5 months ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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144s it's almost time for Christmas when
146s tumber is closing in nights are getting
147s longer noses are getting chilly but I am
150s delighted to be joined today in the Cozy
152s and warm studio and remotely by some of
155s our amazing team who have jumped in to
157s make the Christmas Village 2023 we are
160s delighted to have such gifted guests
163s present with us today for this cracker
166s of a stream ho ho hopefully we'll have a
169s holly jolly good time together and we
171s cane all see the santastic work they've
174s been putting together I've not get any
176s more puns for now but I do have some
177s cracker jokes in my pocket so I can
179s those out later on hello everyone I'm
182s mod Doom your community manager and I am
184s delighted to be joined by mods Ramen
186s Kine and rain but first I want to
190s introduce an extra special guest who
192s flew in this morning just for us ladies
196s and
197s gentlemen it's Omen the beautiful flush
201s from our friends over at makeship is
204s available for pre-orders I want to say
205s right now uh exclamation point Omen in
208s the chat to go over to makeship com/
211s RuneScape you can pre-order yourself a
213s little friend pre-orders are open until
215s December 13th this little cutie is the
217s softest thing I've ever held in my life
219s it glows in the dark and it smells
220s pretty good as well that's not really a
223s selling point but I think you should
225s definitely bear that in mind if you're
226s thinking about picking it up this
228s adorable thing is a one-off make so if
231s you don't get it now that's it make sure
234s if you want to get your hands on one of
235s these you can go and pre-order it right
237s now over at makeship most do your
238s interest and hopefully you'll be getting
241s these by uh I believe March so if you
246s want to get your hands on one of these
247s make sure you do that before December
248s 13th and then get your hands on this in
251s March and if anyone asks what happened
253s to this exact plush I have no idea and
256s it's definitely not coming home with me
258s anyway that's enough about that so we
261s are delighted to have Omen with us but
264s we're here for the main event what we're
266s all here for it's Christmas starting us
269s off in birth up our old stomping grounds
273s a new area has popped up recently and it
274s looks a little bit different mod Ramen
278s what have you got for
280s us you are you coming over
283s here yeah let's see what you got yeah
285s let's get you squeezed in cuz I feel
287s weird you on the other side of the room
289s it's okay I'll I'll bring Omen so we can
292s all be together I haven't done a stream
294s in a very long time so yeah hello
296s everyone I think you can see me I can't
298s see if you can see me
300s I think yeah you can see me awesome um
303s cool hello do you want to squeeze in I
305s would be
307s honored lovely so as as doom doom uh
312s mentioned we've uh we've got a new
314s little uh Port that's uh popped up
316s around this area um you coming on this
321s side do you want me to okay I can park
324s myself here I could just be over your
326s shoulder annoying like I've been all day
329s I'm I'm great cool so over here we've
334s got uh this was the uh little Hub that
337s popped up as we announced all the
339s content for the rest of the year but now
341s we have a little little portal and some
345s calendar calendar girls and boys uh
348s peppermint peppermint girl peppermint
350s boy um and a lovely portal into the
353s Christmas village now so we want to zoom
357s into this little outfit which we'll see
358s a bit more on later or do we want to go
361s into the Christmas Village what do we
364s want to do I think we can jump into the
366s village I think we're going to see those
367s outfits a little bit later so all right
370s let's hope everything is set up cool a a
374s beautiful entrance and as you can
377s see nicely framed some lovely snow caps
381s on top of our fences and who's this fell
383s this is son is that the big man himself
385s that's the big man himself and as you
388s can see this is what we're calling the
390s Christmas Village um what we wanted to
393s do with Christmas is we wanted to make
396s an area that players can return to every
399s now like when we do Christmas events uh
403s usually we put a lot of graphical time
404s and effort into making up an area that
408s exists only for that year and then you
411s sort of never see it again you think
413s about Halloween events or uh the big
417s Christmas Christmas land right like the
419s they come
420s along we have the the holiday event and
423s then we don't really ever see it again
425s um but now we want to make something
427s that players can return to every year it
429s grows as as as the events grow and all
432s the different things can be replayable
434s so if you happen to miss 5 years worth
436s of events you can come back here and
438s everything will be grounded in in what
441s we're we're daing uh the Christmas
443s Village so does that sound
446s good makes sense to me I like how that
448s sounds I think that that makes sense so
450s this is going to be uh a hub for future
454s Christmas
455s Shenanigans um which is crucial because
458s that's why it looks I mean it was going
460s to look gorgeous no matter what but
462s we've made extra sure to make sure this
464s place looks immaculate because we may be
466s coming back here for for years and years
468s to come so not maybe we will be coming
471s back here for years and years to come
473s but there might be different stuff here
474s but this is an amazing Foundation yeah
478s this is the this is the start of it all
479s this this is uh the the first year where
481s we're we're we're creating again using
484s the term hob um but we'll be able to
486s come back here sort of over and over
488s some of the keyo people in the chats
489s have already started to to spot certain
491s bits and Bobs so I'll let them look what
494s do we want to go on to next is there
495s anything uh
497s K9 and rain we don't anything you guys
501s want to say he's he's not used to the
503s code
504s names uh not really I mean like I say um
509s if you might be able to tell as a hint
510s there it's it's a large amount of forest
512s there so uh so hopefully in the future
514s we're planning on uh maybe doing a bit
517s of Def fores ization morally of course
520s uh and making some space for some more
521s bits and Bobs um but for now I guess I
524s guess Ramen I'll leave it up to you do
526s you want to see what Santa's up to or do
