22 days
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | hey everyone I'm mod Lee and I'm here to |
3s | tell you about some of this week's patch |
4s | notes to get things started we've added |
7s | in a calendar entry for the fourth |
9s | necromancy conjure update which goes |
11s | live on the 2nd of September |
13s | 2024 this update will provide us with |
16s | the fourth and last basic conjure that |
18s | you can use during combat mining bonus |
21s | XP at Barbarian assault now gives |
23s | appropriate XP at levels 100 to |
27s | 110 we fixed an issue that blocked |
29s | players from creating a few different |
31s | items using divination such as Porton of |
34s | restoration 1 Iron bayite and runite ore |
38s | and all four versions of the |
40s | locators there's now a mining site icon |
43s | inside the calgarian resource |
45s | dungeon we've moved prometheum or rocks |
48s | near the resource dungeon entrance |
50s | southeast of the demon Peninsula one |
52s | tile to the West so their click zones |
54s | are less inclined to |
56s | intersect and last but not least we fix |
59s | some engine issues AC across the game |
61s | from improving VFX performance to |
63s | improving the visual stability of water |
66s | to fixing an issue that resulted in |
68s | Incorrect and missing visuals for |
69s | certain particle effects depending on |
71s | player rotation and position now certain |
74s | performance aspects of the game will run |
76s | at a higher |
78s | standard if you'd like to read about the |
80s | rest of the patch notes from this week |
81s | head over to the RuneScape website or |
83s | click on the link in the description |
84s | down below which will take you right to |
86s | the News Post also if you have any |
89s | suggestions for anything that could be |
90s | patched or improved please leave a |
92s | comment on this video and let us know |
95s | make sure to check in for the next |
96s | installment of patch notes I'm mod Lee |
99s | and I hope you all enjoyed |