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over 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by DarthLizardWizard

Recently got 'the Ravensworn' title so I'm sorely tempted to get the RunePass because of the Raven Outfit.

Everything that's in the game that has to do with raven cosmetics, and thus Mod Raven (my favorite developer at Jagex) , has to do with a lot of effort and dedication (a reflection of what Mod Raven does for Runescape). The two main ones being 'the Ravensworn' title, a huge pain, and the Ravensworn Cape (awesome cape btw) which requires you to kill Memory of Nomad at least once and have the Ravensworn title. Neither of which requires you to use MTX and shall always be available to earn.

Now a raven outfit that is gated behind MTX. Sure you have to do stuff to get it but it's also limited time stuff. Rediculous.

Honestly, the stuff they are releasing for RunePass looks like it should have come out as rewards for this year's Halloween event and/or quest.

So no more fun holiday stuff you must pay more for it. Not only that they are disparaging the name of our lord and savior Mod Raven. I bet they didn't even consult him.

Whilst I have a lot of love for the thought behind this post I do feel a need to step in and stand up for the Live Events guys here. They're trying something new, which is what people asked for, and they've put a lot of work and love into this.

Sure the cosmetics are raven themed, but they're not ravensworn themed and have no impact on that "achievement" and crucially they don't stop me adding more ravensworn stuff in if I can find an artist that's bored/drunk enough to sneak it in.

I got to see much of the concept art and (surprising no one given my ego) supported the cool imagery.

There are as many raven interpretations as there are creative minds in the cosmos, so let this simply be one variation. If I get a chance to sneak more ravensworn cosmetics in, they'll be quite different to this anyway.

I for one welcome more of the raven aesthetic and I do not feel the live events guys have been anything but flattering with their choice of imagery. ;)

And just to reiterate, I'm always going to be trying to sneak in more daft ravensworn easter eggs this won't impact that at all. ;)

Edit: I am oddly proud about being a reddit meme today though. Must be Friday.

over 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by DarthLizardWizard

Holy crap! Didn't realize you would check this out so soon if at all. Not even out for thirty minutes. I appreciate your appreciation.

I do enjoy the cosmetics but like I said it looks like stuff that should have been part of Halloween. (Especially since it's my favorite Runescape holiday.) Just look at that skeleton yak! Would have loved a yak themed Halloween... wink wink nudge nudge

Maybe not everything was finished till recently. I certainly don't know that kind of information like you do.

I hope you and others realize this is also just supposed to be silly and fun while at the same time bemoaning our lack of Runescape Halloween this year. So please appreciate it as that.

P.S. I love the raven aesthetic too. Look forward to any other Ravensworn stuff you can sneak in in the future ;)

Maybe not everything was finished till recently. I certainly don't know that kind of information like you do.

My understanding (I am not on the project so my information is sketchy at best) is that this most definitely wasn't ready for Halloween. So it really shouldn't be thought of as "taking from" a possible halloween update, the decision not to do halloween was not in any way linked to this release (to my knowledge).

over 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by pacquan

Can we expect an easter egg for unlocking ravensworn traits for all the new RooT animals?

Not really. Ravensworn was supposed to be a fun little daft thing, but some people were finding it to be a point of frustration for the farm so we're not really doing anything with it this time around. We might put some zero point achievements in, but probably not at this point.