's
4017s Troopers like Patrol officers all that
4021s fun stuff
4022s so sheriff is county level police is
4025s generally City level state is Troopers
4028s that's generally the way it's
4031s organized yeah and we like where I work
4034s um Ali County um surrounds us so we work
4037s closely with them they work closely with
4039s us
4041s but you know what people like see on TV
4043s is like the the counties at odds with
4045s the city cities at Al County um there
4047s ain't [ __ ] like that going on as well as
4050s the FBI the ATF all those three initial
4052s letters those guys are not badasses like
4054s they're displayed on TV um as quite
4056s frankly we've served many FBI search
4058s warrants I've I had DEA and served their
4060s search warrants um they're just another
4062s team um and but they don't they're not
4064s just allowed to come into your
4065s jurisdiction and say we got it it's like
4067s that [ __ ] doesn't doesn't happen so um
4070s that's all TV stuff so but uh yeah
4073s there's there's also tfos which are
4075s pretty cool the Force officers where
4077s essentially like like the FBI they can
4079s basically deputize one of the police
4081s officers within your department to
4083s handle Federal level crimes so they can
4085s actually prosecute those okay so
4089s they an officer to it so so the FBI has
4093s to yeah exactly the FBI specifically has
4096s one officer and part of that though is
4098s you do stuff for them right so the the
4100s FBI will hand you case load stuff too so
4102s you're working kind of double duty there
4105s that's kind of cool yeah it is cool I
4107s wanted to TFO so bad that's such a cool
4111s one yeah where I work we had several
4114s guys that were tfos to the DEA ATF not
4117s the not the ATF the FBI and the
4120s DEA how about you Dan yeah likewise um
4123s so yeah I I've also been a part of we we
4127s work pretty routinely with the feds in
4128s the area doing Warren Forum as part of
4130s you know larger operation roundups and
4132s whatnot and um as far as Sheriff's go
4136s where I work this the state I work in is
4138s a little bit odd so sheriffs here don't
4141s do Patrol stuff so ordinarily like Chris
4144s said um or um 68 also said sheriffs
4148s typically work the unincorporated areas
4151s outside of of City Limits throughout the
4153s county that they handle uh for patrol
4156s responsibilities um the state I work in
4158s that's kind of not the case Sheriff's
4159s are basically Wards of the Court they do
4162s process surveying evictions paper
4166s um Court paper stuff like that but they
4168s don't actually Patrol um or anything
4170s like that most areas um that's
4173s contracted out to different agencies or
4175s State Police and areas that don't have
4177s some kind of standing agreement with a
4179s larger City to cover
4181s them
4182s yeah okay that's actually really cool
4186s um I guess another uh this this this
4191s nice short one um any experience with
4193s the US Marshall service aside from uh
4195s Sheriff
4197s cooperation oh yeah same thing they
4199s Marshalls will be their fugitive it's
4201s usually their fugitive teams their
4203s fugitive teams will be looking for
4204s somebody and what they'll do is they'll
4206s put an agent or two in the area and then
4208s they'll put your team on standby just
4210s because it sometimes takes a while for
4212s them to uh mobilize their teams um it's
4216s yeah and you know we've done stuff with
4217s the Postal Inspector that type of stuff
4219s so uh everyone generally in my opinion
4222s works really well with the feds I think
4224s TV just loves to show show a different
4226s narrative um like a bu of conflict yeah
4230s yeah
4233s there oh oh God you cut out say it again
4238s we lost you at there is after
4242s cooperation who me yes
4245s you oh sorry um no I'm just saying that
4248s I don't think there's the conflict that
4249s people think that there is um we
4251s generally work really well with each
4252s other um but we
4256s like I said most police agencies
4257s especially like in Ali County you know
4259s we're working with the ATF the postal
4260s inspectors the DEA everybody as a matter
4263s of fact when I was on a Narcotics Team
4265s we had a DEA agent assigned to us and we
4267s were basically her her crew and we did a
4270s lot of things with the DEA and we work
4272s really really well together so um but
4274s yeah we're constantly working and like I
4275s said with the marshals the Marshalls we
4277s just generally will be doing um they
4279s helping them with their fugitive when
4280s they find a fugitive they'll send a
4281s couple agents and then because their
