Original Post — Direct link

We're all happy about the release of S3, but there are some bugs that players seem to experience, I'll try and keep this post updated:

PC bugs:

  • Tiny Mouse movement will make the Controller unplayable.

  • Error logging in

Console bugs:

  • Voice chat doesn't always work, doesn't matter if it's on or off, sound isn't sent or heard, No names or audio icons displayed.

  • Lobby ambiance makes a sound when loop starts over again.

Match bugs:

  • Matches ends instantly, no Victory or Defeat periods, This used to happen prior to the Switchblade update, but it happens now.

  • Sometimes Matches won't track either BP / Player / Rogue Mastery / Seasonal Contract Progress.

  • Some finished Matches won't show the View Post Match Report option.

  • Sometimes the Ready screen will freeze for a matter of seconds.

  • Matches will sometimes jitter or lag for seconds before someone dies.

Ranked bugs:

  • S2's Ranked Rewards were not received after S3 released.

Weapon bugs:

  • Gun sounds would usually keep on playing even though no-one is firing a gun.

Emote bugs:

  • The Gunfire Geometry guns might sometimes appear black, possibly a texture load error.

Player bugs:

  • Teammates respawning on Trench's Trip mine will cause it to explode.

  • The shooting range's killfeed will show "Loading..." instead of the player's name.

  • Players will sometimes appear to have no skins or wingsuits equipped and will have the default sets.

  • Lancer's passive will not always work.

Gadget bugs:

  • Phantom's nano-smoke lasts longer than intended.

  • Incendiary Grenade area does more than the normal self-damage if teammates are in it.

  • Vy's ability sometimes has a single invisible poison patch.

  • Trench's Barbed wire will sometimes appear either Invisible, largely stretched out or it's mesh displaced in different spot.

Award bugs:

  • Gone Rogue award still has the S2 emblem.

Store bugs:

  • Some outfits like the scaducci sigrid may sometimes appear to be priced at 2080 RB.

These are the bugs so far.

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over 2 years ago - /u/Xienen - Direct link

Originally posted by Foooff

Since S3 I get 3102 error at login (PC). Works fine on PS.

Can you please add -dumpmarin -dumpmarout to your launch commands, attempt to log in again, then send me your RogueCompany.log from your %LOCALAPPDATA%/RogueCompany/Saved/Logs/ directory?

over 2 years ago - /u/HiRezMini - Direct link

Thank you all for this! Please keep them coming. Our team is reviewing and trying to reproduce these issues as I type this.

EDIT: I have a couple resources for ya'll to use to report bugs, etc.

  • 🐛 Bug Reports - If you have a video, match ID, etc., this is the best way to get things to us (though I do scrape these threads too). I parse these bugs out and submit them to the team or add them to any tickets we have already about the bugs.
  • 💥 Submitting Crash Reports - If you're on console, we'll receive those crash reports automatically. However, for PC players (Steam and Epic), you have to grab them manually. These are amazing for helping us solve latency, sling-shotting/rubber-banding, crashes, and weird match behavior. Frankly, if you have them on and experienced a bug in game, feel free to attach them to the bug report form instead!
over 2 years ago - /u/HiRezMini - Direct link

Originally posted by Foooff

Since S3 I get 3102 error at login (PC). Works fine on PS.

To add onto what u/Xienen said, here's how to send us crash logs:

For Epic Games:

Step 1: Open Epic Launcher and go to Settings

Step 2: Scroll down to Rogue Company, click to expand, and hit the ☑ beside "Additional Command Line Arguments"

Step 3: Paste the following into Additional Command Line Arguments: -vivoxinfo -dumpmarin -dumpmarout

Step 4: After playing matches with the issues or crashes, please zip all files in the logs folder (e.g. C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\RogueCompany\Saved\Logs) and submit to https://forms.gle/ZWYND32DFwTGSUDt8 with a detailed description of the issue as well as the time of the issue or crash in your local time.

For Steam:

Step 1: Open the Steam Launcher and go to your "Library" tab

Step 2: Right-click Rogue Company, go to "Properties," and copy and paste the following into your "Launch Options": -vivoxinfo -dumpmarin -dumpmarout

Step 3: After playing matches with the issues or crashes, please zip all files in the logs folder (e.g. C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\RogueCompany\Saved\Logs) and submit to https://forms.gle/ZWYND32DFwTGSUDt8