6 months ago - Rocket League - Direct link
6 months ago - Rocket League - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s defense until the inevitable give up in
2s the Midfield little bit of a double
4s commit miscommunication whatever you
6s want to have it Northwood certainly
7s reeling a bit but if I trust any team to
9s be able to fix things we've seen our
11s fair share of reverse sweep and reverse
12s sweep attempts so far this weekend even
14s within this Sunday bracket maybe
16s Northwood can engineer something just
18s the same yeah getting shut out at forid
20s temples enough to wake up any team worth
22s their assult so hopefully we get a
23s little bit more of a forward Northwood
26s blue in game three but as it is right
27s now I love the fact that in this game
30s the of game one Knight pretty much went
31s to a tertiary roll and the team still
34s won that shows you chemistry is on point
36s so it's an uphill battle for Northwood
37s blue I think the biggest thing you can
39s ask for out of a team is it's great to
40s have one or two players that are really
42s your star players you want to feed them
43s the ball but it's even better when you
44s have all three players that can do that
46s I can say that probably about both of
47s these rosters but when you do kind of
48s rotate roles and say hey if you're
50s feeling it just keep on taking these
51s chances I want you to caught on
52s everything I want you to make the other
54s team uncomfortable and usually that
56s means a lot of demos a fairly clean game
58s I feel like we've had all throughout
60s everyone just focusing on the reads and
61s maryville's rotations they are in lock
64s step with each other and they just have
65s to hope that continues as we move on to
67s dfh seeing if they can engineer a sweep
69s over Northwood something I don't
71s remember the last time I've ever seen
72s that result come through oh wait a clean
74s game are you disappointed do you want
76s more demos like it builds character for
78s these kids I love it 30 seconds laps in
81s game three and hopefully we get a bit
82s more demos for Taco's sake but that said
85s I think the pressure is really on
86s Northwood to do something different and
88s I say that because that first Dem Mo of
90s the game
90s Knight faking out one actually is hockey
93s really thought he had everything covered
94s but turns out does have to think about
96s things a little bit more want to pass by
98s wave speed on the bar just trying to
100s outp spe that last Defender catching in
103s and that's the problem with sometimes
104s rushing that shot yeah absolutely
107s sometimes getting denied by the woodwork
108s is worse than getting stopped by your
109s opponent because of the whole thing of
111s it being a guaranteed goal but you want
113s to keep yourself locked in you really
115s want to shut the door you got to make
116s sure that didn't happen have that memory
117s of a goldfish and it's right there with
119s the button one nil mville relating wave
122s learning from his teammate speed speeds
124s this one over top but then relating wave
126s does not have an angle forward so shoots
128s it straight at the ground the bounce
130s shot underneath a defender on the pre
132s jump such a tricky thing to understand I
134s think zenil is going to understand
135s there's only so much he could have done
137s about that and right now there's only so
139s much Northwood can do to stop marville
141s when they have a head of steam like this
142s they don't look encumbered by the
144s situation they're in they look like
145s they're energized by it and certainly
147s they're not lacking for confidence
149s they're going for all the needs relating
151s wave from the corner this right here was
154s absolutely deadly North was not really
156s paying wrong but you had three cars in
158s the corners so if you get past two it
159s was going to be easy pickings didn't
161s call him doing it himself doesn't matter
163s two nil mville I said did I say
166s confident I think I'm underplaying it
167s from a ling wave he is looking like he's
169s in free play out there unlimited boost
171s to whatever you need poor Northwood
174s they're all sitting in goal on near post
176s but I don't think even the thousands and
179s thousands of hours of experience can
180s prepare you for read like that and to
182s make things worse that's not for the
183s lead it's too extended yeah absolutely
186s doing that angle was difficult to begin
188s with but doing that with an opponent
189s your face this was loose and there
192s barski hockey makes sure that gets on
194s the board and that one is really well
196s played by zenil I like the not the
198s immediate shot coming in from the right
200s to the center you not really able to
201s shoot it anywhere except on that near
203s post so he slows it down plays for a 50
205s trust the rotation is going to click in
207s and now that they have a goal they have
208s something to maybe just take a deep
210s exale and say okay we at least have a
212s foot in now we just have to learn how to
214s be able to maybe take some possession
216s back in this Midfield maybe through Cuts
218s like that maybe through open shots like
220s that Knight is leaning backwards just
222s puts it over the bar I got to be honest
224s with that go from hockey was good to cut
226s the lead in half but better with car
228s control because that ball was in a
229s different angle to have that kind of
231s composure in the face of being down by
234s two shows that Northwood blue is not
236s broken from a team psychological
239s level certainly with 50s like that you
241s can extend these attacks and Neil that's
242s a creative one and he threads the needle
245s it's KS getting on the board and now
247s right before halim we're right back to
249s square one yeah I'm definitely feeling
251s the pressure from mville right you were
252s so close to having other shut out but
254s then blink you miss it now you're
256s equalized you're so close to having a
259s sweep it may slip away are they feeling
261s the pressure Taco do you think so well
263s certainly it's one of those moments as a
265s team where a two-goal lead most
266s dangerous lead in Esports because you
268s know one goal makes it okay it's with
270s and's reach the moment you lose it you
272s really just have to feel the confidence
273s cuz it's one thing to say well at least
274s we're not behind but knowing you had the
276s lead and watching the other team slowly
278s just march on through especially in a
280s backto back scenario in which it really
282s didn't take them that much longer to be
283s able to get the first into the second
285s getting a chain getting momentum is not
287s the thing you want to give Northwood and
288s you don't want to give hockey open shots
290s even from that distance easy enough save
292s but difficult for Mayville to get on top
293s of this one particularly with speed
295s lacking the materials to be able to get
296s up to this one the resource battle
298s starting we on mville creams bullet on
300s the near post that is not a clear zenil
303s gets a 50 for hockey to follow but he
305s will faint by it potentially going for a
307s light touch that simply wasn't there
310s wave to the corner Kareem's back to the
312s back post and knight's going to be able
313s to Ricochet that again oh my goodness
316s marville dodg a dagger if there ever was
319s one they were out of boo out of
320s opportunity and as I say that maybe they
323s have more Misfortune on the offing shot
325s top of the key and that was knocked away
327s and t t i' be honest with you it's been
329s all North with the last 60 seconds or so
331s yeah they're out shooting their
332s opponents and you can see a lot of these
333s shots start to ramp up really near the
336s end speed went underneath that first
338s reain almost got that bump on that last
339s Defender could have been just that
341s simple get mville back in the lead but
343s they keep on searching they keep on
345s going for these bumps but creams too
347s fast he's going to leap over and get a
348s clear but now zil needs to follow suit
350s relating wave gets over that one Knight
352s trying to pre jump hocky gets there
353s first but no more boost turning away his
355s speed despite the full tank I think
357s that's the apprehension I was worried
359s about for mville they've lost their lead
361s and now they don't want to dive in
362s unnecessarily y absolutely you don't
364s want to be timid on this one because
366s making mistakes comes from being
368s hesitant and marville capitalizes it's
370s three to two and I thought Northwood had
372s this too hockey doesn't get that read
374s but zil's right underneath it I think he
375s thought he didn't want to cut he didn't
376s want to risk hitting the break and
378s jumping maybe risking an awkward 50 but
380s it really everyone looking at it kind of
382s staring at each other and just saying I
384s think you might have it turns out the
386s only person that does have it is
387s relating wave he has all the goals for
389s marville
390s potentially the hatri hero to propel
393s them to a sweep to start off broadcast
395s yeah really no excuse there CU typically
397s that happens to someone like myself I
399s kind of blame on the hitbox mismatch
400s from changing cars but they were in the
402s octane the entire series it was just
404s kind of a a mistake there there ever was
406s one zenil not able to get that one an
409s awkward moment to be sure but doesn't
411s mean the attack is over speed can only
413s touch this so far into the midfield for
414s zenil going to the ceiling meeting
417s Knight so is wave being able to send
419s that one forward dreams not to touch you
421s once but that's why zenil is there the
422s little pop it's brilliant for 3
425s three what just happened you dividing
428s the the laws of physics and ingame
430s physics seil undersides it Turtles it
434s and just sends it in there like male on
436s Sunday we're level and I love those
438s types of reads especially because the
440s defender it comes out of the Blind Side
441s just directly behind you and suddenly
443s you're saying oh I can get this clear oh
445s now it's popped over me and all right
446s well just put the control down wipe my
448s hands and we're going have to back again
450s but maybe we're not going to be able to
452s truly see OT because some last second
454s heroics are coming in from Northwood
457s fully boosted up his creams maybe one
458s more chance for him that's going to be
460s over top of Knight that's over top of
462s speed off the deflection will be able to
464s yield at least a little bit of time I
466s don't think Northwood is going to be
467s taken too many more chances as a Neil
469s just slaps that one to the sidewall
470s creams will try to extend but relating
472s wave does hit that near Target did not
475s have the distance OT for Northwood to
477s try and stay alive I bet kind of wish
481s they had 501 but that's not the case
483s over time next go
485s winsil potentially getting that reset
488s past everybody but need a bit more scoop
490s on that one to be outspeed he has turned
492s into somewhat of a defensive wall at
494s times for mville but where is the
496s defense for Northwood one player bites
499s and that is GG's I had no idea the pass
503s here self Spider-Man style was going to
505s be the dagger but there it is and the
508s twist three straight game
510s and we have a winner and it's not
512s Northwood blue let me tell you what for
514s those of you who are fans of Collegiate
516s rocket League let me tell you this is
518s one of the most impressive performances
520s we have seen and also one of the most
522s unexpected Northwood more or less has a
524s reservation in Grand finals for every
527s single Collegiate esport they might as
528s well reserve the trophies really just
530s get their address early on to the
531s tournament organizers because they are
533s so often the favorites they will take
535s down any team in their wake or at the
537s very least push on back the fact that
539s this is a sweep Novant is mindblowing to
542s me but it's not surprising as it could
544s be considering How well marville was
546s playing yeah I'm with you 100% if I saw
548s this reading the results I go what what
550s happened but in game one we were saying
552s marville closed down the space and
554s really doubled down their defensive
556s efforts on that crossbar and that
558s backboard to really eradicate plan one
561s and plan two from Northwood but as this
563s series went on they were just basically
565s in the face playing the tank role in
568s that mid pitch there really wasn't
569s connecting passes Northwood blue was
571s known for so he found a second way to
573s break down that Squad that sweep was
575s amazing because of how methodical it was
578s and being able to slowly pick apart
580s Northwood there was that last goal I was
582s a bit surprised by that but I think
583s those wide rotations particularly the
585s start of OT where everyone's trying to
587s think really carefully I need to
588s maintain my Boost I need to make sure
589s I'm not overc committing on something
591s and then there's one moment where you
592s might say let's go out to the corner
593s instead of grabbing pads and then you
594s turn back on ball Cam and suddenly that
596s Ball's On Target you can't get back in
598s time and I have to say it's a way to
600s lose but you know Northwood going to be
602s looking at that kind of shaking their
603s head saying this is the first time we've
604s really met a team that doesn't
606s necessarily stand up to us on the same
607s Pace but really is outpacing us it was
609s the first time where you see a team play
611s reactively so personally I'm shocked I'm
614s a bit blown away I'm curious to see what
615s the rest of the desk thinks as we throw
617s back to Seb and chicka to get their
619s thoughts uh wow okay well I guess that
622s reverse uh analyst Des curse kind of
624s goes pretty hard in this one uh
626s unfortunately that is Northwood first
628s time getting SW weeped in a bracket
631s since World 2023 if my recollection is
635s correct in saying that was against fiser
637s College in bracket now this time chcka
641s against mville this is the fresh
642s marville European mville yeah I mean
645s marville looked phenomenal night in
647s particular the only returning player on
649s that roster was consistent throughout
651s the series and then speed and relenting
654s waves are just such an impressive Duo
657s that are both as we mentioned from
660s just consistent in their history of rlcs
663s it it's been very impressive to watch
666s them play throughout the entirety of
668s this game and catch Northwood blue off
671s guard consistently I kept asking myself
674s where's the defense where's the defense
676s the shots were on target the placement
678s was there and they consistently caught
681s Northwood blue off guard on the
683s rotations now Taco when we're looking at
684s this obviously the East versus West
686s rivalry goes deep for a lot of these and
689s even though you know we do have two
690s European players coming in does this
693s mean that currently our best team is
695s from the
696s West uh yeah I mean liia shout out to to
701s the wonderful website for Rocket League
703s Esports they do have a title that says
705s unofficial world champion pretty much
707s anytime the team that wins world loses
709s in any competition the team that beats
711s them is the new winner based on that
713s logic and the last big Collegiate event
715s being the summer mville yes you get your
717s Vengeance you go from second place in
718s that summer event to now being I would
721s say the facto Champions the number one
723s team out there but of course racket's
725s not over yeah yeah no bracket uh isn't
729s over and with that obviously we still
731s have our losers match to go it's still a
733s long road I mean Northwood they have a
735s good chance I would say Obviously with
738s the two teams that are coming in but I
740s mean I can't remember the last time I
742s saw Northwood and losers for anything
744s really yeah it's kind of shocking to see
746s but you know to have a revenge tour you
748s need to be like wronged right so I'm not
751s going to count North Blue out yet
752s they're just that good hopefully we get
754s to see them in the grand finals cuz that
755s would be a story and a half well we will
758s be going to the lower end of the bracket
761s just shortly next up it will be Concord
764s versus fiser to see who will face off
767s against Northwood in our lower final
770s this is the crl we'll be right back
777s [Music]
788s I know you said stay out of this bit but
791s I don't get tired of it told me I never
795s be happy I'm not sad at
800s all maybe I'm a
802s Fool following my dreams
807s but you're going to see me on every
810s magazine
816s [Music]
839s never meant to disappoint you smart
843s enough to be a lawyer don't you waste
846s your time on me cuz I don't care at
851s all maybe I'm a
855s Fool my
858s dream you're going to see me on magazine
867s [Music]
886s you never know
889s [Music]
891s your if you
894s never go for
897s go GRE
900s you just need some
903s [Music]
911s [Music]
926s patience oh
929s oh oh
932s [Music]
954s [Music]
986s he
988s [Music]
1024s [Music]
1035s he
1037s [Music]
1069s [Music]
1074s [Music]
1083s he
1087s [Music]
1099s [Music]
1121s [Music]
1131s [Music]
1133s he
1137s [Music]
1145s [Music]
1155s [Music]
1173s [Music]
1176s you
1180s [Music]
1216s [Music]
1222s 1 2 3
1225s [Music]
1246s [Music]
1258s w
1260s [Music]
1264s [Applause]
1268s B for this
1271s [Music]
1293s [Music]
1299s [Music]
1317s get
1318s [Music]
1331s the
1347s [Music]
1350s 1 2
1351s [Music]
1376s 3 welcome back everyone to the crl it is
1382s our first match that is done Northwood
1384s versus marville everyone it was a
1386s surprising result to say the least
1388s Northwood getting swept is something I
1391s don't think anyone was expecting
1392s considering they are our crl fall 2023
1395s Champions and summer series champions
1396s coming into this for their first
1398s tournament of the crl semester and they
1401s are now in lowers but with that they
1403s will be facing off against whoever is
1406s the winner of our next season series
1409s it's going to be Concord versus fiser
1412s two incredibly hyped up rosters one
1416s bringing in pieces from Europe another
1419s bringing in pieces from North America of
1422s course with both of them all of them our
1425s incredibly High Lev players Concord of
1427s course having and featuring rlcs level
1430s players and seas and crispy and also
1432s bringing in Helix as well on the Fisher
1434s side you know these names if you are
1436s familiar with our scene Sosa Adam and
1439s one to Mike all from around the bubble
1441s scene and rlcs for years now and they'll
1444s be facing off what will be our lower
1447s semi-final Taco this is a run I think
1450s for both these teams Concord I don't
1453s think we were expecting in lowers
1455s considering it felt like they had
1457s maryville's number but now they are here
1459s well that's the thing is that everyone
1461s seems like we have these predictions
1462s that come in but the greatest thing
1463s about CR is how chaotic it tends to be a
1465s lot of these teams really go all over
1467s the place in terms of we're going to
1469s predict them to win Concord probably has
1471s the Victory and then mville is playing
1473s well like mville is they do even better
1475s against a harder opponent in Northwood
1477s the next round so clearly they're on a
1478s streak but I don't think that counts out
1479s Concord same with Northwood I think both
1481s these higher seeds are first and second
1482s seeds across this entire open are now in
1485s lowers which is such a surreal thing to
1486s even think about but uh to say that they
1489s to be counted out that they're having an
1490s off day is different I think everyone is
1492s just playing at Peak potential right now
1494s and then at this point it's really just
1495s who has better 50s who has better
1497s challenges who has the better strategy
1499s to implement yeah pretty much now nant
1501s when I'm looking at fer as well I mean
1503s this is a team that has always been near
1506s the top when it comes to Fisher or when
1507s it comes to crl since they started but
1510s has never quite reached that absolute
1513s Pinnacle whether it's at crl Worlds
1514s whether it's National Championships but
1517s now that they have a new roster they've
1518s taken pieces from the former mville
1520s roster in Adam and they brought in one
1522s to Mike who did play in Old Miss it
1524s seems like they really are going for it
1527s this time around yeah that's definitely
1529s the story when it comes to fish are a
1531s fantastic program top to bottom that has
1533s been pretty much shive winning the big
1535s one so what do you do you get Talent
1537s from other programs who are doing well
1539s and also you try to see if the chemistry
1541s play works for them as well Adam and one
1544s de Mike have shown some promise some
1545s Fashions of Brilliance but really the TR
1547s test for them starts today and now
1549s chicksa they are both coming here uh I
1552s will say that fisher obviously has a lot
1554s of European demons to have to deal with
1556s especially since Sosa is that last
1558s foring
1559s roster but now they are here they've
1561s gone through three or four consecutive
1562s best of fives now all the way from the
1564s Open qualifier to here how are we
1568s feeling about fiser is this the team
1571s that really is going to be able to take
1572s it where Concord going to be able to
1574s finally prove that they are that proper
1576s second seed they are the
1578s hype I mean you got to say fisher Navy
1581s has been making a heck of a lower
1584s bracket run we have mentioned in the
1586s past Adam being on mville Adam being
1589s also on northw Northwood white a while
1591s ago so they understand the crl scene
1594s very well one to mic the same thing has
1596s a history in rlcs did play in colleg at
1599s Sosa returning since 2022 on this roster
1601s so they have a lot of Collegian
1603s experience can they bring it to the
1605s table but concord's the New Kids on the
1607s Block they're the hot commodity and may
1609s I say they played better against mville
1611s than Northwood blue just did so it's
1614s kind of hard to figure out who's really
1616s going to come out on top when Concord
1618s has has been just consistently also
1621s playing really well with these EU
1624s players on that side I mean I got to say
1625s it's pretty impressive to see just how
1628s complex these teams have gotten Taco I
1631s do want to want to bring to attention I
1633s mean Sosa is a player that like you and
1635s I have looked at a long time and he
1636s really kind of does take that Mentor
1639s figure at least when it comes to his
1640s rlcs teams he really tries his hardest
1643s to bring on young players to be able to
1645s help develop them into these flourishing
1648s rosters we feel like this is the same
1649s kind of thing he's trying to do with the
1652s fer Squad here now that all of his old
1654s teammates are gone money and kin are out
1655s he's brought in fresh Talent from all
1657s over crl I think at the end of the day
1660s he's trying to not necessarily do what I
1662s think a lot of people assume crl rosters
1664s do let's just collect the best players
1666s and just throw them on a roster and you
1667s have Adam who is brently at the top of
1670s crl in some way or another you have one
1672s Mike who was on an old Miss inaugural
1674s Squad that looked promising and didn't
1676s really live up to things and admittedly
1678s my self and other analyst kind of looked
1679s at that and said H Wonder was not really
1681s fitting in there is he really cut out to
1683s play at this top level here we know how
1685s good he is but it might just be a
1687s chemistry thing it might just really
1689s come down to getting along with other
1690s people and then later on when we're
1692s talking about fer there's Fisher Navy
1693s and fer white Fisher Navy actually
1695s knocked out fer white from qus earlier
1697s on before getting into Sunday they have
1700s a team player Justice probably the best
1702s player on that Squad a lot of people are
1703s saying why is he not here it's because
1705s they said they Sosa chose Adam and chose
1707s one to m because of the chemistry and
1709s with this deep of a run I feel like he
1711s made the right decision they're choosing
1713s players based on how well they can all
1715s click together maybe not just entirely
1717s off of potential Peak yeah a lot of
1719s people that was us that was us we're
1721s like why why is justce on the pain Squad
1723s and we're like okay well you know what
1725s proved us wrong so Nas I've I've talked
1728s about this before where it it I coined
1731s it the the European Exodus because while
1735s you know a lot of European players have
1737s come over like if we're looking at that
1739s top eight of teams right now we have a
1742s significant percentage that is European
1745s players and Concord is kind of the
1747s spearhead of that and bringing the two
1749s most high level European players that we
1752s have here currently in crl in seos and
1754s chrisy over here rlcs level players and
1757s going to be able to actually comp
1759s compete able to carry on that European
1762s Legacy in North American siero yeah
1764s absolutely I know there's a kind of a
1766s knee-jerk reaction to be like oh man the
1768s the Europeans are coming and getting in
1770s my squads or whatever but you think
1772s about any Top Flight league in any sport
1775s IRL or otherwise when people are willing
1777s to make that change to go into your
1778s system that knows that you are in the
1781s best position possible North America has
1783s shown their dominance before once you
1785s have the talent the skill set that makes
1787s him play in our systems why not have the
1790s best players play for your squad in
1791s Concord it's just a little bit doing
1793s that right now but you know what I'm
1794s saying is is that when it comes down to
1795s it we not going to say oh the Europeans
1797s won we're going to say Concord one or
1799s any North American Squad that applies to
1801s now uh chcka Helix is kind of the
1804s unknown entity that we talked about
1806s previous uh previously where that he is
1809s very much alongside star studded Talent
1813s he is kind of the odd man out in this
1815s case despite that though I mean from
1817s what we've seen in Taco you can attest
1819s to this this is a player that has still
1822s been able to elevate himself to the
1824s level of those players and at times kind
1827s of be that mvp
1830s yeah I think it's wonderful to always
1831s find someone who maybe isn't necessarily
1834s on the Forefront uh leading the stats or
1837s or just being on the Forefront of P I
1839s believe he's the only one without a
1840s liquipedia page one of the only in the
1842s entire top eight tournament uh I mean
1845s it's it's a weird stat to stay but most
1847s of these players are just achievements
1850s out across so the fact that Helix is
1852s here he's playing with two wonderful
1854s players and he's consistently Bridging
1856s the Gap between them he is the longest
1859s player of course on this Concord roster
1862s and he's managed to show kind of the
1864s Concord spirit that they want to bring
1866s to the table and just how well he can
1868s adapt to new teammates and play now in
1871s the what what are we we're at the top
1873s four so I mean it's pretty impressive
1877s there's four teams there's four teams
1879s and he's he's in one of them the four
1881s best teams in the country and with that
1884s let's get to our predictions of course
1887s we are in the lower semis and the stakes
1889s only get higher from here so Taco please
1892s what is your prediction for our lower
1894s semi see the thing is I feel kind of bad
1896s I've been doing quala coverage I've been
1898s streaming Fisher Navy and I've seen them
1900s win on stream in their qual match in the
1904s first round in the second round and yet
1907s I'm going to choose Concord just despite
1909s the fact that I really believe in
1911s Fisher's ability Concord has been nigh
1913s Untouchable up until this singular
1917s series that they lost just beforehand um
1919s a little bit earlier on off Stream So
1921s This is a squad that definitely is built
1923s for success and ordinarily if I was
1926s Pitch these two rosters that say Helix I
1927s mean he's just not a pro level I don't
1929s know how I can fit in he fits like a
1930s glove in this Concord roster I think
1932s losing to mville is not really a
1933s shameful thing you've seen how well
1935s marville is playing I have them in this
1937s one and fer will try their darness to
1939s stay in as they always seem to do cha
1942s this is this is a
1944s heater I mean I'm I'm going to reference
1947s that marville game I don't know if
1949s anybody watched it on VOD stream three
1951s over times in order for mville to squeak
1954s past it could have been concord's game
1957s that's why I'm going with Concord here
1959s they look to be at the top of their game
1960s today they've contested marville the
1962s best who just swept Northwood blue I I
1966s feel like we haven't wrapped our heads
1968s around how this bracket is really
1969s shaking out these teams are here to play
1972s Concords here to play devont where do
1974s you see this chicks and taco are not
1977s wrong but I gotta be honest with you fer
1980s is on a run in that lower bracket we
1982s love one to Mike un I know I do I got
1985s fiser in four when it comes down to the
1989s how these teams match up I got Fisher
1991s Navy all the way you know you would
1993s think that in this case I would pick
1995s Soso because he is the Canadian but I'm
1997s using my brain I'm going with Concord
2000s this is a team that I had as second in
2003s the nation they have looked so good and
2005s even despite losing to a peaking Mari
2008s who so clearly is on top right now I
2011s still believe in the pedigree of this
2013s roster SAS is insane on the pitch and
2016s now they all have a Supporting Cast to
2018s be able to support themselves for this
2020s brand new roster it's going to be SAS
2023s along with Concord against Sosa and fer
2027s two high high level captains at the peak
2031s of Rocket League game play it's going to
2034s be North America versus Europe once
2037s again on the crl stage fiser versus
2041s Concord for our lower semifinals casters
2045s take it
2046s [Music]
2048s away oh my goodness Seb couldn't have
2050s brought it in any better and neither can
2052s I we're right here Fisher Navy Concord
2056s two very different rosters one with crl
2061s history whether it's not on the same
2063s team or not now they here are a team in
2066s fiser Navy and they're here to play
2068s their lower bracket run Concord on the
2071s other end of things New Kids on the
2073s Block have been winning and now although
2076s they dropped to marille they're here for
2079s that rematch they want to go back to it
2081s cool thing about starting in the upper
2083s is that you have the lowers to play you
2084s know just have an off game and then
2086s suddenly everything is all over we say
2088s different things about West Virginia
2089s unfortunately yet another tournament in
2090s which they start an uppers and then
2092s immediately lose two straight but we're
2094s not focused on the teams that don't get
2096s there we're focused on teams that are
2097s trying to go even further elix almost
2100s starts us off with a nice little low
2101s shot underneath the defense but
2103s apparently not going to be that easy oh
2105s that clear isn't where it needs to be
2107s backboard open Adam back to it can't get
2109s the shot off though and see as crispy
2112s able to extend this one into Midfield
2115s it's been Concord with the early
2117s pressure and fer haven't been able to
2118s get much past this side until now they
2122s drop it it feels like the feeler out
2125s that we're getting in the first minute
2126s or so who knows how many times these two
2128s have played but certainly the challenges
2130s have been coming through on both ends
2132s and big thing that you look for from fer
2134s is how creative they are I've got to
2136s know this team fairly well based on
2137s broadcasting them so frequently this
2139s weekend and the one thing they have to
2140s look for is sosa really is the player
2143s that they're trying to find but one Mike
2145s incredibly creative he will be able to
2146s find a way to out 50 any player he be
2149s able to tuck a pass into the weirdest of
2151s situations to find his teammates and
2153s that's really going to be the litus test
2154s I think for Concord how well they
2156s predict those passes they shut down
2158s those kind of strange kind of crafty
2160s angles that fisher really does favor and
2162s as long as they do that I trust in
2164s Concord to have the offense and the
2165s vision to find teammates kind of like
2167s that one how about a bump on the end of
2168s that pass and yet Fisher stays in front
2171s now with one Mike trying to take it all
2172s the way back faking him out though no
2174s boost none
2175s needed man I I was going to talk about
2178s one Mike being a little bit too close to
2179s his teammates but he has the opportunity
2182s to make the one-on-one play and seos
2184s expects a backboard double tap and
2186s wonder Mike just puts it in underneath
2188s him under that crossbar and manages to
2191s score first for fiser Navy it's a very
2194s hard earned goal to start off this
2197s series and you have to wonder what's in
2200s the thoughts of Concord right now
2201s they've had most of the pressure up
2203s field but one transition is all that
2205s matters to start it off yeah
2207s particularly when players are diving in
2209s like that Adam luckily was able to make
2210s up for one to m going a bit too
2212s aggressive on this one Speaking of Helix
2214s able to recover in time to prevent Adam
2216s from scoring a banger from that side
2217s corner
2218s now Concord has plenty of space to build
2220s he's going to leave it for Zas that's
2222s going to be a demo but he gets the save
2224s off fer heroically stepping in front of
2226s these shots forcing Concord to be able
2228s to take the path L traveled it seems
2230s like to the
2232s ball so off the corner not the initial
2234s challenge huge clear for Wonder Mike
2237s actually puts it on target 50s keep on
2241s coming Helix with some time but no boost
2243s notably Concord has seemly not had much
2246s boost to work with crispy double tap
2249s here can he sneak it in Seas can't get
2251s through either seems like they were
2252s grasping for straws there and even the
2254s extra effort from Helix still won't go
2256s on through yeah it's difficult thing to
2258s be able to get the angles correct you
2260s can be as close as you want but if you
2261s have one player on fiser that is jumping
2263s in the way you're going to have to go
2264s indirectly that's typically where demos
2266s come in or at the very least your boost
2267s control because if you keep the ball
2269s floating above the Midfield and floating
2271s above the goal you're going to force the
2272s other team to use a lot of boost the
2273s thing is is that Concord is going too
2275s direct they're shooting it off the
2276s backboard but they're rotating too fast
2278s they don't have an immediate follow so
