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Howdy,big arpg fan here,played pretty much all of them,Grim Dawn is my favorite and I can't wait for Titan Quest 2! Last Epoch is actualy one of the games I for some reason have not tried yett but it was on my wishlist for some time now but for some reason it never seems to be on sale? I would just get it,but I kinda already spent a fair bit on starfield and stalker,also I got burned on Wolcen as it was not as good as it seemed...

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almost 5 years ago - pheanox - Direct link
Locking redundant thread, OP has acquired the game.
over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Deenman23

I can't believe i missed that wtf,im sure i was watching closely for sales on a bunch of games...sadface

There has never been an official sale for more than 25% so that would have been from a key reseller.