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For the past 2 seasons I’ve been consistently getting SSL in 1s, and the season (before the newest one) I got it on 2s as well. Prior to getting SSL in 1s, I never really played it because I didn’t like it but one day I played a few games and apparently I’m pretty good at it. Now at the time my highest rank was GCs in 2s. I know it seems as if I was boosted, but I haven’t been boosted EVER. I have the SSL tournament title, and that’s it. After the first season of me getting SSL ended, I waited patiently to get my rewards but got nothing. Eventually I contacted support but they told me that “I’m suspicious because I ranked up too fast” and that they won’t give me the rewards. The same thing happened this season. I literally play everyday and have 5,000+ hours in the game. And I have never been boosted and this is completely a mistake on their part. The reason why I’m posting this is because I tried contacting them numerous times over the past few months but they just won’t give me the rewards I worked hard for because I improved fast, and I have nowhere else to ask. If any devs are active on this subreddit, please help me. Thank you

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over 2 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Ted - Direct link

So what was up with those matches in March where you and the same player just FF'd for a bunch of matches in a row back and forth after scoring one goal?