about 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 1 year ago - derek - Direct link
Hello everyone, Tynan here.

Good news today: We're reducing prices for RimWorld and its expansions in multiple non-USD currencies.

The prices were already below Valve's recommended prices in most cases (you can see the discounts {LINK REMOVED}here). This price reduction will increase the discount even further.

The price reductions range from 3% to 15% and affect 7 different currencies. For example, in Canadian dollars, RimWorld will be reduced from $42.99 CAD to $39.99 CAD. See the full list below.

RimWorld Base Game:
Currency Original Price New Price
Euro 32.99 31.99
Great British Pounds 29.49 28.49 Canadian Dollar 42.99 39.99 Australian Dollar 49.95 44.95 Swiss Francs 37.99 33.99 Israeli New Shekel 131.95 129.95 Polish Zloty 144.99 139.99
Biotech Expansion Pricing:
Currency Original Price New Price
Euro 24.49 23.49
Great British Pounds 20.99 19.99 Canadian Dollar 32.49 29.99 Australian Dollar 36.50 34.95 Swiss Francs 27.99 23.99 Polish Zloty 114.99 104.99
Ideology & Royalty Individual Expansion Pricing:
Currency Original Price New Price
Euro 18.99 17.99
Great British Pounds 16.75 15.99 Australian Dollar 29.50 27.95 Swiss Francs 21.99 19.99 Polish Zloty 91.99 84.99
Thanks for playing and to everyone who keeps contributing to our awesome community. The subreddit is always creative, the {LINK REMOVED}Discord is always friendly, our {LINK REMOVED}forums and the workshop are always full of great mods and it's all wonderful to see. Cheers.
- Ty