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over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by MeleeUnsolved


Some solid ideas proposed, any chance this could be added to the feedback overload?

Absolutely they can be, sure.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by SETT2V2V2V2

Battle Passes should be just available forever.

Progress at your own pace, no FOMO-time limited junk, just a progression path with some rewards and a premium pass with some additional rewards.

New Pass comes out? Ok. Cool. You can progress one pass at a time, no rush, no hurry, no FOMO. Just an actual good faith attempt to offer you something nice and give you a premium version to also enjoy if you'd like to.

It's perfectly doable and it would even be somewhat nice for Jagex too in the long-term.

Imagine a new or returning player jumps in, you're running a Battle Pass? Ok maybe they buy it . . . Maybe that pass doesn't resonate with them at all though.

Instead, have ten passes available that you've made over the last couple years and suddenly a new player almost certainly will find a cool pass they want to progress through. Or maybe you return after a couple years and see 10 whole Passes to work through? Doesn't that give you some long-term goals to look forward to? It would be an exciting, positive experience that allows them to make yet another purchase instead of waiting for the next one, if that next one even features things they would like to buy at all.

And what of the people who will never finish the whole pass and make buying the premium pass worthwhile under normal circumstances? Tons of people would happily buy it if they only had time to complete the whole thing at their own pace.

Offering lots of different products is positive, it's good! It helps business by ensuring you're providing something for everyone. It also becomes a point of discussion, someone might come and say, "Oh, what's the best Pass to work on first?" And people would tell you about stuff.

It promotes discussion and public discourse, people would look back fondly upon their favourite Passes and show room for improvement of the less exciting ones. You could even retroactively improve some lacking Passes based on not only public perception but public engagement. Wouldn't it be valuable to have a long-term study that shows you which passes new and returning players gravitate towards finishing first? Which they buy more readily? And so on?

And also, hey, it provides a sense of achievement and progression too. People might enjoy having a tab full of green "completed" Passes?

I mean, just, yeesh, man. You take 10 seconds to look at Battle Passes from a perspective of, "Lets make something fun and engaging." Without being obsessed with immediate profit and you see lots of positive things that could come of doing things in a less awful way. But no, we don't get that from them, we get them dragging their feet to fix basic things.

Say what you like about Halo: Infinite, I really liked their model of switching between which passes you want to progress on. For me, personally, I'd love to see it implemented as a system.

Before Yak Track was put out to pasture I really wanted to catch up on old tracks, and not being able to do that was disappointing but Hero pass will be bringing back classics into the store with each iteration which is great and means that items that haven't been available for a long time will resurface and players who might have missed their chance for whatever reason can grab them!

Getting back to your point, I also agree that there's a really compelling, fundamentally RuneScape-y feel to ticking off a list feeling like you've completed a collection. I love the idea of the "Completed Passes" list (though I would be conscious that it could be labelled as FOMO if we didn't implement the persistent pass system alongside it, so something to think about).

I've been taking in a lot of feedback over the weekend and I'm putting something together today for the team to take a look at, and this will certainly feature on it as a point we can look at. Thanks for this, Sett - one of your better ones!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by No_Refrigerator647

The context of these expressions are when Osborne announced a new skill is coming ahead of runefest to take the heat off of MTX backlash

Haven’t quite forgiven myself for that one. Love you Shauny!