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I have accumulated around 300k beans in POF and wanted to spend them on the woody magic beans for elder trees on dxp.

I was wondering if there is a cap on how many trees I can plant or if I can just plant them over and over again for them to grow instantly.

Thankful for any helpful answers :)

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over 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by mporubca

I recommend using Beans for Sundry Brans rather than Woody. They are slower to farm/gather but the yield is so much higher

In your case it's either:

  • Woody Beans: ~1 700 000 Farming XP
  • Sundry Beans: ~2 400 000 1 740 000 Farming XP and 90M cash

EDIT: fixed Sundry beans XP, didn't take Reeds into account

What patches are getting you those values?

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by mporubca

  • Woody Beans cost 4000 beans each, planting them in Elder Tree Patch results in guaranteed Elder tree, yielding 23,241 experience. This means you get 5.81 XP per bean.
  • Sundry Beans cost 400 beans each and you can plant them in:
    • Mushroom Patch. You're guaranteed to get Morchella Mushrooms, which give
      • 859 experience, which means you get 2.14 XP per bean
      • 18 Morchella Mushrooms (72k) and 0.18 Baby Zygomites (19k), yielding 252,2 gp/bean
    • Hops Patch. You get either Reeds or God Grapes, with equal distribution of both.
      • (1130 (reeds) + 3530 (grapes)) / 2, which is 5.82 XP per bean. Note that actual XP per bean is higher as you can get more (but not less) than 10 grapes, especially with Greenfingers aura
      • 1.8 Saradomin and 3.6 Zamorak grapes per seed, worth about 126k gold per Sundry Bean which is 324 gold per bean. Again, realistically it's higher, plus you can also sell Guthix grapes and produce from Reeds for extra ~10k per Sundry Bean.

So with 300k Beans OP would get:

  • Woody Beans
    • 1 743 000 XP
  • Sundry/Morchellas
    • 642 000 XP
    • 75 600 000 gold
  • Sundry/Hops
    • 1 746 000 XP
    • 97 200 000 gold

Much obliged.

I, for one, have just changed what I was planning to do with my beans over DXP. :)