2279s it relies on them getting perfect first
2281s and second touches not right there is a
2284s best example from SAS that one's not
2286s going to go on target but at the very
2287s least they're still in the half they're
2288s still on offense up until Adam lobs this
2291s one to slow things down maybe Helix an
2293s opportunity quickly challenged by Sosa
2295s demo could open up the board great
2297s passing play crispy can't put it on in
2299s and he's demoed for his efforts one Mike
2302s to come through with the last save and
2305s that offensive display gone just like
2308s that for Concord and yet they keep it
2310s going somewhat with these touches
2312s problem is fer has no real hesitancy be
2315s able to stack the Box put everybody in
2318s the way and so far it is working out
2320s because it is still 1 Z AL be at the
2322s shot differential really starting to
2323s rise already we have seen a solid 10
2326s shots coming in from Concord and the way
2328s that they're playing I think that
2329s they're just getting kick started on
2331s this one trying to set some new PRS for
2333s the shots on target al beit with no res
2336s result yet
2338s crisp off the corner challenged quickly
2341s by Sosa but SAS in Midfield doesn't have
2343s a challenger just yet 50s with Adam and
2346s Adam in control off the corner another
2349s 50 to come on through Wonder Mike last
2351s back and still managing to get the
2353s touches out Sosa buying time great boost
2356s pad pick up flip reset towards the
2358s backboard and CS they're exactly where
2360s needed to start the transition for their
2363s office grabs Tris crispy and that one
2366s won't be on target either conquer how
2369s many times are they going to go around
2370s the box but yet not in it it really does
2373s feel like they're playing kind of like a
2376s track game right now they're just taking
2377s laps around one trying to get bumped out
2379s of the way but he will Dodge and get the
2381s initial save Sosa Adam combining for the
2384s clear what are we looking at chicka
2387s everything Concord is throwing at fer
2388s they have some form of an answer but
2391s maybe in the final 10 we can see the
2393s opportunity crispy into Helix it's just
2397s over the B
2398s Adam with a 50 down crispy trying to
2400s keep it up but he is headed in the wrong
2403s direction so so with a dunk one to Mike
2406s with a Chase and I just don't know if
2408s they can carry it all the
2409s way oh0 seconds on the clock this one to
2412s touch the ground Fisher navy able to
2416s pull off a defensive master class on
2419s that goal line should they have won that
2422s game uh probably not but they managed to
2427s uh
2428s despite all adversity and then Concord
2432s 14 shots of which zero go on in yeah
2437s let's also point out the scrappy nature
2439s of Fisher Navy generating nine saves to
2442s keep that goal line clear this is what I
2444s was talking about with Concord that
2445s might be a loss but I'm coming away with
2447s that still confident in their ability
2448s the issue is Fisher Navy playing their
2450s angles well I don't even mind the nine
2452s shots because most of the time as you
2454s see on the replay package they're in the
2456s way of these reads it's not a
2457s desperation last second pre- flip
2459s they're just playing their angle smart
2461s and having everybody able to cover each
2462s other superbly like that last one so to
2465s get in the first touch and Adam getting
2466s the clear I don't even know how you CM
2468s that yeah it it was really crazy
2471s defensive effort on fiser Navy's side
2473s and huge props to them they never gave
2476s up on that goal line even the play
2478s seemed like it was dead or already on
2479s and they kept on pushing and pushing and
2481s pushing forward but Concord as soon as
2484s that first goal goes on in I feel like
2486s it's going to be these dominoes that
2487s just fall and it's going to be
2489s unstoppable so they need to find that
2492s clickable moment to beat Fisher Navy on
2495s the defensive goal line they tried some
2497s bumps and demos that didn't work they
2499s tried the Boost starve method that
2501s didn't work maybe better accuracy who
2503s knows maybe they just will show us what
2506s they have up their sleeve and so we go
2508s to the prettiest map to potentially see
2511s a gorgeous representation of the highest
2513s level of Rocket League cuz last game
2515s felt Scrappy that's what I keep saying
2516s to Define Fisher because that's really
2518s how all their wins have been not just
2520s because they're in game five but because
2522s the nature of these victories they're
2523s clearly talented they're getting in the
2525s way they're getting a solid goals or
2526s building up well but it really does come
2528s down to just how well they're able to
2530s get away with these last second saves
2531s being able to avoid these demos and step
2534s in on plays like that Midfield pass was
2536s there and yet Adam still had an answer
2538s for it Helix doing his best in Midfield
2542s pops this one gets the followup not on
2544s target actually bounces off seemingly
2547s the
2548s part of that post and out doing their
2551s best to stay in Midfield is Concord but
2554s quickly the ball given away Sosa
2556s opportunity for a shot slots it
2558s underneath the defense and fiser Navy on
2560s the board first to Fisher credit they
2562s don't need a lot of looks to be able to
2563s get their goal Adam does well to take
2565s away pretty much every single type of
2567s clear that you want from Concord out of
2569s that corner and even better Sosa is
2571s turning in and shoots it low and
2573s slightly behind SAS knows that he has
2574s everything covered to his car's right so
2577s putting on his left side means that
2578s momentum is going to take him away easy
2580s goal and easy slot for the deao Fisher
2583s Captain uh Helix opportunity 50 won't
2586s come through Adam have much time but
2590s still able to get the beat now looking
2592s for someone in Midfield instead seos
2594s there instead pops it over two tries to
2596s find the bump on the other one Mike the
2598s save on the goal line does the defense
2601s ever sto for Fisher Navy well right now
2605s at least they are trying to test that
2607s theory of whether or not they can get
2608s out of Defense with these longer air
2609s dribbles which are crucial to buy time
2611s you don't want to always just be
2613s defending by clearing the ball down the
2614s line because eventually you're just
2615s going to be giving up possession you're
2617s getting boost just to use it when the
2618s ball comes right back Fisher I think
2620s understands that which is why they're
2621s starting to play for these 50s they're
2622s starting to play for these low angles
2624s and not trying to dive in too
2626s aggressively and when they do you got to
2627s go with full confidence kind of like
2629s that from Adam not only dunks through
2630s crispy but gets the extension forward
2632s yeah I appreciate the pre jumps and the
2635s effort from Fisher Navy in the Midfield
2637s that's where it all starts off crispy
2639s last second save on the goal line but
2641s it's been fiser Navy keeping the ball
2643s now in the offensive half because they
2646s keep contesting so early each and every
2649s challenge has worked out for them and
2651s now they've been able to get some
2652s extended offense because of it not much
2655s offense last game of course we saw from
2657s fiser Navy but certainly more so to
2659s start in this one already in Concord
2662s still looking for that secret sauce to
2665s score up field they just haven't been
2667s able to get through Fisher Navy just
2670s yet deflection technically On Target
2672s crispy should have that one but the
2674s bounce out from Soo looking for a double
2675s should be stopped by crispy that will be
2678s another one to follow up as Wonder Mike
2679s is there the Cross Field pass it's
2682s flawlessly done Fisher doubles the
2685s lead boost starved right now is Concor
2689s nobody on the field other than CS with
2691s that little bit of bubble as you saw out
2694s of him Concord doesn't know where to go
2697s they're being caught off in that
2698s Midfield Fisher stealing all the Boost
2701s from their side as well it's consistent
2703s pressure consistent rotations Fisher
2707s really playing a near perfect game
2711s throughout all of this they've managed
2713s to find every way to stop Concord
2716s offensively and defensively and now with
2719s just over 2 minutes remaining a very
2721s comfortable two goal lead and Concord
2723s yet to score now nearing 8 minutes of
2727s game play I think if you want a
2729s psychological insight you're starting to
2730s see SM and crispy double committing for
2732s some of these reads at first in game one
2734s it kind of looked like they were just
2735s doing calculated fakes and I could buy
2737s that but a couple times now it's been a
2738s lob off the sidewall where it almost
2740s feels like one of them just says I got
2742s it the other one lately says I got it
2743s and then they kind of just stare at each
2744s other but I need them to be a bit more
2746s coordinated either one goes for a bump
2748s or one goes for the cealing hit into the
2749s next one kind of like that and then
2751s maybe get a goal Adam in no man's land
2753s that is the
2754s consequence yeah a little bit too far
2756s pushed out when Mike not getting the
2758s greatest Challenge and that opens up the
2761s field for seamass to get the shot just
2763s past Adam well worked job for Concord
2767s they're able to just keep up the
2769s pressure in front of the goal line to
2772s find the last Finishing Touch but can
2774s they do it again or is one might going
2775s to strike this one deflected away popped
2779s back up not much boost again on the side
2781s of Concord they'll do their best though
2783s still threatening with their presence up
2785s field crispy was sitting on that mid 100
2788s boost finally it spawns for him but
2790s certainly searching for this boost game
2793s is Concord yeah but I like that from
2794s Concord as you mentioned earlier on they
2796s were very lacking for resources so being
2798s able to get anything in the tank be able
2800s to make Aerials like that is all too
2803s important sometimes that also results in
2805s slowing down waiting for that stuff to
2806s spawn be able to get your pads and then
2808s build from there because now they have
2810s their first goal they have some
2811s confidence back but of course not going
2813s to be so easy to break on down I think
2814s game one defense proved that one and
2816s also Adam jumps are continuing to
2819s provide evidence Helix is not going to
2820s be stopped too far but one Mike is able
2822s to circumvent that first Challenge and
2824s dribble past all
2825s three a great challenge Sosa towards the
2828s back wall crispy only deflecting seos
2831s Adam oneon-one Adam winning this 50 and
2834s so one Mike on the ceiling had the read
2837s Helix a last second save but the offense
2840s continues for Fisher finally a pop Adam
2843s their first yet again he has been in
2845s that High aerial range and every time in
2848s the Midfield to stop Concord pressure
2851s you mentioned pre jumps it's real
2853s they're able to stop this Concord
2855s offense and they need to hold on for
2857s another 10 seconds not going to be too
2859s easy too because one of Mike just gave
2861s it away crispy has a limited boost I
2862s don't think Adam knows that he plays
2864s every angle high and he will get most of
2866s it one to Mike trying to dribble this
2867s one straight down there's nobody in the
2869s zip code Fisher Navy has a free Spike
2872s down and they will take yet another
2875s close margin Victory setting themselves
2877s up for a
2878s sweep it's crazy Fisher Navy's been
2881s winning in game five now all of a sudden
2884s knocking on the door of match point this
2887s time shots even saves one more for
2892s Fisher Navy and of course one extra goal
2895s on that end of the field it's a well
2897s played game for Fisher Navy again almost
2899s fault free seemingly we we can't seem to
2903s Pi pick apart Fisher just because
2905s they've consistently been there done
2907s that they're everywhere on the field and
2910s they're able to still provide the
2911s offense with it yeah but also looking at
2913s the replays looking at the goals that
2914s fer was able to generate it's mainly off
2916s of those infield passes it's finding
2918s that pocket of space and a lot of them
2920s are pretty difficult some of it is just
2921s poaching up on the sidewall saying hey
2922s I'm just going to throw this middle
2923s hopefully one of you is there CU I know
2925s there's at least a decent amount of
2926s space but the second one from one de
2927s Mike he could shoot that off the corner
2929s he could be able to just tap that one
2931s high up the backboard but instead he
2932s leans back doesn't flip into it just
2934s lets it glide into the Midfield which
2936s could be pretty risky considering you
2938s know Sosa is all the way on the far side
2940s of the field if that gets intercepted
2942s that might as well just be a free
2943s Breakaway but again it's the
2944s coordination it's the chemistry that
2946s they invested in that's getting them to
2948s this point and it has to be refreshing
2949s for Fisher Navy to not have to deal with
2952s going to game five potentially but we
2954s still have plenty of games to go and
2955s Concord like any highly competitive team
2958s have to take it one game at a time
2959s seeing if they have to engineer a
2960s reverse sweep to stay
2963s alive CH Navy looking versatile as ever
2967s we'll see if they're able to score first
2970s yet again they've managed to do so in
2972s each game so far Helix giving that one
2976s away Sosa managing to find the save this
2979s one popped out Sosa backflip slight
2982s danger Helix there first does find it
2985s and First Blood does go to Concord I
2988s like us from Helix just making sure it
2990s is on target as hard as he possibly can
2992s generate as you can see leans into it in
2994s the last bit that gives it a bit more
2996s acceleration on the shot for Adam going
2998s for the in and out potentially trying to
2999s avoid all those bodies flying in front
3001s of him and honestly to his credit
3003s probably could have had that save angled
3004s it differently but either way Concord
3006s that's a huge relief now it's an
3008s entirely different Dynamic to be able to
3010s just defend your lead play consistent
3012s through the Midfield rather than trying
3013s to have a come from behind Dynamic SAS
3016s almost surprised in the jump scare there
3018s follow up from the pass from Adam going
3020s to be red well by crispy one my clearing
3023s up field actually gets his own pass
3025s double tap read on Target crispy the
3028s save out of followup slots it underneath
3030s the bar and there's the answer from
3032s Fisher Navy early oh Wonder that's the
3034s most gorgeous assist you can ask for it
3036s even took it a flection on the save what
3038s a double I don't blame crispy for only
3040s sending it high that was an instant
3041s reaction but that is what good offenses
3043s do it's not about getting the best
3045s angles or getting passes on a platter
3047s sometimes it's just about getting the
3048s ball as fast as possible and miss or not
3050s it forces the defense to react and that
3052s one they were flat
3054s footed fix off the back and transitions
3058s just has so SOS this one popping forward
3061s and crispy starting to take his time
3064s back does jump at the last effort and
3067s the 50 goes in favor of Fisher Navy at
3071s least temporarily till more 50s come on
3074s through and seas a fake dare I say but
3078s this one could be dangerous crispy
3080s saving in at the last second Adam
3082s couldn't find The Bump to follow crispy
3084s well found to smas I would say pass to
3086s Kix but called No boost and he still has
3088s nothing cuz there's nothing on the side
3089s wall one to try to pick out that back
3091s post and my goodness chick that was
3093s pixels away that is the margin we're
3095s dealing with in this matchup it has been
3098s the margin consistently since the first
3100s shot some jumps some mistakes and again
3104s the timing for every single challenge
3106s has been prej jump they have to read the
3109s minds of every player on the field in
3111s order to be there in time the pops Adam
3115s gets the second touch over and across
3118s nobody there follow up except for one to
3120s Mike here as it seeks out towards him
3123s backboard follow up not found Sosa
3126s jumping Adam last back decides to go for
3128s it can Helix get a runaway opportunity
3131s down to crispy and still again blocked
3134s by the fer defense smas flicks that one
3136s on the back side and honestly that's
3138s just a lack of possession he has no
3140s boost and all Fisher is there I don't
3142s really understand that decision that's
3143s where I'm getting worried about Concord
3144s not necessarily and they're still tied
3146s and they're going to fall behind soon
3147s but I need more
3149s cooperation and I ask and they provide
3152s Helix from the backboard what a
3154s dish that couldn't be a better almost
3158s cherry pick situation the angle so
3161s difficult it's something you rehearse
3163s and almost never get to execute in games
3166s but Helix does so flawlessly Concord on
3170s top for the first time today other than
3174s of course their first goal earlier
3177s they have not managed to come through
3180s most of the game being ahead now seamoth
3183s gets the beat here Adam still there
3185s nobody back except for crispy on the
3189s turn has second opportunity this one
3192s popped back out refresh for both teams
3195s just over 2 minutes again and a one
3198s score game I like that little Scoop from
3200s smos is definitely one of those things
3202s that you look out for he's a fantastic
3204s on the air dribbles very good at being
3206s able to get the last touch that you'd
3207s expect and also what Helix is aspiring
3209s to do cuz he's going to front of it to
3210s get a bump Zas will double that one
3213s across not necessarily straight across
3215s it does have a little bit of a backward
3216s Bend to it which means the passes aren't
3219s exactly where Concord want to be but I
3221s think they're slowly building up to the
3222s play style they're much more comfortable
3224s with finding space in the Midfield
3225s breaking down the defense bit by bit and
3228s not necessarily fer falling for anything
3230s but you know at a certain point they're
3231s going to have to take a bigger risk
3233s still being down by one
3237s know what risk there is to have I don't
3239s know if Fisher comfortable playing the
3241s safe game knowing that they have two in
3243s pocket but gron also what's the harm and
3246s trying just a little bit more knowing
3248s that you have those two game buffers
3251s right now Soo with the demo one m I
3253s don't know if that's the touch he wanted
3255s off the corner Adam the followup can
3257s only keep it in that Midfield and seos
3259s able to find the beat but here
3263s opportunity potentially for Concord can
3266s low on Boost crispy using all of it to
3268s attempt to find that touch Wonder Mike
3270s back wall that's the perfect bounce can
3272s Adam get it in no one said heix spins
3275s the save has the control needs to be
3277s Wonder Mike but doesn't have the boost
3279s again can he get it through he can how
3282s does he manage a nothing let's keep this
3286s in mind not something you see often zero
3288s boost crosscourt assist from Helix gets
3291s the catch on the goal line flicks past
3293s one beats a second 50s a third and get
3296s get that one across with nothing in your
3299s tank so the next time your rank
3300s teammates are just selling it all to go
3302s to the Boost just show them that clip
3303s it's showing you really don't need it
3305s for Effective
3306s offense that's the buffer that Concord
3309s needed they now have that extra goal
3312s with 30 seconds remaining Helix even
3314s putting another one on target confidence
3317s flowing on the Concord side can Fisher
3320s Navy have an answer in the remaining 20
3323s seconds or so potentially one more or
3326s try if they can get it out of their own
3328s half but the clears have been across
3331s court for Concord they're holding that
3334s possession they're trying to score one
3336s more and Helix I'll give it to him the
3339s hatrick Helix coming out on top for
3342s conquer and showing definitely the
3345s diversity between offensive pressure and
3348s assists that was purely comedic forix
3352s just straight dive bom I almost heard
3354s the whistle like falling animation sound
3357s I don't know how that works out but that
3359s is just rubbing salt in the wound and my
3361s goodness what a large wound it has
3364s opened up into when you need a play to
3366s stay alive how about four of them
3368s Concord dominantly staying in this
3371s one Helix who uh that Helix on Concord a
3376s incredible job by Helix we saw the
3379s determination earlier on the Zero boost
3381s play to find the assist three goals this
3385s game that one we just saw as well he was
3387s on fire
3390s positionally perfectly placed throughout
3392s the entire game great job by Helix to
3395s come out on top for Concord and give
3398s them the adjustments they needed to win
3400s this
3401s game I think uh plays like this are also
3404s very nice in that you see really
3407s wholeheartedly everyone buying into
3408s saying okay game number one and two we
3411s are not playing the gamepl we won game
3412s one we got the shots off but it was a
3414s little bit more chaotic we were getting
3416s getting a lot of shots that were just
3417s kind of near goal we were kind of
3418s getting ricocheted more 50s more than
3420s anything else game two felt like they
3422s were just trapped in their half they had
3423s nothing so they say okay let's go back
3424s to basics let's focus on possession look
3426s at how often they are just directly next
3428s to the ball forcing fer into these 50s
3430s even on low boost they're getting
3432s awkward flicks that do nothing other
3433s than just Fisher Navy almost rolling
3435s their eyes and saying okay well he flick
3437s it over me I'm going to have to go
3438s rotate around and get that one again and
3440s I think the slower play style really
3442s does favor Concord I think it's up to
3443s fer to find the way to make them
3445s uncomfortable again much like they did
3447s earlier on and if they can't I'm a
3449s little worried that we might be living
3450s up to the fer game five uh streak that
3452s they have kept alive in the lower
3454s bracket I'm not going to worry about it
3456s too much I I will say novon did sa
3458s Fisher in four so he gave them the one
3461s game to stumble maybe that's just big
3464s brain Novant the only one to pick bisher
3467s Navy in this series but I do think
3469s Concord as you said does do better with
3472s the slow play game and I mentioned how
3475s many times they've been low on Boost now
3477s kind of using that in a sense to their
3479s advantage they've been playing confident
3481s even without it and making plays just as
3484s you should zero boost doesn't mean that
3487s you're useless in rocket league as much
3489s as it may seem at times so Concor doing
3492s the most of what they've got Fisher Navy
3495s now looking to end this series they're
3496s going to be on Match Point again can
3498s they finish it out or will they have
3501s issues on the defensive front the team
3503s bump into the finish for crispy and see
3507s us I almost put my hands on my face just
3510s to not even watch that one I think it
3512s was a 50 attempt and then they realized
3514s it was wide open as fer collided with
3516s each other at the very least had
3518s Crosswire cross tires whatever you guess
3521s it could be and of all the ways to give
3523s up a goal that is not the way you want
3525s to be able to start off a game in which
3527s we again are saying they're on match
3528s point they were driving this one and now
3530s it seems like just an awkward way to
3532s give one up there's no room for freebies
3534s in this esport Jump by some and what a
3537s read to deive them of an answer back a
3540s 50 to boot upfield goes to grab some
3543s boost does steal the back of Fisher Navy
3546s crispy beating one here can he sneak it
3549s underneath seos demoed for his efforts
3552s Helix still trying to get something gets
3554s the flip but can't sneak it underneath
3556s that bar crispy going for a couple demos
3559s seos faking crispy underneath but Adam
3563s manages to find the save he can't save
3565s it again the pressure unrelenting for
3569s Concord pay attention to the fake
3571s challenges coming in from the side of
3573s Concord how often they go directly up
3576s and go for a bump and if it's not there
3577s they challenge away oh the ball's right
3579s in front well I know you're not going to
3580s get a huge clear I'm going to turn and
3581s leave it for the next player that is the
3583s pace control I'm talking about from
3584s Concord and why they love playing a
3585s little bit slower of course that is not
3587s Adam's game he's going to answer back in
3589s a rapid way right off kickoff wow that
3593s was not what I was expecting to sa the
3596s least and it's got to be a hard hit for
3598s Concord all that work just to get scored
3601s on right off the rip on a kickoff let's
3603s not do it again they need to hold on
3607s this one going a little bit more neutral
3609s to start got Adam with the 50 gets it
3613s towards the backboard Sosa has boost to
3615s work with seos the only boost on the
3617s back post manages to pop it up still off
3620s the back board does trickle it out to
3622s crispy who just has Adam but Adam has
3624s been winning these 50s all day fakes it
3627s the shot on target Helix last second
3630s save Wonder Mike off the ceiling not
3631s much boost backboard here save towards
3634s the corner and everyone getting so so
3639s interesting with it everything is not to
3642s be as expected fakes flip resets they're
3646s bringing the entire playbook out to play
3648s today well you really need the entire
3650s Playbook because eventually everyone
3652s just locks down the basics at this level
3654s and honly it's a huge reason why demo
3655s play has become popular because I think
3657s defense is just too good players are too
3659s mechanical the recoveries are solid even
3661s with zero boost you don't need much if
3663s you have 12 boost you can stand still
3664s and hit the crossbar in goal so really
3667s just come down to how you build things
3668s up how you use your opponent's Force
3670s against you that's why I was talking
3671s about all these things or you can just
3673s pull out the scope and snipe one from a
3675s distance what is the placement on this
3677s that is a absolute banana shot by SE and
3681s actually bounces off the ceiling and
3684s then the protractor comes out to hit top
3687s left corner not an easy shot to say the
3691s least but Concord now gets that little
3693s bit extra of a boost again the buffer
3697s seems to work out in their favor I did
3699s mention as soon as they start scoring it
3701s seemed like this domino effect and
3703s they've certainly had the extra touches
3705s one-on-one seos and adom here get SOS
3707s get the 50 Adam Stands Tall a net he's
3709s been doing just that pulling off as much
3713s as possible with the only goal for
3714s Fisher Navy this game and save your
3716s medal three saves right now ad I'm doing
3719s his best to keep Fisher Navy in this
3722s game one to Mike the shot off the post
3725s and out it's the Finish there by Adam it
3728s is and I have to say look at Sosa go to
3732s work here tries to threaten that demo
3734s attempt on crispy after beating two
3736s players on the dribble fing it through
3739s both of them it's plays like that
3740s they're going to make the difference and
3742s it's a way something Concord has been
3743s doing nice to see Sosa staying locked in
3746s just playing like he's in the pocket not
3748s panicking on any tou and just choing the
3750s correct decision in the right
3753s moment fix look going to send this one
3756s in the Midfield or mid goal Sosa and
3760s Adam both jumping Adam has an
3763s opportunity to potentially touch this
3765s once more crispy can only send it in
3767s front of net and W Mike finds the Finish
3769s Fisher Navy two unanswered goals and now
3772s a tied game with Concord really well
3776s Well Done by Adam crispy doesn't want to
3777s go too low because if he does he's going
3779s to get Sat On by Adam which means the
3781s ball is going to trickle down the
3782s problem is if you are above the ball on
3784s the backboard it's going to spike
3785s straight down that's exactly why fer
3787s immediately bit on this one because they
3788s knew it was not going to be a good clear
3790s for them and one to Mike now needs to
3792s turn his sights to defense because that
3794s very nearly went on through but now with
3796s a bump in the back field Adam is left
3798s alone and still gets in the way Adam
3801s can't be stopped I I just Adam can't be
3805s stopped Adam Adam can be stopped on the
3808s goal line CS finds the finish here a
3812s hattick now for him is the scoring ever
3816s going to stop well at the end of the day
3819s players know that there's two very
3820s different things fer is dreading going
3822s to another game five despite their
3824s record in Concord they're trying to claw
3826s their way back into this series and they
3828s are shooting like it 10 shots in total
3831s and almost twice what their opponents
3833s have been able to generate that's
3834s exactly why they're in the lead at a
3836s certain point you can only give them so
3837s many chances before at least a decent
3839s handful going to be able to find the
3841s back of the net final minute now it's
3843s fer going to try to reach forward and
3845s this is where we in that precarious
3846s situation how far do you want to be able
3848s to dive in and risk it all versus just
3851s trying to give up an easy one and
3852s guaranteeing that this game is over Adam
3855s sending over that Midfield pass that you
3857s mentioned but SOS reads it well to get
3860s the save even gets a clear out Concord H
3864s just doing their best as they can with
3865s these challenges and these clears to buy
3868s time burn the remaining clock time that
3871s seems to be hanging over them Helix
3873s though has been that hero another
3876s hattick game for him gets over that last
3879s Defender and is able to pinch it on
3881s through but I love how well he plays
3884s this note how he cuts that and he could
3886s accelerate as fast as possible send that
3888s to the ceiling that's probably going to
3889s be deflected play for the 50 he gets a
3891s touch no 50 all right just stay behind
3893s it you don't want to give away the play
3894s and the whole time fer B on that give
3897s TCH which never comes which is why it
3899s looks like such a basic low angle
3901s dribble but it's well done by Helix to
3903s maintain possession and not give fer
3904s anything for
3906s free crispy trying to sneak one more
3909s Adam will add yet another save to his
3911s Sav less but saves won't save Fisher
3915s Navy now almost an onle they're in
3918s shambles this series is in shambles cuz
3922s you know what Fisher Navy is going to
3925s another game
3927s five well they don't often talk about I
3930s would say the physical attributes you
3931s need when it comes to Esports but I feel
3934s like this is watching a marathon
3936s watching fer for all the fer fans these
3938s players hopefully are eating a lot of
3940s carb heavy meals being a to have some
3942s energy stores to tap into or maybe some
3944s protein just to be able to make sure
3945s they don't get hungry because they've
3947s been using up all of their momentum in
3950s all these Series in the beginning then
3952s they Tucker out and then they have to
3953s adjust and despite the fact that they
3955s have have not lost yet in these game
3958s five scenarios the fact that you're now
3960s doing it against the second seed in all
3962s of crl has to be hitting you different I
3965s was going to say uh game five against
3967s Concord is a little bit of a different
3970s Beast I I mean huge credit though they
3973s beat WVU and akan blue so it it seems
3978s like they're just going giant after
3980s Giant in this tournament and reverse
3983s sweep is what concord's currently
3985s knocking on the door of and that also
3987s seems just as difficult it's so hard to
3990s win three games in a row in a row and a
3994s best of five the consistency will it be
3997s there for Concord is what I'm
3999s questioning CU sometimes they just seem
4001s to be a little bit short and game five
4005s is going to show us really who's here
4007s and who's ready to play on crl Sunday
4012s and this is what tournament days are all
4013s about it does not matter what came
4015s before it doesn't matter if you've lost
4016s some series if you just win one series
4018s at a time obviously you're going to be
4020s doing great but for both of these teams
4022s they came into this bracket expecting to
4024s make a grand final they expected maybe
4026s even to win it that's the confidence you
4028s need and we'll see just how stable that
4031s belief is when they get into Champions
4033s field and really get into the thick of
4035s these rotations cuz fer they're hanging
4037s on for dear life and they might have
4038s been given a life preserver there but no
4042s it's going to be denied on the goal line
4043s so no easy ones early on oh everyone for
4046s Concord grouped together on that play
4049s healings not much boost this one the
4052s demo Wonder Mike the Finish Fisher
4055s finally get that goal that they work so
4057s hard to start start off four really well
4060s done by Wonder Mike be able to take that
4062s 50 but he doesn't go low he actually
4063s goes above it because it deflects down
4065s and then deflects into him again and he
4067s does get a little bit fort on the bounce
4068s but to be able to stay with that is
4070s harder than you realize you have to make
4072s sure that's on Target and also being
4073s able to beat out anyone challenging in
4075s your way so one Mike making the play as
4078s he has done a lot of these game fives
4080s have come down to individual efforts
4082s from him to be able to make something
4083s happen Sosa clears this one out helixs
4087s to collect one Mike will be their first
4090s 50s in favor Sosa on the rotation out
4093s there but Seas gets the read on him not
4096s much boost on the followup Adam back
4098s board crispy keeping it close dangerous
4101s position able to get over one to Mike
4103s potentially leaving it for Seas pop over
4106s s in the way and the rotations for both
4109s teams well done in order to get some
4112s offensive pressure and prep for these
4115s defensive touches on the backboard
4117s often these are all pro level players
4120s and you're seeing SAS outspeed almost
4122s all of them it's a couple times now I've
4124s seen him actually go late to an aerial
4125s and still be able to get to it first one
4127s to Mike fortunately much closer on that
4129s iteration and now SAS has a different
4131s task to go I thought he might be able to
4133s try to flick that one forward but now'll
4135s be out fer on this one one Mike instant
