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Valentines! & DXPW/Gameblast

Activity Pets

  • A contingency update which exists to fill an update slot if something like scrapping Weapon Diversity happens again.
    • If it doesn't happen it will be added in normally.
    • It's not a large update taking the slot of another update, it's quite small and mainly outsourced.
  • Adjustments are made to the initial concept art pieces to fit within certain rule-sets/tech limitations.
    • The concepts made by us were communicated with the original artists.
  • The 3D Models are outsourced that's it. The concept art is a design brief for them.

Jagex Concept Art

Bonus Information

  • Deer Model
    - Use this as an excuse to update other animals in the game.
  • Bird models/animations could be reused but each are different sizes, for Richie's it could be used for other medium sized birds.
  • Mune - The Area pet: There were 6 initial, but 2 more were made to fill other environments in game.
    • There aren't as many aquatic regions so it might not be used.
    • Anachronia is too specific and we prefer to be a broad region.

Mining and Smithing

Recent Changes - Whiteboard Graphs

S = Stamina, P = Performance

Position Graph - - -
Top left Original S: 100% = P: 100% S: 99-1% = P: 90% S: 0% = P: 80%
Middle left Changed Linear Decrease from 100% Rockertunity activity = P: 60-75% S: 0% = P: 20%
Bottom Left Proposed Change P: 100% = P: 100% S: 99-1% = P: 90% S: 0% = P: 20%

Issues Discussions

  • The proposed changed is currently in QA, ETA - Unknown.
    • Since it affects the whole skill it needs a lot of testing.
  • The right graphs had similar issues with the changed graph (Middle left).
  • We wanted to really target those who were really AFK, but semi-AFK and F2P were heavily affected.
    • Allowing people to AFK initially was done as an experiment and we probably won't do the same in the future.
  • The above graphs are an example of what we discuss and why it takes time going over everything.
    • From a designer point of view it doesn't make sense that there's not change between 99-1% stamina.

Stone Spirits

  • Current Situation: There are no plans to change their system or function - what they do.
  • It's not a Mining and Smithing problem, it's a drop table problem.
    • We do agree getting a low valued drop is bad, but the fix is addressing the drop table.
    • It isn't a high prioritized issue since there are numerous other low-value drops on tables.
  • PvM is in an okay state, some bosses have their average value drop slightly, otherwise have seen an increase.


Topic Response
Camera Angle Forced Turn We want more feedback as to why you want or don't want this.
Unfilter 1,000 Marks of War Message Something we could do but we want to make sure it isn't spammy/annoying.
Flask Decanting We've changed our stance to locking it behind the "A First Resort" Quest before you can use it anywhere.
Guido's bonfire in a bottle No current plans to change it.
Armor stands in PvM Hub No current plans. You can use Whetstone from Invention.

Other Updates


There are no current plans to censor the forums, they've had a few pages updated. Another CM wants to do more on there as well.

PvM Hub - Achievement Garden

This was scrapped from the initial release since it would required a large amount of time and wasn't the core of what people wanted from a PvM Hub. So we prioritized the core: portals and convenience in order to get it out before Archaeology.

Maxed Guild Improvements

It's been bumped down in priority due to stuff in a lead up in Archaeology. There are places where feedback is being gathered to delicate bump its functionality, like an Invention workbench.

Araxxor Quest

Not in development. Osborne: "I'll put the script into discord."

Archaeology ETA

"Not this week. We're hoping to give you all more info by the end of the month, but it's dependent on us getting a 'go'/'no go' date from our development team.

Watch this space!"

External link β†’
over 4 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

More feedback on the camera turning seems odd to me, at any point the camera suddenly changing direction from where you enter an area seems really jarring to me :/

Plus the post from yesterday that spiked about it