almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link


Hi everyone -

Our update is progressing through QA and we hope to have testing complete shortly. Once testing has been completed, we should be able to provide a clearer timeline on when the fix will release - if there's no issues, we're still looking to go live later today at this time. We'll be back as soon as we have confirmation.


Hello 'Scapers -

We've been looking into reports of some new client crashes occurring since the Game Update and we've now identified a fix. If you were impacted by these issues, thank you for your patience over the past week so far.

The good news is that the team have a fix in the works, and we're hoping to deploy it by the end of the week (pending confirmation). We'll keep you updated with any news as we get it, including if that timeline changes in any way.

Thank you again for your patience and we'll be back with updates soon.

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