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Truly...I used to solo queue a lot when my friends weren’t online and I still do from time to time. Last night I had one of the best solo queue experiences ever in my 3 years of off and on playing this game.

I started the night low C1. (I’ve been going between C1 and C2 for the last 3 months) and I was beginning to worry that I was in a bad rut and would slip back into the prison that is D3. (I love all you D3’s out there but woof is it hard breaking through that wall)

My first game I got a super chat toxic but decent player and we barely squeezed out a win 4-3. My second game I got the nicest guy/gal in the world but they weren’t the most reliable rotator you’ve ever seen. We ended up losing by 1.

But then, like an angel from heaven, “LAYZ Potatoe1 joined the match”

I know what you’re thinking, (I was thinking it too) that sounds like a randomly generated Xbox 360 name from 2010. Well it might be I can’t confirm nor deny but either way LAYZ Potatoe1 was the best solo queue teammate I’ve ever had.

He rotated reliably, he passed the ball and received passed, he went to net at the right moments and made clutch saves, I can go on and on. Not only was he a solid player with game sense and mechanics, but we just meshed immediately. It’s like we were reading each others minds.

We won the first game 6-2. Then the most intense moment of the night...

I pressed the party up button. I didn’t do this lightly. This was like asking you to be a groomsman at my wedding. This was big.

I waited...5 seconds went by...10 seconds... then that beautiful chime like wedding bells in my ears. I saw the green ball of heaven lighting up next to his name. LAYZ Potatoe1 wanted to play another game with me.

We went on to win 6 games in a row and getting to C1 Div 3. It felt great. It was 1am my time at this point and I had to go to bed regardless of how badly I wanted to keep the streak alive. But the night didn’t end in vain.

We gave our GG’s and I did the boldest thing of all. I sent the friend request. The first random I’ve ever sent a friend request in my 3 years of rocket league play. LAYZ Potatoe1 accepted.

I can’t wait to play with you again. And if you see this...ILY

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almost 5 years ago - /u/dirkened - Direct link

Thank you for the wonderful story <3

I hope LAYZ Potatoe1 and you have many more gaming sessions together in the future!