4137s turn crispy somehow pulls a rabbit out
4140s of a hat how that isn't a goal I'll
4142s never know we've seen so many heroic
4145s goal line plays at this point of the
4147s game and it's what we said matters
4150s pixels often will make or break this
4154s game now just over 3 minutes still
4157s Fisher Navy the one goal lead Concord
4160s trying to get out of their half here
4162s hasn't done so just yet the 50s often
4165s going in F
4166s of Fisher this one dangerous seos with
4169s the Boost with control only temporarily
4172s Helix back over to seos does he have the
4174s speed this one's on but the shot won't
4176s be on
4178s targetas wanted that pass a little bit
4180s further forward so he could hit that one
4182s onto the near post but he wasn't able to
4184s get it poor Helix it was coming back at
4186s has phase too fast he wouldn't be able
4188s to actually put that one in and he knew
4190s it he tried to take it off you can see
4191s that back flip and that one is going to
4193s go out the window but it doesn't mean
4194s they're done pass middle and a demo
4195s attempt not going to connect either on
4198s the shot or the physical play Sosa
4200s trying to do something on his own play
4202s but again everyone just a little bit off
4205s and that's really what's going to decide
4206s games like this another Miss on the goal
4208s line crispy so close to it but man I
4211s have to give it to him that read so
4213s difficult missing this pass though yes
4215s it was Speedy but he was there to make
4217s the play now Sosa back in the air Adam
4220s waiting the drop the 50 there one to
4223s Mike sends it just over Helix but see M
4226s back the reset on the own backboard SOA
4229s already up goes over helixs over another
4232s Wonder Mike the last one back manages to
4235s buy enough time for rotations and that's
4238s all ADV managing managing the Boost
4241s managing the defensive touches managing
4244s time who can manage the lead in the
4248s remaining minute and a half does Concord
4251s have an answer to Fisher
4253s Navy Adam certainly has all the answers
4255s him the Wonder Mike putting on a clinic
4257s in the Midfield defense they're cutting
4258s out everything even when they can't even
4260s get on top of the ball couple times
4261s Concord has been landing and they just
4263s land underneath them and then be able to
4266s actually slow them down give them a flat
4267s tire and that's why a lot of these
4269s clears from Concord are them just trying
4271s to get deflections getting pinches off
4272s the walls cuz they have nothing to do
4274s with the ball right now they're trying
4276s to especially by keeping themselves
4277s alive with these saves but all these
4279s passes finding similar results like this
4281s one another catch from Adam as we enter
4283s the final minute of this series
4286s over towards the
4288s sidewall still on the offensive zone of
4291s Fisher Navy one of I can't get to this
4294s one Seas the pinch again relieves that
4297s pressure but still gives away that
4299s possession again Adam catching it on
4301s that back well he's done so so many
4303s times even able to extend it just that
4305s much further 35 seconds now looming over
4309s Concord they fought here to get to this
4312s game five and now they haven't had an
4315s answer to Win It Sosa still jumping in
4318s Midfield one Mike there tries to line up
4320s the shot can't do so but Adam already up
4324s keeping this ball in the front Zone 15
4326s seconds left on the clock does Concord
4329s have one last
4331s effort open shot crispy Over the Bar
4335s something that's really going to haunt
4336s him in the tape review unless the
4337s instant Redemption redirect it's Adam
4340s again zimas is front of the ball the
4343s ceiling pinches On Target it's on the
4346s goal line and fiser navy keeps the
4349s streak alive a Cinderella run if you
4352s didn't believe in their seed they keep
4354s moving Concord we'll see you next one
4357s we've seen teams before make historic
4362s lower bracket runs and Here Concord
4365s doing their best to write their names in
4368s history for our first crl ball 2024 open
4374s managing to find the win over Concord
4378s here incredible effort by fiser Navy
4381s namely in my opinion to Adam with the
4384s amount of goal line saves Midfield
4387s challenges Adam played a masterful game
4391s on both the offensive and defensive
4393s fronts and that pulled them ahead in my
4396s opinion just a little bit far forward in
4398s front of Concord what a phenomenal
4401s series though to have in our lower
4403s bracket being able to see all these
4405s saves come in all these goal line stops
4408s off of the awkward reads pre jumps on
4410s Ariel I mean the offense at times is
4412s pretty but the defense is what
4414s ultimately wins these games Fischer I
4416s think really was taken to the brink in a
4418s lot of these series again four game five
4421s victories in a row from day one now into
4423s day two so being able to take this many
4426s in a row to keep themselves alive I
4428s don't really have words and that's why
4430s I'm hoping devont and Seb on the desk
4432s have a little bit more than I do you
4434s know we talked about this Taco where
4436s like this is an alternate reality if
4439s University of Southern Miss won all
4441s their game fives except in this case
4443s it's fer this is unreal and it's not as
4446s if fiser by or conquor by any means are
4449s are playing bad or any of the sord or
4451s Fisher are playing bad both of them
4454s popped off to such a degree nant you're
4458s you're popping off how you feeling oh
4459s absolutely because you know what no one
4462s gave Fisher a chance except for me look
4465s Wonder Mike was this being a field
4468s General making sure the the ball was
4470s distributed well and it really was a
4471s passing game was a story here and one
4473s that might get the dub for the side of
4475s Fisher Navy they went took a little bit
4477s more games I thought they would have to
4479s do make it happen I called four games it
4481s took them five but a dub is a dub is a
4483s dub Taco I think the one thing that I do
4486s kind of feel bad about is like if there
4488s was ever a coming out party for a
4490s particular player on the losing side it
4493s was Helix this man put in so much work
4497s to get Concord across the finish line
4500s but it just fell short no I mean he was
4502s doing it really all he was getting a lot
4504s of the nice shots he was getting off
4506s some brilliant assists honestly the play
4508s of the entire series is going cross qu
4510s or maybe that replay on the spike down
4512s you can take your pick he was dominating
4513s a lot of this game which is not the
4515s player you'd expect the lowest or uh
4517s Prestige let's say player within the
4519s lobby but he fits like a glove but again
4521s you're playing against Fisher Navy
4522s they're high seed for reason they're a
4524s team that honestly the one thing most
4526s analysts in the scene were saying about
4528s them is like man if they could just find
4529s a little coordination and maybe scrim
4531s together a bit more I think they could
4532s be great and apparently they have been
4534s scrimming a lot more they have been
4535s looking for that coordination and now
4536s look at the result it might be a little
4538s bit to the brink every time but they're
4541s getting every Victory against
4543s increasingly impressive opponents now uh
4545s chicka I I'm very curious because I
4548s think tacu and I we've we talked about
4550s kind of the reasonings of what makes
4551s Fisher together and for a lot of our
4553s part we're thinking it's it's chemistry
4556s generally as to why this team has been
4557s built so well but you were casting this
4559s series firsthand what do you think was
4562s the key to Fisher success here because
4564s they went the full best of five four
4566s times in a row now so they definitely
4568s have something I other than the
4570s chemistry I think it's the individual
4573s heroic plays that you get out of each
4576s and every player I immediately out of
4578s the series said Adam I think Adam was
4580s phenomenal and then all of a sudden you
4583s have nant next to me saying one of my
4585s had the passes going through and then I
4587s know both of you all the time Love Sosa
4589s and the way that he plays offensively up
4591s field and the consisten see he's had so
4595s across the board it's everyone having
4598s not only their their kind of message in
4600s that chemistry but it's their little bit
4602s of heroic effort that they each bring to
4605s the table at different moments when it
4607s matters the most to bring them over the
4609s edge well fiser with that win will
4612s continue their lower bracket run but
4615s this opponent is a doozy it will be
4618s fiser versus Northwood in the lower
4622s final what a matchup to have coming up
4625s next after the break this is the crl
4627s we'll be right
4632s [Music]
4638s back another lonely night don't know
4641s what to
4642s [Music]
4643s do finally it was like going out every
4646s night when it's not with you it's you I
4650s see you whipping down a four five it was
4654s it was you and I I can't remember how to
4657s feel alive feel alive without
4661s you I wonder what I would say if you
4665s stay if the times are change and the
4668s games play went away for the day but you
4673s hat it man forever everything yeah we do
4677s it all again it's the clock started
4680s knowing in land with a broken heart we
4683s can both pretend I'm in love with
4685s someone
4687s new someone just like
4698s [Music]
4699s you someone just like you
4705s [Music]
4711s [Music]
4714s just talk about the universe while
4716s you're with him but you keep blowing up
4719s my line like I'm with you again it's
4721s just like 1996 and you doing that thing
4723s you do you keep on lying to yourself
4725s about everything we've been through it'd
4727s be cool if you let off and empti your
4731s baggage like you cleaning out your Burg
4733s you at the club and selling everyone you
4736s working but I know you mad and honestly
4738s you probably Hur it I wonder what I
4740s would say if you stand if the times are
4744s Chang and the games we play went away
4748s for the day but you hat it man for
4752s everything yeah I would do it all again
4754s if the clock started know in land with a
4758s broken heart we can both pretend I'm in
4761s love with someone new someone just like
4766s [Music]
4768s [Applause]
4769s [Music]
4775s [Music]
4777s youone just
4781s [Music]
4789s like someone just like
4796s someone just like
4802s you someone just like you
4809s [Music]
4825s I don't need I don't need I
4827s [Applause]
4828s [Music]
4840s need I don't need
4843s [Music]
4845s you I don't
4847s [Music]
4853s need I don't need
4859s [Music]
4872s need
4874s [Music]
4885s I
4885s [Music]
4900s don't don't need
4903s [Music]
4913s youch I don't need
4915s [Music]
4925s I don't
4932s need I don't
4935s need I don't need you
4943s [Music]
4954s yeah I meant what I said I don't need
4957s you no
4960s [Music]
4968s more my mind is racing I used to making
4972s sense of who I was and when opens I
4975s dance with demons until the sun comes on
4979s the outside I seem like it's all my way
4982s of having F thinking this is just a part
4986s of me you
4989s love it's not my
4992s night your backseat I'm enough to cry so
4998s why do I even try you think that you got
5001s it you say I'm dramatic you need a
5003s better you it time it's
5006s all right if you're walking away
5012s [Music]
5028s tonight away my judgement is next to
5032s nothing and made me realize it's instead
5035s of finding something I'm pushing buttons
5037s like it's my state of mind all you're
5040s hearing are my blame excuses got every
5043s reason why
5045s thinking you want me in your
5048s life yeah it's not my night up in your
5054s backseat I'm enough to cry so why do I
5059s even try to think that you got it you
5062s say I'm dramatic you need a better you
5065s say time
5066s all right if you're walking away
5071s [Applause]
5075s [Music]
5080s [Applause]
5088s tonight walking away
5093s [Music]
5113s welcome back everyone to colit Rocket
5117s League we are halfway there we went
5119s through our first match and our second
5122s match and now we are in the lower final
5124s after what was a incredible best of five
5127s with fiser coming out on top carrying
5130s that Legacy with them taking down one of
5132s the first European juggernauts coming
5134s into the crl and now let's take a look
5138s at how the bracket is shaping up because
5141s it's been a long bracket from the open
5143s up until now with some incredible runs
5146s but the most incredible run in this Taco
5149s is Fischer's lower bracket run four best
5153s of fives now in a row the last time they
5156s lost was a best of three to St Clair
5159s College who they then beat in a best of
5162s five all the way to now yeah it's
5166s actually unbelievable how it's almost at
5167s the point where this is mematic like
5170s this is very much something that we
5171s could really just troll about and say oh
5173s you know classic Fisher you go to game
5175s five but we mentioned there was a team
5176s Southern Mississippi that almost got
5178s Meed on that during the summer because
5179s they had I believe nine series that went
5181s to game five I think they lost a
5182s majority of them and now fish is turning
5184s it on its head saying hey we don't care
5186s how out of sorts this game looks how
5188s really random some of the score lines
5190s can get we're going to be able to pull
5191s that one out particularly because the
5193s mental fortitude of this team is
5194s impressive within that West Virginia
5197s match at one point West Virginia had a
5199s 61 Victory and Fisher Navy still able to
5203s just brush that off like it's nothing
5205s and then move on and of course now
5207s they're in the lower uh or rather the
5209s lower final against Northwood blue to
5211s say that they need to Peak is an
5213s understatement this is very much the
5214s test if you want to be the best if you
5216s can stand with Northwood then you can
5218s beat anybody what is the lower final and
5220s with it we only have three teams
5223s remaining we'll be kicking things off
5224s first with our lower final Northwood
5226s blue versus fiser Navy of course two
5230s respective juggernauts within the
5233s Eastern Conference historically within
5235s crl mville of course bringing in the two
5239s Europeans but still the King of the West
5243s as ever they are waiting in the grand
5245s finals to see who will be their
5247s Challenger now let's formally introduce
5250s our two teams Northwood blue versus
5253s fiser College Navy and with it both
5258s bringing in New pieces to see if they
5260s can continue to battle it out at the top
5263s level within the crl for Northwood blue
5266s of course they're bringing in one
5267s Canadian in creams for Fisher Navy they
5271s already of course have Sosa as the
5272s Canadian representative but in uh of
5275s course with Adam and W Mike bringing in
5278s those pieces from both Old Miss and
5281s mville
5283s respectively really in that sense
5285s creating one of the best teams in North
5286s America from a high level rlcs
5288s standpoint both these teams can compete
5290s with each other I'm very excited to see
5292s how this matchup goes because uh chicks
5295s historically between these two teams
5297s they've matched up about eight times and
5299s only twice has fiser been able to Trout
5303s Northwood one of them however was at the
5306s crl world championship last year but
5310s these are two completely different
5311s rosters yeah I mean Northwood has always
5314s been the juggernauts they've been the
5316s Titans that you can't defeat and they've
5318s been defeated today already hopefully
5321s their Spirits aren't also defeated to
5324s boot with it so Fisher Navy a lot to
5327s live up for of course they've been doing
5330s this constant game five beating them out
5334s and and clutching up when needed and we
5336s mentioned how well versed the entire
5338s roster is it's going to be a difficult
5342s game for both of these teams but I know
5344s a lot of them they had a lot to think
5346s think about and are very focused on
5349s getting to that that rematch or that
5351s grand stage against marville and North
5355s uh Taco in terms of Northwood I mean
5357s this is I think the first time they've
5359s been on a back foot in a proper long
5362s time where I think people are actually
5363s starting to doubt them where does
5366s Northwood take it from here against the
5368s likes of fiser and to be honest there's
5370s always been a level of COPE in a lot of
5372s the things with Northwood when they have
5374s suffered a loss where you say ah they
5376s did lose but they weren't playing that
5378s well honestly I just think frankly they
5380s were outplayed in that mville series it
5382s was not a prank aspect of just that oh
5385s they were playing off yeah maybe they
5386s were missing some reads maybe hockey
5387s could have had some angles that he want
5389s back but ultimately they were losing
5390s because they didn't get in position
5392s correctly they weren't managing boost
5393s well even at times and when they didn't
5395s get chances not always was it the most
5397s lethal chance I think they could have
5399s produced so in this game coming into
5401s this one I think it's going to be a
5402s little bit spooky for them primarily
5404s because they're playing it's a team that
5405s seems to always adjust to them and if
5407s they're not on their aame I mean this is
5409s basically like an rlcs level day three
5411s type of matchup that you would see in
5413s those closed qualifier type matchups
5415s like it's not an easy road so if they're
5417s not playing their best then they need to
5418s be quite apprehensive this is not just
5420s something the skill can carry you
5421s through on yeah exactly if if anyone in
5423s the chat is really wondering kind of
5425s where the metric of both these teams
5428s where the bar of both these teams are
5429s this is rlcs level this is across the
5432s board rlcs level every single one of
5434s these players have played for day three
5436s or even top 16 teams at one point or
5438s another we have two TSM players here
5440s this is the peak that you will see and
5442s with that let's get into predictions
5445s chicka it is going to be a tight one
5447s where's your prediction going you know
5450s my heart really wanted to go with the
5453s Fisher Navy run but my head says
5456s Northwood blue just can't not make a
5459s grand final so I'm going with Northwood
5462s they've been there too many times I know
5465s they want that rematch more than ever I
5468s think that pulls them ahead and this
5469s loser's final nanta are you
5473s sticking H man I got to respectfully
5476s disagree with chcka even though she is
5478s among the smartest ones in the rocket
5480s League space I'm feeling my heart saying
5482s fer did The Impossible about 30 minutes
5485s ago the team is feeling good on
5487s chemistry and they have the hot hand not
5489s only did Northwood lose their previous
5491s match they had to sit and watch the
5493s entire series that is only a detriment
5496s I'm picking Fisher for this one taco are
5499s you sued do you do you believe that is
5502s now the fourth straight series of cast
5504s of Fisher and they have won all of them
5507s I'm just going to say this time as a
5509s spectator I believe that they can keep
5510s going I it's weird to ever doubt
5513s Northwood but I feel like fer have
5515s captured something special they're never
5517s truly out of series and because of that
5519s I think if Northwood is not playing to
5521s their Peak then fiser 100% has this one
5523s I trust them to be able to get to that
5524s Grant listen anytime I've believed in a
5527s storyline of a particular team whether
5529s it was Ball State going through the
5532s lowers whether it was mville during
5534s summer series one team has been the
5537s result of smacking down my dreams and it
5540s has always been Northwood and that's not
5543s changing here give me Northwood of
5545s course the dynasty will remain as they
5548s look to go to the Grand finals that is
5552s our matchup it is split on the desk for
5555s what is a historic matchup within North
5559s America of course with Northwood versus
5562s fiser Kings of the East respectively
5565s both bringing in new pie pieces to see
5569s who will come out on top go to the Grand
5572s finals and face off against mville
5574s casters take it
5578s away oh my goodness me chck so we have
5582s ourselves a bit of a Titan Clash here
5585s best of five fiser versus Northwood blue
5588s this one here is going to be epic we
5590s have a split desk both of us are also
5592s split on who it takes it and I think
5595s there's Arguments for both sides 100%
5598s part of me wants to say Adam just wants
5600s to verst against his old team you mean
5603s what more more motivation could be than
5606s that and he's been having a phenomenal
5608s day but Northwood blue is just that team
5611s that always plays in your mind and I
5614s just have a feeling Cil creams and
5615s hockey have more to get if they end up
5619s third here they would Shock the World of
5622s crl going into tomorrow we'll see what
5625s really ends up happening but a lot for
5628s marville to think about who's waiting in
5630s that Grand Final spot yeah absolutely
5633s marville is pretty much bu their time to
5635s see who's going to be their opponent but
5637s I got to give props to North bu off the
5639s bat drawing the first save from fiser to
5642s make sure they're in front of that net
5643s still no score here in the game one is
5645s best of five and already we're getting a
5647s little bit of that game two game three
5649s Pace in this one yeah I don't think
5651s there's going to be much feeling out
5653s both these teams have played against
5655s each other multiple times maybe in these
5657s not exact combinations but every player
5661s familiar with who they're up against on
5663s the field it's going going to be
5664s masterful to be able to predict exactly
5667s what each team is doing seil on the ball
5670s here this one popped up a bump as well
5673s hockey couldn't find it drops it down to
5675s creams it's their second effort this one
5678s backboard another demo Sosa can't get
5682s there and the effort by Northwood blew
5685s on the first goal of game one yeah here
5688s was pretty much textbook understanding
5690s it was kind of an odd angle popped it up
5692s pass it around distribut the ball and
5694s drew the space out which gave you an
5696s option for one and option two but only
5698s option one was needed northw blue breaks
5700s the
5701s deadlock impressive to say the least
5704s that they managed to find such an early
5707s answer this one just put to the Wayside
5710s by Wonder Mike Adam in control quickly
5712s contested by hockey creams bumped away
5715s this one sent away another demo Wonder
5717s Mike last back with zero boost to save
5721s but the demo is coming out so strong for
5723s Northwood blue coming out with a
5725s Vengeance dare I say they are mad that
5728s they dropped that series Northwood never
5731s drops series and now they've come to
5733s play yeah absolutely when you have that
5736s time after a loss I know on the desk I
5738s said that's going to be to a Fisher
5740s Advantage you really have to decide what
5742s kind of team you're going to be you get
5744s ice cold you think about what went wrong
5746s or do you just go back into the lobby
5748s into free play to make sure you are
5750s sharp as you can to get that win back so
5752s far we have our answer but I can tell
5754s you one thing fer is not going to go
5756s away
5757s quietly they haven't been able to get
5759s out of their half but as we've seen
5761s throughout the series today fer has done
5764s so well defensively able to stop
5768s multiple scoring opportunities this one
5770s what a pass but Sosa can't get the shot
5773s past Wonder Mike and Adam as well
5775s missing here Wonder Mike going up for
5777s the second effort but creams def Flex it
5779s away and hockey even with the demo on
5781s Sosa to get rid of all offensive
5783s pressure potential Adam 50 this one a
5786s save and creams can't get to it either
5788s Adam back up on this one sends it away
5790s so one to mic both up who's going to hit
5792s it Adam needs to get back quick this is
5795s a one-on-one creams to pop it over and
5797s Adam still finds the recovery pressure
5800s still coming and again another answer by
5804s the fiser Navy defense seven saves are
5807s ready to start off game one yeah
5809s definitely looks like both team are
5810s trying to figure out how it was the best
5811s way to frustrate their opponent so many
5813s times you thought hey only need another
5815s half second I'll have a shot on frame
5817s and it's getting cut off at the pass and
5819s so you got to think about plan B's and
5821s plan C's even before you get the ball
5823s because it looks like both teams have
5824s read each other's
5827s Playbook Dan over to hockey the
5830s deflection off Target those need to be
5833s on more threatening shot searching
5837s hopefully later for Northwood blue
5840s Fisher Navy na an opportunity now on
5843s transition
5844s quickly 50ed away and Adam the popup
5847s would to make no boost back on the side
5850s of Northwood blue he'll steal some pop
5853s this one up hockey there first goes
5855s towards the back wall and Adam there to
5857s save again he's been a backboard monster
5861s all day today just as much as a Midfield
5864s challenge monster for this Fisher Navy
5867s side yeah the one thing I didn't see in
5869s my notes is that the first game was
5871s going to be defensive classic only one
5873s goal scor Ward and and this store holds
5875s I can imagine Northwood would love the
5877s advantage but this way I didn't see
5880s coming I was kind of expecting a bit of
5881s a Hit Parade as both teams try to get
5883s themselves into their strategies one and
5885s two but look it looks like everyone is
5888s pretty much r on this Playbook to make
5889s sure things are swatted away ah this
5892s one's So Close by creams again another
5894s missed opportunity for Northwood blue to
5896s extend the lead the Miss there almost a
5899s fake cck creams off guard but still
5902s manages to find the save Bishop Navy one
5904s last effort with 14 seconds left Adam
5907s does have Boost sidewall control can't
5910s get past the defender hockey doesn't
5912s find the clear though can what am I get
5914s the beat no it's 50 down the popups
5917s there but kems looking to send this one
5920s on the ground North FL blue squeak by a
5923s game one victory yeah it's not really
5926s often you see a team get by with just
5928s the minimum but the minimum is all you
5930s needed there was the early shot goal it
5933s was a a tightening down of the defense
5935s northw blue goes back to what they do
5937s best and that is frustrating their
5938s opponents they win game
5940s one Adam five saves creams six shots one
5945s for six on the side of Northwood blue
5948s similar story to what we've been seeing
5950s historically for these two teams at
5952s least in this tournament so far we know
5954s creams generally has the hot hand and
5957s that's the only goal that was scored all
5959s game the effort certainly there and Adam
5961s again has been picture perfect when it
5964s comes to defense today manages to find
5967s it and creams saving against Adams one
5969s shot that could have made the difference
5972s later on a lot to think about going into
5975s game number two but I think any team has
5977s the opportunity to go back and forth in
5979s this series in particular yeah
5981s absolutely if you're Fisher Navy you did
5983s everything you did well I mean the team
5984s played well I would even say they were
5986s better as far as the rotations were
5988s concerned didn't have the scoring
5990s options that they would like and so I
5992s don't think anything has to happen in
5994s game two to even up the series for that
5997s no it's going to be another battle I
5999s think again Adam's going to be targeted
6002s for those demos we saw Northwood blue
6004s bring out a lot of demos into their
6006s strategy early in this game one and I
6009s think it's going to be creams and
6011s everyone settling down a little bit
6013s hocky as well had some shots that should
6015s have been on Target that need to be on
6017s target if they expect to win moving on
6020s forward in this series and into the next
6023s if they get there so adjustments need to
6025s be made on both sides just a little bit
6027s but being that clinical we've mentioned
6029s pixels how many times today is the
6031s difference between moving on forward in
6033s this tournament the quality of play
6036s needs to be perfect and that one is not
6040s a perfect shot yeah absolutely that's
6043s kind of the most frustrating ones there
6044s you beat one Defender you beat two
6046s Defender you get denied by the woodwork
6048s it doesn't come out of nowhere but ever
6050s so often that crossbar goes into
6051s business for themselves Sosa has to
6053s collect themselves and have a bit more
6055s composure but you really can't wait to
6057s see or can't rely on saying I'm going to
6059s do something on frame and hope the
6061s crossbar works in your favor hocky has
6064s an opportunity to get to it first does
6066s beat out one Mike last and net going
6069s after it and hockey able to go through
6072s because again that demo that bump
6074s pressure coming from zenil yeah a bu
6078s pressure there but I have to give a shot
6079s to hockey for seeing an opponent seeing
6081s Defender come at them and decide to do
6083s off the wall pass to get themselves some
6085s space and that gave him all the time in
6087s the world to have that shot on frame it
6088s was really a big brain play to make sure
6090s your draws the defense out and that's
6092s what happened right
6095s there great answer for Northwood blue to
6098s start out with the lead again can the
6100s answer here for Sosa be on target Adam
6104s as well going up can't find it creams
6106s looking to chase does get the beat has
6109s one more the 50 popped towards the back
6112s wall can't be found hockey on the turn
6115s gets this one towards the other corner
6117s is cream's there first the 50 still
6120s sitting in that corner zil off the wall
6122s not the greatest touch can't get the
6124s bump on Adam and Adam finds the space
6127s and gets the clear up field to allow his
6129s team to rotate through not to be all Mr
6133s Doom and Gloom but I wouldn't be an
6134s analysis if I wasn't doing that 6
6137s minutes and change gone by not nearly a
6139s score from Fisher blue especially after
6142s the last series it might be ca for
6144s concern what do you have to do to get
6146s something on the tally and that was a
6147s shot there cleared Away by
6149s Adam K both close opportunities for
6154s these
6154s teams it's going to be pixels it's going
6157s to be something crazy in order to score
6159s cream gifted this ball in the air has
6163s the opportunity Parts the Sea of
6166s Defenders and zenil finds the Finish
6168s Northwood blue yet another goal to
6171s extend their lead yeah gets a credit for
6174s the goal there but shout out to cre are
6175s not only doing one thing and that is
6177s going off Target to draw the defense out
6180s to put them out of position for that
6182s rebound and any team worth their assault
6184s will have a second option ready to go
6186s zil was there like a dog of Thanksgiving
6188s dinner and that's why it's two n right
6192s now the Neil back into Midfield creams
6195s is there gets the beat back forward one
6197s Mike into the corner low boosts the
6200s entire Fisher Navy
6202s side Here Comes hockey sends it Midfield
6205s Z Neil shot blocked initially creams
6207s left to come on through manages to find
6209s the only 50 he can pops it up hockey
6213s just faking it maybe getting a bump off
6215s here is searching for that bump and Adam
6218s manages to just find a piece of that
6221s ball North one blue have a strategy
6224s they've stuck to it now can they manage
6227s to find the save somehow through all the
6230s chaos in front of net the saves made one
6233s of Mike still searching finds the bump
6236s makes the heroic play and Fisher Navy
6238s find one between this all just going to
6241s say the last scoring drive there with
6243s Sosa I was like you got to start being
6245s so generous with your teammates you got
6247s to go into business for yourself and
6248s wonder Mike does just that says I'm
6250s going to Strongarm this battering ram
6252s style but that lead in half fer is
6254s finally on the
6257s board took them 8 minutes to do so and
6261s now they have to do so again in this
6263s series and even hopes of tying it twice
6266s more of course to win it which seems
6269s like an impossible feat against
6271s Northwood blue who seems to be back to
6273s their old selves maybe not perfectly not
6277s Peak Performance Northwood blue but
6279s certainly more comfortable than what we
6282s saw in the previous series The Neil
6284s going for the one-on-one Adam rarely
6287s stopped in the goal line as we've seen
6288s today to make another save this one also
6291s saved away but Northland blue keeping
6294s the pressure up and managing to find the
6296s deflections on the defensive Zone as
6298s well yeah I'm with you chicka I feel
6300s like this is a very a beatable Northwood
6302s I don't want to say the word sloppy but
6304s not really as crisp as we're used to but
6306s these are some of the tactics they've
6307s used to their advantage and so far with
6309s the game in hand and as the score stands
6312s right now willing to win the second one
6315s you can't really deny you got to go
6316s what's working even if you're not doing
6318s it as efficiently as possible trying to
6321s get crazy with it it was
6324s this one hockey up to zenil zil's there
6326s backboard re may be found but one to M
6329s to send it away creams needs to read
6331s this one off the back wall he does just
6334s that shot off Target Sosa no you need
6337s the deflection I know that's a difficult
6340s angle but a missed opportunity for fiser
6342s and Davy to tie the score line now
6345s looking on the transition to find an
6347s opportunity and still they're swatted
6350s away can Fisher Navy find a way
6353s consistently score in this series
6356s straight up feels bad man if I had so
6358s many opportunities that were going to go
6360s to Sosa it didn't work out for them I'll
6361s have a million dollars but Wonder M
6363s cleans up the garbage man cometh it's
6366s kind of a thing we didn't see coming but
6367s we did see the result it's now level
6369s once more to a piece one Mike making it
6372s his game to shine both goals off of him
6375s he's been the only way for sure Navy can
6378s score and he's just putting it straight
6381s on target a solo effort a pass him this
6383s one can he do it again back forward here
6386s zenil gets the touch Sosa on the 50
6390s creams the clear out Adam safely into
6393s corner there we see overtime this one
6396s will touch the ground overtime in game
6399s two decides if we go to match point for
6402s Northwood blue or a tied up series to
6405s start off our losers final I'm going to
6408s be honest with you no team in tournament
6409s play likes overtime this one here is
