Bottom Line Up Front: I know MTX threads will always be at 0 up votes, that is a very small price to pay instead of having ALL the news at 0 up votes.
New, returning and existing players will look at the up vote count to see how the update is recieved. This one should be at 98-99% up vote. The one bad thing in it has it tanked at 48%! That is not good.
It makes potential new customers and returning customers think this game had a bad update... this one is super good!
It is unfair to all the J-mods that created the actual game content from being shown the appreciation they deserve.
It is unfair for existing players that think "well another sh*tty update... why did I buy members?"
Like I said in my opening sentence.... what is the point in having ALL the news downvoted instead of just the one or two small MTX related things? This actually hurts your business! It hurts player moral and keeps other players from joining the game... we NEED new players!
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