20 days ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s it's time to dust off your mat and dig
3s deep in a new area on demon releasing on
6s the 10th of
11s June I'm mod blackwitch I'm Mar Kos and
14s I'm mod Alex and today we're super
16s excited to unveil the latest details
18s about the new archaeology digite in
20s Demon as well as a new imposing area
23s deep below that we call the warb depths
25s demon has always been a place that's
27s been shrouded in a lot of mystery while
29s it was once home to the Dragon Kin who
31s had settled there in a distant past it
33s has since been taken over by zamarian
35s forces looking to harness the ancient
37s powers for themselves and while the rich
39s history of demon still Echoes within its
41s Halls today demon him stands as a beacon
44s for many adventurers and archaeologists
46s alike eager to unearth the ancient
48s Mysteries that remain buried deep as
50s part of this update we've given the
52s demon surface a full graphical overhaul
55s this brings it more in line with the
56s Wilderness update from a few years ago
58s and will make the dig site a lot more
59s interesting to explore one of the aims
62s of this update was to fill in some of
63s the conspicuous level gaps that you may
65s currently encounter while training the
67s archaeology skill as part of this update
69s we'll be introducing seven new
71s excavation locations the excavation
74s spots within the fort on the surface of
76s demim will offer additional discoveries
78s for players from level 73 to 87 and once
81s you go deeper into the warp depths this
83s area supports the level experience
85s between 103 and 113 you'll also discover
88s 16 new artifacts three new Collections
91s and three new Mysteries but I won't
93s spoil too much you'll have to discover
95s what's actually going on there yourself
97s after you've rescued scalon from his icy
99s prison early on in your engineering
101s Adventures you can begin your new
102s excavations by speaking to him in the
104s Fant camp at demon Guided by Scauldron
106s the storykeeper and the digite manager
108s each Mystery will take you closer to
110s understanding exactly who built demon
112s what their motivations were and what
113s threats could still be waiting for you
115s by completing one of the new Dragon Kin
117s archaeology collections you will get
118s access to a brand new iology Relic power
121s called Spirit Weaver this New Relic
123s power provides a 50% boost to XP when
126s you create summoning pouches but it will
128s require pouches to be produced one at a
130s time rather than all at once with this
132s in mind we wanted to give you the
133s flexibility to choose between time
135s efficiency or resource efficiency when
137s training summoning you'll also be able
139s to get your hands on a new archaeology
140s Skilling offhand called baller sash
143s brush as well as a new Hunter Skilling
144s off hand called ska's hypn wand both off
147s hands will of course Grant you a bunch
148s of bonus effects each relevant to their
151s own skill finally you'll be able to earn
152s dung engineering tokens dung engineering
154s wild cards and Tetra Compass pieces from
156s the collections that are scattered
157s across demon it's been amazing to unite
160s the team and create something that we
161s know many of you have been looking for
163s we've loved hearing your feedback about
165s the latest content and what's planned
167s for the rest of the year as always we
169s want to hear more from you and if you're
170s not already part of the RuneScape
172s Discord we would love for you to join us
174s to tell us what you think with that said
176s we're super excited to see you all in
177s Demon
180s oh