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Idk if it's just the most recent content update, but I wasn't having so many issues with it before the update.

Barricaded suspects feels completely identical to raid it terms of suspect aggression, except you get in trouble for shooting someone who literally told you to "f*ck off" after you shout at them. The suspects are so unreasonably uncompliant it gets genuinely annoying sometimes. It feels like the only way to get them to surrender is to flashbang them and just pray they don't do that concussed little stumble and get halfway across the map.

Neon tomb makes zero sense for being barricaded suspects, almost every suspect has an assault rifle, some even having lmgs. These literal terrorists massacred over 100 people and they send the SWAT squad with ROE tighter than ur mum's pussy. It just doesn't make sense.

Voll house kinda makes sense for Barricaded suspects, but I feel like it needs a raid option. Like this mf Amos did some unspeakable things, but he's not even classified as a suspect, he just gives up the second you see him, yet the security team that probably isn't even %100 involved with what he is doing is literally willing to die and get into firefights with the police over.

(I know game development is hard, I think my point still stands regardless.)

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about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

We're looking to rework all of the modes in the future, and honestly if it's a level where the mode doesn't seem to fit: it's probably because it's just placeholder while we make these changes.

That said, very true. Great feedback.

about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by teven_eel

God the fact that we can have direct communication with the devs makes me so hard

Thanks, we try! Sometimes goes a bit ghosty on the Reddit though so I apologize in advance whenever that happens!

about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by PhysicsIsWhyIDrink

It does, to a degree. The John Wick AI doesn’t kick in unless they’re triggered (line of sight or officers commands). If you order your AI to breach a room, they advance farther into the room as you enter as well, meaning in open maps, they go further than they should, triggering enemies further out.

An example is meth house. The first room, there was a door on the left that led to a small hall way with 2 bedrooms and a bath room. Breaching the first room prevented your AI from going into that hall way until you were ready. Now that door no longer exists and your AI wander into that hallway by default and any of those doors being open results in a huge fire fight because either 1) the AI’s see each other or 2) friendly AI auto commands triggering the enemy AI. Now combine the two issues of AI stumbling where they shouldn’t.

Closed off maps don’t fix the AI, but it lets me engage the AI when I’m prepared to do so. These two issues work in tandem. It’s a reason why I don’t bother with farm or nightclub. There is very little restricting your AI from wondering too far to.

To use your car analogy, it’s like if the brakes don’t work and your steering wheel doesn’t work. Yeah, I’d love for the brake to just work, but I also like having a fallback in case that fails. The devs can work on two problems at once.

This is a great little piece of feedback, and I agree. I actually was the one who removed the doorway there but I did it for aesthetic reasons not for the right ones, at all. I think in a future update we will fix this because I've seen more issues crop up as a result (when before that space was actually a very tense area to have a firefight in.

about 2 years ago - /u/Gruntr - Direct link

Originally posted by Waleb123

Active shooter should be the most intense game mode. Having to rush in and take risks with little to no information against a heavily armed person or group that’s trying to hunt and kill civilians.

We made some minor changes ramping up to bigger ones, but how did you feel about civilians running outside to safety when they could? This was one of the things I didnt see much feedback on -- makes me wonder if it isn't working sometimes.