about 1 month ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s we just got runescape's biggest combat
3s update in years so let's take a look at
5s some of the most underrated changes that
7s were made the sarin godbow is now way
10s more consistent and is guaranteed to hit
13s all of its arrows on the biggest Targets
15s in the game at bosses like the arch
17s glacor it absolutely melts them when
20s arrows got a nice buff across the board
22s and now work with special abilities
25s making them significantly more powerful
28s movement abilities can now be used at
30s any time and will no longer put your
31s other abilities off cooldown making them
34s much more smooth to use and zoom around
36s the map the information you get when you
38s hover over an ability has now been much
40s improved and you can now actually find
42s out what type of damage the ability will
44s be dealing on top of this a ton of
47s weapons in the game and their special
48s attacks have completely been rebalanced
51s with all of these great combat
52s improvements and Buffs it's time to
54s gather some friends and take on some
56s bosses