6412s definitely something we have to go
6413s through because Northwood again is
6415s making sure it works but not as really
6417s as effective as it were used to but
6419s Fisher blue finally gets Fisher Navy
6421s excuse me finally gets themselves on the
6423s board really late in this one so this
6425s might be very pivotal more than Norful
6427s more than normal and see which one's
6429s going to move on had two unanswered
6431s goals of course by fiser Navy so the
6434s momentum should be currently in their
6436s favor but it doesn't feel like that on
6439s the field creams the challenge he gets
6441s Another Touch gets another one follow
6444s but this one off towards the Wayside the
6447s popup hockey there first can't get
6449s another touch to follow creams back on
6452s it does get the beat the shot the pass
6455s and this one on through for a Northwood
6458s blue win yeah this one here is not bad
6462s necessarily but the fact you draw two
6464s Defenders that didn't have a chance when
6465s you have more than one team uh member
6468s with is definitely HZ a psyche doesn't
6470s matter though Norwood blue gets two wins
6472s and two attempts they're at series
6475s Point feels weird to see Fisher Navy
6480s fall so much in this series to start but
6483s I
6484s mean they had almost a similar situation
6488s last game just kind of opposite now need
6490s a reverse sweep and Northwood blue was
6494s swept and now looking for the sweep
6496s today has just been regular chaotic
6500s collegate nature Fisher maybe have to
6504s figure out better ways to score up field
6508s and now they also need to find a way to
6510s manage the bumps and the demos that come
6512s out of Northwood blue they're fast on
6515s those rotations you know the mechanical
6517s ability of creams and zenil you have to
6520s have an answer to it yeah absolutely I
6522s think one of the weaknesses of of having
6524s Wonder Mike on your staff is that when
6526s you're down he is definitely one person
6529s or they are definitely one person to put
6531s the team on their back and say I'm want
6532s to be a hero right and so you have a a
6535s Supporting Cast you can help that out
6537s with distribution they get the dubs but
6539s when it's just him or them going forward
6541s and just not being the hero they thought
6544s they were going to be they they come
6545s against El's that's what we saw right
6547s here yeah wam m a phenomenal player but
6550s normally when you think of scoring you
6551s think of Adam and Soso a little bit more
6554s than window Mike we saw him earlier and
6556s how well he did at passing plays to set
6559s up his teammates but Sosa just hasn't
6561s been able to get in the back of the net
6563s this series same thing with Adam both
6566s have been stopped or just haven't had
6569s the accuracy on Target that is needed to
6572s play against Northwood blue maybe it's
6574s the nerves to be fighting against such a
6576s team but now match point is upon them
6580s they have to play
6582s critical clinical
6585s Play No both clinical and critical but I
6588s think you nail on the head SOS has a lot
6590s of opportunities dead to rise didn't get
6592s those and so we saw a lot of people
6593s trying to step up when they didn't
6595s really need toste of sck of the game
6596s plan but you're right serious point for
6598s North Blue a good Redemption Arc for
6601s them but shooting accuracy will be the
6603s story line when it's all said and done
6605s because I really feel like both these
6606s teams could have eight goals a game if
6608s they had everything on target
6611s mhm cram's opportunity flip reset here
6615s sent it up to hockey but Adam yet
6617s another save to add on to his list of
6620s saves today this one saved away and now
6624s back in Midfield one M there first sends
6626s it up the beat though by hockey wins
6629s either by 50 or just by speed zil
6633s sidewall sends this down doesn't get
6635s another touch but does bump the car of
6637s Adam Sosa last back gets it away
6639s oneon-one with hockey hockey to win in
6642s Wonder my good thing he's there sends it
6644s away Sosa flip reset shot on target K
6647s saving it away more pressure coming one
6650s Mike he can't be stopped in this series
6652s fish Navy has their score and it is one
6656s to Mike this is what we're talking about
6658s right two attempts for Sosa couldn't get
6660s it done and wonder Mike had to push up
6662s to really put that ball past the net now
6665s it went in for them props but have
6667s Wonder Mike missed they would have been
6669s totally open for the Counterattack this
6670s is a very dangerous game pitcher's
6672s playing hopefully it works out for them
6674s because if it doesn't we know what
6675s happened zil try to do something
6678s creative certainly we haven't seen a
6681s successful Play Just Like That yet
6683s granted not saying things won't happen
6686s shot by
6687s Sosa off Target again off both posts
6692s this point Sosa needs to figure out a
6695s way to I don't know Flip Flip the corner
6698s better heads or tails is is how we're
6701s going for most of these shots he has to
6703s find these On Target R Fisher Navy is
6706s going to continue to struggle to score
6708s up field creams getting past hockey the
6711s speed at him there again
6713s defensive master class one thing I've
6716s learned out of Adam today is you do not
6719s want to be up against him if he is the
6721s Last Man Standing on defense yeah there
6724s always seems to be one player on every
6726s team that covers a lot more ground than
6728s their peers that's definitely been Adam
6730s today and usually it doesn't really
6732s matter if you're rocking and rolling but
6733s with goals being so hard to come by you
6735s kind of wish there were more in an
6736s offensive position so got to give it up
6738s to wonder Mike and S their challenge now
6740s is to give Adam that much space cuz he
6743s really able to tame Defenders like that
6745s he should have an opportunity to put
6747s goals on
6748s frame straight down SOA there first
6750s descend it towards the back wall creams
6753s the clear back towards the other end
6755s hockey chasing for that demo can't find
6758s a piece of it now Sosa looking to set up
6761s maybe himself but that touch still just
6763s too far and wi mighte can only send it
6766s initially at him the early challenge in
6768s midfields been doing it all day long
6771s Sosa the shot saved by creams still has
6775s control sends it towards the other end
6776s Adam on the 50 creams winning though
6779s initially not enough boost to keep on
6781s forward and hockey beat here by Sosa as
6784s well can the follow-up transition come
6786s through somebody always back on defense
6789s I'll be honest with you chicksa after
6791s what three games or two games in a
6793s change happening right now do not think
6795s that goals would be this hard to come by
6797s imagine this be a second game in the
6799s series being decided but just one goal
6801s being scored
6803s I'm not necessarily surprised by the
6805s level of which crl has risen I mean
6809s Northland blue used to beat out games in
6812s very convincing fashion 60
6815s 71 52 whatever it would be but now it's
6819s bridged the Gap in competition we really
6822s have more than just a team that's at the
6825s top of of the dynasty it's not one team
6828s in east or west to begin with now
6830s they're all grouped together and equally
6834s as difficult to deal against I'd say our
6836s top eight is the strongest eight
6839s historically we've ever had in crl and
6841s that's what makes these games
6843s continuously so close really only one
6845s sweep in our bracket of today otherwise
6849s it's been game fives and games four
6851s littered across this bracket yep heavy
6854s is a head that wears a crown you just
6856s can't expect to steamroll a team anymore
6858s but even though Northwood is down by a
6861s goal got to give a shout out to dreams
6863s with so many goals already with the
6864s Savior tag with some time to spare in
6867s this
6868s one holding on another 10 seconds right
6871s now is fiser Navy they may extend this
6875s SE series just a little longer going to
6878s don't count out zenil the flick the one
6881s to touch the ground and Fisher Navy do
6884s indeed take one in this
6886s series it wasn't pretty I can even say
6888s it was bowling shoe ugly but you know
6890s what a win is a win and you Force game
6892s four Fisher Navy I'm surprised I don't
6896s know what each team needs to make
6898s adjustment wise of course we need Sosa
6901s to not go over for four I'm sorry to
6903s keep calling out Sosa but D when it
6906s comes down to it uh you know stuff like
6908s that can make or break the game and and
6910s how well Fisher's been doing in the
6912s series so far as for Northwood blue I
6915s would say the two shots is the biggest
6917s thing that screams to me it's very rare
6919s Northwood goes a game without having
6921s maybe at least five five if not more I'm
6925s going to be honest with you I mean being
6926s over four it happens a lot especially if
6928s you're if I'm playing I go over six
6930s sometimes but I think the more critical
6932s thing is the lack of assists right only
6933s Adam with the one assist with the one
6935s goal being scored if you are shooting
6937s targets you're if you're beating to
6938s defense to get the balls on the frame
6941s there has to be a second option playing
6943s up with you if you don't have the hot
6944s hand yourself I think that's what Fisher
6946s is missing if they find to say hey look
6948s one the mic or hey Adam be there in case
6950s I whiff or in case I hit the frame then
6953s there might be a different score line
6954s all together but as we've mentioned
6956s Adam's always that last line of defense
6958s so it's very rare that Adam comes up off
6961s the third man rle between Midfield and
6964s backfield to make the opportunity
6966s forward I really think Adam in a sense
6969s is so stuck to be stopping everything
6972s that it's only Sosa and wind Mica
6974s Fielder times and Adam may be getting an
6976s assist here there but it's very rare
6979s it's very rare that Adam scores and
6982s because of it it's it's been that much
6984s harder for Fisher Navy to score as a
6986s whole absolutely agree with you 100%
6989s this is why you should have put yourself
6990s into hard roles on a rocket League team
6993s but that's just me just picking these
6995s nets it's a game for situation northw
6998s blue is still at sir's point one win and
7000s they advance that Grand
7003s Final got him up over to Sosa Sosa
7007s backboard one to Mike in last and Adam
7009s sending it back over to Sosa popped up
7012s here n it's open this one off the
7014s crossbar good thing one Mike there to
7016s finish and Fisher Navy again have only
7019s scored in this series so far with Wonder
7022s Mike hey look at this one here what was
7025s I saying before spreading the wealth
7026s around Wonder Mike just waiting to be
7028s that second option at the bottom 90 make
7031s sure they did it and that's why Fisher
7032s Navy is out on top pop up right off
7035s kickoff zil there first has a pretty
7037s open goal fakes out SOA manages to find
7041s an answer in Northwood blue on the board
7044s I'm not sure if that was a fake out or
7045s just s hit the wrong button either way I
7047s can relate PHS backflip man oh my
7050s goodness me there is your equalizer one
7053s a
7054s piece yeah there's very few players in
7058s crl that you do not want to get caught
7060s in a 1 V one well there's actually a lot
7062s of players if I'm playing against them
7064s but zil is one of them for the rest of
7066s the crl field that you do not want to be
7069s caught in One V ones against same thing
7072s with creams both of them Absolute
7074s monsters on the pitch and zil plays that
7077s beautifully well patience is key we'll
7082s see how patient Northwood blue can be to
7085s get some offense going now up field
7087s instead of right off kickoff one to Mike
7089s has been doing many things that build
7091s another demo to come through from hockey
7093s who in particular has done most of the
7096s demoing as well as the bumps in this one
7099s creams 50 hockey no finish just yet
7102s theost Ste to boot and now still tied 1
7105s we figure out does someone extend this
7107s lead further hockey to do just that yeah
7112s that secondary scoring option is going
7113s to be the story of this one zenil did
7115s all the hard work drew the defense right
7117s in the middle but once you make it clear
7119s you can't be in a position to be that
7120s second clear unless you are goated out
7122s your mind and hockey cleans it up 2-1
7125s but you're saying as before about One V
7127s ones I am terrible at those modes
7129s because you really can't blame your
7130s teammates when it comes to that and I do
7132s thing that both these teams are seeing
7134s what happens if you're not that smart on
7135s the 1 V one game straight down Sosa
7138s having an opportunity can't get through
7140s Adam as well trying to push the pressure
7143s for fiser Navy this one won't be there
7147s to finish on out back to
7149s Midfield have to wonder Northwood blue
7153s are they going to extend further on
7154s these opportunities or is Fisher Navy
7157s going to have to do something themselves
7159s this one just off Target this back and
7161s forth game has continuously not ended
7165s Pooh is going to end up finding a way to
7170s be in control of this game yeah
7174s absolutely Win Lose or Draw there really
7176s has to been a team that's dominated I
7178s mean it's about halftime here only one
7179s goal separates that and now it's two
7182s hockey finally gets some daylight that
7184s is two goals up for
7186s Northwood zenil again being very tricky
7189s with it you can't get a better pass down
7193s to your teammate then that hockey gifted
7196s that ball and he has now had two goals
7198s on target both assisted it's phenomenal
7202s to see the team play from Northwood blue
7204s they're clicking as we've seen in the
7206s past and with half this game gone Fisher
7209s Navy need to to answer and they have not
7212s been in the game of scoring goals so far
7215s yeah what are we seeing though for
7216s Northwood blue I mean both teams can use
7218s it to the benefit as really having a
7221s shot on frame and not and having a
7223s secondary scoring option not rotate yes
7225s it's risky if you miss or whiff but
7228s northw has been doing that and being in
7230s clutch situations to get those cleanup
7232s goals that really weren't on the board
7234s uh given a certain kind of offensive run
7236s so Props to them and wonder Mike gets
7239s one another secondary scoring option to
7240s make it 3-2 Wonder Mike still the only
7243s one to score for Fisher Navy gets a
7247s beautiful bar down shot manages to keep
7251s fiser Navy in this series in this game
7254s in particular Sosa credited with both
7258s assists 2 minutes left on the clock it
7261s has gone blow for blow novada you've
7264s been asking for scores all game long and
7268s now you've gotten them five in this one
7271s I think it might be one of the higher
7273s scoring games that we've seen all day
7275s today yeah I mean I I asked for that
7277s you're right but not like this man all
7280s the goals were the same someone shoots
7282s up they get stopped and the secondar is
7284s one's hanging out there just taking up
7286s the scraps that's fine but ultimately if
7288s you think about this tournament play you
7290s want to be able to really put your
7292s opponent on the back foot why do I say
7295s that Sosa makes this a brand new game
7297s equalizer three a piece with lesson
7299s ready to go you know if you yell at Sosa
7301s enough eventually he'll get on through
7303s and I may have yelled at Sosa enough
7305s this series but he does he does find the
7309s goal on this opportunity he manages to
7312s get the equalizer as you said for fiser
7315s Navy Fisher Navy three goals this game
7317s we've been asking for them to score they
7320s answer here they've made this a ball
7323s game and now they're still fighting to
7326s stay in this series one more gives them
7328s the lead whichever team in Northwood
7332s blue still searching to finish out this
7335s series I hope you're happy just bullying
7338s so so afternoon no I'm just kidding but
7340s yes imagine forcing in game five even
7342s that' be something that's be on the list
7345s of things to be desired but northal blue
7347s has to shut this down for their own
7348s benefit for their own psyche less than a
7350s minute to go here pretty much a silver
7352s go situation next goal score could
7354s pretty much walk away with the dub let's
7356s see if it's going to be northw blue Adam
7358s On Target denil saving to the corner
7361s Adam again Sosa trying to find the
7363s Finish but creams was there hockey
7366s taking his time going into the air this
7368s one off the backboard straight down
7370s can't find the touch initially zenil the
7372s shot on target but Wonder Mike the save
7375s 20 seconds left on the clock dare we get
7378s another over time game to nail the rest
7382s of Northwood blue pushing last effort on
7386s the Fisher Navy half hockey saved away
7389s Adams cleared seal the shot is it down
7392s it's an own goal 4 seconds left and
7395s Northwood Blues on top to an own goal
7399s hockey with the going to the pass going
7402s outside top 90 bottom down and well I
7405s said silver goal situation 4 seconds is
7407s a lot of time but that may be the
7411s dagger kickoff goes out over into Kem Z
7417s Neil the fake hockey the shot it's Barn
7420s down once more Northwood blue continue
7425s their revenge tour they have a grand
7428s finals match awaiting them I got to be
7432s honest the Northwood blue standers that
7434s was bowling shoe ugly but a win is a win
7437s they move
7438s on what a series I agreed what a series
7443s very unpredictable series when it came
7447s down to it but Fisher Navy not having
7451s the cohesion that we saw from them
7453s earlier in the day today at times they
7457s just fell a little bit short and one M
7459s being the only one to score for so long
7462s in that series as well I think held them
7465s back you need more than one person to be
7468s able to get it in the back of the net
7470s and Northwood blue just have a little
7472s bit more spice to them on that entire
7475s roster still a very historic run for
7479s fiser Navy in the next open your eyes
7482s better be open because Fisher's coming
7485s whether in the upper or lower bracket to
7487s play you yeah I'm with you 100% that
7490s team is better when one Mike is really
7492s the bully in the mid pitch and so see
7495s your shooting option but speaking of
7496s bullies let's see what's going on with
7499s that Des because I want to see what they
7501s were thinking about in this best of Five
7509s series I know you don't want to get
7511s bullied but listen you're 0 through bud
7514s uh you tried to you tried to play the
7516s momentum okay you tried to flip and go
7519s oh I believe in the Fisher run Northwood
7522s exists and has existed for years you
7525s should know this we've talked about
7527s this yeah I believed in the narrative
7529s more than anything else because I'm
7530s thinking to myself you know Fisher
7532s they've adjusted everyone and that's the
7533s key playing against a team you're going
7535s to get slapped around a little bit in
7536s the beginning and that's exactly what
7537s happened but then I saw it I was like oh
7539s this is what I was predicting but
7541s eventually they make one bad clear it's
7543s going to inter net oh they make a second
7544s one that's also going to inter net So
7546s eventually Northwood is just too good
7548s they don't throw away too many chances I
7550s think Fisher just crumbled under the
7551s weight of that and after they've had a
7553s very long day going the distance every
7555s single series having to probably have to
7557s refuel after every single series I'm
7559s sure just mentally exhausting not to
7561s mention just having to stress your
7562s fingers out I feel like it was an
7565s admirable effort But ultimately
7566s Northwood miss the Grand Final I just
7568s don't feel like that's in the Wheelhouse
7570s right now yeah listen uh the crl has
7572s changed but it hasn't changed so much to
7575s the point where we're not going to see
7576s Northwood in at least the Grand Final
7579s that being said I think regardless this
7581s was was a fantastic tournament run and a
7584s really you know return to form from
7586s fiser that they so desperately needed to
7589s earn some of that respect back to really
7591s kind of get themselves back in the
7593s conversation as one of the best collegia
7594s teams uh within North America I mean
7597s listen we just before this a bunch of
7599s analysts were able to make our power
7600s rankings about where we were trying to
7603s place fiser a lot of us had him pretty
7605s low and not to to my own horn but I did
7608s have them pretty high had them around
7609s Fifth and even then they still were able
7612s to exceed expectations take down
7615s juggernauts take down some of the
7616s highest hype people that we had within
7618s kich rocket league and were able to make
7621s that effort for that grand final at
7624s least push Northwood a little bit which
7626s is more than what a lot of other teams
7628s do that being said I mean Unfortunately
7630s they do fall at third and ion despite
7632s that I I still think we have a lot to
7634s see from fer yeah absolutely I mean
7637s Fisher Navy even the the Fisher in in
7639s general with both squads have shown what
7642s that organization is all about and the
7644s way they play their game it just really
7646s wasn't their game today Sosa shooting
7649s accuracy was a problem one Mike had to
7650s play up and be that second secondary
7653s scoring option and it really wasn't the
7655s kind of game they want to play they got
7657s North wooded to say the least and that's
7659s pretty much happened to them tonight all
7661s right well next up it is going to be our
7665s grand final we're down to our last two
7669s teams but that'll be right after the
7672s break we're going to take a second to
7674s just set up this whole match really
7676s digest everything that's going on
7678s because it's going to be Northwood
7680s versus mville after the break this is
7682s the crl we'll be right back
7699s [Music]
7725s p
7726s [Music]
7735s he
7740s [Music]
7783s see
7788s [Music]
7792s a
7795s [Music]
7815s [Music]
7824s [Applause]
7826s [Music]
7833s go
7835s [Music]
7842s [Applause]
7842s [Music]
7844s [Applause]
7844s [Music]
7855s [Music]
7865s [Applause]
7865s [Music]
7868s [Applause]
7870s [Music]
7879s let's go
7895s [Music]
7899s ch
7901s [Music]
7914s [Music]
7919s all all I want is
7925s you all I want is
7930s [Music]
7932s you all I want is
7937s you is
7939s you all I want is
7941s [Music]
7946s all I
7952s want all I want is
7957s [Music]
7959s you all I
7961s [Music]
7965s want all I want is you
7973s all I
7979s want all I want is
7982s [Music]
7985s you all I want is
7990s you is
7992s you all I want is
7997s you is
7999s you all I want is
8001s [Music]
8003s you is
8005s you all I want is
8008s [Music]
8019s you all I want
8033s all I want is
8045s you all I
8048s [Music]
8052s you all I
8055s [Music]
8059s you oh I want it you you
8075s [Music]
8093s n
8095s [Music]
8145s [Music]
8169s welcome back everyone to the crl it has
8173s been a long journey to come here okay
8177s we've had a Open Bracket we with
8180s 358 teams registered competing to get to
8185s this moment all for that top eight
8187s bracket every single match has mattered
8191s throughout the entire bracket you only
8193s get two lives and it has come down to
8195s our final two teams with our bracket
8198s ahead of us you can see the results of
8201s the chaos what a large bracket to come
8204s down to this moment we've had upsets
8207s we've had incredible runs and even
8209s though Fischer made an incredible run
8211s for themselves it unfortunately fell at
8215s the last hurdle that is of course Taco
8218s the inevitable Northwood yeah it really
8220s is inevitable and the fact that I even
8222s thought for one second to rot against
8224s them in that scenario where they
8225s absolutely have to win is a little
8227s delusional but I really didn't believe
8228s in it it's the same way that I feel like
8230s when you look at marville Northwood in
8232s the previous competitions you're
8233s thinking I mean this would be psychotic
8235s if this is even a tossup but I do really
8237s feel like this is mville at top of the
8238s powers the best team in West against
8240s Northwood the best team in really The
8242s Clash of the Titans that we're all
8243s waiting for and so seeing a match up
8246s like that and see Northwood really just
8247s get I would say they're behinds handed
8249s to them more or less in that upper final
8251s and then go in the lower final and play
8253s like we expect them to it's nice to see
8255s that their run back is still there and
8256s they still have the ability to talk to
8257s each other and fix anything on a short
8259s notice considering this is all happening
8260s in just one day yeah of course and now
8263s we are here let's take a look at what
8265s the rest of the schedule is I mean
8267s listen I mean by schedule we've already
8269s gone through the three matches that we
8272s needed to mville taking down Northwood
8274s in a dramatic upset sweeping them to put
8278s them in lowers fer going the full five
8281s against Concord knocking out the
8283s European hopefuls and now in the lower
8286s final fiser fell to Northwood blue of
8290s course and as we as always say Northwood
8293s is inevitable and now for a Grand Final
8296s it will be Northwood versus mville for a
8300s full best of seven here to kick off what
8304s will be our first of four crl opens and
8309s Novant we wouldn't have it any other way
8311s this is the summer series final
8315s rematch yeah we thought we're were
8317s pretty much done getting that preview
8318s earlier today but why not make it a
8320s grand final with a bit more Stakes with
8323s these six battle cars to say you truth
8325s this is a main event match to begin with
8327s but the fact it is the main event today
8329s is icing on the cake and going through
8331s the rosters marville again this isn't
8332s the exact same marville that you saw
8334s from summer series this is a essentially
8339s improved in many ways you look at the EU
8341s players that we have on here relating
8343s wave and speed to those of you who are
8345s rlcs fans you are very familiar with
8348s those two names but alongside them and I
8351s think to a lot of people they might be
8353s forgetting about we essentially have
8355s what was the Western MVP in night who
8358s was not hard carrying but definitely a
8361s statistical anomaly for mville really
8364s putting mville on the map helping to get
8367s them to that Grand Final spot where
8369s Unfortunately they did fall to that
8371s Northwood blue roster across from them
8374s creams hockey and zenil this is the
8378s equivalent of a crl super team if we've
8382s ever seen one creams of course and
8384s hockey both coming in from TSM zenil
8387s forly of Cloud9 coming on to the same
8390s roster to see if they can continue the
8393s Northwood Dynasty and chicka I mean
8396s listen I have never been able to doubt
8399s Northwood because every single time they
8401s have proven me wrong and it doesn't
8404s matter they always find their way in a
8405s grand final they did find themselves
8408s their way through I'm happy I got one
8410s prediction at least today me oh go wait
8413s we we've been drawing straws to see who
8415s can actually get one right uh it's been
8418s not easy to say the least but Northland
8420s BL inevitable they get to Grand finals
8423s they always find a way they do have
8425s seemingly the best players on the pitch
8427s or some of the most experienced players
8429s on the pitch at least on the na side of
8432s things but we keep forgetting EU how
8434s long the history is of rlcs for both
8437s speed and relating waves they've done
8440s wonderful today and you have to wonder
8442s what they're going to do again in this
8444s rematch of the upper final that we saw
8447s in a best of five version earlier and so
8450s with that let's get to predictions
8452s because it is a grand final that I think
8454s has so much Stakes on it for both these
8457s teams and for the rest of K rocket
8459s League to nant where do you see our
8461s grand final going man I know mville got
8465s the dub earlier today but Northwood
8467s cannot be denied they are the gold
8470s standard I'm going with Northwood here
8471s but it won't be easy for anyone to pitch
8474s here today
8476s Taco this one is particularly because
8480s doubting North is really a Fool's errand
8483s and I am doing it only because I do know
8486s obviously mville has won before but keep
8488s in mind this is an upper bracket mville
8490s Northwood has to win in order to win
8492s this Grand Final win this competition
8494s for Sierra open one they have to win two
8496s best of sevens back to back I believe
8498s marville might not win the first one but
8501s I do feel like by the end they will be
8503s able to take this one home I have mville
8504s in this Grand Final taking their first
8506s big trophy of the Season chicks up and
8511s summer series Northwood won in the upper
8514s finals and a best of seven going to
8517s seven then they swept them in the
8520s followup Grand finals earlier we saw a
8522s sweep out of mville I think in this time
8525s they go to seven and marville takes it
8528s similar kind of Swip Swap but mville I
8532s think will come out on top they stomp
8534s earlier you can't deny them the victory
8537s in this one well I went on on Twitter
8541s and callx called me out one of the
8543s mville Players called me out for my
8546s prediction against mville and I'm not
8550s changing my mind Northwood has never
8552s been beaten twice in a row from what
8554s I've seen in a bracket going from losers
8557s to uppers it is a Monumental task that
8561s mville will have to accomplish so I will
8563s be going for Northwood besides the fact
8566s that it is just the dynasty that
8568s continues their legacy here within the
8572s crl Northwood versus mville both
8575s carrying the Torches of their respective
8578s regions and with it these are the best
8582s Collegiate players that we have to offer
8584s Northwood versus mville the absolute
8587s Pinnacle of crl this is their legacy
8591s this is their future and this is cleance
8596s rocket
8598s League oh Foos and Li will new this is
8602s the best of seven hello everyone my name
8604s is oant and I'm in the booth and I'm
8606s being joined by the resident genius
8608s danger taco and taco how are you feeling
8610s right now okay let's slow down on genius
8612s until I get a prediction right today
8614s because right now it's been a long while
8616s since I've been on a CLE stream and
8617s actually been struggling here but I feel
8619s like that's because match Up's been a
8621s little Topsy Turvy seeds getting upset
8623s we have Northwood going from the bottom
8625s here on the lower bracket but they might
8627s be able to find their path to the
8629s promised land getting another win here
8631s in another Collegiate event but of
8633s course mville the strongest they've ever
8635s looked and almost the fastest they've
8636s ever scored yeah what could it be what
8639s can it actually say for the entire crl
8641s if Mayville came out and won this in the
8643s sweep or didn't even force a bracket
8645s reset from Northwood side would that be
8647s putting everyone on notice you think I
8649s think this is very much a statement game
8650s from mville It's a situation in which
8652s everybody seeds northw first in the
8654s overall brackets and all the qualifiers
8657s and everyone really just says well yeah
8659s they really haven't entered too many of
8661s the quote unquote offseason tournaments
8662s or I guess in this sense pre-season for
8665s the fall tournaments so therefore we
8667s don't know how they're going to perform
8668s but we know they're going to play well
8669s well here they are in a grand final but
8670s they're playing against a team that
8672s dropped them without them even getting a
8673s single win I mean that has to be
8675s energizing for players like this they're
8677s not used to failure and I'm sure that's
8679s not a feeling they ever want to feel
8680s again which is why cream is trying to
8682s set up a crazy pass down but not getting
8684s the bounce out he might have been
8685s looking for yeah I love the fact they're
8687s trying to do the Creative moves right
8688s now towards gold and there's no time to
8690s do things right down Broad Street if you
8692s know your opponent's on a certain kind
8694s of level let's see if creativity will
8696s win the day here still no score in that
8698s first game but I know that's not going
8699s to be the case for too long particularly
8702s if Kem has his way he's trying to dish
8704s that one across night read that he was
8705s trying to go underneath maybe go take it
8707s alongside the wall that one going well
8709s wide from hockey means that speed should
8710s be able to take over pinch to creams is
8712s going to be red zenil not a for but
8714s Knight has no boost I don't think either
8715s of them know just how much they're
8717s staring down at each other little bit of
8718s a standoff from time to time with these
8720s players so much respect for the
8722s mechanics on display yeah I like the
8724s idea of the respect you kind of like hey
8726s man stop doing that it's like watching
8727s one of those like animes where you're
8729s watching someone change and transform
8731s it's like just punch him
8733s already well sometimes you can't just
8735s dive in there because otherwise you're
8736s just going to get an energy beam right
8737s to the face and that's not what you need
8739s especially in a grand final but Knight
8740s is trying to power up right there but no
8742s energy blast quite yet maybe relating
8744s wave can dish it back in the middle but
8746s no target really to be found Knight is
8747s all the way back speed is going to have
8749s to join him there as he's going to be
8750s able to get that first possession but
8752s wheels back around and gets on his horse
8754s with Knight in support trying to provide
8756s that middle assist and yet hocky going
8759s in with an off camera demo and that demo
8761s play to get all these players waiting
8763s for those passes probably the best way
8764s to disrupt any of these passing Lanes
8766s yeah absolutely both teams are been
8768s incredibly strong on the walls in the
8770s mid pitch I do feel like if you want to
8772s advance that ball you have to go right
8774s up down the middle and that could have
8775s been an opportunity there so I
8777s understand that you want to be able to
8779s use geometry to your advantage with the
8780s walls may not be to your advantage
8782s because teams are always there and
8784s hockey scores right on the button and
8787s really like do like this zenil watch him
8788s on the left side of the screen comes
8790s peeling across gets a bump on Knight
8792s hockey is right there it's well calmed
8794s and only so much marville can do about
8797s that one Northwood just trying to stay
8799s resilient often times the goals in these
8801s games are never going to come from the