528s you want to have a look around and see
530s maybe what's going on near the uh down
533s there or what so what can players do
536s once they've arrived and they've spoken
537s to the big man what can they do well
540s Okay cool so we're arriving the first
542s time you arrive here and how oh another
544s question is like oh how do we get here
545s what happens when the hubs around how
547s how am I getting here now you saw me go
549s through the um portal in Bop and there
552s will also be the holiday portals around
555s the world you know you've got the ones
556s in the grand uh the grand exchange uh
559s you've got the ones in elf City they
561s will all take you to to the Land of Snow
565s but it's kind of inconvenient if you
566s sort of want to uh just jump there
569s you're in in the middle of Zach and
570s you're like you know what a fancy little
571s little you'll run around the Christmas
573s Village I can't do pizza feas I wish
575s Santa was here good news there's a
577s button for that he can give you a
578s present to to skip that that's not a
581s that's not a reward it's just a a oh no
585s that's cool anyway in all in all
589s teleport books you'll find this lovely
591s Christmas Village
593s teleport and if you click this it will
596s take you over to spoilers um but it will
599s take
600s red and green as well that's so cute I
602s love the colors it's all it's all on
604s brand everything is uh colored to
607s Perfection so if I come down here I'll
609s just teleport you know pretend we did
610s that but if you don't want to use your
612s magic teleport book you can open up the
614s load Stone
615s interface and down here nice and easy
618s the Christmas Village it will tell take
620s you to it says a load Stone there isn't
622s actually a load Stone here it's the
624s power of Christmas magic um but yeah
626s there's loads of easy options to get to
628s the Christmas Village um you'll be able
630s to do that really easily so what happens
633s when I first get here and I've never
634s been here before well Santa will be
636s standing here now some of you Keen eyed
640s people might have noticed we have a new
642s quest in our Quest book we are coming
645s out with a seasonal Quest an natural
647s quest Quest however this Quest is
649s slightly different to normal Quest
650s quests whereas this Quest will act like
654s an a standard quest uh you'll get in the
658s interface you'll have all the tracking
660s you'll have all the quest Journal um but
662s you won't get Quest points and the quest
665s will only be available when the
668s Christmas Village is available so when
671s the village disappears The Quest goes um
674s but it doesn't it doesn't contain a
676s quest point so like if if I jump in and
679s I wanted to get master quest Cape I
680s don't have to wait until December okay
683s if you have Quest cape and you log in
685s you your quest Cape isn't going to be
686s taken away from you it doesn't give
687s Quest points uh is only available during
691s the time in which the Christen Village
693s is around and so that like with that
695s being said this Christen Village is only
697s available during the Christmas season um
699s so if next year you happen if this year
702s you happen to miss the quest don't worry
704s the next time this comes around Santo
705s will be standing here and any quests you
707s may have missed that end up going in
709s this area in the future will be
710s available to play that
713s year someone in the chat said love a
715s quest of no
716s rewards wrong why did I say no Rewards
719s oh that is so many rewards are you
721s kidding me that's looking pretty beefy
724s um yeah we've so a lot of the we we've
729s seen feedback over the years and and
731s it's no secret to us that we know that
733s players love a classic sort of RuneScape
736s holiday event uh you know you go and
738s help Santa out or you go help an imp out
740s in a pickle or you go know save Jack
742s Frost um so we wanted
745s to act on that feedback and we're
748s bringing a a not I wouldn't say a full
750s feature length Quest it's a takes about
752s 15 to 20 minutes to complete which in my
755s opinion that's a that's a pretty good
756s holiday event for a holiday for a
758s holiday Quest that's perfect like if you
760s only can if you only get time in in the
762s busiest most frantic month of the year
765s um you know you got your family round
766s for Christmas all the time you've only
767s got 15 minutes guess what 15- minute
770s Quest boom yeah feel good and more
773s rewards than you can shake a candy cane
775s out that sounds fantastic exactly
777s exactly and I'll just flash sh for a
779s second you'll see you know Santa's
782s Little Helper outfit everyone loves
784s getting a classic um classic holiday
787s outfit from from an event very
788s thematically fitting yeah you get
791s yourself a winter scarf and hat more on
793s that later and then the ability to place
796s a Christmas tree and other decorations
797s in Fort th and three oh everyone has
801s been like I'm not going to do the fort
802s quest line yet guess what now is the
804s time if you if you want if you want to
807s put that tree down yeah get moving now
809s yeah get on that so I'm not going to
811s take you through the quest today cuz I
812s want to leave that sort of magic up to
814s you absolutely but so this area now so
818s we' so we've had the quest from the big
819s man um uh what else can players do in
824s this area so we keep we keep coming back
825s so what's before we move on from the
828s quest it's worth mentioning that way
831s back in I think 2008 we had a Land of
833s Snow Quest where we introduced uh a
835s snowm to the player now if you were Lu
839s lucky enough to have met meet that met
841s met meet if you were lucky enough to
843s have met your snowm all the way back in
846s 2008 you'll get to and you haven't
848s played Violet is blue to where you also
850s meet them again you'll be able to meet
852s them one more time uh and you'll be
854s teaming up with them to to help fix
857s Christmas and and and save Christmas
860s bring up Christmas spirit as santa wants
862s you to so that's it Christmas spirit's
864s down we need to do something about it
866s you and you and your imp friend are are
869s back in a big way but if you haven't met
872s your your little limp you'll be uh
874s introduced and you two will team up for
877s the adventure the same way any
880s other I love that I love that so your
883s question was what else can we do here
885s yeah I will hand over to one of the
887s lovely mods on the stream take me
890s somewhere
891s sure I don't to you rain you oh cool um
