over 3 years ago - /u/HiRezRadar - Direct link

We can hardly believe it, but after years of development, 6+ months of Alpha testing, and 2 months of Closed Beta, Rogue Company is now available! Thanks to everyone who helped test the game. Making free-to-play, competitive, multiplayer games is our passion and we have been amazed by the excitement of the 2+ million of you that have played so far!

If you are just joining us, welcome to the Rogue Company community! We are still in Beta (meaning things can and will change), and we look forward to seeing your feedback to help us craft the future of the game!

We've added a ton of great stuff to the game so far: two maps, a new game mode, two new Rogues, Custom matches, and Rogue Masteries. We also have plenty of new stuff coming with our next few updates over the next few months:


Moving into Open Beta is something we’ve been discussing for a while and took many factors into consideration. At this point, we believe we’re in a great spot to open the gates with content and a solid foundation of systems for everyone to enjoy.

As we go through Open Beta, we’re going to continue enhancing our existing systems with additional functionality and improvements to your gameplay experience. Custom Matches, Rogue Mastery, and other points of interest will see further enhancements and additions to bring them closer to what the team envisions. More importantly, we’ll depend on your feedback to help make this happen!

Our plans for the rest of the year include new maps and new Rogues but also highly requested systems and features like Equipment Mastery. Also, a Ranked games system which will test your mettle against the rest of the community is currently being designed for release in the coming months.

We’ll also continue to release more cool features including: Reticule color change, Battlepass,, Player Identity, additional Mastery rewards and more Custom Match support. Buckle in everyone, it’s going to be an exciting rest of the year and we cannot wait for you to be a part of it!

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