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  • 2 NEW Maps: Valley, Fast Food
  • NEW: Mirrors
  • NEW: Vivox integration
  • NEW: Free Look (with option to activate through a hold or toggle)
  • NEW: Use (Only) keybind
  • NEW: AMD FidelityFX SuperResolution graphics option
  • Adjust interactable range/size in lobby
  • Fix a rare bug causing you to get stuck on the loading screen
  • Fix rare bug where trap wires would look incorrect (when doors were fully opened)
  • Remove copyright images
  • Fix broken lightmap UVs
  • Add mouse inverted options to Optiwand
  • Add Alarm trap type
  • Grenades now have a more centered throw trajectory
  • Reduced max Flashbangs and Stingers to 4
  • Weapon descriptions updated with new sentences
  • Better weapon offset for super wides
  • Loading screen improvements


  • SWAT: Abort arrest if target is not surrendered, or is already arrested
  • Halved civilian morale
  • First 3 bullets that a suspect fires has an accuracy penalty
  • Added more roamers by default (3)
  • Fix roamers so they don’t try roam where they can’t go (i.e. through locked doors)
  • Tweaked suspect accuracy for better engagements
  • Increased agent step angle so they dont get caught on small props
  • Suspects are more likely to surrender if you yell at them before they’ve targeted anybody
  • Fix surrender exit bugs
  • Fix bug with instant snap aiming
  • Allow arrested AI to move
  • Investigate trap stimulus when trap goes off
  • Changed suspects in hostage rescue from shooting civs when hearing aggressive noise to shooting after spotting an enemy
  • Reduced shotgun fire rate to 1/sec
  • Fixed bug causing AI that are getting up to pop
  • Increased bash morale loss
  • Tweak ROE


  • Implement Paperdoll crouch
  • Fix NVG Paperdoll icon not being displayed sometimes
  • Change heal prompt to ‘Press F to Stop Bleeding’


  • Fix frosted glass (causing major performance hits)


  • Add host admin game controls
  • Join random session within desired ping instead of always joining lowest ping (allows people with slightly higher ping to receive players / spreads players over more sessions)
  • Fixed time until bomb explode only showing for the host


  • NEW: VKS, G19G5, SCAR L, BCM MK1, SLR 47
  • Fix M4A1 socket for M600V
  • Fix double sound playing for MPX, UMP45 and SBR
  • Fix brake scaling for sr16
  • Fix shotgun accuracy
  • SRS now uses risers for 416, SBR, SR16 (if you have the SRS equipped before this change, you may have to re-equip on the workbench)
  • Combat grip thumb over bore for 416, SBR, SR16
  • Grenade model updates
  • Increased fire rate of AR15-patterned weapons to be more realistic
  • Fix M9 pistol using wrong inertia values
  • Corrected laser rotation when right up against an object


  • Fix python lowered shield reloads


  • Do not save scores if game is modded


  • New TOC VO
  • Removed unused voice files
  • Delete certain cringe VO for good
  • Only agender judge lines play when ordering arrests
  • Updated civilian female voice lines


  • Footstep tweaks for 3P Civilians / Suspects
  • Bump sound size for pistol melee so it doesn’t pan as player moves
  • 3P weapons slightly sidechain bullet impacts now
  • Lower volume for certain sidearm melee foley
  • Tweaks to certain 3P weapons for better parity
  • Slightly lower bullet crack chance, remove EQ
  • Add updated taser assets and update taser shot / hum
  • Fix Port drip sound from stopping and starting, remove second sound for better consistency with location
  • Lower trap cut volume


  • Delete copyrighted music in game files


  • Add Korean, French, German translations


  • Delete ActivityFail folder
  • Fix spelling mistakes
  • Deleted offensive assets
  • Add Discord Supporter Code in settings (for supporter server verification purposes)
  • Various bugs and crash fixes


  • NEW Modes: Active Shooter, Hostage Rescue (in Lobby and First Floor)


  • NEW Mode: Raid
  • Open up the second house
  • Add Destructible lights
  • Environment Updates
  • Incapacitated minor penalty score increased to -350 (previous penalty was -15)
  • Adjustments to meth tunnel ambience
  • TV now plays static sound
  • Sewer area now plays dripping sounds
  • Fix popping in certain Meth sounds
  • Tweaks to meth audio
  • Additional sound added to sewer
  • TV on floor in main house now plays sound
  • Chime sound added to main house side
  • Additional sound added to spawn garage
  • Additional sound added to street light near spawn
  • Rat / debris sounds now play around main house


