3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Hi everyone, Mod Doom here!

I'm the Senior Community Manager on Jagex's new Survival Crafting game in Unreal Engine 5, set in the RuneScape Universe. We've been running closed Alpha tests for the past two months, and we're excited to be running another Alpha test over the coming few weeks. We'd love to hear from you if you've not signed up before, as we're looking to invite more users to join us - and bring some friends, too!

  • We've been randomly selecting users to Alpha tests for the project - if you've been invited to an Alpha test before, you are automatically invited to this one!
    • Emails are being sent from the m.runescape.com domain and will include the usual details at the bottom including our address and the address of our email service provider.
  • If you're selected to participate, you'll get two invite links to share with friends. They'll sign up, sign an NDA and you'll all be able to join and play together!
    • Your friends MUST register by MIDDAY on the 23rd December!
  • Our next Alpha test is running from the 19th December to the 19th January.
  • As always, we share news about upcoming Alpha tests in our Discord server. It's role restricted, and only registered Alpha testers will be able to see the rest of the channels, but if you want to follow the announcements channel for more news, you can do!

Get yourself registered here: https://jagex.questionpro.eu/SurvivalAlpha?src=reddit

I'll be checking in to answer what questions I can!
Please don't put any of your personal details in here, or try and get me to leak anything. I like my job, thank you!

External link →
3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Hi everyone, Mod Doom here!

I'm the Senior Community Manager on Jagex's new Survival Crafting game in Unreal Engine 5, set in the RuneScape Universe. We've been running closed Alpha tests for the past two months, and we're excited to be running another Alpha test over the coming few weeks. We'd love to hear from you if you've not signed up before, as we're looking to invite more users to join us - and bring some friends, too!

  • We've been randomly selecting users to Alpha tests for the project - if you've been invited to an Alpha test before, you are automatically invited to this one!
    • Emails are being sent from the m.runescape.com domain and will include the usual details at the bottom including our address and the address of our email service provider.
  • If you're selected to participate, you'll get two invite links to share with friends. They'll sign up, sign an NDA and you'll all be able to join and play together!
    • Your friends MUST register by MIDDAY on the 23rd December!
  • Our next Alpha test is running from the 19th December to the 19th January.
  • As always, we share news about upcoming Alpha tests in our Discord server. It's role restricted, and only registered Alpha testers will be able to see the rest of the channels, but if you want to follow the announcements channel for more news, you can do!

Get yourself registered here: https://jagex.questionpro.eu/SurvivalAlpha?src=reddit

I'll be checking in to answer what questions I can!
Please don't put any of your personal details in here, or try and get me to leak anything. I like my job, thank you!

External link →
3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Renndyt

I signed up a while back but didn't get an email confirmation that it was submitted. Is that normal?

Yup, that's normal! We'll email with news if you're selected, but won't spam you with an email if you haven't been chosen at that point yet!

3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Ziuh

I've signed up twice now already (from previous enrollments) - no invite, sadly.

You only need to sign up once. If the random selection hasn't chosen you yet, don't be discouraged, as we're still rolling out alpha tests and updates as we go, so there's a chance you'll get to try it, get hands-on and give us feedback soon!

3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by michael7050

I'd love to know as well - maybe I'll get an email if i post this, haha.

Existing applications are still valid, no need to reapply!

3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Cloud_N0ne

I’d forgotten about this project.

I really hope it sees full release, and pray it’s not yet another Jagex project that gets shut down shortly after launch either. Hopefully one that can be played singleplayer even if they do abandon it after launch.

Cynicism aside, I’m excited to see what a non-MMO project set in the RS universe will look like.

I think there's a healthy amount of cynicism to be had, but I also think that we're doing things right, and staying the course on this one. We've got an Alpha test schedule planned out to help us hit milestones and do our due diligence with this. No rushing, no deadlines, no emphasis on getting this out the door to hit a target.

We only get one chance at a first impression! If we do this right, we can make something truly special. I'm really excited to be part of this journey and everything I've seen so far only makes me more excited.

3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by so_says_sage

u/JagexDoom are we supposed to get any kind of confirmation email or will it just be radio silence until invites go out? Still not even sure I properly signed up the first time 😂

You can try reapplying if you want, and we would prune a duplicate application if we needed to - if you haven't heard from us, it's not a "no", but just a "You've not been chosen yet!"

3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Bartsainty

Hey Mod Doom, I hope you're well! I signed up using both of my brothers invites, yet haven't recieved an invite from either yet, I don't think i'm doing anything wrong! The first invite didn't request his discord user but the second did.
I've had no emails, discord notifications or steam invites, how would I go about getting this checked?

No problem! If you signed up, we'll be sending keys to folks who registered using the invite links tomorrow!

3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by ArchiePet

If we signed up last time you posted do we need to sign up again or will we be automatically entered into the closed alpha selection process?

No need to reapply, we still have your data! Thank you!

3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by chi_pa_pa

Hi Doom! My buddy gave me one of his friend invites as he had already been accepted in; I filled out the form a couple days ago but haven't received any correspondence since then, is that normal?

No problem, we'll be contacting friend invites over the coming days, so stay tuned!

3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Healthy_Soil7114

Pull the plug now so we can get all the mods that were siphoned away back.

Entirely different teams, nobody was "siphoned away" - nobody has been rerouted from Old School or RuneScape projects, the teams are exactly as they have always been!

3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by DeluxeBaconHat

Key received! I was looking for a copy of the NDA if it's available?

An example copy of the NDA will be reshared in the Alpha tester Discord if folks want to pick up a copy for reference! The Discord server is role-specific and won't open until tomorrow's Alpha starts, though.

3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by JustOneRandomStudent

will this be another drain of Jagex resources that is closed in a year while serious game issues are ignored for rs3?

The issues that the RS3 team work on and address are wholly disconnected and separate from the work that the Survival game team is doing. We're separate projects! Hope the issues you're encountering get resolved soon, all the same. Have a great day.

3 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Healthy_Soil7114

Is that why Deg and Orion (among others) publicly said they were leaving Rs3 team to work on "unannounced project"?

Not to sound cunty but nice try gas-lighting.

Leaving a team is definitely different from a person being "siphoned away". I actively chose to join this project when there was the chance to. I wanted to help shape this game from day 0 into something really cool, and use my experiences I'd gained from my time at Jagex to contribute to this project. I wasn't siphoned away, and the RuneScape team found a wonderful CM to take my place. Everyone on this project is here by choice.

2 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by enjoi633

Still no email containing a key after I signed up via a friends extra key.. bummer start to the year

Your friend will have received an email yesterday if their invites weren't used before the previous 23rd December deadline. We reopened invitations until 13th January, so please check with them!

about 2 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by CanEHdianboi

u/JagexDoom Ive been playing the past couple days and have been loving it! Though Ive been in the discord for almost a week now and still havent gotten access to the channels, I dm'd you on Discord. Hopefully I can get in there :)

Just checking you got in ok - I immediately recognised your name!