almost 5 years
ago -
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Right after the game released in 2018 I started work on a free update, and soon after that an expansion. Hired a bunch more people, head count is now more than double what it was during RW development, so we're able to develop two things at once. That's how we built the free 1.1 update and the expansion at the same time. I've worked on it directly the whole time.
If you look back to the RW release announcements, you'll note that I said the game is done but I'm not necessarily done with it. I've never been against expansions if they add meaningful new experiences without detracting from the base game. It's a great way to enrich a game after the base game has been stretched to completion (which it was after 5.5 years of development). And it comes alongside a free update with a bunch of new stuff because some improvements just didn't make sense not to give to everyone.
Also worth noting that RimWorld costs $35, not $50, and the expansion costs $20, not $30. Also worth noting that the only modder we hired was Oskar to do art, and the only mod content in the free update is Oskar's animal art. The expansion is 100% original.
If you look back to the RW release announcements, you'll note that I said the game is done but I'm not necessarily done with it. I've never been against expansions if they add meaningful new experiences without detracting from the base game. It's a great way to enrich a game after the base game has been stretched to completion (which it was after 5.5 years of development). And it comes alongside a free update with a bunch of new stuff because some improvements just didn't make sense not to give to everyone.
Also worth noting that RimWorld costs $35, not $50, and the expansion costs $20, not $30. Also worth noting that the only modder we hired was Oskar to do art, and the only mod content in the free update is Oskar's animal art. The expansion is 100% original.