Hey hey hey everyone!
We're in the home stretch and are super excited to have you join us on Crater for the Rocket Arena Tour Championship. As you know, Jayto took the win last year, but it's anyone's game now!
We want to make sure you're ready to rock(et), so here's some info to help you fuel up and start your countdown:
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/rocketarena
- Discord : https://discord.gg/rocketarena
- Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/rocketarena
- Answer HQ : https://answers.ea.com/t5/Rocket-Arena/ct-p/rocket-arena-en
Release Times
Here we go!
- Australia/New Zealand - Midnight AEST July 14, 2020 / 7AM PDT July 13, 2020
- Australia, New Zealand
- Asia - Midnight KST July 14, 2020 / 8AM PDT July 13, 2020
- Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand
- Russia - Midnight MSK July 14k, 2020 / 2PM PDT July 13, 2020
- Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey
- EU - Midnight CEST July 14, 2020 / 2300 BST, July 13, 2020 / 3PM PDT, July 13, 2020
- Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
- Americas - Midnight EDT July 14, 2020 / 9PM PDT July 13, 2020
- Global Release at 9PM PDT, July 13, 2020
PS4/Xbox One
- The game will release at LOCAL time midnight in your region. For NA, that would be 12AM EST on July 14, 2020 for all of North America.
STEAM: If you're playing Rocket Arena on Steam - and if this is your first time launching an EA game through Steam, you'll need to link your Origin account. No worries, though - it's a one time linking process and you're good to go. https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/pc/troubleshooting-ea-games-on-steam/
NOTE: You want to ensure you have the correct EA/Origin account prior to linking to avoid any issues. Check below for details on finding your EA/Origin account info.
How do I know if I have an EA/Origin account?
- If you've ever played an EA game on PC, you have an EA/Origin account. You can check the account here: https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/profile
- Can't remember your account info?
I play on PS4/Xbox One. What do I do?
- You can check this FAQ on console linking help: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/account/linking-your-ea-account-with-your-psn-id-and-gamertag
Hey, I am having a billing issue. Who do I contact?
- For purchases through Steam: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2025-HCVM-4206
- For purchases through EA/Origin: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/account/ordering-payment-information/
- For purchases through Playstation Store: https://support.playstation.com/s/billing-payments?language=en_US
- For purchases through Xbox Marketplace: https://support.xbox.com/help/subscriptions-billing/browse
We want you to be able to focus on the most important thing in Rocket Arena - having fun! So if you run into an issue, let us know.
- To report a bug, head over to: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/rocket-arena-bug-reports-en
- If you run into a technical issue, hit us up at: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/bd-p/rocket-arena-technical-issues-en
- For account issues, let us know at: http://help.ea.com/
We're so excited to have everyone jump into Rocket Arena, and we're even more excited to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and feedback. You can share your feedback here:
- Heroes: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketArena/comments/hrzm46/feedback_heroes_of_rocket_arena/
- Maps & Modes: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketArena/comments/hrzm09/feedback_maps_and_modes_of_rocket_arena/
- General Feedback, Gameplay, Abilities, and More: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketArena/comments/hrzpvm/feedback_rocket_arena_gameplay_abilities_and_more/
- Answer HQ: https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/bd-p/rocket-arena-general-discussion-en
- Discord: https://discord.gg/xmPcpEQ
We'll see you at launch! #LETSROCKET!
External link →