895s yeah why don't we have a look at some of
897s the activities we can do whiler in in
900s the Christmas Village that' be a nice
902s place to go let pop on over here some of
904s the keyy folks on the stream spotted a
907s little bit of uh little bit of these
909s these fishing runes oh they look
911s good before we jump in I just so we
914s don't have to Circle back to this I do I
916s do want to clarify that um the village
920s is open to all players you don't have to
922s be a member and the quest is also free
925s to play so all players can jump on so
928s free play players can also jump in and
930s do the quest so it's for everyone Merry
935s Christmas there we go I'll let you get
937s back onto this activity I'm I'm the the
939s the shiny lights are distracting me I
941s need to know what's going on here lovely
943s so at the very top of the screen you
946s might notice behind all my warnings that
947s are counting up over and over and over
949s apologies for that you we have something
951s called Christmas spirit now Christmas
954s spirit can be earned via doing various
956s activities within the Hub we've got got
959s a little bit of crafting some snowall
962s let's we do some
964s crafting as we come over here just
966s simple sort of I want to I don't want to
969s use the term but like almost DG Hol
972s esque just a nice little bit of passive
975s laidback kind of chilling we're just
978s we're just vibing okay there's a lot I'm
980s I'm seeing that we're getting a decent
982s stream of wait there's a little Co hey's
986s this wait I need to equip my snowballs
988s but also not show everything off in my
990s inventory oh he's too hot we'll have to
992s cool him down you pel him with some
994s snowballs he's chilling he's cool
998s off I think he needs a little bit more
1000s there he goes and he jumps back in and
1004s he continues to stoke the fire so you
1009s while you're doing that I'm noticing
1010s that you're picking up quite a bit of
1014s Christmas spirit from doing that yeah a
1017s little bit and and a bit of token XP you
1019s know it's not it's not like token XP in
1021s in the sense of where it's like
1023s absolutely nothing it's token XP where
1026s if you are sort of grinding out for
1028s Christmas spirit you're not getting
1030s nothing um it's it's a it's a little bit
1032s of
1035s something I love that that's perfect no
1038s no like yeah I'm not I'm not expecting
1040s to get optimal XP an hour here but I am
1042s here to soak up the Vibes but also make
1044s sure I'm not XP wasting so this is a
1046s perfect compromise for me yeah and then
1049s another activity uh we can catch
1052s some Icy fish so if I'm sitting here I'm
1056s chilling I'm fishing in my inventory
1058s which I don't want to show um I am
1061s catching um some some frozen fish I
1064s can't carry any more frozen fish so I
1066s can deposit some in the barrel again
1068s it's just simple chill your typical
1070s RuneScape AF
1073s AFK um just couple themed
1076s activities to grind out christas back
1079s keep using the term grind but very
1081s relaxingly get some christas Spirit
1086s um cool so that's another activity and
1089s then all the way over here which you'll
1090s find in the quest as well um this is a
1093s decoration making station in which you
1095s are able to start making decorations
1097s finish making decorations and then
1099s deposits had made decorations um
1103s Christmas Light fishing rod
1105s override maybe maybe who knows who knows
1109s we know where could that be I feel like
1111s I'm Ryan says I feel like I'm listening
1113s to a relaxing podcast yeah this is this
1116s is a CH ah I keep every time when
1119s whenever we're devel developing I always
1122s click on my inventory every time you
1123s open every time you Le the backpack you
1125s owe me a drink I hope you know that like
1127s this is all going to add up we'll get
1129s there right Jam's on the stream I want
1132s to make sure that I'm not forgetting
1134s you take us through something where do
1137s you want me to go next oh only a brief
1139s look as to not spoil any more items and
1141s such but you're telling me I'm gaining
1145s Christmas spirit Ramen what do I do with
1147s this Christmas spirit how is it useful
1149s maybe people in chat who've been asking
1151s about items from past seasonal events
1153s May want to know more lovely so I've
1156s been gaining some lovely Christmas
1158s spirit and I can head head over to our
1162s christmy named NPC called
1165s Holly and I can open up the Christmas
1168s Spirit Shop oh spoilers um and we can
1173s get our new 2023 rewards just a couple
1176s pieces in here you you'll notice there's
1178s a there's a scarf and a hat in the same
1181s colors of the
1185s 2005
1187s original scarf and hats then we have a
1190s couple more tabs and they're called
1192s Legacy four tabs four tabs so we have
1196s your chrisan spirit that you earn via
1197s doing activities
1199s you are able to
1200s get pretty much all the Christmas
1207s holiday items from I correct me if I'm
1211s wrong here but 2011 onwards roughly yeah
1214s correct 2011 that's that's a decent
1216s chunk that's that's over a decade worth
1218s of Christmasy goodies to get your hands
1221s on yeah and like all of these you know
1224s so in just the little bit of time that
1226s you've shown off what's been going on
1228s you picked up
1229s over 100 Christmas spirit and just doing
1231s that and so all of these can be earned
1235s through just
1236s playing just just being in this area
1239s picking up goodies and and doing various
1242s get it get that snoow
1244s impling the thing is with snowling they
1247s they fly through the environment so they
1248s can be a real pain there's one so around
1251s the world you also be able to NOP he's
1254s had enough he's he's playing hard to get
1256s he's not not making the nice list on
1261s son the snow imps that was convenient
1264s timing uh yeah the snow imps as RAM was
1266s mentioning also give uh Christmas spirit
1269s both here and throughout the uh kind of
1271s main World while you're not here yeah if
1274s even if you're taking a break from the
1276s land of snow again like if you're in
1277s Pizza phas up no they won't be there but
1279s if you know if you're out and about and
1280s you spot one you can still get them and
1282s still get yourself the uh Christmas
1285s spirit which is fantastic and you get
1288s the uh the spirit through through
1290s Gameplay at these activities or cing the
1292s imps if you're not around
1294s here yeah so some people might be saying
1297s oh well that's not all the rewards um
1299s why pick 2011 onwards uh sort of past I