  • NEW Mode: Bomb Threat
  • Max atten for dealer barrel fire reduced
  • Increased distance of dealer car passerby SFX
  • Slight vol tweaks to outside dealer outside quake SFX
  • Minor dealer artwork changes


  • Adjustments to certain Gas ambiences
  • Huge overhaul of ambience volumes to prevent leaking
  • Certain roomtones changed for better parity
  • Certain spatial sounds moved
  • Flies now play around poor (poor Mudasir)


  • NEW Mode: Bomb Threat
  • Add creepy auction music to auction room
  • Add blocking volume to certain area so players can’t go for a swim
  • Tweaked Raid AI count
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over 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by alex_fist

Oh yes heat it up and shoot it into my f**king veins

Good lord

over 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by Elite0087

Ah that makes a shit ton more sense.

Carl Gustav coming soon

over 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by deluxius

For anyone interested: I have tried around with the new guns and especially the Scar-L feels very easy to control even in full-auto to the point that I would argue it to be too easy due to the fact that the Scar-L even seems to boast a higher fire rate. The Mk1 BCM also feels very easy to control, the recoil pattern is very tight compared to other guns and it mellows out a lot towards the end kind of like how in tarkov the recoil gets a lot easier after the initial rounds. It is very easy to land a double or triple tap with either of those two. The SLR47 feels very punchy and very nice, probably due to it being 7.62x39. The recoil on it is as expected, a lot harder to control in full auto.

Thanks for the feedback!

over 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by SneakyAzWhat

Is the shotgun ammo count bug fixed? Unless I missed it in the notes, when you reload the shotgun it gives you one less ammo than you reloaded with. Sent a bug report in game a while back, seemed to happen on all shotguns including breaching one. (can't verify until patch comes to live servers)

Not yet. This is one weve got on the list though. No doubt your submission helped get it up there in terms of priority.

over 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by GlassCannon67

Btw, didn't they say they gonna ban mod in coop, is that still the case? Or just "Do not save scores if game is modded"...

You can play with your mods in cooperative, just look for the server checksum option in settings.

over 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by Vendun_

"Meth: Open up the second house" The map will be bigger with a new section ?

I already find the map really big, it is going to be a pain to have a S rank.

The second house is only accessible on raid, and the back area + tunnels are not included. :)

over 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by RhasaTheSunderer

My thoughts so far:

New maps are great, fast food seems a little small but has potential to be a fan favorite like 213 park homes. The grenade trajectory is a little weird, feels very similar to cs:go where the grenade seems to be coming out of your body instead of right hand (with a little practice I find this much easier though). The ambiance upgrades are beautiful especially in park homes wow no complaints there. 4 grenades is much better than 8 you actually have to think about using them. The new ar15 recoil is much better. The scar recoil is way too low especially when you do long bursts, this will be the meta gun for sure. The AK is good and balanced. The AI is SOOO much better, even if civs run from you after 2-3 commands they will comply. Yelling at suspects that don't see you actually has a good chance they will be caught off guard and surrender. The new voice lines are great, I even noticed that arrested civies will freak out if you start killing people. I don't like the new TOC, I thought it would be impossible to make TOC worse but it seems they did it, at least in my eyes, he has no soul and sounds very boring (I guess that's how a TOC should be though???). Suspect aim is much much better, I did not die once in a way that felt unfair or broken. More roamers is great I became very complacent in the previous version where I knew pretty much all spawns, but it is much more random now, you can't just sprint through areas you know won't be occupied. I didn't have enough time to test out the new ROE changes so I can't give a review there. Overall extremely happy with this

Thanks for the feedback!

over 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by ADeerBoy

The only change I'm not sure how I feel about is suspect first 3 bullets having aim penalty. That feels kinda gamey. Idk how suspect aim works, but having different states of aim like firing from the hip, being surprised, or hearing the police outside and aiming at a door before its breached, makes more sense to me.

Frankly they won't miss you point blank but it helps with their accuracy over distance, especially since they might acquire you as a target immediately. However it's always subject to change and if it feels too easy you can bet your bottom dollar it will be changed.

over 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by Itz_Ultima

I just installed the update and it's being very very stuttery, and enemies are now either completely invisible or walk through walls and kill me. Not sure if it's just me.

Can you make sure you submit a report? That's strange.