I have been playing rocket league for about 5 hours a day for the last year or so.
I main 2s and usually hover around P3 to D1, I perform very well in D1 but when I lose my D1 usually from AFK team mates or playing whilst drunk, I really struggle to get out of P3 and usually drop to low P2, I seem to struggle at lower levels than higher ones.
I decided to start doing training as I am not great mechanically but have good general positioning and game sense, which I believe is why I fair well in D1 because I have good game knowledge but someone good mechanically to score. After training for a week or two religiously each day I have learnt to air dribble etc and have been working on aerials and power hits and recoveries etc.
I now suck and have dropped to Gold 3, I haven't been in Gold 3 for around 8 months. I cannot win games no matter what, everything I do is cleared so easily, I have good general game sense and know how to rotate and back post-rotate, although I would never team mate blame it seems that's if I take a defensive role that no pressure is applied and I inevitably get boost starved if I take an attacking role my team mate will bump me and leave the goal open if I attempt to rotate it will not work as they never start a back rotation in order for me to safely apply pressure.
I need a D1 or D2 to play with me and tell me what I am, doing wrong because I have analysed hours of my gameplay and the more I try to analyse and improve, the worse I get, anyone who could help me even for 30 minutes, I would really appriciate.
I am 23 but happy to take advice from any age.
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