1303s think going back too far past 2011
1306s onwards um at least for the first year
1308s might have been just a bit too much
1310s there's a mass you know from 2011
1313s there's a massive amount of rewards here
1314s and and you know we want to give you a
1317s chance to get them all if if we get
1320s feedback saying yeah you know go past
1321s 2011 like we want to see some of the
1324s original antlers or the original snow
1327s globe or the original you know we'
1328s bought some of these back before so
1330s there's no reason as to why not um but
1332s we sort of just settled on 2011 as a a
1335s good starting point you know this is the
1337s first time um we're doing this so start
1341s start
1342s low yeah you know if people are eager to
1345s get their hands on other stuff um in the
1348s future it's it's a conversation we can
1349s have but we'll we thought this was a
1353s good decent Middle Ground where you can
1356s get loads of stuff that you might not
1357s been able to get your hands on but
1360s then we thought this was a nice line to
1363s draw answering a question in the chat uh
1366s du RS will vintage hat and scares be
1369s available at the event the ones you have
1370s in your backpack well that's got nothing
1372s in my backpack I haven't shown it but
1374s the ones you're seeing on screen uh no
1376s these aren't the original vintage ones
1378s um um we will get to it but we sort of
1381s did a a remaster of them like a faithful
1384s remaster you know the ones way back then
1388s um you know what should I just show the
1391s backpack I think we should show the
1392s backpack we should yeah all right I
1394s don't know why I've got a crossbow on
1396s but um oh what host of Let's Get rid of
1400s this we get to W paper later we'll get
1403s to that later we get to Electric sense
1405s later goodness look at this snowballs
1409s get rid of that get them out of here
1410s snow everywhere those so do we do we
1414s want to do we want to show these things
1416s can I see a a thing in the chat rain do
1419s we want to show this stuff
1421s off oh I think I think we should I think
1424s we should do it what should we start
1426s with what's your
1428s favorite oh that's tough I love them all
1431s um how about we start with
1434s the quest reward okay lovely so there
1438s are multiple cres WS as you may remember
1440s if we open up this and we navigate down
1443s to rewards you get your lamps you get
1446s some Christ Spirit to spend in the shop
1449s you get Santa's Little Helper outfit and
1451s a winter scarf and hat wow there's a lot
1453s of winter scarf and hats in here but
1455s we'll pop on the Santa's Little Helper
1459s outfit and so this is for everyone who's
1461s finished the quest which again is open
1463s to everyone let's um hide my things and
1468s yeah it's it's just a very simple
1469s Christmas themed
1470s colored outfit I helped Santa out and
1474s what does he give me in return a little
1476s helper outfit which is lovely everyone's
1479s spamming black part I don't know what
1481s you're on about can't see it um and then
1483s I also get a hat and a scarf which you
1486s know this is a red and green outfit what
1488s color what color hat and scarf do you
1490s reckon we
1491s got you would be correct orange and
1494s black no um we got a lovely look at that
1496s like that now that scarf looks insanely
1499s cozy no that is a winter scarf I want to
1502s go up to somewhere that has slightly
1503s better
1504s lighting at least on my screen this is
1506s quite dark you know what where can we go
1509s I want to stay festive I want to stay in
1512s a festive area is this is this lit for
1514s everyone nicely enough can you all see
1518s that yeah looks oh God they're going to
1520s go they're going to go nuts if this is
1522s the uh this is the reaction to this
1526s lovely oh spoilers okay where where are
1529s we going next
1532s rain oh so we're showing off
1535s the scarf and the hat from the quest
1539s want to have a look at the other ones
1540s and then potentially see if there's
1541s something extra special that we can do
1543s with these yeah let me just Che if I can
1546s find someone that has like
1548s lighting yeah we need like you know what
1551s I'm going to our secret location that
1552s isn't very Christmasy but you can see
1554s everything in lovely detail let's
1556s pretend it's snow right okay so you may
1559s have noticed that in my inventory there
1563s are a load of scares and hats in the
1567s Christmas spirit shop I was able to
1569s purchase
1570s the orange and black one which looks
1574s amazing
1577s awesome in a event we will get to later
1581s we can
1583s earn this one and this one lovely
1587s Christmas colors beautiful and then for
1589s some reason we have the Ikea sponsored
1592s not really
1594s um I don't know why they are blue and
1597s yellow or originally blue and if you're
1599s if you're trying to channel your your
1601s Swedish
1602s Vibes yeah yeah this is perfect for mod
1606s Shogun um and then we got some more
1608s Christmas colors beautiful you know you
1611s got a bit bit of bit yellow in there and
1613s then sure I had a scarf like that as a
1615s kid lovely cool
1618s lots of colors stunning
1621s colors but what if I take this
1623s off and what if I right click and
1627s combine what does that
1629s do so all of the scarfs that you had
1632s have now been combined into one scarf
1635s they have what do we do with this rain
1638s and
1640s K9 well I didn't like any of those
1643s colors personally because I am a scrooge
1646s perhaps this scarf can help me there and
1650s let me choose my own colors and
1652s customize it if you will oh my goodness
1654s gracious me what is
1658s this we can pick some random colors and
1663s we can I'm I'm like trembling this is
1666s I'm well excited about
1668s this R has been so excited about this
1670s for literally weeks now every single
1673s time we've had an opportunity to show
1675s this off he's like right but check this
1676s out and he pulls it out every every time
1678s and he's excited about it every time
1680s this is super cool I happen to just like
1683s pick Christmas colors again I don't know
1685s why let's
1686s go christmy let's say it's Halloween and
1689s you're kind of bundled up you're all
1691s cold it's it's chilly around Halloween
1693s boom Halloween
1696s colors and the same goes for the hat if
1698s I combine all the hats and I wear my hat
1701s and I customize my hat and I want
1703s Halloween colors I can go
1705s boom there it is and there it is let's
1707s take this backing outfit I can fully
1710s customize this outfit to my liking let's
