Original Post — Direct link

Mod Ian, the main sound guy at Jagex and longest serving employee, was jailed for more than a year after sexually assaulting a girl under the age of 13. More details in the linked article.

This raises a few questions for me personally, like does Jagex have any safeguards in place to prevent their employees from doing anything like this? It's known Jagex moderators are prominent and often looked up to by players, some of which might be fairly young.

A question for Jagex: Is there anything the company is doing to protect these vulnerable individuals?

As a player, do you think Jagex is doing enough to protect young people playing their games?

Note: I'm not trying to blame Jagex for this, obviously I don't think they're the ones responsible. I do however wonder if there are things they are currently doing or going to do to prevent situations like these in the future.

EDIT: For clarification - I don't think Jagex is responsible in this case, I'm merely asking if there are things in place to prevent these kind of situations during company time, like monitoring employee communications, how 'red flags' are handled and so on.

External link β†’
over 3 years ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

We have a statement to share on this post:

"Jagex expects the highest standards from its staff and we act decisively if those values that we hold dear are not reflected in the behaviour of employees. The person in question no longer works at Jagex, and was dismissed when the circumstances of the allegations came to light in March 2021.

β€œWe have conducted an internal review of the employee's interactions with staff and any players he may have come into contact with during his time at Jagex. We have found no evidence that might prompt further investigation at this time."