4283s team is Nationwide they can't have their
4285s entire team there so they'll use the
4287s locals to help apprehend their uh their
4292s suspects all right like Chris said yeah
4295s most of the time it's a very good
4297s working relationship and and I say that
4300s as somebody whose team recently got
4302s called out to a invent involving a
4304s federal agency that was very
4306s high-profile and will probably not bode
4309s well for relationships between like
4311s local and state or local and federal
4313s authorities in the future uh um we got
4317s came came out after the fact that this
4319s which I'm being candid about or being a
4321s little koi about but um overall the
4325s relationships are very good agencies get
4327s along we all we all have the same goal
4329s here uh Marshalls in particular I've
4330s always found to be the most copik of the
4333s federal agents when I'm dealing with
4335s them they just they just tend to be the
4337s most like regular working cops and I've
4340s got along with them very well in the
4341s past those dudes don't mess around they
4343s are a business they are bus business man
4346s they they are
4348s sick kind of cool like got love them
4353s it's something that that does surprise
4354s me a little bit um because in in my
4357s technical background I have had to work
4359s as a bridge between um um government a
4362s agencies in a couple small cases and oh
4366s my God the headbutting is
4369s absurd I am I'm actually very glad very
4372s glad to hear that when when it comes
4374s down to like law enforce stuff the
4376s cooperation is there yeah I was about to
4379s say I think bureaucracy within like the
4381s FBI or something like that they bought
4383s heads with each other more often than
4385s they do with like local or state 100%
4387s like they butt against each other way
4389s more than they do with
4392s local yeah alrighty um and I guess we
4398s can uh ask real quick how are uh how are
4400s you three looking on time right
4403s now I'm going to probably be cutting out
4405s out here in about uh five 10 minutes
4408s just due to the fact of actually my
4410s battery is about to
4411s die but unreal yeah so if I go if I go
4415s blank all because my battery died but
4417s yeah so I got about another five I'm
4419s doing good I'm good for whatever you
4421s need all right and I guess I guess for
4424s um for Chris we can uh start wrapping
4428s things up a smidge smidge um a question
4432s from Mr unoriginal which is actually a
4434s very original question he's got from us
4436s um if you had a specific moment in your
4439s career to be remembered for what would
4442s it be
4444s thanks well once again I will actually
4448s say this much um this one you can
4450s actually find it um on YouTube as well
4453s um this is a I'll try to give the quick
4454s version of the story but I was um in
4457s briefing and I was listening to an
4458s officer give his reason why he had a
4460s nickname his nickname was blue and
4461s actually his parents had Nick blue
4466s um long story short he uh was born with
4469s a cord wrapped around his neck um in the
4471s driveway of his home and when he was
4473s telling the story and it just seemed I
4475s started to like wait a minute that that
4477s just sounds so familiar um we found out
4479s that I was actually the person who
4481s delivered him um um in his driveway when
4484s his cord was wrapped around his neck and
4486s I was able to successfully remove the
4488s cord and he started breathing again and
4491s we found out that yeah I was indeed the
4493s person so uh it NE to know that 20 25
4498s years prior uh I had saved his life and
4501s now we were Partners together at the
4502s police department and we didn't had no
4504s idea so uh that that was probably one of
4506s the most memor memorial memorial stories
4509s yeah um that I can ever think of is that
4511s because we the lives we save will
4513s generally never you know 99.9% will
4516s never see him again this is like wow so
4519s you don't you don't know we I guess the
4521s moral of this story is that you just
4523s don't know the difference that you'll
4524s make in people's lives
4526s that is ABS like insane like genuinely
4530s for the meaning of the word insane that
4532s that kind of came around like
4535s that yeah they actually did a story on
4538s uh the local news did a story actually
4540s not local it actually took off pretty
4542s well I mean internationally they did so
4544s there's actually a YouTube uh short on
4546s it from a couple different news channels
4547s about
4549s it
4551s alrighty what do you got for us Mr Dan
4554s well I I I don't know if it's the one I