1714s say I want my hat these colors or scarf
1717s these colors I can do that so for those
1720s of you haven't loaded for that but yeah
1724s no judgment if that's the colors that
1725s you were already picking out in your
1727s head if you're in chat and you're like
1728s that's exactly what colors I want I'm
1729s not going to judge you but like so when
1732s you're going around the Christen Village
1734s and you're partaking in all the
1735s activities you're partaking in the quest
1737s you're doing Secret Santa keep an eye
1740s out because you'll want to collect them
1741s all uh there are six to collect and you
1744s can only benefit from the color
1746s customization once you've collected and
1748s combined all
1749s six same goes for the
1753s hats what do we want to move on to
1756s next I mean I know what the obvious
1759s answer is but organically why don't we
1761s show off that peppermint outfit from
1762s earlier and see if
1764s that in my
1766s inventory I have another cool outfit the
1770s peppermint outfit those calendar girl
1772s and boys we saw at the awareness Hub we
1776s can pop on this very cute very simple
1780s outfit but wait there's
1783s more this outfit also benefits from the
1786s super premium recolor system so you can
1791s whip on your Halloween theme you can
1794s come in here and make use of all these
1797s lovely outfits all these love lovely
1799s color schemes do I want to be
1802s this fashion scap is in shambles right
1805s now this is like
1806s how it's it's jov it's never been a
1811s better time for fashion gatee right now
1812s I am expecting this to absolutely change
1815s the game yeah so for all the yeah so for
1819s all your fashioncape needs uh you can
1822s customize the the hell out of your your
1824s outfits uh you can mix and matchs with a
1827s scarf the Hat has its own recolor slots
1830s the scarf has its own recolor slots the
1832s peppermint outfit is all one um so the
1837s colors are coded uh so everything will
1839s change at once um looking lovely looking
1842s like a
1844s orange um what else was there there was
1847s something else I was going to touch on
1848s oh the male outfit yeah uh if I do like
1852s the other character makeover as you can
1854s expect with a very simple outfit on a
1856s female it's a a fairly simple outfit on
1860s the male now some of you might be
1862s looking at this and going ah why stripey
1865s well you don't have to have stripey we
1868s can have it so we made it so one of the
1872s recolor sections on the legs controls
1874s just that color so if you're not into
1877s stripey you can change it where it will
1880s just be or that's a lot of that's a lot
1882s of solid uh solid
1885s black I can't remember which one it is
1887s even though I've been using it a ton
1890s it's one of these isn't it yeah there
1893s you go and it's probably this one
1896s they it does work I'm telling you it
1899s does work it worked
1900s upstairs it works we'll BL you know what
1903s we'll blame the streaming PC down here
1905s yeah yeah yeah yeah um there's some
1907s Shenanigans going
1909s on it's not your fault D don't worry
1912s cool I'm just
1914s saying but yeah a lovely outfit um fully
1917s Rec colable uh how does the uh what do
1921s the sant's helper outfit uh look like on
1924s the male model uh looks very similar uh
1928s po
1929s pop where are the legs po lovely stuff
1933s so just very similar if I swap back and
1936s swap back it's just the same thing just
1938s a slightly
1940s bit oh
1943s yeah amazing I I love all of these so
1948s so so we've we know how to
1951s get one from the quest yep and one hat
1955s and scarf from the Christmas spirit
1958s store yeah one of
1961s them is
1963s from the Advent calendar am I right
1965s thinking that yeah do you want to take
1967s us into the Advent
1970s calendar I'm not sure whether r or Kanan
1973s want to want to talk us through it I
1975s I'll I'll give a run through if that's
1977s okay
1978s um so yes as was segue into there
1981s perfectly uh the Advent calendar is uh
1983s is returning again this year uh so
1986s that's going to be available as you
1987s would expect from an advent calendar
1988s between the 1st and the 24th of December
1991s uh you're going to be able to get access
1993s to that all through the month of
1994s December though and you can always go
1996s back and uh get any rewards you may have
1999s missed like you'd have a chocolate one
2000s and open in your boxes when you've uh
2002s when you've missed those um everyone
2004s else bu their on the 24th and just eat
2006s them all just go back and just
2008s s by an advent calendar a day
2011s absolutely it is Christmas after all but
2014s anyway um yes so this year we've
2016s shuffled up some of the rewards from the
2018s usual Fair we give out so as Ramen just
2021s quickly showed there uh there'll be a
2022s collection of snow emotes uh that' be
2025s able to get on a scattering of the days
2027s uh there may be a nice little uh title
2030s in there as well and perhaps a uh a
2032s transmog item that fits this uh this
2035s theme going on here uh um the nice thing
2039s this year uh is that all of the rewards
2042s uh will be available to Iron Man um so
2045s you're not going to be missing out on
2046s any of those rewards there as well uh so
2048s that's a nice win I like to think um and
2051s yes uh I won't spoil every single reward
2053s what's in there but um yeah you got to
2055s scatter into new things hopefully you
2056s like them all uh but you will uh at the
2060s as you saw on the interface at the
2061s bottom um if you uh take part and open a
2065s door for Advent calendar on 15 out of
2067s the 24 days uh you will get one of your
2071s uh winter scarfs as we showed off
2073s earlier so that will uh help you
2075s complete the Set uh and the other one
2077s the other uh winter hat to accompany
2080s that set is going to be somewhere in
2081s here you can maybe guess where it may be
2083s uh I won't give it away I won't make it
2085s that obvious but uh you'll be able to
2086s get one of the winter hats here uh as
2089s well to complete that Set uh you might
2091s as well not bother now I've told you
2092s where everything is um but uh anyway yes
2095s you can get those there that can help
2096s complete that set
2097s um yes um so please there's something to
2101s come and collect every single day um
2104s make sure you hop in and open the door
2107s on the day for 15 days to get yourself
2109s that extra hat and scarf and of course
2113s this is going to be running beyond the
2114s day itself but if you do show up on the
2117s big day there is an a tantalizing
2122s looking
2124s gift here in the Christmas Village
