about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by Stephen1877

The nightclub level was also released on the anniversary of the pulse shooting.

When we found this out we were so surprised. To be fair, we are also all over the world so the date shifts depending on who is asked. But not intentional believe me.

about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by timbotheny24

The level already existed as a white box test level for several months, and it didn't officially come out until June 29th when the big update dropped. Before the official release of the map, the finished version was playable on the Supporter Branch, and it just so happens that it got pushed to that branch on the anniversary of the Pulse shooting.

I'm positive it was a coincidence. Considering the statements Void have put out on their Twitter about how they want to treat the subject matter respectfully, I can't imagine they would do something like that on purpose.

Absolutely a coincidence! Honestly wasn't much of a PR nightmare anyways, I think most people understood it was purely coincidental. Wild stuff either way, and very unfortunate.

about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by diaryofsnow

We know, you're good. Just try not to release the school level on April 20th

Yeah we'll be more conscious of what dates we're releasing stuff.. there are probably a handful of other dates we would have to look miss too, now, unfortunately. Really horrible state of affairs right now.

about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by CrispyLiquids

There are more mass shootings then days in a year in the US, currently at 11 per week for 2022: https://www.npr.org/2022/05/15/1099008586/mass-shootings-us-2022-tally-number you guys are doing the right thing by being realistic even if controversial, thereby highlighting some of the real things that we should be angry about instead of your videogame depiction of the same. When OP posted this i didn't know which nightclub he was talking about, cause it's not just one.. i hope the campaign and other missions follow the same style in the regard and perhaps with more fleshed out story before and after missions, some in your audience may come to understand why it's important to not just "kill all suspects". Swat 4 had dark themes, but bad guys were generally only bad. I think you guys have got the same increasingly depressing feedback from TOC as you report more casualties, this really also immerses you in the seriousness of what is being depicted.

By the time this game is done I hope that we have a very confronting and enlightening tactical shooter that gets players to think a little bit more about the situations and how it affects your team.