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In my 700 hours of playing, i thought it gets less toxic at higher ranks. Now playing on champ 2 and i've easily reported over 200 people so far and people are stil the same toxic piece of sh*ts who abuse quick chat or just trash you via text chat for absolutely no reason. It's especially funny when they bash you for a mistake they made. Why don't these people ever get banned? And i don't mean chat ban, but having their account banned from playing because chat banning people for 24h will not ever change anything. The devs are literally such a joke not to take serious action. f*cking cancerous.

Edit: I will not reply any further, if you disagree with putting more effort into banning toxicity, you're not helping the problem at all. Serious insult and quick chat abuse should be perma banned and not tolerated like it is now. Bye.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Devin - Direct link

Hi everyone, a few points to make on this topic...

  • Reporting absolutely works. We issue chat and game bans multiple times per day based on the reports you file.
  • You're not going to get a Report Feedback message (the pop-up we send you if someone you reported) for every single ban your reports are involved with. We send these out in batches.
  • We do not issue automatic bans based on quick chat usage. Someone using a racial slur during a match =/= someone hitting 'What a save!' three times in rapid succession.
  • If you run into a toxic player worth reporting: Report them, mute them, and move on.
almost 5 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Devin - Direct link

Originally posted by GarthArts

The only people I've seen get banned are ones who dont try to bypass the filter. That's it. Its a joke.

We regularly update our system with "creative" spellings of ban-worthy language.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Devin - Direct link

Originally posted by GarthArts

God i wish i could see that list lmao, it's probably the best and worst thing I'd ever see in my life

Lots of l3375p34K and words with s p a c e s.