4556s necessarily want to be remembered for
4558s but it's the one I I'm sure I will be
4559s remembered for um So I
4562s responded one of the active killer
4565s situations I responded to over the years
4568s um uh I responded to uh at a medical
4572s facility about 12 years ago now um I was
4577s one of the first guys on scene uh along
4579s with some Patrol guys a couple other
4581s SWAT guys showed up shortly thereafter
4584s uh ultimately we ended up going going in
4586s um got in the lobby chaos Carnage all
4589s sorts of bad stuff going on uh bad guy
4592s went somewhere else in the building we
4593s ended up having to search through the
4595s building partway to to get him engage
4597s him and and and stop him um ultimately I
4600s ended up getting to a gunfight with the
4601s bad guy uh it was a 22 yard gunfight
4603s where I ended up taking a hostage rescue
4605s shot on the bad guy while he was using a
4607s wounded victim as cover um shooting back
4609s at me uh so I shot him dropped him
4612s killed him uh ended up clearing the rest
4614s of the building probably Sav some
4616s people's lives there but ultimately out
4618s of all that what I'm proud of isn't the
4620s the yay me part of that it's that uh the
4622s guys that showed up the guys from Patrol
4624s weren't necessarily the people that I
4626s would have expected to go charging into
4627s a scene like that um and what I'm proud
4629s of is they all had the faith in me as a
4631s patrol supervisor that when we got in
4633s there and I gave him commands everybody
4635s leftt at it charged in had no question
4637s that we were going to go and we're going
4638s to succeed and that I was able to lead
4640s them that way um so so that that's
4642s really the part of it that I'm proud of
4644s and if I had to say I would like to be
4646s remembered for any aspect of that it
4647s would be that part that's awesome for
4649s you man that's dope cool that is that's
4653s awesome I either have very good luck or
4656s very bad luck depending on how you look
4658s at it that that's actually the the only
4660s one of those I've been to
4662s but wow I don't know how to follow up
4665s that
4667s but um let's see okay yeah so I there
4672s was one where we had a a call from from
4675s someone in uh another city that was
4678s concerned about one of their friends
4680s because they were texting with them back
4682s and forth and then I know he's just like
4683s hey goodbye that was it and so she was
4686s like hey I think this is his address so
4689s that City transferred it over to us
4690s they're like hey we think this guy's in
4692s your city do you mind go checking on him
4694s I was like yeah like of course yeah so
4697s get on scene and all of the lights are
4700s on every single light in the house is on
4702s from the outside every single light it
4704s was just a strange strange situation um
4708s start knocking the door nothing go
4711s around the back to try and see if
4712s there's anybody there no one I start
4715s smelling something weird like something
4717s just it's just off and then I look at
4719s the grill and the grill is on I was like
4722s okay either I'm about to die from a bomb
4724s or something's on the grill so I I pop
4727s open the grill and there's his phone
4729s just chilling there getting burned alive
4732s I was like oh that's that's sick so we
4733s get get that off
4736s anyway we ultimately we ended up making
4738s entry and he uh he had tied a uh a
4741s plastic bag around his head taking I
4744s think half an entire bottle of benad
4745s dril and so we were able to get in there
4749s and take care of him make sure he got
4751s into a a better better position than he
4754s than he was then and so we had that and
4757s then the literally the next day or the
4759s next night um we I got a call for an OD
4764s in progress so went to that was a
4767s 16-year-old kid o on Hulk which is like
4771s essentially fentanyl but I got an arcan
4774s in him and did that and I was like oh
4778s man that's crazy and then the next night
4780s we had a um a a shots fired call dude
4784s was angry that he got the wrong order
4787s from in and out from his girlfriend so
4788s he started cranking off rounds in the
4790s backyard and he was apparently trying to
4792s take one of them hostage inside the
4794s house and so we're like okay let's get
4796s in there so got in there uh took care of
4799s business didn't ended up not needing to
4802s fire any rounds thank God and um but
4805s yeah so we had that I had that in three
4807s nights in a row and I was like oh my
4808s gosh and I got two life saving Awards
4812s apparently they didn't think that the
4813s hostage rescue counted
