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Previous Yak Tracks, we had a lot of "Fletch X Bows" or "Make Y Potions" and you had level limits to what you did.

Current Yak Track, we've gotten to see some tasks with XP goals that scale to your level (higher level = more XP)

Would you prefer to have more of the XP goals instead of being told you are limited to certain things you can do/make?

So yes, in theory, you could have a goal of say 100K Mining XP at 99 Mining ... it wouldn't matter if you did Iron Rocks or Animica/Crablets ... you could do whatever you really wanted to to earn that XP goal.

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over 4 years ago - /u/JagexCamel - Direct link

Originally posted by XxNLjacob

instead of Smith XX amount of [Bar] Tier or higher, it should be "Use XX amount of [Bar] tier or higher.

Whilst we are at it, Slayer and DG could do with a XP goal, rather than having what they have now.

My main disappointment with both Slay and DG is that if you wanna do it quickly, you basically do the easiest method.
Those being:
DG: run 1:1 C1
Slayer: Run Mazchna

In my honest opinion, doing a 5:5 C6 Large floor should give more progress, perhaps even for a 1:1 C6 Small or Medium.

as for Slayer, the progress points should scale like it does with Clue Scrolls, the higher the master, the more progress points you are given, that way it keeps the task fresh and fun instead of asking mazchna 25 times for a task - and those doing the Slay tasks that way are tempted to seek out the best master every 10th task anyway so that also slows it down.


Consider this some future feedback if you read this.

Also for the love of god, stop scaling the later tasks to ridiculous levels.

Realise that Ores of the later levels aren't as fast to mine as the earlier ones. (ie. Task 43A or 48B(Alt).
for Crafting: dont be so cruel to make only one D'hide work (ie. 34A, 48A)
For Smelting: ease on the bars we can smelt, as the ores on the higher level aren't cheap and arent a speedy obtain either.
For Runecrafting: Feel free to increase the amount of runes to be crafted, but DON'T make it so we can only craft ONE kind of rune. (ie. Task 43B).
For Herblore: It scales too hard later on, allow ALL extremes to be crafted instead of scaling it behind lvl100 reqs.
For construction: You told us you were going to slot some contract tasks into it, where are they?
For Firemaking: Stop making it so we can burn only Elder logs or driftwood, Elder logs being about 9k each and us having to burn 2k of them doesn't make everyone happy (FM: 41A).
For Fletching: allow us to Carve Unfinished bows for progress.

And that's about it.
[EDIT: These are how someone with LVL 99 in skills sees the tasks given, tasks may have been tamer for those of lower levels, but some tasks are just a bit more cruel to those who are maxed.]

Hey, Thanks for the feedback :)

Pretty much all of this is stuff I have already relayed to the team from my time testing the yak track. A large amount of these issues would be solved quickly by changing the tasks to 'gain xp' which is what we did for smithing and construction for this track. These tasks seem more fair in that you will gain the fastest progress by completing the best xp methods but also have the option to do everything else.

To address a few specific points: - Runecrafting tasks are quite difficult to open up due to the multiple rune mechanics. Opening the task up to these runes not only considerably speeds up this tasks but also encourages sub-optimal training to complete the task. While opening up an extra rune at the top end wont cause issues the scaler will mostly affect mid-level task. -I dont remember it ever being stated anywhere that construction contracts would have their own tasks. The current iteration of the construction task will advance with the completion of contracts though. -I believe the reason for the Elder log issue is due to the scaling of joint tasks specifically. I believe this is one of the things that is being worked on for the next track.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexCamel - Direct link

Originally posted by XxNLjacob

Thanks for the response.

as for the construction contracts, it felt like it was Implied here, but that may have been the change from build this into gain xp.

I hope to see Slayer and DG to be changed to Gain XP in the future, perhaps it would revive DG a bit again.

Yeah that was just me hinting that they would work for the next track in some way. Sorry for the confusion :)