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Here it is!


A little backstory (TLDR at the bottom):

Back in season 3, I made this post saying if I got to champion, I would get an RL tattoo. However, you guys all remember how much of a meme season 3 was, and I didn't want my tattoo to be based off a meme season. So I changed my mind and said if I ever got to GC, I would do it for sure. Well season 6 was my first time reaching GC, and here we are!


This game really holds a special place in my heart and I've learned so much from it. Everything from discipline, to patience, to learning that everyone makes mistakes. You want to get better at something? Well you better put in the hours to practice. And you might not see any improvement for a long time, but sticking through something even though the payoff isn't immediate can take you a long way. So yes, it is just a soccer car game. But I've spent 2,200+ hours in it and I've loved every second of it!


The coolest thing about this tattoo is that it was completely funded by my viewers on Twitch! So a huge thanks and shout out to them <3 Here's one of the crazier donos we got!

Also shout out to my artist James Mullin for doing such an incredible job!



I said I would get an RL tattoo if I reached GC. Reached GC and viewers on Twitch funded the whole things for me. I really love RL.

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over 6 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Art - Direct link

Looks amazing! Nice one, OP :D

over 6 years ago - /u/Psyonix_Art - Direct link

Originally posted by mordechrist

Thanks for all you do man! Keep making an amazing game :D

Thanks for playing! <3