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A few years ago I was recently out of the military, couldn’t hold a job, struggling with family issues and it was safe to say I felt alone. I was in a dark place in my life, the stress was extreme and I lived every day with a knot in my stomach because I really just didn’t know how to keep going. I wouldn’t say I was suicidal but I definitely didn’t want to be around anymore. I live close to a university and I had a college student renting a spare room from me and one day I saw him playing an interesting game on his laptop so I decided to check it out. He was happy to show me this exciting car soccer game that he loved. I was interested and decided to buy it for myself and before I knew it I was in love. I was taken by this truly wonderful game so quickly. At first I just drove around with friends and hit the ball for fun, but then I watched a guy on YouTube by the name of SquishyMuffinz and he showed me what kind of moves you could really pull off in this game and that’s how it started. I became a huge fan of squishy and his team Cloud9 right away and watching pros play was so exciting. I dedicated all my free time to improving myself and it created a passion in me I didn’t know I could feel. I was so In love with this game that I went to LAN Vegas to see the pros play in person and when Cloud9 won it all I was in tears, it was the greatest experience of my life and it only deepened my love for Rocket League. I kept grinding day after day and in season 10 for the first time I was GC and I couldn’t believe it. The passion I feel for this game is something I’ve never experienced and I’m so thankful I found it because this game and its community accepted me with open arms and showed me what it means to compete and what it means to be alive. I’ve found life long friends and I’m happier now than I’ve ever been. Thank you for taking the time to read this because I really wanted to share it. Rocket League truly did save my life.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/dirkened - Direct link

I'm sorry I'm late to seeing this, but I just wanted to say that I'm really happy Rocket League and its community was able to make such an impact on your life. Thank you for sharing this experience with us!