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Do we have a date yet for Archaeology? I'm gonna assume last Monday in Feb but if I'm booking a day off work I'd like to be sure (if possible)

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over 4 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by Torezx

Ah good, so hopefully the last Monday this month.

I think given the push back that happened already, they'll have the poor Mods working overtime to meet that deadline.

A part of the reason for the push back (or, at least, a byproduct of it) was so that we could finish to the level of polish we feel everyone (you and us) deserves WITHOUT needing to rely on overtime. In fact, the overtime I'd already put in pre-Xmas I've been able to claim back as time off in lieu. I know others put in some overtime and may not have claimed it back yet, but they're able to.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by DiscombobulatedDelay

I think one of the mods said it most likely wont be during the first quarter. So April at the earliest. Plus they want to release teaser vids beforehand.

None of us here should be even hinting at a new date, so if you heard one of us saying that, either they misspoke or what was said was misinterpreted.

When the new date has been announced, it will be clear and obvious (and I really hope we can announce a new date soonTM - the stream yesterday suggested it might be announced later this month).

We are still planning to release a Road to Archaeology video series ahead of the skill release, so there should be enough time for anyone making plans to play from launch/taking holiday, etc.

In the meantime, feel free to drop into the #archaeology-discussion room on our Discord server.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by Torezx

Tremendous, I just feel like all major updates these days feel like the take a long time to come out (and by that I mean from their announcement until release) - not meant as a criticism but you can really feel the work going on in the background as the standard has become much higher.

There's already so much pressure on you guys from the community I can only guess that there's pressure from Senior Figures down to meet 'our' expectations.

Do you think the skill will come with a release date given a couple of weeks (or longer!) in advance? Really would love to book the day off and just get stuck in for hours uninterrupted :)

You'll get advance warning, for sure; should be enough time to book holiday days.