Version: Rocket League v2.16
Platforms: Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Steam, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Scheduled Release: 6/14/2022, 4 p.m. PDT / 11 p.m. UTC
- v2.16 prepares Rocket League for Season 7
- Season 7 begins on 6/15/2022 at 8 a.m. PDT / 3 p.m. UTC
- Look for additional patch notes detailing Season 7 before the season begins
New Arena Variant- Utopia Coliseum (Gilded) is now available in Private Matches, and Free Play
Custom Training Updates
- Read more about the changes to Custom Training here[]
- You can now complete shots in a training pack in any order you want
- Training pack progress is now included in game save data
- You can reset progress on any training pack (see Pause Menu changes below)
- New controls:
Next and Previous Shot: Freely swap between shots in a training pack
Select Shot: Press and hold will bring up a new drop-down menu that allows you to pick which shot in the pack you want to practice
Shuffle Shots: Randomize the shot order (press again to reset to the original order)
Shot Mirroring: Flip a shot to the opposing side of the arena. Mirroring works on all Arenas currently available in Custom Training
- To view and change Custom Training controls:
- Load into a Custom Training pack
- Go to Settings -> Controls -> View/Change Bindings
- Scroll to the very bottom, and you will see the new inputs right below controls for Knockout
- ‘History’ tab has been added to the Custom Training Menu
- New options have been added to the Custom Training Pause Menu
- Reset Progress
- End Training
- End Training screen: From here, you can jump back into the pack, change to a different game mode, change the training pack, or go back to the main menu.
- This screen will appear the first time you complete every shot in a training pack, and any time you complete all of the shots in a pack after resetting progress
- This screen won’t automatically appear if you are using a training pack that has already been completed if its progress hasn’t been reset
Painted Items
- Sort by Paints: You can now sort Customization Items by Paints in the Car Customization and Manage Inventory menus
- Gold Paint: ‘Gold’ has been added as a Painted color attribute, available on select Customization Items
Player Behavior
- We have made changes and improvements to how we track and take action against in-game griefing and scoring on your own team (“own-goaling”)
- If you witness any griefing or own-goaling during a match, please use the “Match Throwing/Griefing” report reason
- This will lead to disciplinary action under the “Unsportsmanlike Conduct”ban reason
- When a player is banned, a “Report Feedback” notification is sent to all players who sent in eligible reports for Match Throwing/Griefing
- Similar to the new shot controls in Custom Training, ball controls in Free Play now display at all times in the upper left corner
- Changed pop-ups throughout the game to default to "no" when involving Blueprints, Credits, Drops, or Tournament Credits
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug allowing players to leave Competitive 1v1 Duel matches early (before 90 seconds) without receiving a matchmaking ban
- Fixed positioning of in-game Voice Chat notifications
- Fixed a focus issue in the Friends List while navigating the Report/Block list
- [PS, Switch, Xbox] Fixed a rare bug that allowed spectators into some online matches and would place them on the field
- This issue was fixed on PC in v2.15
- Fixed a bug with the Credits pop-up after a trade has completed
- Fixed multiple bugs with text appearance on the Scoreboard
- Fixed appearance of the Shark Tooth Decal on Jager 619
- Fixed the Joker Decal on Dominus so it no longer affects Painted trim color
- Fixed appearance of the MG-88 Decal on Endo
- Voice Chat pop-up for first-time users no longer blocks controller input
- Fixed the post-match scoreboard so the MVP player name doesn’t get cut off
- Fixed a bug causing a players Rank to show up as Unranked on the post-match scoreboard
Known Issues For a complete list of known issues in Rocket League,
go here[]
- [Custom Training] The HUD does not update automatically when changing the controls
- [Custom Training] Some shots may not mirror correctly
- [Custom Training] Replay may show car being moved across the field after a shot is mirrored
- Some Boosts may be partially visible to splitscreen players even when it is not being actively used
- Sometimes the lightning animation above a car does not trigger when a player switches teams
- The ‘Boujee’ Animated Decal is off centered on certain Car Bodies
- The ‘Sizzled’ Decal is listed as an ‘Animated’ decal when it is not
- For first time players only, leaving the RL Intro cinematic causes the car and grass in the Main Menu to be hidden until entering the Garage
- Some Blueprint thumbnails may disappear when rapidly switching between tabs
- When being replaced by a real player, bot names may not disappear from the scoreboard