8802s first effort it's from the repeated
8804s follow-ups that eventually will break
8805s down through these walls yes opportunely
8807s if you're Northwood right now it's very
8809s easy to look about what you have to do
8811s you got to win four games now then four
8813s games later but you got to put one
8815s scoring Drive in front of the other and
8817s not think about that quite yet you have
8819s one goal on but you're against a team
8821s that's very very appropo of scoring
8823s early and often or late and often in
8825s deep ring of games speed no hesitation
8828s on that challenge will take that away
8829s from hockey But Here Comes the second
8831s problem zenil gets a decent enough start
8834s up trying to bump relating wave this
8835s relating wave just gives him a stiff arm
8837s kind of propels him away from him able
8839s to get the first clear but they going to
8841s need more than that Northwood I think a
8843s deliberate strategy from them is
8844s watching how much they're cutting in
8845s front of the rotation from marville pre
8848s jumping all these air dribbles making
8849s sure that if you want to get out you're
8850s going to have to try a little harder
8852s than that yeah I like the idea here
8854s usually you would say that's kind of uh
8855s dangerous to do so but being able to cut
8857s off these offensive counterattacks at
8859s the past really puts the pressure on for
8861s Northwood onto marville and you force
8864s mistakes quite like that Z nil makes it
8866s 2N you can almost see the loading Circle
8868s above speed's head on this one thinking
8870s okay how much do I have to back up I
8871s should probably just jump for that
8872s should I flip early I think I probably
8874s have that and by the time he actually
8875s loaded that fully in his third eye that
8877s one's going to be going into the top
8879s Corner unfortunately off his own car it
8882s was on target but one of those awkward
8884s moments where just putting the ball in
8885s an awkward situation can make the
8886s defense a little squirrly that's
8888s definitely true a lot of times people
8889s say what does it mean to be creative
8891s when you're playing rocket League I say
8893s put the ball on frame and let your
8894s defense figure it out and that's exactly
8896s what happened there speed didn't have
8897s the answer and that's why that score
8899s line is doubl you can't rely those all
8901s the time but it's going to have that
8903s your back of Tricks well anyone is
8905s wondering if marville is here to play
8907s with Northwood I think the more apt
8910s question is whether Northwood learned
8911s from that last series they are not
8913s leaving this mville goal alone and right
8915s now the defense getting a workout not
8917s too many saves to be had but mainly just
8919s because Northwood trying to take laps
8920s around this half and part of it all
8922s these strong 50s love that one from
8924s hockey might have opened things up for
8925s creams or now zenil on the follow
8927s through Ling wave keeping his eye on the
8929s prize not letting go of that read
8931s despite all the bodies flying through
8932s his camera yeah this is something that's
8935s good visual image there something I
8937s didn't think that anyone was going to
8938s see coming it's a two M domination on
8941s possession and on the coverage on the
8943s pitch I thought for sure it would be
8945s more of a tip fortat situation but
8947s either way if the score line holds it'll
8949s be one game with the authority and it
8951s doesn't hold there taco i c curse
8954s everything it's not two to one well we
8956s just didn't expect hockey to go for this
8957s and then K's very late on that not sure
8959s what the C situation May hock didn't
8961s believe that he actually get the away in
8963s the way that he wanted to but certainly
8965s that bounce worked favorably for Speed
8966s he's going to make M on this and now
8969s maybe some kickoff trickery that's a
8970s hard cheat up but relating W gets almost
8972s a Spanish on the demo not going to help
8974s anything creams heroically Dives on in
8976s for 5050 to take it to the far side yeah
8978s these are definitely those small ball
8979s situations we trying to figure out how a
8981s team's going to be making up with they
8982s going to go for another goal or they're
8984s trying to park the bus and that was an
8985s aggressive for everyone good thing they
8987s had the defense there locked in it's two
8989s to one with the last seconds to go go
8990s here night and speed both get leaving
8993s the ball as a miscommunication comes in
8996s there's no boost to be had and
8998s mercifully for Northwood that will hit
9001s the turf a chance maybe thrown out the
9003s window but a goal line save seconds
9006s prior is the only reason this is not at
9008s OT yeah it's a 2-1 score line but I mean
9011s to be honest with you the first four
9012s minutes and 25 seconds were all
9014s Northwood being able to control
9015s possession and the pace of play which is
9018s super important put two goals up and Mar
9020s didn't have the answer to force that
9022s overtime that's such a awkward situation
9025s but speaking of awkward that getting a
9027s bump on the backboard is see the replay
9029s package Cil making things weird mville
9031s getting temporary touches away but
9033s notice how often mville is just put in a
9035s situation where it feels like the thumbs
9036s are tied they're not able to use the
9038s left stick to be able to maneuver get
9040s these saves and I think at a certain
9041s point you can get goals against
9043s Northwood but they're going to have to
9044s come at a premium just like that last
9046s save speed looking like they had a
9048s guaranteed goal and then getting the
9050s happiness just snatched away yeah if
9052s you're in mville your defensive
9053s formation is actually not that bad not
9055s you're playing out of position but you
9056s got to understand to fortify both the
9058s far post and the near post a lot of
9060s those shots attempts are not coming down
9062s the middle they're coming on the end the
9063s wings if you will you lock that down you
9066s give yourself a chance with the
9067s Counterattack being able to prevent
9070s those counterattacks is really the art I
9071s think of a high level rotation
9072s especially from Northwood they're doing
9073s very well at finding that balance
9075s between making sure they're getting
9076s their shots off stealing boosts
9077s occasionally if someone is slowed down
9079s on mville they're waiting for a touch
9080s demo them out of the way even if you
9082s don't get immediate possession it forces
9083s mville to panic get the ball cleared and
9086s ultimately give up that possession I
9087s think marville somewhat got wise that
9089s strategy hence their immediate goal and
9091s then or so the confidence to be able to
9093s end out that game but got to start off a
9096s lot stronger you do not want to be in a
9097s comeback situation against the wolf pack
9100s yeah that can't be underst understanded
9101s enough in tournament play especially
9103s when they have double elimination you do
9104s see some of the formations and some of
9107s the strategies of your team multiple
9108s times and it comes down to whether not
9110s you have an antidote or a countermeasure
9112s for that or you have something special
9114s on your own end speed trying to do that
9117s special off the double for the ceiling
9119s not going to work so relating wave will
9120s try to pick up that top corner with
9122s speed in support Knight weak shot means
9124s hockey is just going to clamp that one
9126s all the way back down for relating wave
9128s to catch and somewhat uh testing touches
9131s coming in so far and not really anything
9133s too conrete creams likewise forced him
9136s to just kind of That Awkward sidewall
9138s double try to keep this attack alive
9140s yeah this one here is kind of that ping
9141s pong action in the corner I had worried
9143s about Corner attacks the first time
9145s these two team met but I do think a lot
9147s of that's going to be the same and that
9148s was a shot right down the middle but
9150s speed clears it away and so yeah those
9152s Corner attacks are not really going to
9153s benefit anyone if I were them I would
9155s try to say away from the edges and give
9157s the opportunity it's also what these
9159s players understand sometimes when the
9160s ball is in the corner all you got to do
9161s is just be able to take a slow 50 you
9163s don't always have to travel a million
9164s mph cuz that's where deflection happens
9166s that's where counterattacks happen
9167s hockey is very close to getting a top
9169s Corner same with
9170s he's going to put it back and Knight
9172s will be able to escort that one down the
9174s sideline not too much beyond that as
9177s everybody on marille has to catch their
9178s breath because it's still not over
9180s speed's got to be careful just getting
9182s that one around hockey's dunk relating
9184s wave did the Lords work coming across
9187s the wide side of it and making sure that
9190s was not going to be the first goal of
9191s the game props to him for that not sure
9193s how they have with them but that one
9195s there was an offensive uh a an amazing
9198s defensive effort
9200s AI guiding that one across speed knows
9202s that play is all his so long as he gets
9204s the flick off early and he does he even
9206s tags an Neil he's off balance but he
9207s will still get the save how about the
9209s second one hockey Taps that not only
9212s away from the gold but enough that he
9213s can extend it here comes creams nobody
9216s on that backboard is this the punishment
9219s the accuracy is not there but the fact
9221s that he even got it that close is
9223s something yeah that right there is what
9224s you call a faint right you show your
9226s opponent hey look we beat you there we
9228s didn't really score but you give us more
9230s time and more space next time it won't
9232s be a miss and wow on the buttons zil
9235s breaks the deadlock this time again for
9237s Northwood blue look at this one here
9238s Taco using the wall to your advantage
9240s bringing it down classic that's a player
9242s that knows his angles though zenil goes
9244s in completely flat even leaning back to
9246s let the hit the belly of the car mainly
9247s just because he knows that speed is
9249s going to be taking that 50 and there's
9251s only one place to go with that you try
9253s to escort the side wall but the more you
9255s try to push to left or right the more
9256s you're risking it might just go straight
9258s by you and inadvertently he kind of lead
9260s to his own Doom there was not ready for
9262s the angle that that took again Northwood
9264s out thinking their opponents as much as
9265s just out mecking them yeah I think
9267s that's the most important thing about
9268s Northwood we talked about good and great
9270s teams like they have a bunch of
9271s strategies but they don't really stick
9273s with one or two they adapt to their
9275s opponents they find something that works
9276s for them they know that marville beat
9278s them on the speed they beat them on the
9279s run and so they really much have cut
9281s them off at a pass in that mid pitch and
9283s on the walls to really make uh marville
9286s triy plan C's and D's and those are
9288s never effective that's why they're C's
9289s and
9290s that's why they have the lead right now
9292s improvisation really what makes this
9294s game so beautiful but the thing is yeah
9296s you do want to make some plans and lay
9298s them into implementation but right now
9300s it looks like mville is just trying to
9302s find a foothold to be able to even get a
9303s quality shot that one from nice's just
9305s going to be reach he's going to use it
9306s to try to steal that boost but instead
9308s speed's going to take it from him zenil
9309s fully boosted up in the ceiling he's
9310s going to have to use some of it as
9312s relating wave was dive bombing on this
9314s one same with Knight looking for a
9315s double he can't get his speed can 1 yeah
9319s just about to have the in my notes so
9321s the backboard pretty much a non-issue
9323s the wings pretty much a non-issue so if
9325s you're merville you got to put something
9327s right in the middle and that was closest
9329s thing you can to the middle hit the bar
9330s the crossbar on the way in but you do
9332s those shots on frame that's your only
9334s bet really to beat that North Blue
9337s defense speed able to find Knight pass
9341s middle On Target again almost
9343s reminiscent of the creams double tap
9345s that he was trying earlier just skims by
9347s that back post and it's just that close
9349s you need need to be able to place those
9351s a little bit better you need to rotate
9352s quickly if you're on defense cuz zil
9354s only has the first touch he does not
9356s have the second Knight going to be
9357s quickly turning leaving it for relating
9359s wave creams completely out and yet wave
9361s did not have the Boost to be able to get
9363s to that one yeah definitely seems like a
9365s different kind of mville not being able
9367s to see the re with need be I wonder if
9369s the layoff in the tournament start to
9370s affect them they don't seem nearly as
9372s sharp as they did the last time the two
9373s te me Knight quickly up speed
9376s potentially a Target but instead he's
9377s going to call his own number I don't
9379s mind that one particularly with wave on
9381s the side wall think he might have wanted
9382s to pass to him but with no boost kind of
9385s hard to be able to implement that in the
9387s moment so there for zil looking for some
9389s Revenge he was made to look a fool on
9390s defense earlier on that last attack and
9393s yet sometimes it does come down to just
9395s taking crucial 50s this time in the air
9397s in front of the goal and both mville and
9399s Northwood for the most part handling it
9401s well yeah I think everyone's kind of
9403s playing through gritted teeth and
9405s clenched eyes right now that ball just
9407s been loose right in front of the gold
9408s mouth and that was cl again by speed it
9410s is getting dicey out there
9413s Taco now it's really down to really who
9415s wants to be able to make a difference
9417s maybe it's Knight maybe it's speed or
9419s it's the third relating wave from the
9421s corner no double two players commit one
9424s gets it and that's going to bounce
9425s straight up in the air only Knight can
9427s get it creams is out hockey has some
9429s boost but not enough to help apparently
9432s none needed no option available we'll
9435s take a Turf hit and we'll take another
9436s OT yeah we're saying that before that
9439s none of these teams want to see an
9440s overtime situation how a game could be
9443s up perilously down to one mistake or one
9445s shot on frame but if there's any way to
9447s get mville back into the game here's the
9449s situation for them they got to do
9451s something quickly here oh just off
9453s Target speed actually almost beats out
9455s two players but zenil evens a score line
9457s no Counterattack when a relating wave
9459s has been demoed B on the near post
9461s creams looking for a double speed has it
9463s in the way Z Neil fully boosted up goes
9465s for the shot not the accuracy he's
9467s looking for right into the turf took all
9469s the pace out yeah D we don't do a bounce
9472s pass you got to do something on the
9473s Target on the button with a little bit
9475s of force I bet zil want to have another
9477s opportunity of give the opportunity to
9478s do that speed tucked underneath the Neal
9482s goal line heroics not going to be enough
9485s accuracy will win out and mville tying
9489s up our grand final I don't know if it
9491s was a finesse jumble or fumble either
9494s way the goal was on target not only a
9496s minute has gone by in an overtime period
9498s and marville ties up the series tally
9501s also have to keep in mind that's what
9503s confidence breathes going back into
9506s defense Northwood had a decent amount of
9507s boost to be able to cover that one speed
9509s had all but 30 and just went in a
9511s straight line leaned back at the correct
9513s angle and picked his spot to Perfection
9516s Northwood has played well but looks like
9518s mville they have caught up they have
9520s become wise to how this game needs to be
9523s played and what a performance by speed
9525s two goals four saves trying to do it all
9527s for his Squad yeah absolutely and do it
9529s all they did like I was saying before
9531s about the layoff and tournament play
9532s northw Blue has a closing window to get
9535s some games onto their scoring account
9538s and this one the second game could have
9540s been theirs as equally or as easily as
9542s we thought it would be but mville is now
9544s on the board that changes the dynamic
9547s what does northw blue have planned for
9548s game number three I think for the one
9550s thing uh just being able to get away
9552s from the emulation of mville exact same
9554s saves exact same number of shots for
9556s both squads so clearly they're both
9558s having those looks but I think it really
9559s does come down to those individual
9561s moments I don't want to blame everything
9563s on zenil cuz after all he did have one
9564s of the goals for Northwood but that last
9567s shot perfect lob off the backboard by
9569s creams it's all zenil yes he has three
9571s Defenders to beat but if you hit that
9573s hard enough if you hit it at least
9574s somewhere near the side netting that's
9576s most likely going to be a goal and
9577s instead he leans a little bit too far
9579s over it it goes straight down Knight
9581s gets a clear it's moments like that that
9582s if you say well that could have gone
9584s differently but ultimately all losses
9586s are going to stem from a multitude of
9588s different mistakes and missed
9589s opportunities they're going to have to
9590s hope they tighten things up do not want
9592s to drop another game and a heartbreaker
9594s like that as we head to DF absolutely
9596s here is my lukew prediction the team
9598s with the less number of carriers will
9600s going be the one to win this one out but
9602s will it be mville or will it be
9604s Northwood that remains to be seen well
9607s certainly a player that's been
9608s relatively quiet is relating wave he has
9611s somewhat just kind of played that
9612s midfielder role somewhat just enabling
9614s Knight and speed to be able to move on
9616s into their offense because doing it
9618s really well there's two almost combined
9620s for a nice pass in that top shelf but
9622s instead going to be denied KN great turn
9624s but zenil it was straight at him yeah
9626s absolutely I mean you were saying about
9628s relating wave and being able to be that
9630s last one even if you do a high line has
9632s its advantages now you can put the
9633s pressure on on the offensive attack but
9635s you're right you pretty much go quiet
9637s cuz you don't get points for bumps and
9638s demos and it kind of feels you're not
9640s contributing the question I have now for
9642s relating wave is can he convert those
9644s opportunities when you stop North Blue
9646s convert those into offensive chances
9648s that remains to be SE
9651s KN with the backboard read or rather
9653s backward read is a rare moment where
9655s he's not on the backboard but he is
9657s hitting it on to Northwoods seil the
9659s back flip I don't know how you teach
9661s that reaction time or even just be born
9663s blessed with it but seil uses it to its
9665s full effect somehow robbing mville from
9668s the goad zenil has those intangibles I
9671s know it hasn't been said enough but cr's
9673s got the score here but zenil has been
9675s able just to be such a a threat when it
9678s comes to reaction time is giving the
9680s teammates opportunities like that that's
9682s a tough one too the demo of course takes
9683s away that last line of defense and the
9685s middle after that one aerial is going to
9687s be really able to disable most of
9689s amille's attempts there but I was
9691s passing it off I was not too concerned I
9693s thought Knight was able to get back to
9694s it but one of those rare moments where
9696s yeah you can talk about strategy all you
9697s want but if you see an opening in the
9699s back field and you can just smack it
9700s hard enough to get it on target then you
9701s might as well take that opportunity yeah
9703s absolutely getting back there is half
9705s the battle but the other half is
9706s actually being effective sometimes you
9708s don't get both halves at the same go
9711s going to see KS trying to lay that one
9713s forward for hockey speed will be able to
9715s see that one coming so Neil likewise
9717s just going to lob that one forward a lot
9719s of these higher lobs as the game goes on
9721s are just trying to buy time for your
9722s teammates reset your position get your
9724s Boost and hopefully survive the assault
9726s because there's one player from
9727s Northwood off the field leaves an
9729s opening for Knight now speed if he wants
9731s it however who trusts Anil to get that
9733s clear and what do you know he is
9734s rewarded for that F yeah absolutely you
9736s talking about the lobs I think a lot of
9738s that too beid seeing what your next
9740s option is going to be is Will to draw
9742s the defense to see if you can do a wide
9743s pass outbound inbound or take it
9745s yourself and I do think it's a little
9747s bit of that susing out period which is
9749s something we see in game one to see it
9750s so late in the series says that both
9752s these teams haven't really figured out
9753s the formula they want to use take him to
9755s the promised land relating takes it off
9758s of speed's hand and that could not be
9760s any closer without being post and in and
9763s now on the Comedia counter speed trying
9765s to make up for it as he missed that
9766s first effort will get the save away
9768s zenil double lading wave he's not fast
9770s enough Kareem certainly is there's
9772s another one for him and his Squad yeah
9775s this is the first one I really felt that
9776s was all North with how they drew it up
9778s it was aggressive in the air being able
9780s to take it off the Angles and it was a
9782s shot down the middle that was textbook
9784s from them and that's why that score line
9786s is 2
9787s N comes down to sometimes you just think
9790s those innocent touches well we try to
9791s read it off the sidewall and maybe try
9793s to get a 50 I didn't quite read that one
9794s and then Northwood just jumps right on
9796s it they have so much faith in each other
9798s and sometimes it could be your downfall
9799s you have too much trust you're able to
9801s dive in on stuff that you think someone
9802s has but when they are clicking Northwood
9805s is so difficult to defend against
9806s because of situations like that last
9808s goal creams not like this I'm trying to
9810s talk about your strategy in reality
9812s you're just hard reading yeah exactly
9814s you can talk about all the technical
9816s prowers you want but nothing beats a
9818s battering ram no one was back to take
9820s that in there and now that's three goals
9822s up three goals unanswered rare Miss
9825s there from relating wave trying to get
9826s that quick flick trying to side flip it
9827s just to keep it a little bit lower so he
9829s could maybe play for a second t comes in
9832s and from bad to worse forville weird
9834s enough if you have any situation which
9836s you want to fall behind at least You'
9837s get those goals out of the way early so
9839s you can mount a comeback potentially in
9841s the final 2 minutes already in the crl
9843s open we had a four goal comeback a
9845s little bit off Stream So C anything is
9847s possible but it's one thing to do it
9849s against a random team in the middle of
9850s the bracket it's a whole other thing to
9852s do do it against a team that has been to
9853s the mountain top so many times also
9856s because of plays like that creams
9858s expertly Cuts in front yeah it makes you
9860s wonder about the idea of a double
9861s elimination tournament Northwood known
9863s they don't have any more lives left sort
9865s of speaking the pedigree maybe that's a
9868s little bit of an edge they need right
9869s now because if this would hold they will
9872s be one more game ahead close enough to
9874s that bracket
9875s reset again just as a reminder this is a
9878s situation which marville wins and it is
9879s all over in the series Northwood has to
9881s win twice and for them they have to be
9883s feeling somewhat confident at least in
9884s games like this some of them might get
9886s away from them but for the most part it
9887s has been close really they first time
9889s where I feel like this game has really
9891s gotten off the rails for marville
9893s despite again tying in shots with
9895s Northwood just one side far more
9897s efficient yeah the efficiency is going
9899s to be the B or C story line here because
9902s you can have all the opportunities in
9903s the world with you can't slot them in
9905s when need be that may be the difference
9907s between wins losses and bracket resets I
9909s don't want to say Doom and Gloom we want
9910s to cast curse anybody but something has
9912s to fundamentally change in that marille
9915s attack greens at this point is doing
9917s some good old fashioned stat padding I
9919s don't really think it's going to dictate
9920s too much about how this one is going to
9922s end up but I would know if mville would
9924s love to have some momentum going into
9926s the next game I don't think they're
9927s going to get it here all of the players
9929s are rotating back and now trying to use
9931s that boost they've gathered hockey
9932s perfectly read speed tries to get the
9934s pass middle and like most other things
9936s by marville it's just not really working
9938s out yeah it's unfortunate to see
9940s something like this and I would say well
9942s some things that worked for you is being
9944s your aggressive nature but you can't win
9946s if you don't score and I'm not saying
9948s you're quite at serious point point
9949s right now but something does have to be
9952s used differently or executed differently
9954s in the next one Northwood will be able
9956s to finally tap this one down and bring
9960s this segment of the series to a close as
9963s we'll be able to have another Victory an
9964s important one for them as they will be
9967s able to take the lead in the series
9969s halfway to their first of two required
9971s to be able to take this Grand finals and
9973s it it's a really streaky series it feels
9975s like there's some games where it's back
9977s and forth but Northwood they Creak open
9979s that door a little bit you give them
9980s that inch and they just blow right
9982s through you yeah creams will get the
9984s credit for having the hatti but hockey
9986s has been an absolute goon right just
9988s stopping in front of people's offensive
9989s runs dropping the bumps and demos when
9991s needed really putting marfield in that
9993s confusion frustration mode that right
9996s there will get you the Novant medal if
9998s that was actually something of value I
10000s mean maybe it'll pop up in the future
10001s that's going to be aame should it should
10003s yeah it's something it's hard to measure
10004s at times so maybe we just have to talk
10006s to Dev team and they can figure that out
10007s because I would love some more Devon
10009s medals across or at least some more gold
10012s medals coming through from both sides a
10013s shut out from mville kind of frustrating
10015s situation especially because if you're
10017s in the game and you lose at least if
10018s you're putting on shots and putting on
10020s good offense I think you're starting to
10021s cook you're starting to have more
10022s confidence in what you're trying to
10024s enable but this was the rare moment
10026s where they didn't really have any answer
10028s to it for Northwood I think that's
10029s exactly what they're looking for they
10031s get back into the Rhythm and say all
10032s right now we just have to replicate this
10034s one we're not being able to fool around
10036s anymore we know what we have to expect
10037s and also respect coming out from our
10039s opponents we just have to try and emate
10041s that again as we head over to Utopia in
10043s the desk yeah you know I always I said
10045s about a game ago about taking a one game
10047s at a time but I also also know if you're
10049s in the lower bracket there's a little
10051s bit of that edging your shoulder chiping
10052s your shoulder to say six more five more
10054s four more I think Northwood blue is
10056s rocking on that level right
10058s now 5 minutes back on the clock trying
10062s to reset everything is mville and
10065s sometimes it does feel like you're
10066s trying to solve a different equation
10067s every single time Northwood always seems
10069s to have the answer to any team that they
10071s play and relating wave seemingly going
10073s through that Gambit and finding the
10075s correct save near post being able to
10077s depr zil of a banger right in the top
10078s Corner yeah that Banger would have said
10081s a lot about what this game was going to
10083s be angles wouldn't work out for them
10084s that time but if you're in mville I
10087s would say this is a problem we saw in
10088s that last game just giving up on that
10090s third line
10092s defense and keeping things awkward as
10094s well for mville I like that f up from
10095s Ling wave being able to pop that up got
10098s the temporary suspension it's why he's
10099s all the way back now and apparently now
10102s in the scrap Heap creams open air
10104s dribble trying to bait in relating wave
10105s and he will take that bait and rip it
10107s right off the hook yeah I like taking
10109s bait why not this because I know your
10111s plan is I go for it doesn't mean you won
10113s right so the idea is now can I have that
10115s Brute Force to really take your idea and
10117s say to heck with it what a shot on
10119s frames clear Away by creams and again no
10121s score here about a minute to go but as I
10123s say that creams goes Coast to Coast
10126s that's a rough one it's almost like
10127s everybody's playing Zone coverage just
10128s trying to say I got the wall I've got
10130s the dribble and then say hey who has the
10132s backline creams again with that Vision
10135s he's always going to be able to find
10136s those shots he looks up and realizes I
10138s don't know why these two players are in
10139s front of me and not challenging but
10140s you're going to have to be uh I would
10143s say punished for that type of behavior
10145s because ultimately it's never going to
10147s end well for you same if hockey couldn't
10149s get to this one but of course he's able
10151s to get just a little bit of a bumper
10153s yeah I'm with you there I understand the
10155s the Mana car to car versus zone defense
10157s if you're going to use that thing from
10158s from football but there's always should
10160s be somebody on that back line that back
10162s third to really push up the line of need
10164s be didn't happen there complete
10165s defensive breakdown something you don't
10167s want so deep and a serious but this is
10169s why that Northwood as good as they are
10171s find a way to
10173s capitalize very much in the territory of
10175s what feels like a freebie goal and
10177s that's something that is painful to ever
10179s give up in any situation much less a
10181s grand final Knight trying to make amends
10184s that was not going to go in so therefore
10186s the relating way of trying to find a
10187s creative pass with three players on
10189s Northwood goal line speed decides
10191s playing the clear and now playing the
10193s backboard again is going to be his role
10195s hockey policing that one actually almost
10197s got the deflection middle as relating
10198s wave just desperately trying to stay in
10200s front yeah relating wave with a full
10202s stretch probably wasn't the best
10203s defensive option and that could have
10205s been an no go for the ages but
10207s thankfully they clear that out but I
10209s understand sometimes you realize look we
10210s got to go the full stretch to get that
10212s clear to give it the chance to score but
10213s almost scoring on your own goal isn't
10215s the uh plan a they thought it would
10219s a rare skim by same with hockey that
10221s might have been on purpose to slow
10222s things down but we'll never really know
10224s as we talk these players potentially in
10226s an interview in the future but never
10228s mind that a rare Miss is going to be
10230s calculated or not now it's up to actual
10232s getting back to the basics trying to
10234s actually fake in a player if your speed
10236s and maybe get the fou 50 no boost but
10238s none needed everyone's going to be
10239s backing up and then try to pre jump
10241s zenil not going to quite reach it so
10242s zenil keeps on carrying it but I like
10244s the courage being shown by mville to try
10246s to address these early challenges yeah
10249s shouts of Courage right cuz I don't play
10250s with courage at all I just go for the
10252s long bomb and boom and this is why I'm
10254s Diamond too but that's besides the point
10255s there Taco sometimes you're really got
10257s to be bold for a chance to put something
10258s on the frame and that could have been on
10260s the frame but it's clear away again by
10261s zenil one of those moments where you
10263s just got to start hanging your head
10264s after every single shot how is it not in
10266s yet zenil another glorious goal line
10269s save even in the ones that eventually go
10271s in it seems like he has a hand and at
10272s least getting near them every time
10274s marville approaches the goal although
10276s there's no designated goalies in rocket
10278s League it's good to Northwood as a
10280s quality one in zil yeah absolutely look
10282s you got the series momentum and you have
10285s the lead why not wait till the balls
10287s come to you quite like that score Line
10289s is now double creams makes it two n
10291s correlating wave of he was playing for
10293s the pace is trying to beat out zenil on
10294s this one playing for a 50 if anything
10296s but that is exactly why sometimes you
10298s have to slow down to take those 50s
10300s because if you play for a super hard
10302s read into the corner and it just gets
10304s deflected clear by you it's going to be
10305s a perfect pass in for creams and that
10307s speed is going to be way too fast for
10309s any Defender to deal with 20 potentially
10312s the game to put Northwood on to match
10314s point in the first of two series
10317s required to win this Grand finals and
10319s this is where cruise control Northwood
10321s really starts to rear its head and be a
10323s frightening sight yeah I'll be honest
10325s with you how many times have we said
10326s creams havep passed the defense and
10327s they're last man back after splitting
10330s one or two Defenders I mean that is
10331s something that teams really struggle to
10333s have an answer for we thought mville did
10336s this first go around but as this first
10338s series goes now the grand finals it
10340s looks like that's not the
10341s case I I was really about to ready up my
10344s notes and say well okay there's at least
10346s one back but no it's going to be dunked
10348s down into the bar saved away and then
