almost 5 years
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I appreciate the rich feedback! Certainly this is just the kind of thing I'm looking to tune going forward. It's a new gameplay concept and we did lots of balancing and adjusting pre-release but with more players come more data.
They are supposed to be difficult and to require new strategies. I think they're hitting these marks, but I don't want them to feel unfair (that said, nor should they always be defeatible without losses, at least above builder difficulty).
We're further adjusting how clusters choose where to spawn, because you're right some of them were spawning on top of things they shouldn't (or even indoors). The next hotfix, and probably another next week, will have adjustments on these fronts.
After that's done and the metagame matures a bit I'll be looking at other adjustments, but I don't want to move too fast and end up "thrashing" with the design.
FWIW it's always been this way; player turrets use the same code.
They are supposed to be difficult and to require new strategies. I think they're hitting these marks, but I don't want them to feel unfair (that said, nor should they always be defeatible without losses, at least above builder difficulty).
We're further adjusting how clusters choose where to spawn, because you're right some of them were spawning on top of things they shouldn't (or even indoors). The next hotfix, and probably another next week, will have adjustments on these fronts.
After that's done and the metagame matures a bit I'll be looking at other adjustments, but I don't want to move too fast and end up "thrashing" with the design.
Originally posted by mOj: worst part is some turrets explode and some don't .
FWIW it's always been this way; player turrets use the same code.