almost 4 years
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RT @HirezOps: [status] In Progress: Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.…
We're excited to announce that Rogue Company is coming to @PlayStation 5 on March 30! Launching with a 4K resolution mode running at 60 FPS utilizing improved visuals and a 4K resolution mode running at 120 FPS - next generation operations are ready for our #PS5 players.
We're excited to announce that Rogue Company is coming to @PlayStation 5 on March 30! Launching with a 4K resolution mode running at 60 FPS utilizing improved visuals and a 4K resolution mode running at 120 FPS - next generation operations are ready for our #PS5 players.
We're excited to announce that Rogue Company is coming to @PlayStation 5 on March 30! Launching with a 4K resolution mode running at 60 FPS utilizing improved visuals and a 4K resolution mode running at 120 FPS - next generation operations are ready for our #PS5 players.