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Opening doors is fine as of now but what if we used the door opening system from Rainbow Six: Raven Shield, where you would use the scroll wheel to see how much it would open, i think it would prevent those accidents where you accidentally press F at the wrong place and get blown up by a trap, what do you guys think?

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over 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

We had it for a long time, and it caused so many issues.

We started with the scroll wheel being the only way (at this time doors only opened in one direction), then we had a "fast" open and the scroll wheel for peeking, then we had hold use key to open the door over time (so if you held it down for long enough it would open), and then finally we arrived at animating the doors open with a press, and opening up a new context button for peeking.

The team has experimented with all kinds of door opening types, I would hazard to say every single possibility, and this is the best feeling one by a mile. The benefits are:

- AI will not clip through doors if you open them too fast

- Opening doors is fast and responsive

- AI can open doors easily and not get stuck

- Door sounds and implementation is simplified (therefore we can spend more time making sounds)

The legacy of old incremental doors somewhat lives on when you walk into an open door. That's about the extent of it. I'm sure someone will mod it in at some point, perhaps sooner than we'd expect! But for us, that is the end of the story for doors. At this point, we just need to improve them in their current frame -- no pun intended. Hope this gives some insight!