Hey everyone, and welcome to update day! We hope you are as excited as we are but if you do run into issues please report them here so we can get them identified. What information will help us this most:
Short Description:
Steps to Reproduce it if you can:
Also a reminder on our current known issues from this update:
- Draft Pick Spectators will only see one team’s perspective - this will be fixed in a future release.
- Juke’s Turret bypasses Sigrid’s Shield.
- Ibex Weapon Mastery for 2nd and 3rd milestones only award 1 mastery point, we plan on fixing this as soon as possible in a hotfix.
- Juke is able to destroy her own turret via a thrown melee weapon.
- Fringe instances where Impact Grenade will fail do deal damage when used at danger-close ranges.
- Kestrel’s drones under the effect of the reflector gadget may reflect at odd angles.
- Sometimes the Supply Drop button will appear in other UI scenes.
- When opening multiple purchased Supply Drops, sometimes there will only be one item shown. This is a visual bug, players that see this still actually receive the 2nd item.
- The art for the Special Forces reward banner is incorrect (it re-uses some older art), this will be replaced with a different item.
- Button callout to 'open supply drop' and 'view item' appears to be incorrect (Switch only)