about 2 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

This week DXP continues alongside fixes and improvements to the Sanctum of rebirth and more.

Check out This Week in RuneScape here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/summer-sanctum-patch-week---this-week-in-runescape

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1. Describe the bug you are experiencing.

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Please also include your display name (RSN) and continue to submit in game reports to assist the team with resolving these issues.

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about 2 months ago - - Direct link
This week DXP continues alongside fixes and improvements to the Sanctum of rebirth and more.
about 2 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

This week DXP continues alongside fixes and improvements to the Sanctum of rebirth and more.

Check out This Week in RuneScape here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/summer-sanctum-patch-week---this-week-in-runescape

To assist us with monitoring any issues that arise please use the following template to help us gather data and find your issues quickly.

1. Describe the bug you are experiencing.

2. List the steps to reproduce the bug.

3. Do you have any additional information that would be useful?

Please also include your display name (RSN) and continue to submit in game reports to assist the team with resolving these issues.

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about 2 months ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by BonelessCubone

Primal Fanatics have been spotted around Gielinor telling players about a Mining and Smithing update. Beware these strange individuals and their suspiciously snazzy armour!

Ah shit. Here we go again.

Have you heard about the 110 Mining & Smithing update?

about 1 month ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by SamooTToomaS

Will the mining and smithing be trainable to 110 for f2p as well? Guessing no items will be available but still..

As they're F2P skills, the Mining & Smithing skill caps are also increasing to 110 on F2P worlds.

Given the established precedent of Dungeoneering, the only 120 F2P skill, that seemed to make sense. So when Mining & Smithing eventually go to 120, they'd hopefully also go to 120 in F2P.

Though following established precedent, Mining & Smithing F2P content and levelling benefits are 1 to 50 (bronze to rune), so consequently the level 100 primal and so forth are members content, in a similar fashion to members elder rune and masterwork.

about 1 month ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by azerluh

Out of curiousity Mod Stu, can you let F2Pers buy / equip skill capes for skills that are F2P?

Can easily make it so bonuses from them don't function on F2P but make it so they can equip them at any time.

To my understanding, capes of accomplishment are considered to be a compelling members' benefit, and I don't imagine that's likely to change.

I've done some F2P updates in the past, but they're really difficult to justify as additions to the schedule, as they've each had next to no impact from a positive player data perspective. The vast majority of players subscribe first chance they get, and the F2P community is tiny.

As much as it feels good and the optics are good for RS to be a try-before-you-buy experience, in practice it's predominantly played as a subscription game, so the RoI for F2P improvements has been hard to prove with the desired metrics.