2128s looks oh it looks tempting do not open
2131s it I'm begging you I did think you about
2132s to click it then a don't do
2135s it
2137s oh on on the day itself from 25th of
2142s December if you come in and pick this up
2144s there is uh a gift in here for everyone
2148s I am so
2151s excited for everyone to get that present
2154s you have no idea how much I have been
2156s waiting for this present
2158s so
2159s um I hope you like
2162s it um so I hope it's good hope you have
2164s a good time with whatever it is in there
2167s no spoilers modum has insisted no
2168s spoilers so no spoilers what is quite
2170s nice with this is um if for whatever
2173s reason you're busy on the 25th of
2175s December um you will have chance to be
2178s able to go and open this present after
2179s the 25th so you'll have until this this
2181s event ends um be able
2184s to go in and get that
2187s uh the it would be yes I'm going to say
2190s the 3D of January and then someone will
2193s correct me by slack and I'll
2195s apologize yes but yes you'll have more
2198s than the 25th if you are busy that day
2202s now rahen has just spawned in an
2204s adorable little
2205s friend who is this this what am I
2208s looking this is our not so secret Center
2211s cuz he's dressed like Santa so it's not
2213s really that secret is it um we're just
2216s rerunning the Secret Santa
2218s uh it's it's a thing we did last year I
2220s believe or the year before um and we're
2222s going to bring it back so you can donate
2226s and then you can also claim and if you
2227s donate enough coins you can get the
2231s Santa title secret santa title and then
2233s if you donate even more coins you can
2236s reclaim the not reclaim but you can
2238s claim the top secret Center title uh so
2242s we're just bringing back things that
2243s belong in the hub and make sense nice so
2246s can it be does it have to be GP or can
2248s it be an
2249s item uh it can be an item should I I'll
2252s donate this
2253s one please don't okay there we go
2256s bye yeah that's gone um I'm logging onto
2261s this world as quickly as I can I'm going
2262s to be I'm going to be getting that um so
2266s farewell farewell
2269s item um well we'll talk about that in a
2272s minute
2275s um earlier on when when you looked at
2277s the Christmas spirits store there was a
2279s a letter to
2281s Santa there was what are letter to Santa
2284s what are letters to Center what do they
2286s do rain I'm going to I'm going to throw
2289s it over to you for a a little
2291s description on this one if you if you
2292s want to do that sure yeah so yeah let us
2296s to Santa you saw earlier um so every day
2299s you'll be able to get hold of a few of
2301s these um and if we head up towards
2304s towards the top of the hill we might see
2306s something we can do with these letters
2308s um yeah come along every day to the
2311s Christmas Village and you'll be able to
2312s get your hands on a total of three
2314s letters to Santa and you'll come up this
2318s H as Ren's doing now at the top you see
2320s this little post box
2323s um I
2326s love I mean you just got rid of one so
2328s you've got room for one I think you can
2330s just you
2331s know no one's looking no one's looking
2334s yeah go I'll take it all
2337s I can't say that I'm not going to mimic
2339s his voice either um go on nice um yeah
2344s so you do a few bits and pieces um there
2347s an example of where you get hold of one
2349s um doing your daily challenges might
2351s yeld you a letter to Santa maybe um and
2354s once you've got your letters to Santa
2356s you run up the hill all excited like
2358s Ramen has throw them in the post box um
2361s there we go get a demo well I'm out of
2364s tokens but yeah sor
2367s yeah no that's uh I'll do I'll do the
2370s challenge wise so you explain it nice um
2374s yeah so you'll come along to this this
2375s post box here post your letters in send
2378s them to Santa and for every three
2381s letters posted you might see something
2384s in the top um next to your Christmas
2385s spirit that we not explained yet so
2387s every three letters that you put in this
2388s post box you'll see that number go up
2390s you'll be added to Santa's nice list if
2392s you do that um see Rin manually do his
2397s daily challenge furiously cooking trying
2399s to get on his Nice List look at
2402s this I think I got to do 20 I'm not
2405s sure I might have to do
2408s 20 cuz I extended them did I do no I'm
2412s good I'm good cool if I claim my rewards
2416s there we go where's my
2420s letter I probably haven't set the dates
2422s up properly or I did it earlier
2424s something like that I was going to say
2425s you did have one in your command uh in
2427s in your backpack earlier and then you
2428s just bined it we'll talk to Clementine
2430s and he'll be like oh here take this
2432s there we go there it is there it there
2434s we
2435s go cool you pop that in the post
2440s box there it goes you post one letter to
2444s Center oh I got a present
2446s here all my shs which I'm going to get
2449s rid of let me get you know what let me
2452s uh we'll get that we'll get that shift
2453s drop in there we'll get that update out
2456s soon I promise
2458s rid
2461s this and then let's not walk over if I
2464s give myself the I don't want to do that
2468s the
2470s letters everyone shut your eyes give
2476s letters a moment give Santa
2481s letters what is it on have you look it
2483s up in the back end I should really know
2485s this
2488s give Christmas Hub letters letter there
2492s we go oh look I did all my daily
2494s challenges wow so doing your challenges
2497s well done and I posted five so now you
2499s can see I have two nicel entries do you
2501s want to talk more on the Nic
2503s centries yeah um let's talk about it um
2508s so you're nice those entries um these
2511s are a weekly thing um so every day come
2514s along to Christmas Village you'll get
2516s your fre letters post all your fre
2518s letters to Santa you'll get your nice
2520s point point entry so yeah Ramen just
2524s posted um five or six he's now got two
2528s nice Point entries um so every
2532s Sunday the big man himself will arrive
2535s to his lodge and for every single night
2538s 300 p.m. game time is that
2542s correct uh 8:00 p.m. it's game time yes
2547s okay yeah yeah so around 8:00 p.m. game
2551s time every Sunday yeah the big the big
2553s man himself will turn up um there'll be
2555s some little fun bits and pieces going on
2557s here around around the lodge itself um
2560s to get you all hyped up um and then
2563s eventually Santa will come out and
2566s invite you in to his lodge and one of
