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This is not a new issue and there are similar behaviors on other maps (like DFH Stadium, and Neo Tokyo (comic))

sample video

I think you can see an example of what I'm referring to when looking at the rippling dashed lines on the near the bottom of the walls on the map. Those are straight lines on the map.

After spending some time on the map, the visual noise started to bug me, so I tried to do some research to see if I could understand what may be happening and make improvements. I looked through the anti-aliasing settings (different selectable modes) and graphics settings (performance vs quality), but they didn't seem to help remedy the issue.

I tried applying/playing around with this 7 year old reddit resource, but all I learned from that was the nearby options for bAllowTemporalAA seemed to make some wonky things happen and MaxMultiSamples affected it. The conclusion was unfruitful, so I restored the settings.

I found this 3 year old resource which linked and took suggestions from this 4 year old resource. I tried applying the suggestions there. I tried changing settings in the Nvidia control panel, and through the nvidia profile inspector program, and only saw differences in graphical behavior when forcing FXAA to be on. The settings for DX11 compatibility, or overriding anti-aliasing settings with super-sampling or not, trying 2x, 4x, 8x... and it only seemed to turn off the anti-aliasing setting in game, again, with no change in graphical clarity.

The issue seems to be tied to the move from DirectX 9 to DirectX 11 (forced on players around the f2p update?), where there were ways to address aliasing in dx9 that weren't present in d3d11. This resource proposed a way to force dx9... but ... the game seems incompatible with doing so. You'll see:

[0003.76] Warning: Warning, Command line -d3d11 set, but D3D11 is not supported on this machine.  Will fallback to older API.

But the game crashes regardless. Seems there's no "old api" to fall back to.

All in all, I couldn't find a resource the provided help. My takeaways are:

  • The move from dx9 to d3d11 "broke aliasing options"
  • Anti-aliasing options "MLAA" and "SMAA" do nothing, only FXAA-*
  • Rocket League never had good anti aliasing "code" or "options"

I guess my goal is to bring attention to the issue, and to ask whomever may be interested, if they have any ideas. I even tried ReShade... with the FXAA and SMAA options that came with the defaults... but it barely smoothed out the lines, and, imo, didn't produce a desirable effect.

I wish I could find a game setting and not have to rely on injected DLLs.

If nothing else, this post can be one of those every-so-often reminders of the game's issues. Neat! I honestly doubt this to go anywhere, but, actually, if there were ever a "Rocket League 2", I would hope this would make it into the "graphical improvements".

So, it actually seems that the anti-aliasing setting (under Basic Settings, in the video settings) has "unfortunately been a bug for a while now" (and that thread is 7mo old from the time of this edit). So, even though the FXAA settings in particular do work, they aren't saved to the settings file that persists between opening and closing the game. Well... we just gotta wait on what they're working on :^).

Edit on the above: The setting is saved ... (honestly, I can't find it. It might be in the compressed save data that gets uploaded to psyonix's servers?), but there's a bug in the menu, when you go back to the main menu, that resets the value to 'Off'... unless you hit [Apply] in your video settings... so the settings apply, and apply in games... just not in the main menu... sometimes. Sheesh.

Edit edit: I don't even think it may be psyonix's fault to have done it this way or why this "bug" happens. There may be difficulties with graphics card software settings (like nvidia) that constrict the ways for these settings to get set, and it works "well enough", because it's still "saved" and applied in game. Anyway, I think that completes my thoughts on the aliasing subject. Here's to the future 🥳

External link →

Thanks for posting this! AA issue was brought up and we're going to make a change in a future update.