When I have been playing recently, I don’t receive text chats from cross play. The quick chats work, but the manual text doesn’t if they aren’t on the same system. I went through my settings, my cross chat was enabled, and the setting to block non quick chat is off. I messed with the settings quite a bit and turned them on and off and it didn’t fix.
I’m on ps5 and my girlfriend is on Xbox. We play together often and just recently started having this problem about a month ago. She is also unable to receive text chats from cross plat and has the same settings. We were able to tell when she was talking about someone saying stuff in the chat and I couldn’t see it because they were on Xbox, and the same on her end were I was getting text chat from someone on PlayStation and she was unable to see it.
I saw someone suggest a while back to uninstall and reinstall the game. I just switched about a week ago from ps4 to ps5 and hoped that would fix it but it didn’t. Any suggestions?
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