10351s they're just going to have to try to do
10353s something nutty how about a double tap
10355s relating wave given some Faith to the
10357s mville people in chat yeah sometimes you
10360s got to St behind the piano let know
10362s people what you're all about relating
10364s waves really being the garbage man that
10366s second or third option decides to come
10367s on up and put the lead in have is very
10370s critical for them my goodness I'm glad
10373s they got at least something at a certain
10374s point it gets it's comedic but then
10376s after a while it just starts to be
10377s devastating when you can't quite find
10380s the read but he can generate a triple
10382s commit speed right into Neil as usual
10385s again the goalkeeper Ro fitting him
10388s nicely but now his other teammates need
10390s to step up as well because he need to
10391s stop Knight deflection right to speed
10394s open on the backboard except for hockey
10396s expertly escorted to the corner to be
10398s able to potentially close this game out
10401s yeah final moments here you got to play
10402s Keep wave why not have that ball on the
10405s air put it on the ground for as long as
10406s it can bling wave going to be able to
10409s get that 50 which does keep everything
10411s alive speed pass Middle High lob that's
10413s over hockey but it's not passing Neil
10415s going to get the clear Knight trying to
10417s speed flip as fast as possible but it
10419s will still bounce Northwood taken yet
10424s another so before we went into this we
10427s said look with bracket resets North
10429s where blue has to win too if you're
10431s thinking about his game per game that's
10433s only five games magic number is now five
10435s I do think it's doable cuz the way
10437s they're playing it's just been
10438s exponentially greater as the series has
10440s rolled on and I have to say the one
10443s thing I keep saying about mville is
10445s you're giving free goals look at the
10447s saves on Northwood or at least hopefully
10449s you got them if your vision wasn't that
10450s quick or you're still scanning that is
10453s 10 saves in total from Northwood blue
10455s they were under pressure compared to the
10457s two from mville but when you're giving
10458s up two goals and you're not saving them
10460s it means they're wide open it means
10461s you're giving up open looks and that's
10463s where I feel like if mville can just
10465s address that everything is Rosy I think
10468s for them the play style is working
10469s albeit some awkward finishing but other
10472s than that I think they just need to take
10473s a deep breath and get back to basics
10475s absolutely call that slot machine
10477s pressure right you kind of think that
10478s you're going to hit that jackpot it
10480s doesn't happen and it opens you up for
10481s the Counterattack North Blue has been a
10484s wall on defense and so if you're not
10486s scoring the way you want to you got to
10488s think of something else and not wait for
10490s that ball to go the other way yeah
10492s particularly tilting are those types of
10493s Series where it feels like you're doing
10495s everything humanly possible but you're
10497s playing against an inhumanly talented
10499s team Northwood is the kings of crl for a
10501s reason they win a majority of events
10504s because they are simply that good they
10505s are so difficult to break down even when
10507s it feels like you have them on the Rope
10508s I mean count the number of goal line
10510s saves free jump saves coming in
10511s throughout this series alone but we can
10514s make a whole highlight re about their
10515s defense it's the offense that obviously
10516s wins them the games outscoring m they're
10519s going to need to find that fire in the
10521s pit of their stomachs to be able to
10522s propel them forward potentially we can
10524s go underwater to Aquadome for first game
10527s five here on the new map rotation yeah
10530s you know really the Aquadome combat
10532s story has to be studied right I thought
10534s it was like not going to be used ever
10535s again and then bang add some grass and
10537s it's back in the
10539s rotation and that's really all that's
10541s all people really say the players yearn
10543s for the grass fields even when it's in I
10545s guess a
10546s terrarium right right absolutely uh
10549s Again Farm sight over everyone so anyway
10551s 30 seconds lapse here still no score and
10553s now the pressure really is on marville
10555s to make sure they can force themselves
10557s uh a game six cuz they are at or I
10560s should say northw blue is at Ser point
10561s and so really they have The High
10564s Ground CR going to send that one deep KN
10567s with a brilliant catch should be able to
10569s get that one over to the ceiling as he
10571s tries to get the reset luckily relating
10573s wave is in comms able to get that boost
10575s steel and potentially move on forward
10577s but very wide rotations speed and Knight
10579s not able to get to it which means K is
10581s just going to Mosey on down the sideline
10583s again yeah the wide rotation is really
10585s uh giv me a bit of pause I'm not sure
10587s what the idea is at for is it really
10589s just to see or really slow down some
10591s shooting Lanes but I'm not sure if
10593s that's effective if the person with the
10594s ball has what a whole third unbothered
10597s before they decide to
10598s shoot it's difficult to be able to keep
10601s pressure all the time but really that's
10602s what separates the very best from the
10605s pretty good when you really are able to
10607s lock in keep someone near the ball
10609s someone back to defend always fueling up
10611s grabbing pads staying relevant to the
10613s play and mville is among the very best
10615s at that what when they're playing
10616s against Northwood I think they're
10617s starting to get in their own heads
10618s they're using a lot of boost they it's a
10619s very difficult team to keep up with
10621s unless you are all rotating taking turns
10624s and making sure you're fueling up maybe
10625s some demos could help as that's going to
10627s be creams out of the way pass down by
10629s speed thought maybe it was looking for
10630s relating wave but he decided to turn
10632s back instead yeah I got to say the brw
10634s starting strategy from Northwood blue is
10637s something we don't really talk about
10638s enough at the college level because hey
10640s you look at how fast marville was in
10643s other tournaments and other matchups you
10645s only see that kind of speed here this go
10647s round they won that first series early
10649s today in a bit of a SLO and this one
10651s here has pretty much exposed them as far
10652s as their lack of scoring progress here
10654s as of this juncture the pass was there
10657s but I just feel like the comms are a
10658s little bit off and don't tell me this is
10660s another open net zenil this time is
10663s going to be able to collect but it's
10664s everybody in marville just slowly
10666s chasing it across and leaving the back
10668s side open this is kind of the passes you
10670s dream about in rocket League getting one
10672s right up there sloted towards you just
10674s one tap in you get the credit and less
10676s effort give me more of those Northwood
10678s once again out in front yeah that's just
10680s pain for marville how many times have
10682s they been burnt by that not even off the
10683s kickoff they can get some relaxation
10685s that's hockey top shelfing it on no
10687s boost right at half timee and this is
10690s where you I suppose you dig deep but I
10692s don't know how much deeper they can dig
10694s it feels like marville just has no
10695s answers yeah absolutely when you have a
10698s go scor is super imperative to score
10700s your goals in bunches to put that
10702s psychological pressure on a team that's
10704s already struggling maraville looked like
10706s the stronger team going into this but
10708s right now they are fighting from
10710s underneath so Knight maybe trying to
10712s inspire something thing is he can do so
10714s much with 100 he can do only so much
10716s with about 50 that's where speed maybe
10718s can take over get some awkward 50s maybe
10720s getting a dunk there and there we go
10722s Knight sees an opening and he will take
10724s it how important is this for the morale
10727s of squad to say we are not done yet
10730s right this one here was a little bit of
10731s traffic but Knight just the bow roll
10733s maybe kind of on faith doesn't matter
10736s it's effective incredibly Well Done by
10738s speed and again just a low boost play
10740s it's a couple times now that we have
10741s seen a player be able to step up
10743s throughout our broadcast and be able to
10745s provide something beautiful for the next
10747s player in rotation also showing just the
10749s lack of solo play that we've really had
10751s except for maybe a cross field dunk off
10753s the near side relating wave still being
10756s kept mostly off the scoring sheet and by
10758s lack of effort maybe it's going to be
10760s speed that can make up for it but it
10762s can't get through the mess of bodies in
10764s the way man speed had the shot dead to
10767s right but it was cleared Away by Just
10769s Right the sheer number of traffic right
10772s there that could have been a whole
10773s different Wrinkle in this one here
10775s tacoing wave does get an early flick not
10777s able to take out creams which means from
10779s the ceiling he'll go same with Knight
10780s being able to Man mark that one fairly
10782s well with no boost he'll play for a 50
10784s hockey new and still fake challenge
10787s nobody up from Northwood but they're all
10788s fueled up both PRS and zenil chilling at
10790s Hunter boost not using anything until
10792s they absolutely have to and therefore
10794s the first wave doesn't get it creams
10795s does in the second as it goes to the far
10797s side now it's one of the situation that
10799s if you're northw blue you know you can
10800s slow down the game as slow as you want
10802s to because it' be mville with the
10804s pressure to score but you know what
10806s going as fast as possible to put the
10808s hammer down that's also important the
10811s odds of this one it's so tough speed you
10813s have to jump on that one mainly because
10815s as soon as one person jumps off that's
10817s the one who's going to be able to win
10818s that challenge if they're both flushed
10820s to the wall and Northwood knew that one
10822s they're just trying to get in the way
10823s but they're going to get rewarded with
10825s yet another relative free goal as just
10828s kind of dances past everyone on mville
10830s goes into the open net and if that was
10833s already something that you can get
10835s tilted on it's a whole other thing to
10836s know that that might have cost you this
10838s first series one of your two lives you
10840s have in the upper bracket on this Grand
10842s Final of your merville kind of tickles
10844s me that hockey got the assist credit on
10846s that one it was almost not even the
10850s decision but as it stands right there
10852s Taco can you believe that though because
10854s again the the way marille won earlier
10856s today I thought this might be just a one
10858s go but Northwood was on that lower
10860s bracket revenge tour they've shown how
10862s crisp they can they say don't forget
10864s about us and it looks like barring a
10867s miracle that they're going to walk away
10868s with a chance to get this open number
10870s one in their favor that's the biggest
10873s thing that I feel like about Northwood
10875s is when I looked back that last series I
10877s was thinking to myself yeah Northwood
10878s wasn't playing what I know they could
10880s but part of it was because they were
10881s forced into just awkward situations they
10883s were being outplayed by mville but this
10886s time around it is an entirely different
10888s story but one that ultimately may have a
10891s familiar ending Northwood needed a win
10894s to force a bracket reset and therefore
10896s we do have to turn this bracket upside
10898s down we have to reset everything and
10900s play it again one more time Northwood
10902s playing on hard mode but it worked out
10904s for them they get the dub and you're
10906s right bracket reset City
10908s that's such a difficult task for
10910s marville because you know when you go
10912s into this one it's kind of like the
10913s scenarios where you're being reverse
10915s swept almost where you saying okay we
10917s got plenty of room okay we're losing a
10919s couple games but that's fine we have
10921s plenty of room oh well now we're on the
10922s border oh that's going to be tough and
10924s now that they know it has to come down
10925s to one more series that's one thing but
10927s to lose this one 4 to one statement from
10931s Northwood showing it's not going to be
10932s this easy around and certainly you're
10934s going to have to clean things up I think
10935s this break between series will do them
10937s very well yeah I know a lot of people
10939s would say hey look it was the the layoff
10941s or what Northwood has has been on
10943s another level but ultimately you are
10945s responsible for yourself in your team
10946s there were some breakdowns especially in
10948s the passing game northw took advantage
10950s of those you had some time to warm up
10952s didn't work out for you take this break
10954s and find a way to reset for next one and
10956s so I I think you and I also have to
10959s reset to a certain extent because that
10960s took a lot out of me at least to be able
10962s to cast I was in disbelief at times and
10964s shocked at others but maybe not everyone
10965s on the desk is Seb and chicks I'm sure
10967s you have plenty of thought about that
10968s one what a just complete coin flip that
10972s we've seen from this Northwood roster
10974s especially going against marville I
10975s don't know maybe marville got iced a
10977s little bit maybe they weren't sure how
10978s to handle the pressure but either way
10981s Northwood is on the war path and when
10984s Northwood is on a war path in a best of
10986s seven series that is a scary animal to
10989s be in front of that being said we still
10992s have a full uh best of seven to play
10995s ahead of us full bracket reset to those
10997s of you aren't not familiar because this
10999s is a double elimination bracket you
11001s essentially get two lies if you lose
11003s your Winner's match you move down to the
11006s lower end of the bracket where
11008s essentially you are on your last life in
11010s this case mville went ahead lost and now
11014s they are on their last life and they are
11016s both Northwood and mville are on equal
11019s footing incredible scenes across the
11022s board for Northwood checks
11025s up I mean Northwood was just Unstoppable
11028s it seemed like every move they made was
11031s with such ease so many opportunities
11033s they had were just clearcut quick
11036s transitions that nobody was back in net
11038s to even defend they won the pinch plays
11041s they just continued to win and they
11043s denied even when Maryville got
11045s interesting with it time and time again
11048s each and every save we've seen in these
11049s highlights they were just able to deny
11052s so marville didn't have the answer to
11054s get past Northwood and Northwood always
11056s found a way to score and session more
11058s than what we've seen today when normally
11061s it's been really difficult to even get a
11062s single goal in these series I mean yeah
11065s we we were talking about it even before
11066s where it's just like Northwood just
11068s weren't playing like themselves they
11069s didn't look comfortable they were a bit
11071s slow to the ball the rotations were a
11072s bit wide and just there was a lot of
11074s confusion on the pitch and it really
11076s came through in the first set against
11077s marville but that being said I mean to
11080s go from what was just a complete sweep
11082s on the mville side Taco all the way over
11085s to what is a pretty dominant like 4-1
11088s finish for at least our first series
11090s that I don't think anyone was expecting
11091s that result I think plenty of people
11094s probably were when they're sing well
11095s it's northw at the end of the day
11098s inevitable aside I mean you know it's
11099s just I'm not saying no I'm not saying
11101s it's a bad thing to say because it is
11102s hypothetical saying well if you get
11104s swept then how are you going to be able
11105s to improve from that to be able to
11107s basically turn it around yes mville gets
11109s a game but it did feel at times like
11111s there was levels to this the amount of
11113s open Nets that were rolling in the
11115s amount of clear counters that did not
11117s even exist even on the Northwind side
11119s for the most part against the them in
11121s maryville's Upper racket game that they
11122s were playing against it's just too many
11125s wideopen goals some people can say yeah
11127s mville did come in a little cold
11129s Northwood just finished their series
11130s quick break and then play again who
11132s knows but it's not like mville is
11133s sitting around they're scrimming they're
11134s in rank they're in free play they're
11136s keeping themselves warm so I don't like
11137s to use those types of excuses I think
11139s straight up they just lost the mental
11141s battle at times they sending the ball
11142s too far they were chasing some reads
11144s they shouldn't and ultimately all those
11146s are going to go in the back of your net
11147s cuz Norwood's going to see the do open
11148s Nets and take them every time well
11149s listen we're not done just yet we're
11151s going to take a short break as the
11152s players cool off but coming up next it
11155s will be the bracket reset for the grand
11158s finals here for our first open of the
11162s crl Fall 2024 we'll be right back
11170s [Music]
11189s I when
11191s myally no doesn't like me I like it when
11194s my
11194s [Music]
11196s movea I like it when
11199s myally nobody doesn't like me I like it
11202s when my come come
11207s [Music]
11220s doesn't quite
11232s like I like when my move come
11235s out doesn't quite like
11249s I like when my move come out no doesn't
11253s like
11255s [Music]
11269s I like it when my move chromatically
11272s nobody doesn't quite like me I like it
11273s when my move chromatically
11276s cha I like when my
11279s movea no doesn't like me I like when my
11282s movea
11292s [Music]
11306s my
11307s out doesn't
11310s [Music]
11321s like my
11325s [Music]
11368s [Music]
11377s my mind is racing not used to making
11379s sense of who I was and when the opens I
11383s dance for demons until the sun comes out
11386s on the outside I seem like it's all my
11389s way of having fine thinking this is just
11393s a part of me you
11396s love it's not my
11400s night your back seat I'm day to cry so
11406s why do I even try to think that you got
11409s it you say I'm dramatic you need a
11411s better you to die it's
11414s all right if you're walking away tonight
11420s [Music]
11425s [Applause]
11427s [Music]
11435s [Music]
11438s my judg is next to nothing it made me
11441s realize instead of finding something I'm
11444s pushing buttons like it's my state of
11446s mind all you're hearing on my blame
11449s excuses got every reason why thinking
11453s how you want me in your
11456s life yeah it's not my night up in your
11462s back seat I'm enough to cry so why do I
11467s even try to think that you got it you
11470s say I'm dramatic you need a better you
11472s say
11474s die right if you're walking away
11479s [Applause]
11483s [Music]
11488s [Applause]
11496s walk you're walking away mind
11501s [Music]
11517s [Music]
11521s it's the back
11523s seat not to cry so do
11529s [Applause]
11531s I in your back seat on we love to cry
11537s why do I even try to G you say I'm rtic
11542s you need a
11544s [Music]
11544s [Applause]
11546s batter if you're walking
11557s away why do I
11559s even you got
11561s it you need a b
11564s [Applause]
11567s we walking away tonight
11591s [Applause]
11601s let's move those feet
11605s [Music]
11622s [Music]
11637s [Music]
11651s welcome back everyone to collegate
11653s Rocket league first bracket or first
11656s Grand finals match is done now we have a
11660s grand finals bracket reset a very rare
11664s opportunity to actually see this with a
11666s full best of seven bracket reset it is
11669s incredibly exciting Northwood taking it
11671s to mville in a 41 score line and now
11675s with the bracket reset we have an
11677s updated bracket of course we've seen how
11681s everything has turned out thus far but
11684s Northwood at the top there taking the
11686s first series in now that mville is
11689s collectively in losers alongside
11691s Northwood blue that means we have one
11693s more best of seven to go and taco I
11697s talked about it previously just in terms
11699s of what a coin flip I think Northwood
11702s has you know really come especially as
11704s they've progressed through this bracket
11705s through taking down fiser now through
11707s Northwood but this is just this just
11709s feels like the Northwood that we should
11711s be seeing it's not only just the
11713s Northwood that we should be seeing but
11714s it's also a familiar site unfortunately
11716s for marville it's a that is way too in
11719s their head in my mind they are looking
11720s at this game play they're playing it
11722s fairly even but then there's occasional
11724s moment where completely absent in that
11726s upper final where you'll have a player
11728s cut across field that's fine but then
11730s the player behind will also Challenge
11732s and then both of them get beat it's a
11733s wide open in goal that's fine okay
11734s another play okay we're going to bite
11736s really hard on the third man but we're
11737s nowhere close tapped over another open
11739s net kickoff they go too wide they don't
11742s rotate back to goal and that's an open
11743s net it's just too many easy goals if
11746s you're playing Northwood you need make
11747s sure they they are fliply setting on
11748s your head or nothing and chicka I'm
11751s looking at this and this is kind of uh
11753s the flip side of what we saw from summer
11755s series final Knight has been in this
11758s position before where beforehand he was
11761s the one coming from losers ended up
11763s going a you know unfortunately falling
11766s to Northwood in that sense as well but
11769s Northwood is the team coming from losers
11771s gunning for maryville's title and now
11773s it's just pretty much all on marville to
11776s see if they can put Northwood away yeah
11779s marville should have been feeling
11781s confident going into this series yes we
11784s could say they were a little cold maybe
11785s but they had the opportunity to watch
11787s Northwood and really see how they play
11789s against a difficult opponent and we just
11791s haven't seen answers for the type of
11793s play style that Northwood likes to play
11795s you've watched them before we all know
11797s them so well why you haven't figured out
11800s on the field how to adapt and play
11802s against Northwood is what really
11804s surprises me you know it worked you
11806s already beat them once why not beat them
11808s again and it can't be the gap of the
11811s score line you can't lose confidence now
11814s maybe you could call that series a wash
11816s learn from it what you can but it's
11818s important that you get your head in the
11820s game for this best of seven it's your
11823s last opportunity to upset that dynasty
11826s that most of us said today of course
11828s they were going to win they lost and we
11830s started questioning really make us
11833s question more wellon I'm looking at
11836s creams in this because yes while zenil I
11839s think he's playing actually
11840s fantastically for northw right now he is
11842s kind of not only just like the head of
11843s the leaderboard but I think he really
11845s pivotal to making a lot of Northwoods
11847s operations work creams is the newest
11849s member of this roster I think he
11852s generally he's had a really good time in
11855s slotting himself in but how are we
11857s feeling generally in this series because
11860s although you know he is I would say
11862s maybe not the best player they're all
11864s kind of on equal footing creem still has
11866s to prove himself to some degree even if
11869s it is his first crl season yeah
11871s absolutely it doesn't matter if it's
11872s your first crl season or your seventh
11874s right you got to be able to produce for
11877s your squad night in Night Out semester
11880s in semester out and so again we talk
11882s about the theme this year is about the
11883s flashes are Brilliance creams has been
11885s so good when certain kind of runs but
11888s ultimately it's a consistency doing it
11890s as many times as you can that's going to
11892s make them between good great and Elite
11893s so I have faith in creams but I do think
11895s there's a long way to work there all
11897s right well our lobby is just about ready
11900s to go I'm very curious as to where this
11902s goes because again Taco we we talked
11904s about how mville has been sort of in
11905s this situation previously where they've
11907s had to deal with Northwood in a best of
11910s seven before twice actually in a single
11913s bracket in that summer Series bracket
11915s obviously this is a different team this
11917s is a completely different environment
11919s but it's going against that same team
11922s these are Europeans that are coming in
11924s and really are experiencing all this for
11926s the first time especially these best of
11928s seven like Double Elimination Brackets
11930s and having to do it against the best
11931s Collegiate team that we currently have I
11934s mean as far as the pressure like just
11937s describe it briefly because again
11938s there's no really comparison this is
11941s something that I talked to about a lot
11943s of players when we talk about how they
11946s play in crl for the first time or if
11948s they are playing from a high level
11950s playing in bubble tournaments playing in
11951s a lot of invitationals even playing in
11953s play they talk about playing for
11954s Collegiate they're like it's a different
11955s roster and it does hit you a little
11957s different you get a little nervous
11958s because you're not sure how things are
11959s going to work out you're playing against
11960s teams you've never scrimmed before
11962s sometimes if you're a brand new addition
11963s into a roster you've not been able to
11965s play in as many tournaments maybe as you
11967s want so this is a moment where these
11969s players are familiar with playing in
11970s high stakes but this is a situation
11972s where you haven't worked with this team
11973s for forever these are fairly new rosters
11976s for both of these sides and yet one side
11978s of them it seemed like they were
11979s clicking at first now they're falling
11980s off Northwood has assumedly figured out
11983s all their issues they're just trying to
11984s win one more best of seven so I think
11986s for the biggest thing is taking a deep
11988s breath get the oxygen in your brain
11990s lower that heart rate and just be able
11992s to take things one game at a time you've
11994s already proven you can beat this team
11996s you just have to do it one more series
11998s with an additional game win in the end
12000s so our lobby is just about ready
12003s Northwood versus mville one more time
12006s for the third time this evening we will
12009s see who will come out on top remember
12011s this is one small step to the journey
12014s that will be the crl national champ
12017s Championship Northwood versus mville
12020s bracket reset Grand finals let's
12025s go well so is the first time we're going
12027s to do it again there Taco novantas with
12030s you in the broadcast Booth it's going to
12032s be a absolute Banger the question is
12034s who's going to bang first uh it's hard
12036s to tell because ultimately the biggest
12038s thing I saw out of mville is that they
12040s came into the series knowing that they
12042s are we going playing a more warmed up a
12044s more polished Northwood but I don't
12046s think even they could anticipate just
12048s how difficult this team can be when
12050s everything goes their way the 50s the
12052s saves breakway counters and so now I
12055s think marille will be focused on just
12056s building from the back play stably play
12059s Confident but most importantly do not
12061s take any risks you don't have to because
12062s we've already seen how that works on out
12065s if you're going to lose you at least
12066s need to take it a little bit farther
12067s than game five look I know this is kind
12069s of a thing that Cass like to say over
12071s and over again about the idea of
12072s pressure but I think both teams are
12074s feeling it Northwood because of their
12076s legacy Mar because of their run earlier
12078s today but ultimately in the bracket
12080s research situation you got to give a bit
12082s of the edge the team that forced that
12084s bracket reset I'm look at Northwood blue
12086s to really show out here today 30 seconds
12088s gone no score however that is going to
12090s be a bump by relating wave which means
12091s Knight is going to hang in there and
12093s hold that flip nearly getting the dish
12095s past the defender but of course never
12097s that easy a relating wave off the
12099s backboard creams has that read and then
12101s some back to Mid well a little bit of
12105s that comat ping ponging using the walls
12107s of the event something that really
12108s wasn't used as much we make you say that
12111s both teams are trying some new things in
12113s this go
12114s round a with a tap down Knight will be
12116s able to roll that one at least far
12117s enough beating out seil somewhat as that
12120s will still deflect into the corner
12122s definitely the speed has not been let up
12124s by any member of the two teams they're
12126s able to challenge immediately and even
12128s when they do slow down they want to move
12129s forward they want to be able to push the
12131s pace and be able to really develop the
12133s situation in which one player or really
12135s set of players is going to be able to
12137s play reactive and the other one
12139s proactive I got to be honest with you
12141s Taco when you're in a situation where
12143s there is a bracket reset how do you keep
12145s yourself warm do you do free play do you
12147s do just video like how do you keep
12149s yourself Frosty I feel like in the past
12151s I mean I coach teams at the Collegiate
12153s level and honestly when they do get in
12155s situations where they do have to deal
12156s with something I we had a situation
12158s which one such team had a bracket reset
12160s in their grand final and I told them get
12162s up and like stand up and like get around
12164s your room stretch a little bit to Shake
12166s It Off and then yeah go back and free
12168s play get yourself warm cuz you're not
12169s really going to cool down too much but
12171s at the very least you need to get away
12172s from the game because nerves are going
12174s to wreck you much like zenil could wreck
12176s your back line if you made contact but
12178s rare Miss on that one just completely
12180s miscalculates yeah absolutely that could
12182s have been a CR critical first goal there
12184s for Northwood but a little bit too much
12186s spice on the ball off the backboard but
12188s hit the post right there doesn't really
12190s matter hockey cleans it up and that's a
12192s first goal right here for a series these
12193s players can read all the angles the best
12196s but this one all always throws you a
12197s curveball the post doesn't go in it
12200s bounces out speed can't get it hocky
12202s makes sure that he can just before half
12204s timee of game number one Northwood
12206s apparently still cruising keeping that
12207s streak of goals alive I got to be honest
12210s with you hitting the post the way it did
12211s I thought it would be going the other
12212s way right sailing into the corner but as
12214s it went right down right from the middle
12216s it was easy picking for hockey hopefully
12218s Lady Luck Shines on them quite more as
12221s we're at the halftime Point here in the
12222s first game and Knight tried to do
12224s something on the blower 90 but is
12225s knocked away
12227s relating wave going to take the first
12229s one creams with the flip reset engag
12231s he's not going to take the flip but
12232s doesn't even matter it's even better
12234s that he missed hockey able to get a
12235s fairly open shot to double up the lead
12238s oh man that ball was just into the
12240s middle there was two options there hocky
12243s got there first and smartly did it near
12245s post having the full stretch for a car
12247s that already committed that one there
12249s was going to be untouched two
12252s N speed able to get the easy enough
12255s kickoff problem as he does not get the
12257s read afterwards skimming underneath it
12260s meaning that all of maryville's plans
12262s kind of laid out to waste here and M
12264s touches are forgivable but as they build
12266s it just kind of goes back to the
12267s situation that we've somewhat been
12269s worried about about mville maybe just
12271s running out of steam it seems like to be
12272s able to keep up with the pace of
12274s Northwood just being able to play
12276s against a squad that is more or less
12278s just TSM and C9 in the previous Seasons
12280s combined it's a difficult task for any
12282s team but you need to be able to stay
12283s razor sharp and of course finish those
12285s chances so difficult when hockey blocks
12287s the only way through I think you said
12289s this in an earlier game where it's like
12291s if you took the the name tags off of
12292s teams you couldn't tell which one it is
12294s if I was watching this not knowing which
12296s side was which I would say oh man maybe
12297s marville is a little bit fatigued of
12299s playing so many rounds but that's not
12301s them it's actually Northwood the one
12303s that's played more on stream game today
12305s but they look way more the sharper Squad
12307s right now and that's the difficulty of
12310s being in the upper bracket some people
12311s say well you don't play as many games
12312s you don't stay as warm but I think
12313s Northwood certainly appreciated it based
12315s on how they're playing especially now
12316s now that they're cutting in front and
12318s coming in from The Blind Side that
12319s hockey 50 yielded a somewhat awkward
12321s moment but now it has gone from Knight
12324s to find a pass to nobody because they
12326s have been sent off the field another off
12328s ball demo from Northwood be able to
12329s throw a wrench into the well laid plans
12330s of mville I got to be honest uh one of
12333s the few things I hate saying in the the
12335s coms was yeah I've been bumped way away
12337s from the play sorry guys I was a Sitting
12340s Duck but yeah that's what you're talking
12341s about being able to get yourself some
12343s space that's how it's
12345s done speed able to to hold that flip
12347s together leing wave only be able to tap
12350s it P but more or less a giveway to
12352s creams who will get on that angle just
12354s off the near post is going to be
12356s forgivable somewhat from that angle but