4816s so but yeah man that was that was I
4820s think the most proud because I I I came
4822s out of that I don't know feeling a
4824s little bit more confident about myself
4826s that I could handle those situations and
4828s uh take care of people was
4831s good just the just the the arrangement
4834s is just like Jesus it's one thing after
4837s the other man that's the way it can be
4840s it's it's just it's so Random six out
4843s here just living the uh the Ron life
4845s getting the same sort of same call
4847s frequency as
4853s lasus um but yeah
4857s uh I guess like it it was great having
4861s yall here it was great a uh great that
4864s you guys accepted my uh my invitation
4867s and we got to talk about some some cool
4869s stuff shoot the [ __ ] and just kind of
4871s you know talk about kind of some little
4873s bits that don't get talked about often
4875s which frankly kind of should be talked
4877s about more rather than the stuff that
4879s kind of does appear which is just the
4882s stuff that is awful but
4886s um any anything you guys would like to
4889s uh append your little uh append your
4891s appearances with anything you'd like to
4894s say I just want to say I just say hey
4896s thanks for the opportunity to be able to
4898s talk to the community um we I I love
4900s playing ready or not I think it's a you
4902s know it's a good game uh actually it's
4904s it's a it's a it's a great game and it
4905s has a lot of potential to add a lot of
4908s you know to be the Tactical shooter that
4910s I think a lot of us have been waiting
4911s for um but I think it's neat to actually
4914s to to be able to talk to the people like
4916s that have been here joining us and the
4918s people that will watch us later on down
4919s the line um I definitely do appreciate
4921s it and that's like that's the whole gist
4922s of my channel was just trying to show
4924s people that police officers are regular
4926s people too you know we have likes
4928s dislikes uh we have problems and we have
4931s you know families and all that type of
4932s stuff but just showing him we we like a
4935s video game just like anybody else and uh
4937s you know what but once again we're just
4938s we're just regular peeps
4947s yeah um you know I I I feel like this is
4951s the coolest job I have in the world here
4953s working for void doing this stuff um
4955s yeah I I'm doing because I like playing
4957s video games you know I think it's super
4959s cool that I get to turn around and take
4963s um take that experience that I have and
4966s kind of put it into something that gives
4967s some value back uh and hopefully makes a
4969s good product here I totally I was I was
4972s talking before before the chat started I
4975s totally in in high school would have
4976s ended up being going into to video game
4979s development or something cool and making
4980s games if uh yeah I mean at the time all
4983s of that was very math heavy and I'm just
4985s a dumb cop so there was zero chance I
4987s was getting through all the math end of
4988s it back then um but uh it's super cool
4991s that I still have some kind of ability
4993s to do that um yeah I I I hope everybody
4997s enjoys playing the game
5000s uh we
5001s we you can make a simulation that's not
5004s necessar very fun or you can make a game
5006s that's fun that comes and hits some of
5008s the key elements and captures atmosphere
5011s and and I hope uh you know I I hope I've
5013s helped contribute to that you certainly
5016s have I can I can tell you that for
5020s sure yeah I want to say thank you to the
5022s community the only reason I have any
5024s marginal amount of success whatsoever is
5026s because of y'all I appreciate the the
5029s support I appreciate the only cops guys
5031s Chris the cop y'all definitely helped me
5033s out it's been fun playing with y'all um
5037s yeah I I really appreciate
5040s it I just I just want to be a playable
5044s character that'd be so cool have a model
5047s for you that'd be so cool be a character
5050s if moders in here before
5053s I there any moders in here's go I I will
5057s get a I will get Sterling Mark and Steve
5059s on it Chris Chris the cop DLC soon TM
5062s huge' be so hug h
5066s but yeah thank you thank you all for
5068s yeah thank for watching thank you for
5071s the support thank you for letting me
5072s speak here and as always remember our
5074s sole objectives Stop The Killing stop
5077s the
5079s dying and with that I think that's a
5081s perfect sign off thank you guys very
5083s much for your time and the rest of you
5085s guys enjoy the rest of your
5087s night thanks everyone all right peace
5090s see you guys see you guys