2570s those nice nice entes that you've got is
2574s essentially a roll on on the item that
2577s you've spotted already I should probably
2580s give myself that
2584s um so to clarify to recap for people who
2588s have
2591s joined the quest and the village are fre
2593s are freet to play um the getting the you
2599s get three Nice List no you do three
2603s letters a day yep every day for seven
2606s nice entries you do not have to be
2609s logged in or at the Village when the Big
2612s Man shows up it's okay if you can't make
2614s it that's absolutely fine it's it's a
2616s cool opportunity to you know see loads
2618s of people here for the moment but if you
2620s can't make it is absolutely fine you can
2622s always check the Sledge slle Sledge
2625s slay uh off to the right uh of the lodge
2629s outside of those times so it's okay if
2631s you can't make it for that time do not
2633s worry you're all
2635s good
2637s y right absolutely I need to clarify
2639s that just in Cas do posting in chat
2641s that's pretty good yeah um yeah so as I
2645s mentioned it's a roll on oh there it is
2647s it's back in the inventory again it's a
2648s roll on one of those I'm sure you know
2650s what that is by now um but also every
2654s single time that Santa shows up and
2655s every time the lodge opens there is a
2657s guaranteed cosmetic that you get just
2659s for having one nicest point so there's
2662s always something that you'll be able to
2663s get a hold of every week um there's a
2665s couple of times where you'll get s a
2667s scarf and hat but also on one of the
2669s weeks you'll get the entire peppermint
2670s outfit that you've seen today so just
2672s for showing up with one nice Point
2674s you'll get that it's very exciting yeah
2677s so as long as you've got the one nice
2679s list point you are guaranteed a reward
2682s each week yeah so week one you get the
2686s the peppermint outfit so just hand in uh
2689s just one Nic little entry um pop over to
2692s to Santa after he uh visits or when he
2695s visits if you're lucky enough to see
2697s them um and you'll get this then week
2701s weeks two and four you'll get one of the
2703s winter hats each uh and then on three
2707s and five you'll receive the one of the
2709s winter scarves um for the fully
2713s recolorable if you collect them all then
2715s when claiming a gift nice points are
2717s consumed and each point counts towards
2719s an extra chance of getting that black
2721s party
2725s hat
2727s can you so in the chat uh a player asked
2731s they said can you do more than three
2734s letters a day to which jaget Ryan
2737s responded you can only you can only earn
2739s up to three a day we do not want you we
2742s do not want you feeling like you need to
2745s grind endlessly to try and get the party
2746s at everyone can play a little each day
2748s and have a
2749s chance and yeah with that being said
2752s like everyone has as long as you do all
2754s your uh nicest entry everyone has equal
2757s chance there's no way of of obtaining
2759s more chances than anyone else as long as
2762s you pop in and do this what happens if
2765s we can only play one day a week uh you
2768s can earn some Christmas spirit down here
2770s and then for any letters that you may
2772s have missed on the prior days um you can
2774s purchase from Holly's shop uh for 400
2777s Christmas
2781s spirit and there's also the fact that
2784s you don't have to uh use if you if you
2787s for whatever reason you have the letters
2788s but forget to post them uh you can post
2790s them anytime and Santa will consult his
2793s nice list that coming Sunday uh so
2796s you're not missing out if you don't hand
2797s them in for a given week uh it'll make
2800s no difference when you're handing them
2801s in whether you're stockpiling them uh
2803s for that final Sunday or doing it per
2805s week um so again you're not missing out
2807s if you can't can't come in every day
2809s really yeah to answer some questions in
2811s the chat someone said is there a chance
2813s you don't get the party hat yes there is
2816s a
2816s yeah it's a chance to get the party hat
2819s um which also means the same
2821s thing
2826s um can't answer that will the black part
2829s up be on Treasure Hunter no it's solely
2831s available through the Santa's Lodge
2834s event yep it is is only being raffled
2838s away um the only way to get it is the
2841s Ender the raffle um the it's this is
2846s like a long memed long awaited much
2849s memed piece of RuneScape history that
2850s we're bringing in and so Christmas
2853s updates in future not only will con you
2856s know be situated within the Christmas
2858s Village but the idea is to also feature
2860s the black party hat and raffle it away
2863s in a similar fashion so if for some
2865s reason you can't participate this year
2867s this is not the only chance you're ever
2869s going to get to get a black party hat um
2871s but this is the first chance you're
2872s going to get to get a black party hat
2873s yeah so it'll be making a return in
2875s future seasonal updates of this fashion
2878s um we want this to be comparable to
2881s other party hats except the golden one
2883s um so with that in mind we'll be
2886s monitoring how many are coming in um and
2889s so if we we find that there aren't
2892s enough to be comparable then we can make
2894s adjustments um but all balancing will
2898s apply equally so you don't there's no
2902s point waiting until week four to catch
2904s up on Miss letters because
2906s we'll be monitoring it so the first
2910s group of letters after one and week two
2912s so the there won't be we're ahead of
2914s that don't worry we figured that out um
2916s so we
2918s are we are ahead of
2920s that
2924s yeah just scouring for any more
2927s questions just an extra um clarification
2930s on those we mentioned those guaranteed
2933s rewards that you get every time the
2934s lodge opens up um just an extra
2937s clarification on those if you do happen
2939s to miss a couple of Sundays for example
2943s if you come along to the third one you
2945s will get the ones that you've missed as
2946s well as long as you've got one enough
2948s nice Point entries you will get the ones
2950s you've missed so you won't miss out if
2951s you miss a Sunday there's no there's no
2955s fomo with this there's no hey be there
2957s like if you come in on the last day you
2959s can sort of do everything uh and get
2962s everything as as available so we know a
2965s lot of people are spend ending time with
2967s family around Christmas um you might not
2969s be able to get on until sort of post
2971s boxing day um so you'll be able to come
