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I have tried the game for about 20 hours now. It is really nice, the graphics are good, so is the gunplay. Overall, ignoring the AI, the game would be a 10/10 for me. Then there is the AI, arguably the single most important aspect of the game. If you include that, I'd give it a 3/10. Game looks and sounds good, the maps are well made, but in the end it's a good looking pile of crap.

Scenario one: I enter the room with a friend, hear "They're here", then a dude with a glock casually taps two out of our four man team while doing a full sprint. That was that for the night, rather play some minecraft.

Scenario two: We see a civilian in the next room via optiwand. Open the door, get in the room and 3 peolice officers are yelling "Get on the ground" for about 3-4 seconds before the civilian decides that suicide by cop is a really nice idea and books it out of the room through another door. Just why? As a reaction to a door getting opened, yes, please, but when there are 3 guys pointing guns at them?

Scenario three: I see a bad guy. He has a clearly visible gun. He has his back to me, I yell at him, I get clapped before the voiceline is finished. I looked at the shadowplay footage, it took him 5 frames @ 60FPS to kill me (about 80ms).

Please fix the AI, even if it is a shoddy fix. I'd rather fight potatoes than 20 AI that make CSGO spinbotters look slow.

External link →
almost 2 years ago - /u/VOID_Ali - Direct link

Suspect and Civilian AI is getting a rework. Lots of nerfs too

almost 2 years ago - /u/VOID_Ali - Direct link

Originally posted by waitaminutewhereiam

Will it be here soon or soon + two weeks