12358s you can tell mville every time they kind
12359s of clench up on their controllers
12360s knowing that anytime you do give any of
12362s these players and angle might as well be
12364s in zenil trying to show that accuracy
12366s but they trying to trip up that near
12367s post bit too much placement on that yeah
12370s not enough has been said about creams
12371s and his angles not so much even making
12373s the ankles but determining this one is
12375s actually worth shooting on to really be
12377s that close that is another level of
12380s Education that a lot of Rocket league
12381s players don't even take the time to
12382s learn and that's why CRI has been so
12384s critical for that team hocky with a high
12387s lob speed is on top of it he just needs
12389s a goal for his Squad with some time
12391s remaining wide open for Knight but he's
12393s got no boost accuracy's there so is
12396s creams he's going to get a follow up
12397s dunk as well and that's an emphatic way
12399s to end this one Northwood starting off
12401s the bracket reset in the lead of the
12403s series wow I thought that marville would
12406s have got one but like Santa Claus does
12408s to me Christmas morning denied here's
12410s your Cole and that is a two nil score
12412s line for Northwood blue again another
12414s game with them pretty much unbothered
12417s here Taco yeah and being able to also
12420s get the streak of games in which they're
12422s holding their opponent's scoreless up
12424s somewhat that is nice to see from
12426s Northwood it's that been every game but
12428s there's been a decent number of them now
12429s that shows that Northwood as content to
12431s be able to absorb pressure which is
12433s unusual play style typically it you
12435s don't want to be able to make those gold
12436s line saves but more or less they are
12438s positioning themselves so that most of
12440s the options from Mar are taken notice
12442s how many shots that if they are not
12444s flawlessly placed they have no chance of
12446s getting through i' love Northwood Blues
12448s almost like Anaconda type defense what
12451s they do is they basically close down the
12453s space and they go okay we're going to
12454s open up just a bit we're going to hang
12455s out by the goal we're going to give you
12457s a chance marville takes the bait every
12459s time and you see three cars out of
12461s nowhere clearing off balls off the net
12464s to go ahead for that offensive attack
12466s it's actually a very small psychological
12468s play it seems to be no antidote as it is
12470s right now and it's worked out for them
12472s part of it is just the trust in each
12473s other's rotation but also the
12475s understanding that if they time their
12476s challenges correctly you don't have to
12478s immediately jump for every single Arrow
12479s you're going to trust that marville is
12481s going to have to take it slow play for a
12483s reset understand that you're not going
12484s to be able to get past me unless you do
12486s something I'm not anticipating or at the
12488s very least have some sort of team play
12489s we don't see coming and right now it
12491s seems like marville keeps reaching into
12493s their bag of tricks and North saying we
12494s wrote The Playbook on that you can't
12495s pull that on us you have to do better
12498s and that's exactly what the mission is
12500s in game number two of our bracket reset
12502s forbid Temple could be the land in which
12506s mville actually has a comeback trail
12508s that they can blaze but for right now
12511s it's going to start off with some more
12512s Northwood pressure yeah absolutely if I
12514s was a coach here of that mville side I
12516s would say night play up I'm sorry Night
12518s play back and let relating W be really
12521s more of that go between two-way player
12524s just for now to give them a bit more
12526s confidence as well to switch up the
12527s lineups here because what you're doing
12529s is working to a point where you're not
12531s getting the balls past the
12534s net relating wave actually going to get
12536s past the first but not the
12538s second and we will be able to at least
12541s somewhat see some maral pressure the
12543s problem is you only have so much boost
12544s to maintain that as well as all the
12546s demos continue to rain in I would say on
12549s the whole kind of a below average in
12551s terms of the car onar violence and I
12553s think a lot of it is just because
12554s everybody's trying to focus so hard on
12556s playing for the 50 slowing things down
12557s try to play angles and other times you
12560s are zenil just winging it all the way
12562s through the backline creams shaking his
12564s head how is this this open man just
12567s advocated for car car violence but look
12570s at this one here it was going to be a SC
12571s scor anyway but creams with the reverse
12573s go with the extra bit of flare and
12575s northw blue finds a way to score again
12578s creams was unchecked unmarked unbothered
12580s and now it's 1
12582s [Applause]
12583s n have Speed playing for the read I like
12587s the fake there but you need to throw
12590s something in for hocky to be able to
12591s bite in for and he kind of just waited
12592s for that read knowing that regardless of
12594s where it was hit his teammates do have
12596s that covered wave going to pop that one
12598s high speed might be able to have that
12599s one but creams just so sneaky like a
12601s robber just sneaks on in steals that one
12603s away with that light touch and again
12605s it's all the little things as well that
12606s are making Northwood so good right now
12608s as they're taking away every single
12610s opportunity and taking most of them that
12612s placement just about as well as he could
12614s put it and yet mville going to be able
12615s to survive at least one more attack this
12618s is why I think that this this game
12619s Rocket league is such a psychological
12621s one after being the victim of the
12622s bracket reset the shorting accuracy has
12624s taking a dip but even shots on frame are
12627s getting knocked away to the point where
12628s you're thinking like if you're mville
12630s what do you have to do and problems are
12632s compounding the goals per game have
12634s taken a dive and that's no
12637s coincidence the liting wave will be able
12639s to potentially get that dunk but it will
12642s be circumvented by Northwood why KN
12645s Knight is trying to move it forward and
12647s trying so many different things and yet
12649s just seems like it comes down to how
12651s much they actually want to dive on
12653s through because it seems like Northwood
12654s it's rotating superbly everyone covering
12657s everyone and also the Boost preservation
12659s is great creams has barely used anything
12661s same with zenil it's why he's able to
12662s beat out that aerial yeah you beat it
12664s out there maybe you could do a couple
12666s more to really put yourself your
12667s dominance in the skies I do think one of
12669s the telltale signs of a team being beat
12671s is when they don't even challenge you
12673s when you're in the air and I think zenil
12674s is closely to that situation right now
12677s speed that's an excellent 50 relating
12678s wave should have an open shot and indeed
12680s he will be able to convert that's the 50
12682s I'm looking for don't try to be able to
12684s go around the player just go through it
12686s you know what I like myself a good old
12688s taii breaker tie starter equalizer
12690s whatever you want to call it there I
12692s want to make sure mville is still in the
12693s contest that's how it's done with the
12695s goal that's really emphatic and kind of
12697s out of a Playbook from Northwood and
12699s it's something that I really been
12701s looking for out of mville of course the
12703s other one is making sure you don't give
12704s up anything off of kickoff and a little
12706s bit scary trying to pull my collar
12708s trying to cool off there as Harville
12710s playing it fast and loose at times with
12711s some of those cheat ups but either way
12713s they can take a deep breath and then
12715s build from the back with a powerful
12716s flick hockey should be able to get this
12718s one again but Green's not really able to
12720s provide any support so hocky will just
12722s do it all himself nice little bump to be
12723s able to keep the attack alive for now
12725s yeah we're talking about how good these
12726s teams are and their formations and
12728s rotations but every once in a while
12729s there's an absolute dog pile especially
12731s in the corners that's kind of fun if you
12733s love that slug Fest Style Rocket League
12736s wave trying to find Knight but the
12738s timing is off which is why it's going to
12740s come right back to wave actually on a
12741s bounce down he wasn't careful that could
12743s have been creams for another goal but
12744s instead rare miscommunication means
12746s zenil does the smart play plays it all
12748s the way back Knight pre jumps it zenil
12750s saw it coming relating wave gets it a
12751s flection now speed has could hope that
12753s demo update helps him on the recovery he
12755s KN needed on the near post Knight diving
12758s in the only reason that's not a goal I
12760s got to be honest with you there t been
12762s honest with you all day but just a
12764s little bit more emphasis on this one I
12765s thought that was kind of a slow idea to
12768s go all the way back but it really gave
12770s Anil an opportunity to find the go-ahead
12772s goal didn't work out for them but that
12774s was a creative play that was awesome
12777s liting wave wonderful speed Knight
12779s should be able to get on this one he's
12780s trying to play for the 15 get Neil
12783s almost like a wall there that's a player
12784s that plays a lot of 2v2 he's familiar in
12786s that scenario not giving up too much
12787s room allowing his teammates to catch on
12789s up to him and now everyone else has to
12791s play catch up to this one on the defense
12794s cuz mville has forced hocky to use the
12795s rest of is Boost that's another giveaway
12797s by zenil relating wave off the ceiling
12800s with a reset a light one but light
12802s enough to cause some commotion hocky
12804s trying to get around this clear and he
12805s can only get it so far ases a Neil got
12808s to be a bully when you need to be you
12810s got to be technically proficient when it
12811s calls for that it's still anyone's game
12814s here what it would mean for Northwood to
12816s get that second game in to exert a
12818s little bit of psychological dominance is
12820s really really important for them why you
12822s see a bit of an urgency we hav't seen
12823s the top half of this one
12826s down relating wave backwards on this one
12828s plane for a 50 that should be wide open
12829s for Speed one more chance potentially by
12831s mville we not see any contact in the
12834s corner zenil has that double Knight
12836s knows it that's why he's slowing it down
12838s if he throws it high it's right into the
12840s jaws of zenil to swallow up so therefore
12843s not trying to take that risk they're
12844s just going to bump him out of the way
12846s overtime for mville an attempt to tie
12848s this up hey if you like car car violence
12851s that was a great way to end that one but
12852s uh we said this before when it comes to
12854s overtime it kind of Suits the team
12856s that's fighting underneath it's Marv's
12858s game to win and that was a shot on frame
12860s knocked Away by hockey was lacking the
12862s power but at times you're trying to get
12864s to the initial read like speed right
12866s here on the pre jump not going to dust
12867s out hockey not only that but he gets the
12869s first touch putting Knight in an awkward
12871s position no boost but creams is left
12873s alone he's going to get that mid boost
12875s and the 50 which means speed I thought
12877s was on his horse he turns too slowly and
12879s he can't cap that one forward uh bailed
12881s out by the booze I bet if there was a
12883s booze situation before they landed that
12885s would have been a different path but had
12887s to stop down get that mid booth and that
12888s was just the stop they needed to end
12890s that offensive
12892s run toms are needed there for mville and
12895s good job by relating wave and Knight not
12896s too cross each other too much Panic on
12898s that clear now they're able to relock in
12901s and let speed potentially take that
12902s around multiple players Knight trying to
12904s cut in the rotation he does get that one
12906s off creams no boost trying to slow
12907s things down relating wave has all of the
12909s Boost trying to scoop it across that's
12911s wide open to speed that's a mville
12914s dub there was something not nearly as
12918s clinical as that one all day Tak it
12921s around the horn shut up on a silver
12923s platter 21 there for marville and I'm
12927s just going to say it when you play like
12928s that like relating wave using all that
12930s boost waiting for people to flail in
12932s front of you you can make some great
12934s plays essentially unsavable if you're on
12937s the near post for Northwood blue nice
12939s job by speed to make sure he is there
12940s for the immediate crash just in case and
12943s that's more like it from mville
12944s certainly something to give wind in
12946s theirs yeah you know that overtime is
12948s always a tricky thing I always feel that
12950s teams are the favorite ones struggle in
12952s that overtime period marville really
12954s that sense of urgency put it on its head
12957s and served up an absolute dime to make
12959s sure they're not going to be swept in
12960s this one and that's two goals that are
12963s well formulated from mville it's taking
12965s good 50s and trusting each other to be
12967s able to dive in for the crash and those
12969s are both of the goals more or less
12971s coming in by mville being able to stay
12973s close to the ball play one-on-one issues
12975s and kind of break Northwood down one by
12977s one if you kind of just keep throwing it
12979s on the backboard yeah it keeps the
12980s defense honest it forces them to make
12981s those awkward clears but for the most
12983s part when Northwood does have to pay
12984s that micro game it's not necessarily
12986s foolproof they have shown moments where
12988s they're not able to deal with it I think
12989s mville if they can capture that again
12991s should be able to be able to pull the
12993s relative upset over Northwood yet again
12995s but I don't know want to get too far
12997s ahead of ourselves we have played a lot
12998s of best of fives this is essentially now
13000s a new best of five this time for all the
13002s marbles yeah absolutely you're AB ring
13004s northw they're really a good effective
13006s Sledgehammer but this one here was kind
13008s of a small situation a technical mistake
13010s a mental error and they got marville on
13013s the board can they replicate that
13014s question I have if his Ru on to the next
13016s round and this is going to be really a
13019s question of how well you actually know
13021s your opponents because often times
13023s people focus on the mechanics of Rocket
13025s League obviously there's a lot of
13026s teamwork required and I often try to
13028s compare this to Chess at times it's
13030s about predicting what your opponent's
13031s going to do and reacting to it with a
13033s lot of Venom speaking of speed almost
13037s ripped the covering off the ball with
13038s that shot yeah 83 mil from an hour have
13041s felt a lot further than that it went
13043s towards the nut it was too fast a
13045s reactor to clear away and marille gets
13047s on the board and talk about a way to be
13049s able to get you hype in the comms that's
13051s something that'll wake you up better
13052s than any caffeine speed getting right
13055s back to it again with a pass down this
13057s time or so I thought maybe a self pass
13059s cuz he's going to crash the boards on
13061s creams who will be able to get past one
13063s but not past Knight wise to his trickery
13065s on that dribble yeah I love a little bit
13067s of the air dribble action I said for a
13070s lot of rounds before to keep it down to
13072s the ground game we did that for a bit
13074s now it's time to switch that up
13075s reintroduce using the vertical aspect if
13078s you will and we're seeing a lot more of
13080s that now but the question I have is
13082s who's able to knock up or link up with
13084s their teammates in that mid pitch that
13086s would be the secret sauce well mville is
13087s not quite at back and Peak potential I
13089s know Knight can place that a little bit
13090s better and that's one of those moments
13091s where it's not going to go your way but
13093s the same can be said for H that shot's
13096s not even in the zip code of either post
13098s and that was a wide open chance now both
13100s sides have said no to yeah I think no
13102s one saw that one coming everyone was out
13104s of position after that one but uh a bit
13106s of hcky other opportunity a little bit
13108s of a half second composure they a to put
13110s something closer on
13111s frame reling wave waiting for that 50
13114s Anil he has no patience for that he's
13116s just going to challenge early and be
13117s able to then mount something up until
13120s they let the clear go down creams plays
13122s for possession but that's why wave is
13123s already there gets more of the man than
13125s the ball that opens things up for Speed
13127s around the edge denil turns around on a
13129s dime gets there just in the moment where
13131s he is needed mville try as they might
13134s trying to break through that final tier
13136s speed double tap gets the 50 back post
13140s Knight again who has the Boost it has to
13142s be wave pass potential he chooses it
13145s tonight speed what a play by
13148s mville wow I'm not sure which one will
13150s get the most praise the Boost management
13153s the positioning or the different variety
13155s of shot selection speed gets the credit
13157s for the goal but that was a team effort
13160s if there ever was one and I love that
13163s decision by Knight because that pass is
13165s a good idea by relating wave but it's
13166s really far ahead of him Knight's not
13168s going to be able to get past near post
13169s so why not just hit it off that near
13171s post directly in the Middle where both
13173s Defenders are last at least expecting it
13175s and that's going to be a well worked
13177s goal this is the mville I feel like if
13179s they use a creativity in unique ways you
13181s don't have to go through the defense
13182s sometimes just find a creative way to
13184s just go to their sides yeah this is one
13186s thing that northw blue did not want and
13187s that's to put mville back into the game
13189s he did all that extra work forcing the
13191s bracket reset and now it just seems
13193s after that first game it's been all
13197s merville hocky trying to find creams
13200s four bodies around that one luckily
13202s speed is a very large body in that
13204s regard because he's going to deflect
13205s that one out into the middle there was a
13207s pass potential but same could be said
13209s about marville up until yet another demo
13211s comes into the Midfield not the first
13212s time certainly not the last North's
13214s going to try that one NE saw speed shot
13217s earlier said hey how about this one oh
13219s man talk about clinical plays using the
13221s Z passes you don't see that too often
13223s especially to run a 3v3 rocket league
13225s but that right there was great I want
13227s more of that please two to one and
13230s that's just a lightning Quick Pass but I
13232s like zil not over complicating it a
13234s lesser player might have tried to slow
13236s that one down maybe play it on a solo
13237s but other times you just got to rip one
13239s top shelf and hope the defender has
13240s worse reactions than you passing in
13242s tonight there was just no more room on
13244s that near post yeah imagine that doing
13247s all that work and just got stopped by
13248s the woodwork but cream a bicycle a kick
13251s got to give him prep for that for being
13252s able to have the reaction time even
13254s though it really wasn't needed speed has
13257s the Avenue of Escape down with relating
13259s wave in Pursuit a 50 is going to bounce
13261s hockey to the ceiling knight from an
13263s angle nice 50 slowing things down enough
13265s for a leading wave look at the cut all
13267s the way across they want to keep this
13268s pressure trying to make Northwood Panic
13270s as they throw it left and right exactly
13273s what they do Knight's going to leave it
13274s to speed flip reset engage another 50
13276s down for wave Tak it to theiling zil's
13279s late to the challeng he's going to get
13281s there in time but the shot stilles in
13283s well wide Knight's going to leave it for
13284s Speed and mville has the rotation on
13286s lock wow you beat the Defenders but they
13289s didn't have the ball on target you don't
13291s get giant chances quite like that you
13293s have to have it on point or else you be
13295s asking what could have
13297s been looking like almost night and day
13301s Novant I swear we didn't take any
13303s extended break between games but
13304s marville look at like A Renewed team
13306s they're rotating much more calmly
13308s they're not chasing any reads and most
13310s importantly I don't see any of them
13312s diving at the ball collectively there's
13314s no Panic in the rotations I don't know
13316s what the coms are like for all I know
13317s it's just overlapping screaming but I'd
13319s like to think they're handling
13320s everything pretty well especially there
13323s as speed watches as hockey hits that one
13325s well wide yet again I think leads change
13328s that I know they won the last game in
13329s over time but this is actually the first
13330s functional lead they had all series it
13333s does feel like a different team when you
13334s have that time to say look we don't have
13336s to come back we don't have to equalize
13338s we don't have to make things level we
13340s have the higher ground maybe we can take
13342s an extra moment or time to see what
13344s works out for us speed doesn't Chase
13347s waits for the pop from hocky doesn't
13348s unfortunately find his man so therefore
13350s hockey has his own place to be able to
13352s make made bump on the near post still
13354s not being able to navigate its way
13356s through that is on target from lighting
13358s wave yet he catches up to it from behind
13360s using every ounce of boost to be able to
13362s make that stand and keep this lead with
13364s 20 to go yeah that was definitely a full
13366s stretch I know you had that finger down
13369s that booze button saying I give me
13370s everything I don't care if I'm
13371s supersonic make sure I'm there in
13374s time Mar with the chance to get a rare
13377s lead in the series against Northwood
13379s here they just have to survive one more
13381s time but that's a double demo hockey
13383s pickpocketed by Knight but the clear is
13385s not in no boost in 2/3 of merville
13388s hockey might know that speed still finds
13390s a way pass middle zenil near post creams
13394s denied again mville putting up a wall
13397s Brick by Brick oh my goodness this is
13401s still up there the ball is still alive
13403s an opportunity and no marville holds on
13405s by the skin of their team how do they
13407s get it to happen and that's exactly what
13409s you have to do against Northwood many
13411s teams I feel like are just saying hey
13412s we're going to play prevent defense you
13413s know go deep just cover everything
13415s obvious and go from there but marville
13417s realizes they have to stay locked in
13419s because the bumps are coming in a double
13421s demo to start off that first attacking
13423s Fay was one thing but to get the count
13426s saves and deflections in front at 0
13428s seconds my goodness the perseverance
13431s being shown by mville we really do have
13433s a Bracken reset series on our hands
13435s absolutely game three the story about
13437s game three happened the end of game two
13439s with that crisp pass to get that first
13442s win for marville in the overtime period
13444s and all like that that 60 seconds it was
13446s a different team one willing to wait to
13448s see what the defense is going to do and
13450s do counter measures as of coming from a
13452s place of panic and it's paid off
13454s dividends as it is right now three games
13456s are down marville has the game advantage
13459s and there just two wins away of winning
13461s this series and being able to get that
13464s close is one thing but I think marville
13466s understands that some bounces go uh left
13469s to right or a little bit differently
13470s this is a very different game and
13472s therefore series because they had that
13474s break and I think that's huge for the
13476s team just to be able to sit together
13477s coach KX former rostered member of this
13480s marville squad originally brought over
13481s from Europe to be able to coach the
13483s mville squads and he's got a a really
13485s good one here but he knows they didn't
13487s reach their potential I feel like this
13488s time they got everything dialed in
13490s that's exactly why you get the man into
13492s your University get him into your
13494s program for moments like this for Grand
13496s Final bracka resets like this Utopia
13499s dusk a chance for marville to move on to
13501s Championship Point yeah this is really
13504s more than mechanics this is more than
13505s rotations it's about Focus now you have
13507s The High Ground and you're still the
13509s winers bracket can you win two more or
13511s will Northwood find something else to
13514s counter I like the creativity there from
13516s mville just trying to get those light
13517s little touches but you're going to have
13518s to do better than that to stop mville
13521s because Knight is getting creative so is
13522s relating wave sitting there hoping for a
13524s clear right to him almost got his wish
13527s yeah Knight has just been an absolute
13529s Terror for any Defender out there cuz
13531s when you think you have the game already
13532s scouted out comes more mechanics he
13534s didn't think was
13536s possible pass down speed looking for a
13538s light shot maybe just to trip up zenil
13541s Knight with a half rotation wants to
13542s keep this one in the danger area no
13544s double tap a little bit too far to the
13546s back post not anything anybody can do
13548s with but doesn't mean that it's over
13550s Northwood still looking for a clear and
13553s right now I think they'll take anything
13554s past the Midfield which will then be
13556s sent right back I got to give Northwood
13559s a lot of credit a lot of teams with that
13560s kind of pressure would have folded as it
13562s of right now but they haven't ConEd it
13563s quite as yet speed I think would have
13566s benefited from a harder hit there to be
13567s able to get that one pass that last
13569s Defender maybe facilitating Knight into
13571s the offense but either way it's still
13573s working for right now relating wave has
13575s another boost Steel in the corner creams
13577s and zenil have absolutely nothing Knight
13579s has more than enough and that's why he's
13581s tucking it in the bottom 90 yeah I think
13584s you hit the nail on the head there with
13585s raing wave just being that goon taking
13587s all that boost pads and pills G it open
13590s for Knight with the extra bit of ooms to
13592s split the defense on the run a lot
13595s harder than it
13597s looks transformation continues from
13600s mville into a squad that can really
13602s stand toe to- Toe with the titans of crl
13604s but One goal of course is usually not
13607s enough in games like this it seems like
13609s there always seems to be some form of
13611s answer at the very least some heroics
13613s from Northwood they've been kept
13614s somewhat quiet almost eerily so and you
13617s know what they say about the Comm before
13619s the storms Anil from an angle that could
13620s be open relating wave shuts the door
13622s another save coming in using the
13625s frame wow speed gets that epic save it
13628s should be worth more points than that
13630s because that was critical and a half and
13632s you talk about the idea of a one go lead
13634s and how it has happened but it's super
13636s rare I know it's about clock Management
13638s in rocket league and there are some
13639s techniques to that but it's so hard to
13641s have a lead so early and just expect
13643s your opponent not to come up with
13645s something else to make sure they get on
13646s the board so Props to them for holding
13648s out the pace but you know it's not going
13650s to stay in forever and even bump
13652s attempts from North would not exactly
13653s working two players in the field for
13655s marville and being able to make sure
13657s that ball does not cross the threshold
13659s making sure you make contact would go a
13661s long way though speed luckily has
13662s someone to back him up and now Knight
13664s has a pass down to relating wave fake
13666s attempts not going in speed's trying to
13667s look for a bump of play to be able to
13669s get that shot through but at the very
13671s least maybe he can Rescue It flip reset
13673s raing wave lack of Cs not going to be
13675s able to get that hand off yeah I got
13677s swatted away but I got to give all the
13679s credit to speed just being a field
13681s General being able to stop the run of
13682s play and then put that ball in different
13684s directions a lot harder it looks as well
13686s but speed's been making that look easy
13688s all series long speed I like that law
13691s it's just making sure hocky has to reach
13692s back and get that awkward Touch Boost
13694s steel from Knight comes in but doesn't
13695s get to possession 50 on hockey means
13697s Anil is going to be up for this one with
13699s Knight and Knight with even less boost
13701s will be able to call the bluff hit that
13703s one in the ceiling speed gets that pre
13704s jump and maybe a breakway z Neil's got
13706s absolutely nothing in the tank but he is
13708s the positioning to get the first one not
13710s the second speed underneath again oh man
13713s if there ever was a moral Victory you
13714s got to give it to the zil to see it to
13716s ey it to judge it and to clear it away
13718s but you put yourself in the net there
13720s was no chance for a second attempt and
13721s that second scoring option is was was
13723s the difference two n
13726s merville and this is going to be
13728s something where you're going to have to
13729s Blink and you miss it some games you
13731s come in see Northwood playing well all
13733s right seems like this Series has kind of
13735s its pattern sketched out you walk away
13737s for a little bit grab a snack come back
13738s and suddenly maraville Not only was won
13740s a game but really taking control of this
13742s one they actually might get another if
13743s this bump goes through hockey is fast
13745s enough to jump over but doesn't mean
13746s anything about speed nobody marking him
13748s as he resets past one wave going for the
13750s craziest of angle I love the confidence
13753s so this is what I'm talking about there
13754s speed has been go good with his control
13756s so he can able to take more time to burn
13758s those valuable seconds off the clock
13760s again clock management is a little bit
13761s different in rocket League when you see
13763s great teams do that it really helps out
13765s for them that last exchange was about 10
13767s seconds and that's been critical because
13768s Northwood is down two goals or three and
13772s something you might not have been able
13773s to see Knight bothering speed or
13776s bothering with speed in the goal creams
13778s is really just trying to get away it's
13780s why he's all the way in the back of the
13781s goal and why he can barely even reach
13783s that line or just s right over his head
13786s Northwood you have committed nine saves
13789s and yet still three have gone through
13791s this is a marville team that you're were
13793s dealing with it's like a tornado ripping
13795s through the backline yeah absolutely so
13797s I think marville took the idea of
13799s Northwood being able to S back and their
13801s third to knock off pressure but we also
13804s saw they're a bit slow for that
13805s transition to offense so they figured
13807s why not be that way be annoying even
13809s though they pull one back here by zenil
13811s why not be that way and put some goals
13813s on the board to force him to be more
13814s than the defensive position and this one
13816s is something we hav not seen from
13817s Northwood in a bit a bit of subtlety on
13819s that offensive build zenil doesn't crash
13822s on that ball he waits for the inevitable
13824s touch it comes on in Taps it to the
13826s middle and then there you go open pass
13828s one to1 and Northwood at least has
13831s something to hold on to but way marille
13833s is playing I don't think they're in a
13834s charitable mood to give up two more yeah
13837s I mean I do think giving up two goals in
13838s a minute is definitely possible I've
13840s been on the blunt end of that one plenty
13842s of times there in ranked play there Taco
13844s but I got to say we talks about keeping
13846s things slowing down I think Now's the
13848s Time to on a pace here for
13850s mville relating wave will be beaten over
13852s the top knight should have this covered
13854s anded he does frams going to be sitting
13857s back but he needs to go forward I love
13858s that from relating wave he's not sure if
13859s he's going to be able to get the ball
13861s but he can certainly slap that player
13862s back yeah he sure can being able to be a
13865s little bit violent is always a good idea
13867s especially when no one sees it coming
13869s and that could be the X Factor in this
13870s game and certainly has been an X Factor
13873s among many for Mar the pressure the
13876s creativity and most importantly the
13878s Swagger to take another one in style
13880s tearing apart Northwoods defense and
13882s they are one game closer to making
13885s history well this is going to go down
13888s for being one of the greatest Grand
13889s finals in the open format because no one
13891s saw this one coming I think at one point
13893s if you picked a team you would have been
13895s made to be a fool at some point what we
13897s saw here is very clean rotations being
13899s able to be aggressive when needed and
13900s those goals came in bunches marille with
13902s the
13903s dub and you can see actually everybody
13906s just in the test Lobby here or rather
13909s the game Lobby you can't seeing the
13911s stats here all I'm seeing is the only
13914s player not ready up is hockey
13916s potentially evidence of just waiting it
13919s out no need to press ready but also
13920s probably just talking it through it's
13922s one thing to lose as Northwood but very
13924s rarely will you see those games where it
13926s just gets away from them that's 14 shots
13929s no overtime for mville that is one uping
13931s nearly by double digits Northwood side
13934s and that's something where I feel like
13935s when marville Taps into something I feel
13938s like you really need to do a lot more to
13939s knock him off as Northwood even
13941s experimented a bit differently that was
13942s a different play style from last game
