Dear God.
Is this my fault?
Dear God.
Is this my fault?
Originally posted by Bosh: I have played over 6500 hours. Your 17.8 hours are utterly meaningless.
Beyond skill level 10, XP points are continuously drained away. A skill level is lost only after falling to 0 XP points, and then losing a further 1000 points, preventing repeated level loss and gain right around a level threshold. Experience decay is strictly calculated based on the current skill level and is not directly affected by skill use; Instead, gained XP simply cancels out loss, and vice versa.Read more
XP decays at an accelerated rate with higher skill levels. This means that all XP earned after 55,000 total XP (level 10) effectively has less value, especially for skills that a colonist does not use frequently, because it will disappear. In most cases, XP is gained by time spent...
Thank you! I spend a good amount of time thinking about a researching names for new things in the game. Lots of looking over lists of Latin/Greek roots, making candidate lists or pools of associated words, etc. Good to hear you like the results!
Archotech being a portmanteau of arcane and technology for tech so advanced it's basically magic is such a banger
It's actually from the root "archo" for ruler. As in archon.
Though there are multiple near-matches like this which also work well which is part of why I chose it.
Originally posted by Yanser234: Didn't see this up until now, but my name was in game earlier, and isn't anymore.Got you noted down!
its | Yanni 'Yanser' Serverius | and Gender was set to male
thx in advance