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It’s just a game killer. Plat 3/D1 here, I often play in 2s with a friend of mine every evening after work, and all we want is an hour of fun playing Rocket League against people with the same level as us while climbing up the ranks with all the progress we make everyday.

And man , there’s nothing more upsetting than getting destroyed by a group of people that obviously don’t belong in this rank…

The game is fun, like really fun when the group you’re playing against is slightly better than you, but when they’re MUCH better than you it’s just stupidly annoying. And it’s even more annoying when it happens in ranked, you’re getting demoted because some guys decided it would be fun to practice double flip reset musty whiffs against plats.

Made me pause the game for a month twice, I’m usually super hyped when playing, and as soon as it’s starting to get on my nerves I’m closing the game. But when you face people like that about 2/3 of the times, it’s just instantly annoying.

Sorry about the rant, I’m just really pissed by people making me quit a game that I absolutely love playing for a period of time.

I just want to have fun, I don’t want to deal with your boredom, smurfs. Psyonix should take serious action against you, you’re making the game annoying as hell.

For all the others (except for toxic people), you’re the best, you’re making my days after a tiring day of work, thank you so much!

Edit: Thanks everyone for your answers and rewards.

I know it's easy just to rant about something without ever suggesting a solution for this matter. I never wanted to give any suggestion about this and that's not my job. What I wanted is to rant about it and start a discussion with others who might encounter the same problem and maybe this discussion can give clues to what might be a good fix for that (if there is any).

Then, I know it's normal to play against people who are better than you, it's just part of the game. I never assumed that I belong to upper rank, I know I need to get better and consistent. But eh, there's a gap between playing someone who's better than you and a smurf, and this gap is huge.

To conclude, a lot of you are absolutely right about the way you're handling these kind of things. I might need to take another break off the game so I can have another point of view about that and be more positive overall.

That'll be it for me, thanks a lot for all your points of view, your advices and your support (or not), enjoy your games, keep being positive, keep being awesome and keep making this awesome game live.

Edit 2 because I saw a lot of comments I wanted to address before leaving:

First, I strongly disagrees with "There aren’t a lot of smurfs because they rank up easily". Proportionally, one would rank up easily but there isn’t just one smurf, there probably (as some of you said this, it would interesting to collect stats about this) are lots of them. They won’t rank up at the same time so there will always be lots of them, even though they rank up easily. A match would burn easily and quickly but it would take time for thousands of them to burn if you only light one at the beginning. It’s exactly the same principle here, some of you aren’t smurfing yet, some of you are, some of you aren’t anymore, but there will always be smurfs. And yeah, of course I know there are several reason for one to create a smurf account whether it’s to crush newbies or to play with your son. But eh, if you want to play the game at a low rank for fun or for any other reason, stay away from ranked.

And yes, I know it’s way too idealistic to expect some action for this, there’s always a way for people who deserve to get banned to come back in the game. I was just ranting about this because it happened a lot these last weeks, I don’t play against that many smurfs in my games but I do encounter a lot of them in plat. It won’t have a significant impact on me other than slowly ruining the fun when I’m playing RL and that’s just a shame. I’m definitely not the only one who’s tired of those guys and well, if we were all to quit because of this, the game would just get deserted. My ranting is not part of the problem because I’m just playing this game for fun, not even trying to grind. But these behaviors as well as toxicity, afk-ing, etc are.

Thanks for this quick debate, all your points were really interesting (at least for the majority), it just made me realize how we all see this game differently and how we all play for different reasons.

It was just a quick rant about one issue I came across several times the last couple weeks. Interesting how it made people react. Whether you agreed or not, that’s a topic that we all have a lot to say about and that’s a fact, figures speak by themselves. See it the way you want, I think if it weren’t as big of an issue, this post would’ve drowned right away.

Anyway, love this game, love this community (even you salty bastards), enjoy playing and maybe we’ll meet in 2s someday !

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over 2 years ago - /u/dirkened - Direct link

Hey all,

I just wanted to jump in and add a quick bit of insight.

Like we mentioned in the Community Update, we are working on some new approaches to how we handle Unsportsmanlike Conduct reports, which includes cases of smurfing.

So what are we hoping to achieve? Our goal is to quickly identify accounts playing at levels noticeably higher than their rank and then take an appropriate action. Most of our initial efforts will be focused on the lower skill levels like Bronze and Silver. We also hope to be able to effectively identify smurfing at all skill levels but this gets increasingly tricky at higher skill levels.

One last thing to note, please report players! The more you report, the better we will be able to understand what is and isn't bad behavior.

over 2 years ago - /u/dirkened - Direct link

Originally posted by floooocos

I know you guys are still working on it, but when I switched from xbox to pc, I was a "smurf", but I had no other options. In this case, would I get banned?

I know you guys are still working on it, but when I switched from xbox to pc, I was a "smurf", but I had no other options. In this case, would I get banned?

Like u/pikunderscored mentioned, now that players can link separate platform accounts, this is less of an issue compared to how it was in the past.