13944s yet they still feel felt utterly
13946s Bamboozled at times by what they were
13947s witnessing that's exactly what happened
13949s it was an idea of a team that wanted to
13951s get some high grounds use a strategy was
13953s a bit unique for them they found uh this
13955s case marville found the counter measure
13957s and now if you're North Way You go Okay
13959s do we double down on this one do we BR
13961s something else do we go a little little
13962s faster what exactly we have to do to put
13964s ourselves on the board
13965s and being able to find that answer to
13968s that question is really rhetorical cuz
13970s ultimately you don't know what it's
13971s going to take that's why rocket league
13973s is so crazy this is not turn-based
13974s combat this is very much in the moment
13976s you got to pull out something
13978s spectacular how about a lead block to
13981s rip on target unfortunately Knight did
13983s not get the memo just a little bit wide
13985s maybe a comeback froming wave but he'll
13987s play the slow play with a lead demo from
13989s speed oh man 10 seconds elapse or 15
13992s there's already two demos already you
13994s know what forget the pleasantries now
13996s the gloves are off there taco and no
13998s love lost between these two teams
14000s Knight's looking for Revenge with his
14001s new Squad relating wave might just help
14004s him achieve it a lead and now a death
14006s timer started for Northwoods bracket
14008s reset chances love the fact that Knight
14011s passed it himself to say I'm going to
14012s draw the one Defender Leave It Wide Open
14014s maybe it was a pass of good faith but
14017s then he had the receipt there 1 n and
14021s that's just unrelenting pressure to the
14022s point where I don't think Northwood has
14024s escaped their yet kickoff included
14026s that's the first time they've done so
14027s and maybe gets even more on it hockey
14030s was waiting for aing wave to bite on
14031s that one maybe looking for a 50 or
14033s potentially something more but either
14035s way Northwood they need to get out of
14036s their own way if nothing else just kind
14038s of staring at each other yeah break
14040s dancing on your own third is not the way
14042s to do it but uh little bit a moment of a
14044s mental breakdown there for northw trying
14046s to find their own answer for this one
14047s but that's not how it's done knocking to
14049s your own teammates Knight spiking that
14051s one down going for demo and hockey he
14053s will get it but the clear comes in with
14054s is meaning speed probably has a solo
14056s play but he also has a teammate in the
14058s middle he'll fake pass one he'll trck a
14059s 50 on another one relating wave left
14061s alone zenil has the Boost Advantage
14063s quick flick but yet still able to get in
14065s the way can see Northwood wanting to
14067s slow down and be a bit more deliberate
14069s but I didn't even know what's the right
14070s decision anymore maybe she just needs to
14071s get back these passes but so hard when
14073s even Knights reading those yeah
14075s absolutely I think when you go up to the
14077s side walls or even the air uh marvilla
14079s shown they're just a lot more crisper
14081s with their decision making and effects
14083s of challenges so you got to go to the
14085s ground which I know is kind of the
14086s opposite seems kind of counterintuitive
14088s but you don't want to go where your
14089s opponent is stronger than you right well
14092s certainly it looks like marville is
14093s stronger obviously all the cars have the
14095s exact same statistics in this game but
14097s it feels like marville is is built of
14099s anim mantium they are just demoing
14101s everybody in their path and seems like
14103s Northwood can do little to do it mly
14105s because all these demos coming from the
14107s side from the blind spots kind of like
14108s that pass from hockey almost skirting
14110s that over to zenil but rarely Northwood
14112s beaten to that read which means creams
14115s going to have to go to work here off the
14116s ceiling relating wave takes a 50 that
14118s should be wide open and of course it's
14119s going to result in the goal it was wide
14122s open but it was not enough power I
14124s thought it was going to be knocked away
14125s at the last possible second but you know
14127s what it was well done and this is what
14128s it is an Neil using the backs side of
14130s the car to go wide with it someone would
14132s have the stretch if they were there
14134s doesn't matter it's now a tie game yeah
14136s that's a rough one but also it comes
14138s from the perseverance of this time
14140s creams having limited boost but gets
14142s bumped forward and then hockey says Hey
14144s I want on that action that's a giveaway
14146s zenil not going to do well with that
14147s slot needs a lot more height or at least
14149s more power next time yeah you know like
14152s going to full stretch is definitely
14153s something to be desired but a lot of
14155s times you do commit to something you
14156s have to go Full Tilt you only give
14158s yourself a half measure oh man that was
14160s to crossed to B that was going to go in
14162s just t a second yeah you got to go be
14163s able to go full in sometimes you know
14165s what I'm
14166s saying and really there is no room in
14169s this type of game particularly in a
14171s grand finals to be able to say h I think
14174s I have that H I might go for that you
14176s have to just make a decision whether go
14177s or not because otherwise in that
14179s indecision you will be torched like this
14181s one from a ling wave he wasn't sure
14183s that's why Knight fully committed to the
14184s save luckily for mville that means that
14187s will retain this one to one game status
14190s and maybe not for long if they're not
14191s careful a lot of boost being used up
14193s luckily relating wave gives them a
14194s little bit of time yeah it's a little
14196s bit of time but the one thing you don't
14197s want to do if you're northw is pretty
14199s much Bank on a low-scoring game it may
14202s be the case but you know marville has a
14204s way of break taking your defenses you
14206s got to put things on bunches now I
14208s understand it's easier said than done
14210s but I'm telling you the longer you wait
14211s the more is an advantage for that
14213s marille side reling wave has already
14215s done some magic in a previous series
14217s from this corner but this time not going
14219s to work how about something more basic
14220s speed with a fake around doesn't
14222s necessarily trip up the defense but they
14224s didn't go for it they had to turn away
14226s and hope for hockey to be able to do
14227s something with zero boost that 50 from
14229s speed is going to result in another
14231s boost steal Knight on his horse nobody
14233s up there is Absol absolutely no one near
14235s him and yet the flip reset gets away
14237s with him rare mechanical mistake yeah
14240s sometimes you got the ball you got to
14241s shoot I understand the double clutch I
14243s understand the rip reset but sometimes
14245s just say I got it I touched it take it
14247s away from
14249s Mei certainly might want that no more
14251s boost so he's going to play the near
14252s poost game yet again not going to get
14254s that boost Steel in the corner so PRS
14256s again going to have to go back to work
14257s deflection middle double commit and yet
14259s the correct clear does come in down the
14261s sideline for yet another boost steel and
14263s for Speed to thread the needle just wide
14266s of the back post that's a kind of
14268s Bravery the Brazen attitude you need
14271s when you are playing in crl that right
14273s there could have been a game breaking
14275s goal didn't work out for them but speed
14276s knows he has the hot handing wave he's
14279s got absolutely nothing in his hands
14280s because he is Boost that's why he needs
14282s someone else to take that ball off of
14284s him Knight loses the 50 technically as
14287s that one goes straight into the ceiling
14288s Knight trying to make up for wave with a
14290s 50 close angle 20 seconds remaining
14292s Northwood do you have one more chance to
14294s be able to steal this game in the end or
14297s can marville survive to an overtime long
14300s clear will provide some evidence for the
14301s ladder oh man last 10 seconds ago if you
14304s want to be a hero now mville this is how
14306s you do it imagine knocking off Northwood
14308s in regulation who's going to step up not
14311s only that but this is going to end this
14313s entire bracket if Knight can just have
14315s one more moment long clear probably
14317s means we are done with the heroic
14319s speed's going to extend that one and we
14321s will indeed hit that green seaweed Turf
14324s of aquad to see whether or not we have
14326s another game in this bracket reset Grand
14329s Final remember having to start Bas Arc
14331s not the point anyway it is definitely an
14333s overtime situation marville knows they
14336s want to put uh Northwood back into this
14338s one so they're going to be acting a
14339s little bit more frantic to make sure
14340s they have the go cross the net and maybe
14341s a bit too frantic cuz that one was open
14344s seal somehow misses both of those cannot
14347s get that one to go and that is going to
14349s haunt the dreams of a player if they end
14351s up losing this Grand Final as that was
14354s wide open I think he just didn't have
14356s the Boost to get around it either way
14358s that's the pass you got to focus on the
14359s present like speed dive bombing from the
14361s ceiling Knight now asked to get on his
14363s horse get this first save hockey into
14365s zil trying to make up for it off the
14368s frame no you don't get opportunities
14371s like that you split the defense no one
14373s was there you hit the woodwork talk
14375s about terrorizing dreams that's one
14378s right there
14379s Tako AI heavy hit relating wave as it to
14382s go backwards for it Knight actually turn
14384s turns towards the play which means
14385s nobody in goal at least nobody with
14387s Boost Knight able to Ricochet one around
14390s relating wave up in support no boost but
14392s he doesn't need to provide anything
14393s except for hesitation on cream's part
14395s which does somewhat but now it's down
14398s the sideline yet again for Northwood
14399s trying to slowly build through 50s and
14402s just the air dribbles through the sky
14404s seeing everyone on that pits trying to
14406s fake out everybody else is kind of like
14408s the great art to watch who's going to be
14411s one to be fooled right now no one is
14412s that's why we're going back and forth
14414s you can see KN bite really heavy in the
14415s middle just making sure hocky doesn't
14417s have that pass it's exactly what
14418s Northwood is trying to bank on they're
14420s trying to make sure they read each other
14421s but both teams are just trying so hard
14423s not to make the crucial mistake hockey
14425s going to hit that one lightly but no
14427s Boost from knights means speed has that
14429s one to relating wave he's got it past
14430s one he's going to be playing off cream's
14432s Touch Boost steel but that unfortunately
14435s allows a pocket for another Northwood
14437s clear we're getting right to the back
14439s the think of it much like how this day
14441s started it's how it's ending these
14443s offensive attacks are going to the
14444s corners and they're dying off and that's
14446s what happens when things go knock the
14447s other way and so I got to say the one
14449s that decides to shoot from Broad Street
14451s from that Middle Lane it's going to be
14452s the Difference Maker here relating wave
14455s trying to throw that one on target
14456s speeds too far away that pass too far
14459s forward Knight double tap everybody from
14461s mville back they know that they didn't
14463s really have too big of a chance on that
14464s one good Cal as that almost went by off
14466s a mistake speed making up for it by
14468s dusting that first player KN with a lot
14469s of boost air dribble taking that one
14471s down doesn't want to take on zenil
14473s directly but a bounce down means Speed
14475s high lob Kem is getting interfered with
14477s I don't think he has that double it's
14478s wave near post just wide again Knight
14481s interfered with by creams and maybe
14483s something hockey can do oh man Knights
14485s on of a position and reling wave with
14488s the clear of the ages
14491s wow can't really ask for much better
14493s than that on the recovery again you want
14495s to be able to walk that line provide
14498s pressure without giving up something
14500s else on the counter Northwood you know
14502s they're just licking their lips every
14503s single time they
14505s risky plays but the difference between
14507s the last series and now is mville
14509s seeming priori their positioning over
14511s everything KN with another dunk to be
14513s able to slow down Northwood get them to
14515s recalibrate their approach I get it cuz
14517s marville has has been so frustrating if
14519s you're Northwood because their defense
14521s almost seems like going to bend Bend
14523s Bend to the point they break and then
14524s they don't break and go what do I have
14526s to do to split this defense and this is
14528s what the frustration we're seeing here
14530s in this overtime period three and a half
14531s to go here uh three and a half played in
14533s overtime speed just wide wide open shot
14536s again but of course you got to play for
14538s placement and sometimes that will get to
14539s even the most incredible of goal line
14543s poachers Knight open shot top Corner
14545s hockey somehow pulls a miracle out same
14548s with creams that is an deflection but
14549s relating wave should have the angle
14551s everybody playing off each other's touch
14553s just lingering in the Midfield is this
14555s ball waiting for something a bit more
14558s decisive to come through but it's not
14560s going to come through yet 4 minutes into
14563s OT still deciding whether or not we keep
14565s this series going not sure why there was
14567s four topical whiffs looked like C the
14569s solay for a bit but uh the point I'm
14571s saying is you're right I think
14572s everyone's feeling the pressure now
14573s forget one side over the other to be
14575s able to be a hero right now in the aquad
14577s mean the world just need to end this
14579s round because it just seems to be a
14581s attack a Hit Parade back and
14583s forth Green's dispossessed by speed
14585s throwing into open space behind zenil
14587s but in front of hockey the ladder will
14589s be able to get that first touch and now
14591s with creams up speed is needed now that
14593s relating wave has been bumped near post
14595s on the double tap Knight was making sure
14597s there's no chance that that is an
14599s awkward situation for his teammates it's
14601s even better when relating wave is
14602s following through with great reads like
14604s that these great reads have really kept
14606s them in this one again almost a full
14609s regulation game in overtime if there
14611s ever was one speed is trying to find an
14613s answer but relating wave is something I
14615s think is pushed up in this overtime
14617s period maybe not to the detriment of
14618s marville but I like the fact of trying
14620s new things here yeah we're uncertain of
14623s whether or not we're going to get
14623s another game in this series but at the
14625s very least you have one this is some
14627s bonus rocket league as his overtime is
14629s stretched past five and that might be as
14631s far as it goes if not for zenil well
14634s done to be able to step in front of that
14635s relating wave effort as hockey is
14638s testing wave again but on defense Knight
14640s being able to tap this one forward zenil
14642s a double again and every time I feel
14644s like is this the moment where they're
14645s missing that read it's asking a lot of
14647s these players they live up to their
14648s reputation yeah a lot of times zil I
14651s don't think has the idea when they lift
14652s off but to be able to put their car in
14655s the situation get a hand up there is
14657s great that's what leadership is all
14659s about saying I'm not sure what the plan
14660s is but I'm going to do whatever it can
14661s to make sure my opponent isn't score
14663s look it's Anil interfering with that
14665s near post kem's double tap trying to get
14666s a pass that's wide open for zil can he
14668s get a Redemption again shooting it right
14671s down the middle going to be an easy save
14673s for mville but maybe the followup won't
14675s be waiting for a flip from hockey it
14677s never comes and his bluff was called
14680s yeah sitting there waiting for the shot
14681s was pretty much a perfect idea I was
14683s kind of nervous about that but again not
14685s being able to capitalize on a great
14688s clear like that may RW the day for
14691s mville as they act went in there how do
14693s you orchestrate that one a pinch clear
14695s and now zenil lobbing that one
14697s potentially into nobody but speed 50 not
14700s going to favor him so Northwood Pops
14702s that one again down the field trying to
14704s keep this High awkward uncomfortable for
14707s marille and yet they see through all the
14710s smok and mirrors speed just waits for
14711s his clear to be able to buy time for
14713s everybody to restructure from mville I
14715s have no idea when this is going to end
14717s hopefully people don't have plans later
14718s on this evening we could be here for a
14720s while yeah imagine that two hour
14722s overtime why not you know uh but yeah
14724s it's awkward for everybody cuz
14726s everyone's doing everything that we
14728s haven't been used to the playbooks are
14729s out it has basically been a dog pile dog
14732s fight to feel out what would be the next
14733s goal Green scored long pinch that's over
14736s Knight should have this one despite no
14738s boost relating wave and speed combining
14740s in and is this the Counterattack I
14742s thought it might be KN was waiting for
14744s potentially a touch that he could get
14745s into his path every single time we see
14748s that forward I think we're not going to
14749s be seeing too many more attacks with
14751s this one player fully back unless it's
14752s wide open on the offensive chance seems
14755s like everybody just trying to make sure
14756s the back line is secure before anything
14759s else yeah you got to understand that you
14761s don't want to be the one to cause that
14763s goal to be conceded especially in a deep
14765s overtime period talk about psychological
14767s damage about losing the tournament in
14769s the case of Northwood so you're seeing
14771s everyone pretty much go as wide and
14772s stretch out as they can having someone
14774s that back third to make sure things are
14776s being cleared away dreams doesn't have
14778s it hockey doesn't need relating wave
14779s he's go out for blood and that's going
14781s to be Knight with an angle an Avenue
14784s cleared by his teammate mville despite
14787s the adversity despite getting slapped
14789s around in our first section of the Grand
14792s Final they're going to take it all a
14794s performance for the ages opening up ball
14797s 2024 yeah that was definitely a goal
14800s that came from fatigue Northwood just
14801s pretty much was running on fumes and you
14803s had with the slot in takes my shootter
14806s down the middle idea out the window
14809s doesn't matter if it goes past the net
14810s GG's everyone phenomenal effort by
14813s mville but I have to say it took some
14816s doing and that's saying even before we
14818s went what seven plus minutes in overtime
14821s it felt like that was Insanity to notice
14824s how much effort that took I have to feel
14827s for Northwood zil had a couple chances
14829s and this is where I think we talked
14831s before it was preent of Seb to bring up
14833s pressure will get to any player but it
14835s seemed like mville was more than immune
14839s yeah absolutely after the bracket reset
14840s I said well is marville are they already
14843s thinking about next week but they found
14844s a way to take that out of the chin lock
14847s in and come in with a dominant
14848s performance over a multitude of games
14850s starting with the overtime period That's
14852s the kind of resolve where good teams can
14854s use in the later half of a season and
14857s that's something that is also going to
14858s boost mville especially because Knight
14860s you know nobody took that harder MVP
14863s performance from him throughout the
14865s summer leagues that we did see and then
14868s losing in a sweep in the grand finals
14869s Northwood I mean that's something that
14871s maybe you go into that tournament and
14872s you know it's going to be a tough but to
14874s be able to lose again but still be able
14876s to say it's fine we got this let's just
14878s talk it over in the break and pull out a
14880s performance like that not needing to go
14881s to seven against opponent like this that
14884s is world class performance from everyone
14886s on mville as well as the mental
14888s performance as well so shout out to
14889s callx the coach for getting those boys
14891s heads on right absolutely I mean hey
14894s look bracket reset that's kind of a side
14896s thing we're on that in the V review on
14898s Monday but this definitely the bracket
14900s reset series was fantastic let's ask the
14903s Des what they thought because I thought
14904s for sure it would have been Northwood on
14906s that bracket reset revenge tour but it
14908s wasn't the case I mean yes at the same
14912s time you can't blame him for just
14914s hanging on to the very ends they made
14917s marville work to the nth degree to take
14920s a single game a 7 and 1 half minute over
14924s overtime just to put North away just to
14927s for a single open to be able to put them
14931s away but you still have four more or
14933s three more to take along with Nationals
14936s I think this is a absolute Banger of a
14939s rivalry in the making chicka I
14942s absolutely agree with you I mean it all
14944s started literally from the summer that
14946s we've been talking about and then they
14948s dare to meet again and then now we have
14951s the bracket recent that we talked about
14953s and it goes to it and the series goes to
14955s it it was a fantastic series multiple
14960s Series today and it's just been a master
14964s class of Rocket League between every
14966s single player on the field everyone had
14969s a moment today and also at times teams
14972s struggled they had to adapt they had to
14974s change I mean it was just the perfect
14977s picture of Rocket League at times and
14979s the feelings that players can express
14981s and how we can feel on the back back end
14984s of thing so I I mean I couldn't have
14986s asked for a better start to our very
14989s first open of the Season well Taco
14991s listen if there was any indication that
14993s the Europeans have arrived in Collegiate
14996s rocket League this is the match to look
15001s to man North America can't have anything
15003s can they they're really just try have
15005s college ball anymore we're trying to
15007s have RCS last Worlds the EU team wins
15009s the EU team comes over here they don't
15011s even make it in we're thinking oh we're
15012s free and no still two Europeans but hey
15015s we're going to claim them speed relating
15016s wave you're now functionally going to be
15018s North Americans and you know what I'll
15020s take them I'll take whatever we can get
15021s but we still have Knight playing
15023s phenomenally fits so well into this
15025s rotation I had a lot of doubts about
15027s this roster at times because they're
15029s underperforming it seemed like in some
15030s tournaments taking sweeps against some
15032s or rather being beaten in sweeps in
15034s former tournaments changing up the
15036s roster in current lands in the preseason
15038s before fall also taking losses against
15041s teams I feel like they should beat but
15042s now feels like everything's dialed in
15044s this is what mville we were all
15046s terrified when that first post on
15048s socials went out announcing this roster
15049s and I think living up to potential is
15051s great way to be able to start your
15052s season Northwood might disagree on that
15055s I mean that the bar was always can they
15058s beat Northwood right we were even
15060s talking about it uh of course through
15061s several shows is that Northwood is the
15064s bar even if mville comes in with a bang
15066s or roster it will not mean anything
15069s until they can succeed past that
15071s Northwood bar and they have done it in a
15073s bracket reset uh 7 and 1/2 minute
15077s overtime an incredible series frankly
15079s even though it was a 4-1 it was still a
15082s banger series to watch and one that will
15085s we will remember for the course of this
15087s season but in the meantime let's see how
15090s the bracket turned out because now we
15092s are pretty much done and with the
15094s bracket as it is I mean there is so much
15096s to talk about in terms of particular
15099s matchups particular runs particular UPS
15101s that's occurred I mean again we point to
15103s to the Fisher run they are firmly in the
15105s mix as well now being able to contest
15108s Northwood but being able to take down
15110s essentially everyone in front of them of
15112s the top seats that we had Within summer
15114s series they were able to take down West
15115s Virginia uh akan and of course the new
15118s Europeans as well in Concord plus Helix
15121s and honestly that is a run that I am
15123s looking forward to for the next open but
15125s all eyes right now in devont are on
15128s mville yeah absolutely imagine that you
15131s know it's early enough in the season you
15133s got the points and you do it in such a
15135s way that smacks around one of the old
15138s guards of crl why not put the whole
15140s league on notice well I think if there's
15142s anything that I am personally worried of
15145s uh as let's take a look at our standings
15147s now because now we are officially
15149s finished with the points I am scared
15152s that marville has accidentally Unearthed
15155s a monster in Northwood blue a motivated
15159s Northwood that will look to decimate the
15162s entirety of Collegiate Rock leak now
15164s that there is a firm Challenger to their
15167s Throne this is the point distribution
15169s that we have mville collecting the full
15171s 16 points as they have won the first crl
15174s fall open and Northwood collecting 12
15177s fiser collecting nine Concord collecting
15180s six and it goes on from there anyone who
15182s didn't make top eight will still receive
15185s a point so it's why you guys need to
15187s sign up so you can at least make a reach
15189s for that single point and keep yourself
15192s in contention taco and when I look at
15194s this all the points they all matter this
15197s is a cumulative like aspect of how this
15201s format works yeah I mentioned in the
15203s intro and that's exactly why when you
15205s look at these yes you're going to see
15206s familiar names but all those teams
15208s getting one point often times are the
15211s teams that just creep above everybody
15213s else when you try to get in that top
15214s eight in the past there are going to be
15216s teams that will lose if you think about
15218s it fiser came in third here nine points
15221s that team was one goal away from not
15223s even getting into the top eight and
15225s finishing out with just a measly a bit
15227s of points in the on scor catalog there's
15230s going to be so many battles that are
15232s going to be fought in those qualifiers
15233s in the lower semis in those fall matches
15236s and I think that's why these teams need
15238s to understand that yeah maybe they're
15239s not going to be the favorites to win
15240s they might not be able to get in that
15242s top eight all the time but getting in at
15244s all being able to get into those deep
15246s runs are going to make all the
15247s difference particularly after this our
15249s just our first event of many and Cha out
15251s of all of these teams who do we see kind
15254s of getting that regain Arc for the next
15257s open because I think with how bracket
15259s went there are certainly some matches
15260s that could have gone very differently
15263s who do you see as maybe being the uh I
15265s guess most underrated that we might see
15267s in our next open ooh underrated it's a
15270s hard one I'm hoping for a little bit
15271s more run from akan in particular we've
15274s seen them H in the past same thing with
15276s Ball State both are seven and eight I
15279s think they have that kind of Fisher Navy
15281s potential and going a little bit far
15283s farther in their runs uh in particular
15286s so my eyes are on acronym B state if
15288s they can make a better than a seventh
15290s eighth finish well this is how the point
15293s distribution has gone so far but
15295s everyone remember that it all started
15299s with just the regular Collegiate team
15302s this is an Open Bracket which means you
15304s can sign up at any time to compete for
15308s this season where you can get experience
15309s against some of the best players that we
15311s have in rocket League Of course we have
15314s the link as well uh that you can see on
15317s your screen start. crl fall4 the
15321s deadline ends
15323s tomorrow at 700 p.m. Eastern so sign up
15326s please and all to the regular crl teams
15328s like akan and all that sign up you
15330s better sign up because we need you guys
15332s here next week because this was a banger
15335s bracket that we want to be able to
15336s replicate and if we don't do that I mean
15338s listen we got to get the peak am out and
15340s at the end of the day if you not
15341s competing in all four of them you are
15343s putting your chances at the national
15345s championship and thousands of dollars in
15348s scholarship money at Jeopardy you want
15350s to be able to sign up for that and be
15352s able to put yourself up against the best
15355s but for the time being that is our
15357s bracket that is our show it has been a
15360s long ride to this point we've had so
15363s many offseason tournaments we've had
15365s summer series and so many different
15366s competitions to be able to showcase the
15368s best that we have in Collegiate all to
15371s get back to here in the legate rocket
15374s League the crl we are so incredibly
15376s happy to have it back I'd like to give a
15379s special thank you to the production team
15381s for throwing an incredible show for us
15384s this evening thank you so much to our
15385s talent of course in nant the danger Taco
15388s chicka thank you all for showing your
15391s continued passion for Collegiate play as
15393s it continues to get stronger and
15395s stronger every single year we will be
15398s back next week for the crl open number
15401s two where things start to heat up as we
15403s get get closer and closer to the
15405s National Championship my name's been Seb
15408s I love you have a good
15413s [Music]
15421s night mind is racing I used to making
15424s sense of who I was and when opens I
15428s dance with demons until the sun comes
15430s out on the outside I seem like it's all
15434s my way of having fun thinking this is
15437s just a part of me you
15441s love it's not my
15445s night put your backseat I'm enough to
15449s cry so why do I even try to think that
15453s you get it you say I'm dramatic and you
15455s need a better you to die it's
15458s all right if you're walking away tonight
15464s [Music]
15480s [Music]
15482s my judg is next to nothing and made me
15486s realize instead of finding something I'm
15488s pushing butons like it's my state of
15491s mind all you're hearing my blame excuses
15495s got every reason why
15497s thinking you want me in your
15502s life it's not my night up your back
15508s seat enough to cry so why do I even try
15513s to think that you got it you say I'm
15515s dramatic you need a better you say
15519s die right if you're walking away tonight
15525s [Applause]
15527s [Music]
15533s [Applause]
15540s [Music]
15541s you're walking away
15545s [Music]
15553s oh
15556s [Music]
15570s [Music]
15585s and what you did to me made me double
15588s dig it right on my
15590s te me burning in the third degree made
15594s me rip off the heart on my
15597s sle I don't know if iuck can stand
15599s another night with you near my sight I
15602s can feel us staring apart from the way
15606s my mind I
15610s [Music]
15621s you're my
15623s [Music]
15630s enemy I clean my sanity you're my
15636s enemy I feel like my life is passing me
15639s by 40 years and seven mons a true crme
15643s ladies up the top of the house in real
15645s time follow me into water where we will
15649s find take on my te had me bur in the
15654s third
15655s de made me rip off the heart on
15659s myle I don't know if I can stand another
15662s night with you near my sight I can feel
15665s us staring part from the way my mind I
15669s can my standing you enemy
15676s [Music]
15683s you're my
15685s [Music]
15692s enemy mind I Myan you're
15698s myy and you were gone I said I'm getting
15701s out gone I'm always on the run it didn't
15706s go to plan if this the wrong
15709s [Music]
15710s move another night with you my sight I
15714s can feel the staring apart from the way
15718s my mind I
15720s can en
15725s [Music]
15755s mind I
15756s clean you're my enemy
15759s [Music]
15771s he
15774s [Applause]
15778s [Music]
15779s [Applause]
15782s [Music]
15787s [Applause]
15789s [Music]
15793s the Epic Octopus song
15798s [Music]
15805s [Applause]
15812s [Music]
15834s [Applause]
15836s [Music]
15843s w
15846s [Applause]
15855s [Music]
15855s [Applause]
15869s okay now this is epic
15878s [Applause]
15883s one more time that
15889s go stop it no
15896s [Music]
15910s [Applause]
15919s [Music]
15927s [Music]
15941s oh
15943s [Music]
15956s put the car drive now the lonely night
15959s don't know what to do know to do finally
15963s see what like going out every night when
15965s it's not with
15967s you I see you whipping down a 4 five it
15971s was December and with you and die I
15974s can't remember how to feel alive feel
15977s alive without
15980s you I wonder what I would say if you
15984s stay if the times are Chang and the
15987s games we played went away for the day
15991s but you hat it man for everything yeah I
15995s we do it all again if the clock we
15997s started KN in land with a broken hearted
16001s we can both and I'm in love with someone
16005s new someone just like
16009s [Music]
16016s [Music]
16019s youone just
16025s like just likeone
16032s just like you talking about the universe
16035s while you're with him but you keep
16036s blowing up my line like I'm with you
16038s again it's just like 1996 and you doing
16041s that thing you do you keep on lying to
16043s yourself about everything we've been
16045s through it'd be cool if you let off all
16047s the and empti your like you
16050s cleaning out your Bing you at the club
16053s and telling everyone you're working but
16055s I know you mad and nestly you probably
16057s heard it I wonder what I would say if
16060s you stand if it time so Chang in the
16063s games we play when away for the day but
16068s you hat it man for everything yeah I
16071s would do it all again if the clock
16075s started with a broken heart we