2973s on boxing day and still still do all
2975s these bits and
2976s Bobs um absolutely I'm just seeing a uh
2979s a few comments uh about obviously
2981s concerns of people kind of exploiting
2983s this with alts or anything of the kind
2986s um so it's just important to note that
2988s this uh the Santa's Lodge aspect uh is
2992s uh members only uh to participate in
2995s that uh again again we're just conscious
2996s that we don't want people making
2998s thousand thousands of free to play
2999s accounts and trying to manipulate that
3001s uh but in a similar vein um the there is
3005s not a a fixed amount of these hats so
3008s it's not going to be that sorry you've
3011s joined too late they've all gone you
3012s can't get one uh whenever you are
3014s playing you have the same chance per uh
3018s per Nic list entry as someone who's
3020s played every day someone who's played a
3022s couple of weeks ago whenever you're
3023s playing it's the same chance um again
3026s per per your n entry um regardless of
3029s when you choose to uh pop those letters
3031s in and go and speak to
3035s Santa fantastic
3038s well I think this is all sounding pretty
3042s marvelous so
3044s um that's that's pretty much everything
3047s that's coming your way tantalizingly
3049s soon I might add it
3052s is when does all this start
3057s I want to
3058s say
3060s Monday oh yeah this Monday that's crazy
3063s this Monday it's it's snuck up quick huh
3066s rahen and and the team have been working
3070s crazy crazy hard on this
3073s for what feels like ages they've been
3075s they've been going absolutely crazy and
3077s putting all this together it's been
3078s amazing so it definitely hasn't been
3080s ages it was a it was a a a
3083s very good turnaround on a project um but
3086s yeah like echoing what Doom said the had
3089s a fantastic team behind this entire
3091s update um too many to name uh you've got
3095s yeah a whole host of of people that
3097s really put their heart and soul into
3098s this so um we hope we have delivered on
3101s what we deem as a classic Christmas
3105s event you know you've got a quest you
3106s have plenty of rewards uh the most
3110s rewards I've ever seen coming from uh uh
3113s a an update like this um so yeah super
3116s excited for this even I I'm going to
3118s jump in I need to get this orange and
3119s black scarf so got to got to get on it
3123s I'm going to I think that's that's
3125s pretty much everything um I'm going to
3127s I'm going to squeeze over to the omen
3129s cam to to say our to round up everything
3132s I've got a few little details that I
3134s want to touch on Before We Say Goodbye
3135s at the end of The Stream So before we
3137s sign off I'm going to join my new best
3140s friend Omen um of course uh for those of
3144s you I know a couple of questions popped
3145s up chat for those of you asking uh the
3148s wrapping paper will return as an
3150s additional event that layers on top of
3153s your RuneScape play so if you're is is
3156s it focused on Omen and not me oh I mean
3160s how can't how can you
3162s not um so wrapping paper returns as an
3166s additional event separate to the entire
3169s you know runes skep experience so uh if
3172s you're not feeling like hanging out in
3173s the Christmas Village or you've got
3174s additional goals that you're cheing
3175s chasing you still have a chance to bag
3177s christmy rewards so they can see the
3180s there will be two vogs coming out after
3183s this live stream I hope the team are
3186s ready for those blogs I'm very very
3188s excited for you guys to read them this
3190s is going to be a big big ask for you you
3191s can do me do me a solo this is my early
3193s Christmas present for me I need you all
3195s to make sure you're going to be brave
3197s you're going to get through this I'm
3198s going to need you to read two blogs
3199s that's quite a lot to go through um but
3203s before we go a few more reminders from
3206s me the Advent calendar obviously starts
3209s on December 1st so make sure you log in
3211s everyday and collect your rewards don't
3213s worry if you miss a day because you'll
3214s be able to catch up but open 15 on the
3216s day to get that additional winter scarf
3218s you do not want to miss that I have been
3220s collating a lot of feedback from across
3222s all of our platforms I'm very tired
3225s about our latest update Battle of Forin
3227s 3 and we're working with the team see if
3229s we just some of your feedback um we're
3232s going to be having a chat with everyone
3236s uh about that ideally by the end of this
3238s week if not the start of next week we've
3240s got lots of feedback from you all so
3242s thank you so much for that and we're
3243s going to be doing some stuff to make uh
3246s quite a few changes to to make sure that
3250s we're going to be looking at drops we're
3251s going to be looking at the boss we're
3252s going to be looking at all sorts of
3253s different stuff we're going to have more
3255s details about that very very soon but
3256s thank you all so much for your feedback
3258s and for everyone who's Taken part and
3259s already taken on the Battle of for in3
3260s it's been so good and of course December
3263s 4th marks the last community hit L
3265s strike of the Year this has been a very
3268s personally fulfilling project for me um
3270s I'm very emotionally invested in this
3272s project to be honest thank you to
3274s everyone on the team who's watching
3276s hello who's contributed to making it
3278s possible and the their incredible hard
3281s work making it a reality and and making
3283s it a thing has been incredible we've
3285s hammered out so many of these updates
3287s alongside 15 quests a brand new
3290s Standalone combat style and skill and so
3292s much more alongside it to everyone who's
3294s contributed to the service fa and
3295s believed in the project and made it
3298s happen thank you I hope you at home
3300s enjoy this last hit list strike on the
3303s fourth it is a banger I'm really excited
3307s for you to see it and for those of you
3308s eager to see more Hitler strikes in
3310s 2024 stay tuned we'll be in touch and
3314s that is all the time we have got for us
3316s today so thank you again for turning
3319s tuning in and on behalf of everyone here
3322s on the RuneScape team thank you so much
3325s and on behalf of all of us here have a
3327s beautiful morning afternoon or evening
3329s wherever you are in the world and we
3330s will see you very very soon until
3333s then oh look at this there it is
3340s [Music]
3354s farewell
3370s [Music]
3389s [Music]
3400s [Music]
3416s [Music]
3444s la
3450s [Music]
3458s [Music]
3471s [Music]