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about 6 years ago - /u/JagexPi - Direct link

Currently refactoring this for mobile, I think I can make this happen :)

about 6 years ago - /u/JagexPi - Direct link

Originally posted by Arlitub

Please give us the ability for it to 'snap' in place too, so we can have the buff and debuff bars next to eachother on the same height.

This is a tough one, I can but due to the behaviours of the type of interface this is, it deliberately doesn't snap to allow for free form positioning. If I forced it to snap now it could end up causing some serious "jankiness" when it goes live and mess up people's interfaces as it is forced to re-arrange everything to fit itself in as it sees best.

Jury's out on this one but for now I'd go for the cautious approach and maintain the behaviour for now rather than mess with interface setups.