over 2 years ago - /u/Mod_Miva - Direct link

Originally posted by tugas_king

why doesn't the newspost mention bonds?

It was a mistake on our part. I added the line back into the text. Thank you for noticing it.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mod_Miva - Direct link

Originally posted by Tkf530

Didn't get the outfit when just bought with bonds. I'm assuming they're been added in the game Monday?

Yes, next Monday.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mod_Miva - Direct link

Originally posted by MyCabbagesHelp

  • Why is it impossible to see current Premier Membership duration and only total membership duration? How do I know when I need to resub?
  • How does Premier work now that it's available constantly? If I bought 5 Premier Memberships right now does that give me Premier until November 2027 (featuring all the benefits like monthly drops)?
  • When are things like Demon Hunter Armour and Stalker pet being given to players? If I purchase Premier today do I get them on Monday?

Why is it impossible to see current Premier Membership duration and only total membership duration? How do I know when I need to resub?

This is excellent feedback. I don't have any specifics, but your feedback has been shared with the team, and they will consider adding this in the future.

How does Premier work now that it's available constantly? If I bought 5 Premier Memberships right now does that give me Premier until November 2027 (featuring all the benefits like monthly drops)?

If you purchase several years of membership, they will stack, but there is a limit to the number of years you can purchase at once.

When are things like Demon Hunter Armour and Stalker pet being given to players? If I purchase Premier today do I get them on Monday?

You can claim your rewards from the benefits tab if you are a premier member whenever the new Premier Membership is available.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mod_Miva - Direct link

Originally posted by OffTheDollarMenu

Good to hear I'm not the only person who doesn't know how exactly premier works. If these got answered for me a little more clearly it would make the decision to subscribe a lot easier

Please see my previous response. If you have any additional questions, post them here.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mod_Miva - Direct link

Originally posted by Shiny_Harlequin

Mod Miva, If there is a way to see when Premiere Membership runs out, I haven't ever been able to find it after trying several times. Please make the Premiere Membership Renewal info clear and easy to locate in our player's account info.

Your suggestions have been shared with the team. Thank you very much!

over 2 years ago - /u/Mod_Miva - Direct link

Originally posted by jiiiimm

I bought premier last week when i Couldnt claim my monthly drop.

Will I still get the cosmetics?

Yes, next Monday.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mod_Miva - Direct link

Originally posted by Dr_Infinite_Ghost

Very interesting. So If I for example bought the package twice now I would get 2022 rewards when they are launched soon and 2023 rewards when they launch in a year?


over 2 years ago - /u/Mod_Miva - Direct link

Originally posted by RusselZ

A friend is unable to get the 12 month premiere and benefits (Loyalty points and cosmetics/pet) because membership runs out on 2024, but doesn't have premiere. Is there a way to purchase the 12 month premiere with the benefits alongside it?

A friend is unable to get the 12 month premiere and benefits (Loyalty points and cosmetics/pet) because membership runs out on 2024, but doesn't have premiere. Is there a way to purchase the 12 month premiere with the benefits alongside it?

I will try to find out the answer.

about 2 years ago - /u/Mod_Miva - Direct link

Originally posted by mz30fast

Did you get an answer to this? I am having the same issue


The benefits cannot currently be purchased separately from membership. Your friend would need to either wait for the membership levels to drop below the purchase threshold for a full year or contact PS to have some membership transferred to another account.