Transcript (by Youtube)

7s 911 this Call's being recorded what is
9s your emergency I've been shot okay can
11s you tell me your location I'm at the
13s watt Community College three guys just
15s came into the science block and open
16s fire where are they now I I I don't know
20s the LSPD are on the way sir I need you
22s to stay calm can you tell me how badly
25s you're hurt
26s they they shot me in the back I tried
30s trying to run there's blood and I can't
34s the LSPD are in rout sir we have
36s paramedics coming too just remain calm
39s and if you can in any way find some
41s cover what's your name George okay
44s George just stay calm don't make any
46s noise or draw attention to yourself the
49s LSPD are on their way I promise but
52s listen to me George you need to stay
54s quiet oh God I'm sorry Mom I'm sorry I
58s love you George
61s George can you hear me George