10 months ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s RuneScape’s never done this.
2s We have never released a brand new combat style.
4s This is your chance to play RuneScape in a whole different way.
9s New Stand-Alone Combat Style Combat Insights
12s Necromancy is a brand new stand-alone combat style...
15s and is the first new style added to RuneScape.
17s Necromancy sits outside the combat triangle.
19s This means it's neither weak, nor strong, against magic, ranged or melee.
24s Necromancy is a non-elite 120 skill that is free to play up to level 20.
28s The combat level also increases from level 138 to 152.
32s So one of the things we wanted to achieve with Necromancy
35s is to add a combat skill that is both accessible,
38s so that we can get new players excited in RuneScape’s combat systems,
42s but also that was deep enough to reward those players who put in the effort.
46s I pitched the idea of making it a fourth combat style...
49s and everyone was just like
50s “We can’t do that, that’s never going to happen”.
53s “You’re mad”.
54s The more we explored it, the more we prototyped it and talked about it,
57s we were like, “we can do this forth combat style...”
59s “and it's strong enough to sit on it’s own as a forth combat style”.
62s You should be excited for Necromancy because it's designed for all players,
65s whether you're a combat veteran or just starting out.
67s We did this by making sure that Necromancy has a solid tutorial...
70s and that we ensure you’re still guided along your journey.
72s Post tutorial you will receive weapons and armour
75s which you'll be able to upgrade over time.
76s The Death Guard is a Necromancer’s weapon
79s that allows them to harness the necrotic energy.
81s The off-hand is the lantern.
83s The lantern is the conduit of the underworld...
85s and this is where you'll be conjuring your spirits to use in combat.
88s The equipment starts out as tank gear.
89s However, once you get to level 70, you have the choice about whether or not
92s you want to keep down that same track
94s or whether or not you'd like to move over to the power branch.
96s This offers Necromancy strength bonuses.
99s This equipment is upgradable from tier 1 to tier 90.
102s But you might be thinking; “what about beyond 90?”
104s Well, we will be releasing tier 95 equipment as well,
107s but you won't be able to get that the same way.
108s Instead, you will have to take on a new Necromancy boss
111s for a chance at obtaining this equipment.
113s For those less experienced with combat in RuneScape,
115s Necromancy is the perfect starting point.
117s Existing seasoned players should be able to leverage their combat knowledge
121s to master Necromancy.
122s They will be able to kind of take
124s everything that they've unlocked and apply it to
127s all of the known bosses and combat encounters that they’re used to,
130s to see what works well for them.
132s Lots of new metas, theory crafting, brand new abilities.
136s Seasoned players will have something to get their teeth into.
142s You're going to be able to unlock
145s talent points as you level Necromancy...
147s and work your way through the different tiers.
150s Eventually you’ll be able to earn all the points.
152s As you level up,
153s you have to make a choice for which one you want to upgrade as you go along.
157s But the signature ability for Necromancy is the ability to conjure spirits during combat.
161s Not only will you be able to conjure up to three different spirits:
164s Skeletons, zombies and ghosts.
167s But each of them have their own different mechanics at the same time.
169s When they're out on the battlefield,
171s they will only be out for a temporary amount of time.
173s You can also recast this ability for an adrenaline cost
176s to command them to do something special.
178s Combat is forever changing...
180s and we'd love to work with you
181s on making Necromancy the best it can be over the years to come.
184s The release of Necromancy is just the beginning.
186s We want to make sure that Necromancy continues to be a great skill.
190s There's so many different metas, there’s so many different systems,
192s there’s so many different ways to play the skill.
194s Just because it’s a brand new combat style, that is just really exciting to me.
198s Being able to summon up something and then buff it up...
201s and watch all these massive, massive hits getting dropped down
205s It’s so satisfying to watch...
206s and especially with how the Necromancy combat hitsplats display.
209s Necromancy damage just looks so clean and so cool.
212s I don't just need to be a ranger wielding a bow.
214s I don't need to be a melee fighter with an axe or a sword and shield.
217s I can walk around with necromantic energy and my small army of the undead.
223s Necromancy, rising August 7